Veda speaks about diversity in unity. It establishes the awakening from unity to diversity, while retaining memory of the unity at every stage of progress in the diversity. Yoga speaks about unity in diversity. It establishes the awakening from diversity to unity, finding all diversity in the state of unity and cognizing that unity, singularity, is all that exists (Kaivalya). Yoga is inherent in Veda and Veda is inherent in Yoga. Yoga is the basis of Veda and Veda is the basis of Yoga. Through practice of Yoga we achieve “Vedo ‘ham”, I am the Veda – Devi Upanishad, 1, and “aham brahmasmi”, I am totality – Brhadaranyaka Upanishad, 1.4.10. Yoga is process of silencing (nirodha) and belongs to the infinite silence level of the Absolute (Atma). Veda is fully awakened intelligence (dynamism) of the Absolute (Atma). In the sequence: Absolute, Self (Atma) – Veda – Universe (Vishva) – Cosmic Self (Brahm), we see that Atma (Samadhi – state of Yoga) is the basis of Veda, and Veda is the basis of the Universe (Vishva) which is again the state of Yoga (the unity of the diversity – the Universe). Yoga is at the beginning and at the end. Maharishi Patanjali expressed this in his eight limbs of Yoga where he places Samadhi at the beginning (Yama – satya...) and at the end as the last limb. Yoga is the source and goal of creation, and in between we have Veda Lila (playful expression of Veda). The final stage of Yoga is to guide us beyond Veda Lila, to reach Vedanta, to stop the vrittis of the Chit, of Sat Chit Ananda. The complete meaning of Yoga is explained by Maharishi’s Vedic Science. Maharishi’s Vedic Science is the science of Veda, complete knowledge. Knowledge is the Unified Field (Samhita) of the knower (Rishi), knowing (Devata) and known (Chhandas). Samhita of Rishi, Devata and Chhandas are available in Rig Veda. Rig Veda is pure wakefulness, fully awake self-referral level of reality, singularity. This is Vedanta. All the aspects of Vedic Science (Vedangas, Upangas, etc.) are structured within and are sprouting from Rig Veda. Yoga, Karma Mimamsa, and Vedanta are together expressed in Rig Veda. These three disciplines constitute the organizing power of the pure knowledge latent within Rig Veda, whereas the other disciplines of Upangas (Nyaya, Vaisheshika and Samkhya) highlight pure knowledge latent within Rig Veda. All the six Darshanas (Upangas) together unfold the total path of gaining enlightenment. Yoga (Rishi), Karma Mimamsa (Devata) and Vedanta (Chhandas) present the experiential nature of the path to enlightenment; and the other three Darshanas, Nyaya (Rishi), Vaisheshik (Devata), and Sankhya (Chhandas) present the intellectual aspect of the path to enlightenment. In the first word of Rig Veda, AGNIM, the letter A expresses the totality and equates with Swarupe avasthanam (Remaining in its own Self-referral nature - Y.S.I.3); and the other letters GNIM express the frequencies within the structure of A, Vritti sarupyam itaratra (“what you see, you become” - Y.S.I.4). This means that the fluctuations of A arise from the fullness of A and remain submerged within the structure of A. This means that the entire diversity is held on the ground of wholeness, unity – Yoga.
Science of Vedic Yoga is sprouting from Maharishi’s Vedic Science, Rig Veda. This is Brahma Vidya, the knowledge of totality. In Maharishi’s Vedic Science, Maharishi, which means the great seer, the one who is the living embodiment of Veda, is the Rishi aspect of Samhita. Vedic means pertaining to Veda. Vedic represents the Devata aspect of Samhita (fully awakened Pure Intelligence). It represents Veda as a process of cognition because it includes the whole path of knowledge from the knower (Rishi) to the known (Chhandas), the whole field of subjectivity, objectivity, and their relationship, the whole range of knowledge from its source to its goal. Science represents the Chhandas aspect of Veda (pure existence of Samhita). Veda is its own object of cognition and it is scientific, eternal, reliable, non-changing, and systematic. Pure existence (Samhita), when it is enlivened in consciousness, it becomes the cognizer of its own value. It becomes the Rishi in the Science of Vedic Yoga. The science of Vedic Yoga represents wholeness (Samhita) of knowledge in the same way as Maharishi Vedic Science does. In the science of Vedic Yoga, “science” refers to the objective, fully awakened state of consciousness, fully awakened Cosmic Intelligence of the Yogi (Rishi) who, through “Vedic” (Devata), fully enlivened holistic approach of pure intelligence, gains knowledge of the full range of life “Ashtanga Yoga (Chhandas)”. Science of Vedic Yoga, scientifically and systematically unfolds, on the level of personal experience, the total value of life – the knowledge of the Absolute and the Relative and their relationship.
