Saturday, September 30, 2023

absolute is charming most prahlada, hiranyakashapa


absolute is charming most
prahlada, hiranyakashapa ..

both are going towards him..

faster or slower

every one is wanting to go to it 

and are going to it 
with or without their efforts or knowledge

every impulse of growth 

every expression of growth is taking us nearer to it 

even the writing of this cognition is taking me towards it 

here is the inspiration for writers, artists, scientists, everyone 

all are cordially invited by it !!

cordially...since, it is the call from the heart 

it is he call from within heart of every being 

Friday, September 29, 2023

From "A Dancer on Dance" written by V.P. Dhananjayan, published by Bharata Kalanjali Natya The Essence of Hyndhava - Dharma

 From "A Dancer on Dance"

written by V.P. Dhananjayan, published by Bharata Kalanjali
Natya The Essence of Hyndhava - Dharma
We find the instinct to dance in the savages as in the cultured. When dance transcends the physical, it becomes art giving pleasure to all. Dance is a sacred art cherished and preserved in our country for more than 2000 years. Dancing in India is not merely a spontaneous emotion or idea translated into movement but a long thought out and carefully fashioned ritual that needs concentrated study and constant effort.
Mythological Significance of Dance
The ideals of India through ages have retained a remarkable continuity clearly recognising between the concept of activity, the relationship between the concept of God & Man. The Upanishads quote "DEVAM BHUTVA DEVAM YAJET' - 'become a God to worship God'. This signifies the basic idea, to identify oneself with truth, before offering prayers to God. Various methods of attaining this sanctity have been propounded in the Vedas and Upanishads and the most sanctified way of worship is Sangitha.
Gitam Vadyam Tatha Nrityam Trayam Sangitam Uchyate
Dance or Nritya is the one in which all these aspects of creation are unified, that is Geetham-the sound, Vadyam-the rhythm or time and Nrittam-the movement. Brahma says, For the welfare of the generations to come I create the fifth veda. Therefore natya is the essence of all the vedas. The knowledge of the world from Rig Veda, music from Sama Veda, expression from Yajur Veda and rasa or enjoyment from Atharvana Veda. Bharata says, There is no wisdom nor knowledge, no art, no craft, no device or action that is not to be found in Natya and in ancient India, Natyam was a synonym for dance, drama and music.
The term BHA-RA-THA
The name Bharata Natyam is actually a general term for all Indian dances but has become synonymous with the South Indian dance which was previously known as Sadir/ Chinnamelam or Dasiattam. There are a few attributes to the Bha-ra-tha.
1. That the sage Bharatha created it.
2. That the word is the Anagram from the first letters of Bhava, Raga and Tala.
3. That which banishes distress. BHARAM TARAYATI ITI BHARATHA.
4. The dance of India or Bharata Desa.
The purpose of Dance
Apart from spirituality or spiritual quality of dance there is a definite purpose in dance. The purpose is to educate the illiterates, to enlighten the literate and entertain the enlightened ones. According to gradations of the mind, Uttama (the great one ), Madhyama (ordinary) and Adhama (the lesser one), Natya generates morality and an awareness of well being. It instructs and gives motivation to achieve perfection in every action. It relaxes the mind of sick persons, distressed ones, tired souls, bereaved family members and also the Tapaswi (sages) after their meditation. Natya gives dharmopadesa (the path of righteousness) to happy ones, instructs the way to praise the worthy and also to live long. Natya sharpens the mind, increases the intellect. As such Natya gives all things needed for the well being of the people.
Dance is also considered to be a Yagna (sacrifice). The effect of conducting a dance performance is shared by the audience, the sponsor and the dancer. It is said, any auspicious occasion like child birth, marriage, rituals, festivals and celebrations must either begin with a dance performance or conclude with it. It has the effect of performing a hundred yagnas.

illusion mithya in the forward journey is an obstruction undesirable, binds, blinds, harms


illusion mithya in the forward journey is an obstruction

undesirable, binds, blinds, harms


in the return journey any number of illusions are great ,

all enriching the enjoyment of life


thru every aspect of human personality

body, senses, mind, intellect, emotions


thru all mediums of communications

hence illusion has a place , a value of its own



illusion is misleading and elevating


for some god is an illusion, fiction

a play toy, kishan is


for others god is just plain reality absolute,

no kidding both are right

There is no weed in the farm of god , every thing is his own form tho odd


There is no weed in the farm of god ,
every thing is his own form tho odd

every seed every weed
every deed is his need

indeed all are each others' complementary feed
if only his wisdom we heed,

his thoughts ,learn to read
he is greater than the greatest farmers breed

temple wealth seen in the religious/spiritual perspective

 temple wealth

seen in the religious/spiritual perspective
wealth of temple is not public's nor government’s nor any individual's.

