‘The first sound of the Rk Veda is "A", the wholeness of consciousness or Atma, the Self—with capital "S"—the universal Self of everyone. That "A" is completely self-contained, unified, self-referral, one without a second, wholeness, represented by the wholeness or fullness of the letter, "A". The flow of sound within itself as consciousness awakens to itself and sequentially fathoms is own diversified, eternal structure. The flow of sound becomes diversified as syllables and silence, syllables and gaps between the syllables, expressed in the language of the Rk Veda, “Agni Mile Purohitam Yagyasa Devam Ritvijam”, and so forth. |
 | ‘The flow of the Vedic Sound is nothing but consciousness flowing within itself, the Unified Field reverberating within itself. We have already identified these reverberations as the universe. All the elementary particles and forces, the so-called building blocks of the material universe, are not material building blocks after all, as we have seen. They are just the reverberant sounds of the Unified Field, the frequencies of the Veda, the vowels and consonants and syllables of the Veda.
‘The Vedic Science of Maharishi is a complete science of sound. . . .The flow of "A" into "Ak" into "Akni Mile Purohitam", which is called the first Pada or eight syllables of the Rk Veda, into the next twenty-four syllables of the Rk Veda or the first Richa of the Rk Veda, and then into the first Sukta of the Rk Veda with its one hundred and ninety-two syllables. That is the sequentially unfolding, diversified structure of unity. This is sequential symmetry breaking, the emergence of apparent diversity from fundamental unity in the language of Vedic Science. [Dr Hagelin shows a chart showing the precise mathematical correspondence between the structure of the Rk Veda and the Lagrangian of the superstring.] |
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