5 hrs ago
But after the flower blooms and opens fully to spread it's beauty , fragrance and nectar too?
most of us living in between only either by virtue or by choice but then where is the freedom to make a choice ------? prnaamRishi Vasanth Replies to Sunita Gupta
5 hrs ago
1 ensure the sprouting of the plant
2 sustain watering the roots
the story elaborates, choiceless, perfction
growth of perfection
from perfection to perfection
poornath poornam5 hrs ago
If the seed is dead, if the plant is not watered, efforts are friut;less
life is a science, a technology ,to be learnt, to be practiced,to be mastered
no surmises no assumptions no blindwalk can lead any where3 hrs ago
Absolutely True.
Worth pondering....
"it is always ---either total or nil"
"it is either zero or infinite, no in between"
Like (1)
3 hrs ago
I wish 'All or none law' of Physics could be applied toto in the field of spirituality!
Rishi Vasanth Replies to Manmohan Kumar
2 hrs ago
Life is ultimately digital, not analog thoo it may appear groth is analog gradual but it is in steps of 0 and 1
maharishi---activity and rest are the steps of progress
deep rest, is the basis of dynamic and successful activity state and the
hence the need of both ----a few minutes meditation and activity alternating
0 is un manifest
1 is manifest
more zeros make the 1 a greater hero
1 added with 0
100 etc
so exprience of 0 state enriches all aspects of one
tnx yo have a point
Like (1)
1 hr ago
“You have to believe what you're saying if you're going to convince me. I just can't break that rule, even if I want to.”
Rishi Vasanth Replies to Col Gurnam Singh
A min ago
Most welcome i also mean the same in spirit, except that our words and way of expression differ.
still for my clarity, i just writeas below
belief faith hope surmise assumption sentiments--however strong and genuine , weigh less and less comprehensive compared to the direct experience and actual living of the thing
my hand exists , i am experiencing it, living it , by using it in various functioning modes
when i write about my experience on my hand, i just say --hand can do this this this
to say this, i need not believe in it since i know directly by experience
if i do not have hands by birth, i might have seen others hand working, ---but not in all modes
in this case it is observed knowledge , with sme extrapolaion on the basis of my observation or by reading books on it.
in this case what i say is based on belief surmiseon its extrapolated capabilities, and the description can never be complete , because i have is no expience of it
hence the emphasis on authentic direct expience of divinity in the spirital pursuits
i thank you for your sacred attention
A small sample of infinite divine virtues | Science Of Spirituality Blog on Speakingtree.in
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