it be there in the hands of temple, ie the temple authority which manages all activities of the temple

right from sweeping, up keep, renovation, repairs, festivals, pujas, sathrams, roads, lighting, amenities, salaries, events

nicely, abundantly, without the need to ask x or y to give money, --

let the temple become a heaven of gods

ie of humans in association of gods,

exceptionally, clean, shining, with soothing, music, dance, drama, veda, yagna, homa, tapasya, with greenery, with vastness for animals, birds, bees, butterflies,


a visit to such a temple will sanctify one

body and soul divine aishvarya overflowing, a indra lok, a vishnulok, a kailash, with winds, waterfalls, rivers, seas,

endlessly charming, elevating , and providing the glorious prathyaksha anubhuti of god here on earth
it be a puja room of the whole earthians it also needs to be well protected from misuse, and thieves

Thursday, September 28, 2023

Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah. "Non - Violence is the greatest Dharma." dharma himsaa tathaiva cha. “So too is all righteous violence.”

 Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah. "Non - Violence is the greatest Dharma."

dharma himsaa tathaiva cha. “So too is all righteous violence.”


I quote......

'''Personally, I am no advocate of violence. But violence, too, has its rightful place in life, life does not preclude death. The average Indian has been molded into a particular national mentality of quixotic tolerance. His attitude is shaped into its distinct pattern by the ideologies and moralities preached in our national literature. And no single work in our classics has gained such a wide influence on our people as the Bhagawad Gita: and in, this century, no other single message had such a universal appeal to our countrymen as the single line, "Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah" -- "Non - Violence is the greatest Dharma."
This line in its over – emphasis, has sapped both initiative and energy in our millions, and, instead of making us all irresistible moral giants, we have been reduced to poltroons and cowards. And banking on this cowardly resignation of the majority, a handful of fanatics have been perpetrating crimes which even the most barbarous cave dwellers would have avenged. To clothe our weaknesses, we attribute to them glorious names and purposefully persuade ourselves to believe that they are brilliant ideologists !


Let us for a moment go to the original sacred verse and investigate the significances of the moral precept:

Ahimsa Paramo Dharmah.

This is the opening line of a stanza,

and the very next line reads:

Dharma himsaa tathaiva cha. “

So too is all righteous violence.”


Indeed, non – violence is the supreme policy to be adopted by man to foster enduring peace in the world; but there are certain dire moments in the life of individuals, as of nations, when we will have to meet force with force in order that justice be done.


To every individual his mother, wife and children are the nearest dependents and to guard their honor and life is the unavoidable first moral duty of each head of the family. This is an obligation whether the victim be a member of the majority or of the minority class within a country, province or city.


By the over – emphasis laid on non – violence we have come to witness the pathetic situation of today, when thousands, in cowardly fear take to precipitate flight, leaving their innocent children to be butchered and their unarmed helpless women to be dishonored or converted or killed. Under the cloak of glorified non – violence, an entire nation of cowards fly from their homes, when a small sect of fanatic barbarians boldly stalk in and out of their open undefended thresholds to kill, to rape, and to loot.


When will we learn to fully interpret our Vedas, scriptures and Upanishads. If only we all learn that dharma – himsa is equally noble as ahimsa.

To me it seems that the only solution for the day’s internal chaos is to bring home to the people the significance of the much neglected teaching of dharma – himsa. As it is, a misled and over – excited minority in the country has the sole monopoly of violence; and non – violence is a dangerous folly. However ideal a moral precept may be, so long as, in a society, innocent children, helpless women and defenseless old are left to be butchered dishonored and tortured, while the youth of the land is made to watch dispassionately the hellish scene, we are to conclude that either the idea is a dangerous one, or that we have not rightly understood the full meaning of the precept.


Under the present available scheme of chaos in this country, when under the planned instigation of a few power blind, reckless men, a minority community is rendered into a murderous gang of fanatics; it is the duty of the majority to win back the erring thousands. The cure depends upon the disease; the potency of the medicine is decided upon the virulence of the illness. Today when looting, arson and rape are the dharma of a few, it is rank cowardice for the many to suffer the tyranny of the unprovoked violence in meek submission. In the battlefield, when violence is rampant, it is the dharma of everyone to meet that maniacal violence with determined, restrained, violence not only in self – defense but also to convince the aggressive vicious few that ‘it rarely pays ''…unquote

Cruelty is bad in any form, to any one

 Ahimsa paramo dharmah

Cruelty is bad in any form, to any one,
cow, bull, bird, beast, man ,insect
tree, plant, environment 
in any pretext, in any context, 
spiritual, scriptural, habitual, 
faith, belief, superstition, tradition
we must be kind to all, 
but within practical limits 
with best discretion guiding our actions
to find creative solutions with infinite alternatives

