my definition of and my way to success.
i did study quite a few good books and observed the life and achievements of great successful people. and drew my own conclusions which i share a below
these are my views, and may differ with others, it is ok, not necessary to agree.
i define success as attaining mukthi, moksha, liberation, ultimately
------ within the span of 100 years and start my sadhana quite early in life,
work diligently on the knowledge and techniques prescribed and taught by guru
----evolve into higher consciousness swiftly, early,
------skipping all the other lesser aims wisely or to assign the less priority to invest time resources attention and ------
join eternally with unity consciousness never to return again in a rebirth.
once i define my success, clearly, all my thoughts actions orient automatically, in natural course, and way is clear, nature starts cooperating, and with least effort or compulsions and impositions
i flow spontaneous to a state with which just my wishes get materialized with least effort, not to bother nor worry in any way on any thing,
accomplishments like money career profession, comforts, health, behavior, all result in the most suitable proportion not to ever to hanker for them.
Things become so easy and path is so nice, it is just pure happiness absolute play
life really above the earth plane while in this life.
and soon all mysteries get revealed as open book
the great thing about it is that all happens in the most favorable way myself not even knowing what is good to me.
so i pursue, i enjoy , i live, smiling
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