Friday, March 11, 2022

deergha ayushman bhava

 deergha ayushman bhava

for long life...clue is to be within one's swadharma, ...yukthaahara vihaarasya yuktha chestasya.............another clue is living in awareness, with best viveka in dos and donts .............prevention is better than, heyam dukham anaagatham....body is a vehicle, needs best training for driver, best maintenance , judicious usage,

priorities must be reset to achieve long happy life

1...destiny is predefined, life span is fixed by god, fate''........this is disowning responsibility and leading reckless life.................................or is in one's hand '',.....this is owning responsibility and leading a conscientious life .. one can live long by wise ways of living, suicide is one's own decision, fatal accidents can be prevented by observing proper precautions/alertness

jathasya maranam dhruvam it really true??.why at all decay/death is allowed to happen ...............some trees are living 1000 plus years, at some places, the same trees are short lived at other places...why /how..decay happens to prevent decay and make life a ever fresh flourishing tree.. .in ..savithri episode yama retracted to bring dead person to back life again??........mruthyunjaya .........what is it??...........manthra...can be made use of practically??..........nachiketha ..what did he achieve??

road accidents, fire accidents, gas leakages, elec shocks, collapse of buildings, can be prevented by human efforts/quality control/ preventive maintenance, maintenance, timely detection, ....bad habits smoking, drinking, drugs, bad food inputs can be avoided

bad company, bad inputs from environs , bad sensory inputs sight smells, taste, touch, noise/obscene language can be controlled

it's the will/spirit /self confidence/determination/commitment /principled life with sathsang, soothing music, sathgrantha pathanam divine discourses, guidance from teachers, will help

nothing to be left uncared , all possible actions from fore sight and hind sight must be taken

over straining , mentally and physically must be avoided.. system must be allowed to get recharged adequately, should not be abused/misused/over used/underused/unused......sun rays, fresh air, bath, clean clothes clean surroundings, clean water, nutritious pure food/ less spices / vegetables/vegetarian/ raw foods sprouts fruits nuts help

hobbies  creative, scribbling, drawing,

relaxation, mentally physically, sufficient sleep,  …meditation, rest, …….puja, japa, bhajan, stotra, nama smaranam

gaana , bajaana, naachna, …listening music,

walking ,laughing, gibberish talk,

what more??

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