Tuesday, September 26, 2023

a good actor is one , who can depict a character,

 a good actor is one , who can depict a character, and does not get affected by that trait in personal life---


also, an actor need not be held in prison as ''commedian '' always in every picture


that means he is trapped in the pattern


similarly a villain need not be villain

hero need not be hero in every film

a genuine praise can be on facts


a genuine praise can be on facts

a flattery is to seek favors

a metaphor to display poet's talent

an exaggeration to hide truth and deceive

devotion advances and gets refined to many a higher level from physical to mental to subtle mental


devotion advances and gets refined to many a higher level 
from physical to mental to subtle mental 

and disappears as nothing, in the state of non-doing, no more any devotion
the stream flows to become river, river flooding and merging into ocean 


duty in the beginning is work, labor physical, 
then man gets promoted to do exercise intellectual

he grows to become supervisor, manager, delegates 
becomes ceo, becomes owner, relaxes, himself, relegates

he just enjoys he plays, he does nothing , everything happens, as per his whispers 
he disappears, to outside the country, to unknown places

none knows where when how what of his affairs
yet he commands all the errands, all the company affairs

he is the supreme master of the universe
his duty now is doing nothing , things go as per his wish

Our maths lecturer, was leaving to US


Our maths lecturer, was leaving to US for his new assignment
we gave farewell 
in the party this was my marvel

he adds friends
subtracts enemies

divides ignorance
multiplies virtues

differentiates good bad
integrates all in to one

yogastha kuru karmani. meditate and act


yogastha kuru karmani. meditate and act

stress causes negative behavior

man wants to be his original nature, the god himself

give him the experience of his ever present god inside, thru meditation

individual meditation and in group

let all legislators enjoy some vedic shanthi manthras,

and soothing divine music before the session ,at noon, at end.

in nature, the pranies and plants exhibit saha jeevan, living harmoniously, naturally

but human was roughed more, hence the need of meditation

start from me, you, all

Monday, September 25, 2023

my self includes not only my limited body mind,


my self includes not only my limited body mind,
but much much more

the air i breath is my self. 
the water i bathe is my self

the food i eat is my self 
the fragrance i enjoy is my self

the music i hear is my self
the things i touch is my self

the scenes i see is my self
every thing in the universe is my self

the universe is my self
the good and bad of every thing and every one is my concern 

i set my inner most pure
i set out to purify every outer most 

i am not ignorant 
i do not want all to be ignorant 

i see the divine light
i want all to see the divine light 

i love my self ,so i love the universe
i love all in the universe 

 O Wonderful O Wonderful O Wonderful.................this is how the scriptures reveal from inside .............what i scribbled innocently without bothering whether it is right or not now i find in fact a mantra from the Taittriya Upanishad, 

hA vuhA vuhA vu|
Etat sAma gAyanaAstE |
Aham-annam aham annam aham annam | 
Aham-annAdo’hamannAdo’hamannAda: ||
Aham-shlokakrid-aham-shlokakrid-aham-shlokakrit | 
Aham-asmi Prathamajaa Ritaasya | 
Poorvam Devebhyo-amritasya Naabhaayi ||
Yo Maa Dadaati Sa Ideva Maa 3 Vaah Aham-annam-annamadantamaadmi
Aham Vishvam Bhuvanamabhyabhavaam Suvarna Jyotih Ya Evam Veda Ity’upanishat

[O Wonderful O Wonderful O Wonderful
I am food, I am food, I am food
I am the food eater, I am the food eater, I am the food eater
I am the combining agent, I am the combining agent, I am the combining agent
I am the firstborn of the world order Earlier than the gods, in the centre of immortality.
Whoever gives me, he surely does save thus I who am food, eat the eater of food
I have overcome the whole world I am brilliant like the sun He who knows this, such is the secret

i am thrilled to find another parallel from j Krishnamurti

i quote

j Krishnamurti ..The Years of Awakening.

So far as I know, J Krishnamurti never taught the Upanishads, never gave a lecture on the Upanishads. He did not believe in scriptures or teachers, did not believe in traditions or paths. And yet while going through Mary Lutyens’s book, I was once again reminded of how amazingly close his personal experiences and teachings are to those of the Upanishad seers.

Here is one of the profound, life altering experiences from his early life described in the book. This happened in August 1923, when Krishnamurti was twenty-eight years old. He describes the experience in a letter he wrote to Mrs Annie Besant, his adopted mother, two days after the experience happened.

“Then, on the 17th August, I felt acute pain at the nape of my neck and I had to cut down my meditation to fifteen minutes. The pain instead of getting better as I had hoped grew worse. The climax was reached on the 19th. I could not think, nor was I able to do anything, and I was forced by friends here to retire to bed. Then I became almost unconscious, though I was well aware of what was happening around me. I came to myself at about noon each day. On the first day while I was in that state and more conscious of the things around me, I had the first most extraordinary experience. There was a man mending the road; that man was myself; the pickaxe he held was myself; the very stone which he was breaking up was a part of me; the tender blade of grass was my very being, and the tree beside the man was myself. I almost could feel and think like the roadmender, and I could feel the wind passing through the tree, and the little ant on the blade of grass I could feel. The birds, the dust, and the very noise were a part of me. Just then there was a car passing by at some distance; I was the driver, the engine, and the tires; as the car went further away from me, I was going away from myself. I was in everything, or rather everything was in me, inanimate and animate, the mountain, the worm, and all breathing things. “

This oneness with the universe, in which we see ourselves in all beings and all beings in ourselves, is precisely the experience of the Upanishadic seers, which they give words to in numerous Upanishads.

