Wednesday, September 20, 2023

Anonymity A Great Liberator Identity biases one, creates inhibitions,

 Anonymity A Great Liberator

Identity biases one, creates inhibitions,

freedom is restricted in expression, and natural behavior gets distorted
identity of age, gender, qualification, profession, nationality, religion
biases one to express and biases the readers perceptions too…
i feel to remain unknown and to talk to an unknown

” freedom from the known” is a joy , a charm, freely exploring the ideas ,
since—– exploring the persons–not our purpose

what is said is important
who said is not important

god remains ever an unknown anamika,
yet creating all names and forms , coming in different
avathars, not sticking to any one identity
hence remains an eternal charm,

we have not met on earth plane, in person, it is not necessary, it will inhibit , hence i discourage, i am talking to a mental image of an individual , in my mind , a relation in anonymity is a very sacred divine relation,

in meeting in person our attention goes out wards to the biodata aspects,

in anonymity the attention goes inward to the briefest conception, like that of the god’s

we are leaving behind all attributes except the”silent” conversation, it is like self talking to itself

in meeting in person all factors like expectations obligations protocol, social formalities ….several …..come between the persons ,

in anonymity it is totally soul to soul, at one’s wish and will, nothing to lose or gain

, in fact i wrote thousands of blogs as a result of web dialogs ,with unknown persons,, i expanded a lot of seed ideas ,composed poems just like that

with my known colleagues and classmates, in fb, my interactions are just utilitarian, and formal,
no excitement of inner discoveries ,
it is only outward travel, with them, am not enthused

that is why it said, ”familiarity breeds contempt”

……………but rare unforgettable exceptions, also are there , i used to have meetings in canteen, or lunch breaks, with colleagues, kantiraju, on music, ravichandra, on adishankara, vs sudhakar..bankim reddy

”if the levels are different .”………it’s a blessing, an opportunity, a flow happens, hence the guru parampara to flow and unite with the ocean

”familiarity breeds contempt”, but also ”familiarity breeds tempt” , one wants to be so familiar and so intimate with the own self , ultimate of familiarity is union

There is a comfort in familiarity, an at home feeling, a feeling of security, a feeling of reaching home back, when we meet known people, our near and dear, our friend circle,
In a song there is sthayee, anthara, sthayee is home , anthara…See More

also when we come back to shadjam, at the end of song, we feel good amount of relief, relaxation, exhilaration , as if we achieved a success

also in thaane, we again come back to sthayee, and start fresh thaane

though familiar an old song takes one into a dream of memories, ie a bit away from the ”shackles of the inescapable present situation of the present moment

here comes the relevance of /significance of repeating the most familiar , the same nama/ stothra of gods , instead of every time a new name and a new stothra …..since one feels an identity of oneself with that god , hence a nice feel
So familiarity breeds tempt, it is charming

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