The Science of Vedic Yoga is the practical technology of Maharishi’s Vedic Science and its purpose is for Veda to become a living reality. Since Veda (Knowledge) is structured in consciousness, it is necessary to achieve full awakening of consciousness, to develop the higher states of consciousness. The practice of Yoga is a process of developing the subtlest level of individual consciousness which knows only the truth (rtambhara prajna). Only on that level Vedic sounds will reveal their true and complete meaning. The Vedic sounds are the holographic record of the whole creation. Each sound contains the wholeness, just like every part of the holographic record contains the whole picture. Only the completely coherent state of settled consciousness, which is like a laser beam, can reveal the meaning of Vedic sounds. That is the reason why the practice of Yoga is a prerequisite for Vedic study. The principles of Yoga are derived from Rig Veda and are structured in Maharishi Patanjali Yoga Sutras. The first sutra of Maharishi Patanjali Yoga Sutras represents Samhita value and its nature is further elaborated in the next sutras. First sutra says that knowledge of Yoga is born from the direct experience (perception without use of senses) of Yoga (yogija pratyaksha). This gives us a total value of the meaning of the word Yoga. Knowledge of Yoga is born from Yoga. From the point of view of Rishi, the meaning of Yoga is in the different higher states of consciousness: Samprajnata Samadhi (Vitarka, Vicara, Ananda and Asmita), Asamprajnata Samadhi (Transcendental Consciousness, Turiya Chetana), Cosmic Consciousness (Turiyatita Chetana), God Consciousness (Bhagavan Chetana), and Unity Consciousness (Brahmi Chetana). From the point of view of Devata, Yoga is the process of transcending (nirodha). From the point of view of Chhandas Yoga means the objective level of life (vrtti) from where the journey to Yoga starts and is finishing. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi used to say: “The path of Yoga is from here to here, it is only necessary to pass through there which is also here”. From the point of view of Chhandas, on the objective level of life, Yoga has a name of a system depending from which level of life we start to transcend in order to reach the goal (Samadhi). Any system which takes our awareness to more refined values of perception and transcends the finest perception (nirodha), giving the direct cognition of unbounded pure awareness (Samadhi) state of Yoga, that is a system worthy of the name “Yoga system”. The science of Vedic Yoga ensures that on every level of elaboration of the word Yoga, the wholeness (Samhita) is contained. Rig Veda is the basis of Yoga and the Yoga is the basis of Rig Veda. Yoga is the unifying quality of consciousness which is in Rig Veda expressed as Samhita (unified, holistic) of Rishi, Devata and Chhandas. Yoga is the ultimate unifying power that is expressed by the last Yoga Sutra: “Chiti Shaktiriti” Y.S.IV.34. The power of consciousness is infinite; its content is Veda – Samhita of Rishi, Devata and Chhandas. Without Yoga, Rig Veda cannot become living reality. Only through Yoga we can reach Vedanta, starting from Rig Veda.
Now we will consider the meaning of Yoga from the perspective of the union between Shiva and Shakti. The nature of the absolute state of life is pure existence (Shiva) and pure intelligence (Maha Shakti). The ultimate reality is Pure Consciousness (Purusha – Shiva - Chit – Samadhi – Atman – Brahman). From there and through the power inherent in it (Maha Shakti), Prakriti (Mind and Matter) emerges. Maharishi Mahesh Yogi in his Science of Creative Intelligence describes the progress of the path of pure intelligence (Maha Shakti) from the first step to the last one that is the creative intelligence.
“In its preparation to assume the role of creative intelligence, the unmanifest value of pure intelligence through its own nature, by the virtue of its own existence, becomes intelligent. When pure existence becomes conscious, then pure intelligence becomes intelligent. This intelligent aspect of the unmanifest value of pure intelligence then assumes the role of creative intelligence”.
Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, SCI - Lecture 8
This explains the mechanism of how the unmanifest value of the intelligence becomes creative intelligence and from within itself many, many manifest values. Creative Intelligence is Maha Shakti. It is like a spider which from within itself, creates a web and then enters into it. Like this Maha Shakti creates all the forms in the manifest universe and enters into them and remains in them in the form of Kundlini Shakti. Kundalini Shakti is a state of Maha Shakti that has lost its memory and has gone to sleep. But it remains as a potential (seed) which can be realized when consciousness regains its memory (Smriti). Mother Nature nourishes this seed force in every creature and makes it evolve generation after generation. It is going on evolving. Right from the vegetable and egg born kingdom up to the human species the evolution depends on the kindness of Mother Nature (Mother of the Universe) – Natural Law. In the creatures lower than the human species Kundalini Shakti develops in a natural way governed by the laws of Mother Nature, with this up-going stream of Mother Nature, which pushes every generation of the creature towards higher and higher evolution, developing Kundalini Shakti bit by bit. In human nervous system Kundalini Shakti can be fully developed and activate subtle parts of the brain, which are capable of giving rise to the experience of the absolute. Then the human individual brain is said to be established in the cosmic consciousness. The existing Spirit in a human being is the one that is present in everything and that is, as the object of worship, the Lord (Ishvara) or God. The states of Consciousness that create (Brahma), sustain (Vishnu) and dissolute (Shiva) the worlds, are the names for functions of the one (Ishvara) Universal Consciousness operating (existing) in our inner selves. There is no need to throw one's eyes into the heavens to find God. He is within, known as the “Ruler within” (Antaryamin) or “Inner Self” (Antaratma). Maha Shakti (power of Shiva) is active and changes in the form of Mind and Matter. Maha Shakti is the Mother of the Universe, who as the life force (Kundalini Shakti) resides in the lowest centre of the human body, at the basis of the spine (Muladhara chakra). Shiva is seated in the highest brain centre, the cerebrum or Sahasrara chakra. Yoga is the union of Her (Maha Shakti – kinetic, active aspect of Pure consciousness) and Him (Shiva – changeless, silent, static aspect of Pure consciousness) in the body of a person. This is Laya or dissolution, the reverse of Srishti or involution of Pure consciousness in Mind and Matter. Laya Yoga teaches that as long as the Kundalini Shakti is sleeping, so long human evolution would not be complete. The life will be in bondage of coming and going, will be in the grip of death. The nature of the Absolute is Sat Chit Ananda (Eternal Being – Consciousness – Bliss). Ananda is defined as “resting in the inner Self” (Svarupa) – the Self referral bliss of the Absolute. Chit manifests itself in various ways and degrees. The degree of this manifestation is determined by the nature and the development of the mind and body in which it is enshrined. In the mineral world Chit manifests as the lowest form of sentiency evidenced by the reflex response to stimuli, and that is the physical consciousness that is called the atomic memory. The sentiency of plants is more developed. This is further manifested in those micro-organisms that are intermediate stages between the vegetable and the animal worlds, and have a psychic life of their own. In the animal world consciousness becomes more centralized and complex, reaching its fullest development in the human being/man, who possesses all psychic functions such as cognition, perception, feeling and will. Behind all these particular changing forms of sentiency or consciousness, there is the one formless, changeless Chit (Swarupe Avasthanam). It is distinguished from the particular form of its manifestation.