The sage of the Taittiriya Upanishad, for instance sings out in the moment of self-realization:

“Hāa vu! Hāa vu! Hāa vu!
Aham annam aham annam aham annam!
Aham annādo’ham annādo’ham annādah!
Aha’m ślokakrt aha’m ślokakrt aha’m ślokakrt!
Aham asmi prathamajā rtāasya!
Poorvam devebhyo’mrtasya nāabhāayī!
Yo mā dadāti sa ideva māavāh!
Aham annam aham annam adantam āadmi!
Aham viśwam bhuvanam abhyabhavāam!

I have quoted the words of the seer in Sanskrit because of the ecstasy that pulsates in every word he utters. He is not making a statement, but singing out full throated, as the ‘āa’s appearing throughout shows. [These are the extra long vowels of Vedic Sanskrit, which does not exist in classical Sanskrit. The short vowels [hrasva] are one mātrā long, the long vowels [dīrgha] two mātrās long, and these, called plutas, three mātrās long.

Here is a translation of the seer’s song.

Hāa vu! Hāa vu! Hāa vu! [Sounds of his ecstasy] I am the food, I am the food, I am the food! I am the eater of the food, I am the eater of the food, I am the eater of the food! I am the maker of verses [poet], I am the maker of verses, I am the maker of verses! I am the first born of this world, the manifestation of truth as the formed and the formless! I existed before the gods! I am the centre of immortality! He who offers food, it is this me he protects! I am food, I am food and I am the one who eats up the eater of food! It is I that has become the entire universe! I am the golden light!

The seer of the Shwetashwatara Upanishad expresses the same idea – the only difference being that his expression is in the third person. Here it is ‘He’ the sage sees in everything, rather than ‘I’ – but for him the He and I are one and the same. Here is what he says:

“tvam strī tvam pumān asi tvam kumāra uta vā kumārī tvam jīrno dandena vañcasi tvam jāto bhavasi viśvatomukhah
nīlah patango harito lohitākshhas tadidgarbha rtavah samudrāhanādimat tvam vibhutvena vartase yato jātāni bhuvanāni viśvā”

“Thou art the woman, Thou art the man. Thou art the youth and the maiden too. Thou art the old man who totters along, leaning on the staff. Thou art born with faces turned in all directions. Thou art the dark blue butterfly, and the green parrot with red eyes. Thou art the thunder-cloud, the seasons and the oceans. Thou art without beginning, and beyond all time and space. Thou art He from whom all the worlds are born.”

The Upanishad seer might as well have sung: “I am the man, I am the woman. I am the youth and the maiden too. I am born with faces turned in all directions. I am the old man who totters along, leaning of the staff. I am the dark blue butterfly, and the green parrot with red eyes. I am the thunder-cloud, the seasons and the oceans. I am without beginning and beyond all time and space. I am He from whom all the worlds are born.’ Strangely, this sounds somehow more correct!

It is the sage of the Kaivalya Upanishad who says this:

“mayyeva sakalam jātam, mayi sarvam pratishthitam
mayi sarvam layam yāti tadbrahmādvayam asmyaham.”

“Everything is born in me, all things have their existence in me and everything merges back into me. I am that Brahman, the one without a second.”

The Kaivalya Upanishad rishi is very clear that there is only one way to attain the Vast and no other – by knowing oneself as existing in all beings and all beings as existing in oneself:

“sarvabhootastham atmanam, sarvabhootani chatmani
sampashyan brahma paramam yati nanyena hetuna.”

[I had an interesting experience while thinking about this mantra. The mantra came to my mind as I thought about such mantras in the Upanishads, but couldn’t recall from which Upanishad it is. I closed my eyes and I saw my teacher sitting majestically in our ashram temple, where he frequently taught us, sitting in the special teacher’s seat that was placed there. Tall and fair, he looked every inch a royal sage, as he always did. I heard him chanting this mantra in his deep, resonant voice, his body swinging with it, his eyes intoxicated with the power of the mantra. The words I heard were chanted in his unique accent and then suddenly I knew from which Upanishad the mantra came – Kaivalya Upanishad.]


