All gender based problems are caused by persistent body consciousness.
the solution for this is to develop higher consciousness in the individuals and society ,
then any sensory distractions will not happen.
human sees the far higher divinity,
far exceeding divine beauty every where
not only in the female figure,
will not be subjected to any baser pulls from instincts,
any lesser solution cannot give a real cure"
hence the need to realign ourselves with the noble life style of 4 ashramas for which Brahmacharya is the foundation"
"The story of Ṛṣyaśṛṅga has lessons for parents and youth I quote‘’
rishi Vibhandaka, his father was seduced by the celestial danseuse Urvasi ,Rishyasringa.
was born However, immediately after the child was born, Urvasi, after
completing the duty she was sent for, left the infant child and her lover and
made her way to the heavens. The incident left the father with extreme hatred
towards women folk, and he raised the boy in a forest, isolated from society.
He never saw any girls or women, and was not told of their existence.And this
endowed him miraculous powers. at that time the kingdom of Anga suffers from
drought and famine. The king, is told that this can only be alleviated by with
the powers that come from observance of perfect chastity. The only such person
is Rishyasringa. He has to be brought to the city, and be persuaded to carry
out the necessary ceremoniesthe king sends young women, and later his daughter
Shanta, to introduce the boy into normal society. This is done, Rishyasringa
uses his powers, the kingdom receives bountiful rains and Rishyasringa marries
Shanta. Much of the story is taken up by accounts of the feelings of the young
man as he becomes aware of women for the first time’’unquote
1 kaama , lust is a powerful natural instinct
, even great rishis fall , requires rigorous austerities to gain and sustain
self control
2 parents can/ should bring up children in a
protected environ, away from attractions, so that personality blossoms with all
powers and glory , to do good to the world
3 the nature has it’s own purpose in creating
mutual attraction, environ has enough lures, not under one’s control
4 but man can win over the natural instinct by
orienting his attention on the ultimate goal of life , without falling on the
5 a proper training and guidance will
definitely produce desirable results
6 the issue deserves all serious concern in
life ,not to treat it in casual manner
7 youth and the adults better read good wholesome literature, and lives of rk and Vivekananda, and all such saints and great personality to get inspiration to set themselves on the right track"
"''Those who had and loved a Mother would not do such a disgusting thing.'' fantastic cause and solution i too firmly believe that , due to various reasons we are all missing the one basic, ie mother's love
we are too early thrown out away from her purest love, care, caress. our values have not been properly blossomed in right direction with her due attention , hence all this gender crimes
"In this state, gradually one becomes so much positively oriented naturally without any effort or control, that any distractions / encounter s of any nature, skin exposures, vulgarities , dress, gestures, talk, provocations, will not affect his composure, he will not become impotent, but highly virile, yet inward directed in thinking talking and behaviour towards higher goals , aesthetic values life, he neither likes nor dislikes, neither resists neither insists, nor runs away, nor closes his eyes and ears but just sees all the happenings in evenness of vision ,accepting and appreciating the ways of the supreme in the universe, does not interfere, does not plead for transformation of the world, he has transformed himself to a level that sails him safely ashore"
"I am talking of much higher consciousness, brahman consciousness, in which one gains the ability to master all his instincts and his behavior naturally getting regulated to fall in line with the evolutionary trend and higher purpose , it is humanly possible and there are examples from past and living in present times .it's the art leading intelligent life , and a few are in this line already . more must discover such paths and gradually help in raising the world consciousness.even some westerners are in this line seriously"
"This is a matter of direct experience, the truth of which to be verified by each individual , himself reaching that level , never can be really estimated, never can be under estimated in this state, the essential feature that happens is the Real goodness flowing abundantly through grace of God, nullifying the need of any pretense what so ever, life long.and the individual experiences secure against all the undesirable inputs, completely unperturbed. and his tendencies will be just all positive, helpful, friendly, kind, towards all in the universe, and females in particular . his view has become so much expanded that virtually he lives a god on earth mine is not a imagination or nor a conjuncture, but it is a practical possibility, ---based on my familiarity with this subject on practical level ---and so is worth attempting in life, instead of doing all patch work of reforming others , which never can succeed. why at all some one agrees to others' dictates whether male or female, each has his / her ability of discrimination and would go by own value system on what is good and bad, and is prepared to reap the consequences too and as long as human beings remain in the lower level of consciousness, what ever they do or do not do will not be successful , though done in extreme sincerity , putting in all the dos and donts my point may not be readily taken , but truth remain irrespective of disapproval"
"Akkamahadevi, lived bare without clothes, slept in open places at temple ruins -----------but safely, happily joyfully"
"Let's not isolate to a section, in the growing youth every where , the nature has ways of exciting with slightest hint , it's biological for all beings , the reproductive instinct"
"Let man learn and elevate himself to be unmoved against all temptations it is a challenge
incidentally, the almighty nature is testing the human beings , even a destructive test, to teach lessons of life and become better , nobler, like shiva, passing the test of manmatha, like bhasmasura, failing in the test in the farm of mohini's antics, like ram with one wife principle, like ravan violating and meeting the end despite his tapasya now the modern human has to pass this test, no matter what the national police/ judiciary/ legal/ verma contributions in this regard can be the severest test is let there be 100 distractions, man must remain unmoved , let him struggle and learn that kind of discipline and pass the nature's test triumphantly"
no dress code can save a man from instinct to man if you want to blame, blame yourself lf the nature is so powerfully designed that even a thought of the female is enough to seduce the man if someone blames women for unintended exposure, it's only to pass buck vemana, was visiting the prostitute, his well wishing brother's wife asked him to request the prostitute to bare herself yes he did ask, and she did oblige lo !after seeing her naked body, vemana was completely disillusioned, and turned himself into a transformed man, saw the futility of the temptations and became a saint, beyond body consciousness. my point is , the control is in your hand , not elsewhere, whatever may be the distractions .i feel that , let sisters and mothers live in the way they want to live, as a class, female is no slave to obey male on how to be , how to dress or how to behave"
"Granted, yes, certainly . there need be no negating , no suppressing the nature , one need not be a lifelong celibate that is why the system of marriage, gruhastha ashram, at the eligible age, for the fruitful, purposeful fulfillment of inescapable natural instinct and procreation to sustain the race but this will be a grand success if only the life's 4 ashrams are on the strongest foundation of brahmacharya, that is, one must become eligible to get into marriage by graduating thru the first brahmacharya, ie gaining the ability of moving in brahman consciousness, consequently , gaining the ability to mould his instincts at will .---failing which, the institution of marriage gets shattered by unruly desire seeking any number of undesirable ways,---like illegal/immoral/ ''keeps'' relationships, prostitution, polygamy, polyandry, and uncouth social behaviour , in some cases even with willing consent from spouse and worse still , --like rape, murder, torture, my emphasis is on mastery over oneself , by any effective means , traditional or modern which really works if not , whatever surface treatment done, the history repeats in one form or the other parents hold the key more than others to nurture the good character"
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