narayan always sleeps comfortably --on adi shesha----he is shesha shayana----in bliss----unpurturbed , because his countless soldiers ----all the devas -----are all around to see that truth is able to thrive anywhere under any circumstances.
richo akshare parame vyoman yasmin deva adhi vishve nisheduhu
it is devas who are governing the universe, not satan , non blinking, unwavering --animesha
it/s satan who is uncomfortable, sleepless, ---nishaachara----restlessly working day and night--probably causing you to understand truth in distorted way too
geetha----what is night for the unenlightened is day for the for the enlightened, enlightened ------knows what unenlightened does not
am i right?
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Mahaveera Hanuman Gupta Ravva Replies to Bhaskar Enr
Aug 11, 2012 at 07:37 am
'''''''''''''''''' '' EVERY THING IS NOTHING n NOTHING IS EVERY THING '' ''''''''''''''''''
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Bhaskar Enr Replies to Mahaveera Hanuman ..
Aug 11, 2012 at 04:17 pm
Your statement needs fine tuning to wards precise expression , try
i can help if notAug 11, 2012 at 04:20 pm
This is where my emphssis to express truthvery plainly recisely, clearly with no need of interpretation or elaboration, i am attempting the same with meenaji too so that the purpose of writing is servded effectively
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R Ramesh Babu Replies to Bhaskar Enr
Aug 12, 2012 at 03:51 pm
Well said & you are clear in your expression always - respected dear friend Bhaskar Enr.
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Meena Om Replies to Bhaskar Enr
Aug 12, 2012 at 10:53 am
Thankyou for sharing your views...all the love and light
Bhaskar Enr Replies to Meena Om
A min ago
On the other side, if i am the writer,
i do the best of home work ,
take all the pains necessary to create a master piece, in the spirit that god is the reader and responder , not any human , without any mercy to accept a third rate quality, with ignorance, innocence, negligence, laziness, utter carelessness , or any kind of considerations to pass a failed piece
And with such intense involvement with my creation,
with undivided attention , not seeking for cheap popularity or head counts, when i start writing the blog, god himself is there to guide me to write every thought every word every letter every pause .
the end result is
god is pleased,
i am blessed.
the story ends here that's it
automatically such a masterpiece gets a spontaneous approval from the best of connoisseurs , without my driving/dragging/leading/requesting/ marketting/ selling/advertising/ persuading .
and when the proof of pudding is tasted and eaten, the readers shower silent compliments more than the formal words of praise or flattery .
so my target in reading a blog or writing a blog is to reach my inner self my god within, and establish a working union , a active participation , an inspiring support from god directly , not a lesser , however great and learned is my reader or the author .
when god is my customer, i cannot hide, i cannot compromise, i cannot escape, i cannot push substandard , i can not give excuses , i cannot be lazy indolent, insensitive, inactive.
the result is a supreme product , as if it's a creation of god, flawless perfect, decorated with the beauty of truth, and hence generates the ultimate effect the blissA min ago
And this blog i wrote as my positive response to the ''negative '' in the speaking tree, the negativity used as a manure for generating positive beautiful creations, keechad se kamal
so why pray god to remove negativity?
he has given this universe as a free gift to every one right when we are born i
he did not wait for a prayer
nor expect one from any one
he has given all the deposts of best of wisdom right one' inside, unasked
richo akshare parame vyoman
yasthan na veda kim richa karishyathi .
i write my reply
but blogger does not care to receive my contents
then what can i do ?
blogger knows that he has to read and respond as a st friend
but he is busy writing more blogs , without takig /digesting the responses to the earlier blog
and still prays to unseen god neglcting his visible preence in every rection/respose/every impulse of the environ around
and seeing such attitude god turns a deaf ear to any prayer from any such ''good persons ''
do your duty to living gods
unseen god is watching every thing knows every thing
he does not need any prompting
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