Vagambhrini [Vak Ambhrini - Vak, the daughter of sage Ambhrina] is one of the several wisdom-intoxicated female seers [rishikas] of the Rig Veda. She too had the experience and this is how she sings about it:

Aham rudrebhir vasubhiś charāmyaham ādityair uta viśvadevaih
Aham mitrā varunobhā bibharmyaham indrāgnee aham aśvinobhā. [1]

I move with the Rudras and also with the Vasus, I wander with the Adityas and the Vishwadevas. I hold aloft both Mitra and Varuna, and also Indra and Agni and the twin Ashvins.

Aham somam āhanasam bibharmi aham tvashtāram uta pūshanam bhagam
Aham dadhāmi dravinam havishmate suprāvye yajamānāya sunvate. [2]

I uphold Soma the exuberant; I uphold Tvasta, Pushan, and Bhaga. I endow with wealth the offerer of oblation, the worshipper and the pious presser of the Soma.

Aham rāshtrī sangamanī vasūnām chikitushee prathamā yajniyānām
Tām mā devā vyadadhuh puritrā bhūristhātrām bhooryāveśayantīm. [3]

I am the ruling Queen, the amasser of treasures, full of wisdom, first of those who are worthy of worship. That me the Gods have installed in all places, with many homes for me to enter and dwell in.

Mayā so annamatti yo vipaśyati yah prāniti ya ī śrnotyuktam
Āmantavo mām ta upa kshiyanti śrudhi śruta śraddhivam te vadāmi. [4]

Through me alone all eat the food that helps them see, breathe and hear the spoken word. He is not aware of me, yet he dwells in me alone. Listen, you who know! You must trust the words I speak to you.

Ahameva svayam idam vadāmi jushtam devebhir uta mānushebhih
Yam kāmaye tam tam ugram krnomi tam brahmānam tam rshim tam sumedhām [5]

It is I who announces the tidings that the gods and men alike rejoice to hear. The man I love, I make mighty in strength. I make him a priest, a sage, or a learned scholar, as I please.

Aham rudrāya dhanurā tanomi brahmadvishe śarave hantavā u
Aham janāya samadam krnomi aham dyāvā prthivee ā viveśa. [6]

I bend the bow for Rudra that his arrow may slay the hater of the words of sacred wisdom. I rouse the people, and make them strive. I have entered the Earth and Heaven, filling everything.

Aham suve pitaram asya mūrdhan mama yonir apsu antah samudre
Tato vi tishthe bhuvanānu viśvotāmūm dyām varshmanopa sprśāmi [7]

I give birth to the creator in the heavens atop the world and my own origin is deep in the ocean, in the cosmic waters. From there I permeate all existing worlds, and even touch yonder heavens with my forehead.

Ahameva vāta iva pra vāmi ārabhamānā bhuvanāni vishvā
Paro divā para enā prthivī etavatī mahinā sam babhūva [8]

It is my breath that blows as the mighty wind, while I hold together all the worlds.
Beyond the heavens and above the earth I tower, such am I in my might and splendour.


Like the Upanishad seers, Krishnamurti too believes that Truth is a pathless land. His words while dissolving the Order of the Star, the organization that was created to make the world ready for the World Teacher [Krishnamurti] and of which he was the head, sound like they are taken straight from the Upanishads. Those words have the same quality – the same fearlessness, the same directness, the same clarity and the same lightning power of the truth.

“I maintain that Truth is a pathless land, and you cannot approach it by any path whatsoever, by any religion, by any sect. That is my point of view, and I adhere to that absolutely and unconditionally. Truth, being limitless, unconditioned, unapproachable by any path whatsoever, cannot be organized; nor should any organisation be formed to lead or coerce people along any particular path. If you first understand that then you will see how impossible it is to organize a belief. A belief is purely an individual matter, and you cannot and must not organize it. If you do, it becomes dead, crystallized; it becomes a creed, a sect, a religion, to be imposed on others.

“That is what everyone throughout the world is attempting to do. Truth is narrowed down and made a plaything for those who are weak, for those who are only momentarily discontented. Truth cannot be brought down, rather the individual must make the effort to ascend to it. You cannot bring the mountain top to the valley….

“No man from outside can make you free; nor can an organized worship, nor the immolation of yourselves for a cause, make you free; nor can forming yourselves into an organization, nor throwing yourselves into work, make you free. You use a typewriter to write letters, but you do not put it on an altar and worship it. But that is what you are doing when organizations become your chief concern….

“Again, you have the idea that only certain people hold the key to the Kingdom of Happiness. No one holds it. No one has the authority to hold that key. That key is your own self and in the development and the purification and in the incorruptibility of that self alone is the Kingdom of Eternity.”

One of my all time favourite verses in Sanskrit is the first one in the Bhagavata Mahatmya:

yam pravrajantam anupetam apetakrtyam
dvaipayano virahakātara ājuhāva
putreti tanmayatayā taravobhineduh
tam sarvabhootahrdayam munim ānatosmi

The verse describes how once Shuka, the son of sage Vyasa, was going away from him, while he was still very young, while his Upanayana was yet to be performed. Shuka was leaving his father to wander the earth as a pravrajaka – a lifelong wanderer. A tormented Vyasa calls him back with a father’s natural agony, calling out “Oh son!” And the trees and plants around answer Vyasa, for Shuka had already become one with the whole creation and was in the heart of every being.

