Wednesday, July 27, 2016

sanathan emphasizes on ''silence''.

sanathan emphasizes on ''silence''...
here the meaning of silence is experience of absolute truth beyond , in Samadhi,
sanathan is rishi sanskrithi, and to pass on the tradition of silence, the divine gift is guru parampara

at any time, more the evolved souls, better will be the yuga
and with maximum, sathya yuga prevails as a consequence of highest collective consciousness,

mahabharath is in dwapara yuga, already a fallen state from the ideal sathya yuga, hence war etc  ..dharma to be reinstated again to wake up and fight

for this
Krishna tried to provide the inspiration to experience that absolute truth, ie silence beyond mind by his ‘’nisthraiguna bhavarjuna’’
And opened his internal eye , to see the highest perspective, vishva rupa and to take a balanced decision in accord with yuga dharma, ie to boldly face and fight

Pl note remain silent does not mean deaf dumb blind timid/coward, but to be firmly established in silence and do the karma,,, yogastha kuru karmani.. effectively

This message is taken seriously even by foreigners and they are meditating intensely to be more successful in all endeavors

As per need there are ..sama dana bheda danda approaches , must be used appropriately ……as immediate solution,…needed surely.

But wise and the best long time approach is
 ‘’heyam dukham anagatham,prevention is better than cure…..
How to prevent war /violence’/terrorism/cheating/and all evils is to re establish the sathya yuga in individual life
And there by in world consciousness

For this now a large number of enlightened persons are collectively meditating and  a result a transformation is being brought in the world consciousness

Whereas We can debate/win/lose in the war of words or in the with weapons…this will continue

But Wise approach is learn meditation and practice intensely and participate in creating a world of peace and prosperity , harmony and happiness.. so that our ‘’sarve jana sukhino bhavanthu, and also lokasamasthasukhino bhavanthu’’ will be a living reality,where in there wont be no enemies…..thath sannidhau vaira thyaga……no need of war weapons, defence expenditure, atomic bombs, terrorism will vanish on its own, like some monks are living in association with tigers like pet dogs

In my view our discussion must lead towards exploring ways and means to experience ‘’silence’ ie, ‘ truth’’

Once this experience is gained our vision can synchronize all the diverse ways since essence is in our possession,
We will see a beautiful world with absolute beauty in the grand variety 

And since words will lead to more words endlessly, and any surface solutions will lead to more problems, we must apply the single root level solution ie experience of truth which brings in absolute peace

I hope I have made point clear , thank you

I also extend my thanks to every participants here, jai gurudev

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