Maya Shakti (Maha Shakti) is the one which seemingly (changes, turns) makes the Whole (Purna) into the “not whole” (Apurna), the infinite into the finite, the formless into forms. The consciousness veils itself to itself, and projects from the store of its previous experiences (Samskara) the notion of a world in which it suffers and enjoys. The Universe is the creative imagination of Ishvara. Maya is that power by which things are “measured” – i.e, formed and made known. Maya is born from the self-referral dynamics of pure consciousness - the collapse of the infinity of A to a point (Bindu) G. Then, from Maya, Prakriti is born and from Prakriti the Universe is born. Maya severs the united consciousness so that the object is seen as other than the Self (self-referral dynamics) and then as split up into the multitudinous objects of the universe. Shakti, coiled around Shiva and connected with Him through one point (Bindu), is called Maha Kundalini Shakti, to distinguish it from the same power which exists in the individual bodies. In the individual body this power is called Kundalini Shakti. Through Yoga practice Kundalini Shakti is united with Maha Kundalini Shakti (Cosmic Shakti), who in turn is essentially one with Shiva. Because the nature of Cosmic Shakti (power) is a vortex (coiled up around Shiva), she is manifesting herself as such in the worlds – the spheroids or “eggs of Brahma” (Galaxies), and in their circular or revolving orbits. We can also see this vortex structure in all phenomena in nature, such as whirlpools in water or in a tornado. The vortex is energy (Kundalini Shakti). The vortex (spiral movement) in tree dimensions forms a swirling ball of energy (spherical vortex) which forms elementary particle. The two types of electric charge, positive and negative, arise from the two types of vortex – winding and unwinding. In the process of manifestation, Cosmic Shakti first creates Prakriti (Buddhi, Ahamkara, Manas and the five elements). When Cosmic Shakti has entered the last and grossest Tattva (earth) – solid matter – there is nothing further for Her to do. Her creative activity then ceases, and She rests. She rests in Her last emanation, the “earth” principle. She is coiled up again and now sleeps. In the human body, she is called Kundalini Shakti and resides in the earth centre or Muladhara chakra. In the supreme state She lays coiled up as Maha Kundalini Shakti around the Supreme Shiva. In the human body she is again coiled up around the Svayambhu-Linga in Muladhara. This last centre or Chakra (Muladhara) and the four chakras above it, are centers of the five forms of matter. The sixth centre is that of Mind. Pure Consciousness is realized in the seventh lotus (Sahasrara chakra). The same process of manifestation of the universe is described in the Bible. In Sahasrara chakra is the seat of the Creator, the One Formless Heavenly Father within every human being.
• “In the beginning God created the Heaven and Earth.” (Genesis 1.1). This polarization is expressed in Ajna chakra. • “And the Earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. “ (Genesis 1.2). This corresponds to creation of the vacuum - space, the first of the primary gross elements of God's creation. It is formless, void, and dark. This corresponds to Vishudhi chakra. • “And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters.” (Genesis 1.2). Air (movement) is the second primary gross element of God's creation. The breath of God. This corresponds to Anahata chakra. • “And God said: Let there be light; and there was light.” (Genesis 1.3). The third primary gross element of God's creation is solar light (fire element). This corresponds to Manipura chakra. • “And God said: Let the waters under the Heaven be gathered together unto one place.” (Genesis 1.9). Water is the fourth primary gross element of God's creation. This corresponds to Swadisthana chakra. • “And let the dry land appear; and it was so. And God called the dry land Earth.” (Genesis 1.9-10). This corresponds to Muladhara chakra. • Every human being is a microcosm of the universe. God creates human life according to the same fundamental procedures by which He created Heaven and Earth.
Just as the atom consists of a static centre round which moving forces revolve, so in the human body Kundalini-Shakti in the (Earth) Muladhara chakra is the static centre (Kendra). From there she manifests her kinetic energy as the vital forces of the body (pranas) which are responsible for all bodily processes. The whole body as Shakti is in ceaseless movement. Kundalini Shakti is the static form of the creative energy in the body which is the source of all energies, including Prana. Kundalini Shakti is some force which is distinct from Prana, understanding this term to mean the vitality or life-principle which, on entrance into the body shows itself in various manifestations of life. These manifestations are the minor pranas. Kundalini Shakti is Prana Devata and She maintains all beings of the world by means of inspiration and expiration. All forces are in Kundalini Shakti. She is the Shabda Brahman or “Word of God” in bodies. Kundalini Shakti is the immobile support of all these operations. When She is aroused and Herself moves upwards, She withdraws with and into Herself these moving Shaktis, and then unites with Shiva in the Sahasrara chakra. The upward process (evolution) is the reverse of the involution. Worlds are dissolved (Laya) from time to time for all beings. The enlightened Yogi dissolves the Universe for himself forever. Yoga is thus Laya.
Losing totally ourselves in Him; forgetting every other thing – even the contents of the prayer is the best sort of prayer.
this is the state of samadhi
in this state, sidhis will happen, wishes get fulfilled , this is the ideal basis for real prayer