Here is a precious parting thought from Krishnamurti: “Meditation is the flowering of goodness; it is not the cultivation of goodness.”...unquote


inner traditions: J Krishnamurti and the Upanishads

How one perceives others's intention is a complex phenomena,


How one perceives others's intention is a complex phenomena, 
intentions can be any by any one , but perception of that by other man matters, who sees good or bad in it , but not to the one who does his task what his intention may be .
also any task has an intention . i read a lot , but i do not just read as a hobby to idle away time , my intention is to widen my horizon, but my colleague who generally skips reading tells me that i am a book worm 

in my early days, i saw good handwriting of my friend. i felt why not i ?
i did it , i showed to him , instead of appreciating, and taking it as an incentive to improve further , may be he felt i am maligning him and stopped friending with me , but i just did not bother for appreciation or criticizing even to day i can write beautifully, and i find handwriting is a great joy , and art , i simply love . to write beautiful hand writing with a relish, in any language 

so the spur to excel is the point , competition , yes, it is a spur
do not bother on perceptions of others , even evaluation by others is meaningless, best criteria is , whether you are deriving joy or not 
anando brahma, creating newness in every task , reaching higher and higher higher heights is just blissful

your hesitation on the use of the word '' guruji '' led me to thinking a new solution

 your hesitation on the use of the word '' guruji '' led me to thinking a new solution .  

Guru is giver , shishya receiver. what is given is the wisdom, to deliver from bondage of earth life, which ,as it is, beset with undesirables, like, 6 enemies ,arishadvarga, whose slightest imbalance throws  life out of gear bringing in  misery, disease, untimely-death .the wisdom is viveka, high discretion, and the power to overcome harmful tendencies .''yukthaahaara vihaarasya'' is a sample of such wisdom given by sri Krishna 

thru intense penance, sadhana , by guru's grace, one invites a guru into his being and the wisdom flows from internal guru by which he naturally gets attracted to good ways of living. till such time, he will be receiving the guidance from an enlightened guru, capable of showing the right path which he has come to know thru his own sadhana, and who is a living example applying the principles of right living in his own life quite naturally

the above has fully convinced me to receive guidance from you on yukthaahaara 

It is a  parampara to worship guru by names, guru, guruji, guruvugaru, sri guru, gurusri, sriguruji, gurudev , poojya , poojaneeya, gurumatha, mathaji, amma, ammavaru, guruma, master, father,   etc as per the system they come from

the alternative I have chosen , without compromising the parampara , is to address you as sri. It actually should be Sri. Due to my  liking to avoid cap-lock , I hope this small deviation will be tolerated by parampara . {In sanskruth , deva bhasha, no upper/lower cases}

in lighter vein, incidentally, sir has become sri . While I was driving home, dwelling on this subject in my mind, it suddenly struck to me that sir is a distorted form of sri or, sir has root in sri, or born from sri

so not wrong to use sir for guruji 

one word more.  I realized slowly, lately, your hesitation of my calling guruji. Your hesitation is born out of your great respect, profound  reverence, toward the  sacred word. I fully respect your feeling. And fortunately I found an alternative, sri, you may kindly approve. Your decision is final 

You Are The Managing director Of Yourself


You Are The Managing director Of Yourself

speed read and scroll down to rishi finds

one management expert , in a course to executives, slightly deviated from his assigned subject, happened to give this piece of self analysis. this has been helping me , i wish to present it here

but these abcd 's you may be knowing, much more, so, skip and scroll down.

you are the md of yourself
you decide whether you will change or not

surrendering yourselves to your fate-- is it necessary?
you can change only if you want

be always learning
for scope to learn, become humble

best resources, time

spoken words cannot be retrieved

opportunity lost cannot gain, be sensitive to encash
increase your market value

each day a clean slate ,start afresh

hobbies forgotten ?

do not fear making mistakes

do not abandon your ship
you must steer your ship

corrupt thinking creates stress

what should i do to improve my financial condition
how can i improve my balance sheet

plan as if you live forever
live as if you die tomorrow

life expands or shrinks in proportion to courage

are you a charged person

technical competence plus good behavior
cooperation plus trust from others

purpose of interaction, self awareness
and awareness about others

clear and unambiguous communication
creative approach in dealing with people

trust, adaptability
motivational needs from others
positive thinking

manage conflicts, assertive, humor

focus on company interest

every one has problems

professional approach

do it for your satisfaction
do not fool yourself

do not project effectiveness to others

goodwill money/corruption money ‘greased parts’

care on your –snap judgments—projections—-

we assume,we attribute our motives—–

care on our — prejudiced—-predisposition

clarity of thought, voice, dress—confidence
dress is a package to sell yourself

right timing

command over language
avoid double meaning

use verbal and non verbal feedback
keep eye to eye contact

so , self manage, you are the md---

blessed are the management experts and managers
they inherit the heavens 
of best pay, perks, promotions 

rishi finds---charging one's self is the key by connection to the divinity, guru provides the way, his grace makes the process easiest fast.

this is value addition with the connection with source of invaluable virtues, qualities, mahimas, powers, and all that is required to become the master, to be a md of oneself, easiest first step towards the promotion to the ceo of universe

great is our rishi sanskrithi, 
not stopping with, 
not stooping for small gains in the corporate world 
or in the life in the worldly world
but to ''arise, awake, stop not till the goal is reached''

what success has been vivekanand !!

he ,not a md nor a ceo in the corporate world, a retail shop at best , in the panorama of possibilities in the bigger universe

but he a conqueror of the world outside by the conquest of the inner world, 

that is the manifestation that happens by charging one's self 
so, charge yourself 
discharge duties, 
recharge your corporate world, at least

On awarding master title


On awarding master title

thank you sir , wonderful, great offer ,

i am waiting for this opportunity. .

i have abundance of new insights as a result of my meditation,

which i have made into blogs ,

with a synchronization with science, engg, arts,

literature, scriptures music, etc

---with two dozen multiple ids in st ,

and my commentary on news events

with spiritual angle in wordpress and blogspot ,

but i am not sending invites for readers,

mainly not to get distracted .

yet a few readers who stumbled up on my blogs,

have valued them enormously .

i will be enthusiastic in becoming a st master .

by virtue of quality of my insights ,

but not by popularity nor by payment

economy economy of all resources absolutely


economy of all resources absolutely

utility only for higher purpose

consolidate all

donot fritter away yourself in meaning less, endless persuits

all persuits with ultimate end in sight

new fresh renewed attempt

new life




let me consolidate all random scattered diamonds and pearls, jewels and marvels  and start creating beautiful art works

Corporate Success and Transformational Leadership


Corporate Success and Transformational Leadership

Front Cover

Asha Bhandarker 

0 Reviews

New Age International, 01-Jan-1990 - Executive ability - 357 pages

In The Contemporary Indian Society, All The Institutions, Be It Social, Economic, Religious Or Political, Are Undergoing An Unprecedented Scale Of Metamorphosis. All Round, There Is Value Erosion, And People Are Increasingly Experiencing A Sense Of Powerlessness, Helplessness, Meaninglessness, And Normlessness. Although, This Is A Pervasive Phenomenon, Its Intensity Is Much Greater In Economic Institutions, Corporate World, And The Government. Today, There Is A Need To Resurrect A Set Of Values In These Institutions, To Prepare Administrators And Executives To Cope With And Effectively Manage The Consequences Of Powerlessness, Helplessness, Meaninglessness, And Normlessness. There Is Also A Need To Groom And Develop The Business And Government Leaders Of Tomorrow To Face This Scenario, And Appropriately Handle It. The Most Powerful Way Of Achieving This Is Through The Process Of Socializing The Leaders With The Experience Of Corporate Success, Organisation Building, And Transformation. Sharing These Experiences Helps Enormously In Inculcating A Sense Of Values And Meaning, Heightens The Consciousness, And Provides Powerful Role Models.Business Schools, Unfortunately In India, Overemphasize Learning Through The Cases Of Failures Rather Than Through Success Stories. There Is Virtually No Scientific Work Available Which Highlights The Experience Of Success And Transformation In The Indian Organisations. The Present Work Is A Modest Attempt In This Direction. It Highlights (A) The Profile And Role Of Transformational Leaders, And (B) The Process Of Culture Building And Corporate Transformation In Five Indian Organisations - Three Belonging To The Public Sector, One To The Corporate, And One To The Private Sector. The Cases Have Been Built Around The Following Five Themes:1. Building A New Church, 2. From Solo To Folk, 3. Quest For Excellence, 4. From Pandemonium To Peace, And 5. Man At The Centre

Corporate Success and Transformational Leadership

Front Cover

Asha Bhandarker

0 Reviews

New Age International, 01-Jan-1990 - Executive ability - 357 pages

In The Contemporary Indian Society, All The Institutions, Be It Social, Economic, Religious Or Political, Are Undergoing An Unprecedented Scale Of Metamorphosis. All Round, There Is Value Erosion, And People Are Increasingly Experiencing A Sense Of Powerlessness, Helplessness, Meaninglessness, And Normlessness. Although, This Is A Pervasive Phenomenon, Its Intensity Is Much Greater In Economic Institutions, Corporate World, And The Government. Today, There Is A Need To Resurrect A Set Of Values In These Institutions, To Prepare Administrators And Executives To Cope With And Effectively Manage The Consequences Of Powerlessness, Helplessness, Meaninglessness, And Normlessness. There Is Also A Need To Groom And Develop The Business And Government Leaders Of Tomorrow To Face This Scenario, And Appropriately Handle It. The Most Powerful Way Of Achieving This Is Through The Process Of Socializing The Leaders With The Experience Of Corporate Success, Organisation Building, And Transformation. Sharing These Experiences Helps Enormously In Inculcating A Sense Of Values And Meaning, Heightens The Consciousness, And Provides Powerful Role Models.Business Schools, Unfortunately In India, Overemphasize Learning Through The Cases Of Failures Rather Than Through Success Stories. There Is Virtually No Scientific Work Available Which Highlights The Experience Of Success And Transformation In The Indian Organisations. The Present Work Is A Modest Attempt In This Direction. It Highlights (A) The Profile And Role Of Transformational Leaders, And (B) The Process Of Culture Building And Corporate Transformation In Five Indian Organisations - Three Belonging To The Public Sector, One To The Corporate, And One To The Private Sector. The Cases Have Been Built Around The Following Five Themes:1. Building A New Church, 2. From Solo To Folk, 3. Quest For Excellence, 4. From Pandemonium To Peace, And 5. Man At The Centre

inner world enter inner cabin

 inner world

enter inner cabin

inner cave

inner world

identify inner  world, in-beings,

dialogue with them

befriend with them

happenings are lessons, costly.


happenings are lessons, costly.

for proactive, how i wish good people, who are in majority, take little step forward in social interactions, encourage goodwill and good humor,

--sense in advance what is cooking, and do some preventive

--like to control possible disease some anti vaccination done,

---and nip in the bud the negative trends.

i have seen such initiative from a senior executive in a psu, ie shri Rao C Kasarbada, ceo, ECIL,who used to do very casual conversation with the different section employees and union leaders and

--without their knowing, used to influence the work community with nice mingling, good jokes and helping in their personal problems, and see that by all means the interests of the company are not put to risk

--and he did prevent imminent strike, not by some counseling / moral teaching, but involving into them as a family, and appearing to sail with them.

but he was  sincere to the core, not seeking anything to himself, not fame, popularity, promotion

--his sincerity was touching., he virtually was a god for us to whom one can turn to receive help and solace, without his level /status inhibiting anyone.

on a larger scale, purely from humanitarian angle, such social initiative  may prevent negative things .

i repeat the intention must be one of just help, with 100% sincerity.

Freely venting suppressed emotions, thru this social informal communication among the community probably will cool the people to natural good behavior.

Sunday, September 24, 2023

ನನ್ನ ಮಾತು

 ನನ್ನ ಮಾತು

ಸತ್ಯ ಹೇಳಿಕೆಗಳು

zero base


zero base

disown everything , every relation

refresh, restart newly and purify

take each carefully and focus

take one, complete it then take second

create beauty

in every output,

in every movement let beauty flow


when athma anubhoothi is gained, things will get expressed truthfully


when athma anubhoothi is gained,

things will get expressed truthfully


beautifully automatically, effortlessly

without trying hard

this is rishi anubhuthi, like valmiki ,

what he expressed became itself a great kaavya, veda, chandas,

meter, metaphor, rhyme rhythm, grammar ,

all on its own ,


he unknowing, he not studying books

not learning anything


that is how words and vocabulary of vedic sanskrit got created

from rishis consciousness


consciousness expressing itself directly

i want to be 100% right in every thing

 i want to be 100% right in every thing

that from now 

all my aspirations spring from the lord inside 

who will also fulfil the desires into fruition

Saturday, September 23, 2023

drawing is the language of engineers


drawing is the language of engineers


Engineering drawings are a universal language

because they are understood the world over, and used to convey information from one person to another like writing or speaking.


The difference is that they convey information in a standard engineering drawing format.


Dimensions are numerical and are the same the world over. 
Universal geometric dimensioning and tolerancing symbols convey additional dimensioning information.


Finish Symbols
The finish symbols that indicate the surface texture of the part are also international. They are understood regardless of language.


Orthographic projection
An opportunity for miscommunication reading a drawing is the difference between first and third angle projection. That is the presentation of the drawing views. The United States uses third angle and Europe uses first angle projection. An icon in the drawing title block identifies which projection is used.


An opportunity for misunderstanding an engineering drawing is text in a foreign language used for additional explanation. The solution is a dictionary. If the drafter knows that the drawing is going to a foreign country, s/he gives special attention to using symbols to minimize the text.


Engineering Drawing
Engineers of all countries have used the engineering drawing to convey information to each other since the 19th century. Reference material has been compiled and published so that anyone can access it to clear up any misunderstanding that may occur.

Australian Association for Engineering Education: Engineering Drawing as a Global Language for Engineers