Kasturi tilakam
life sees art, art sees life
when artist sees life, the seer/creative designer
--tries to redefine beauty in own terms, and offering back to life to decorate it with them
--tries to redefine beauty in own terms, and offering back to life to decorate it with them
this is how artist/ devotee creates his art work,
,saint lilasuka bilva mangala sings the glory of krishna
kasturi tilakam lalaata palake
vakshasthale kaustubham
nasaagre navamouktikam
karatale venum kare kankanam
sarvaange harichandanam cha kalayam
kanthe cha muktaavali
gopastree pariveshtitho
vijayate gopaala choodamanee
vijayate gopaala choodamanee
vakshasthale kaustubham
nasaagre navamouktikam
karatale venum kare kankanam
sarvaange harichandanam cha kalayam
kanthe cha muktaavali
gopastree pariveshtitho
vijayate gopaala choodamanee
vijayate gopaala choodamanee
this great sthuthi
“Oh Shri Krishna ! You have been decorated with Kasturi Tilakam,
a beautiful Namam on the smooth forehead;
You have an ornament of Kausthubham on your Vakshasthalam, the seat of Sri Maha Lakshmi (on the chest);
On the nose, You have nava mouktikam,another ornament;
On your fingertips, You have a Flute;
You also have a Bracelet on Your wrist;
Your entire body is bedecked with sandawood paste giving out fragrance;
Your neck too is surrounded by another ornament;
You are the giver of Mukti (salvation) to the lady-cowherds who went rounds and rounds around You;
Oh that Lord, Victory to You -The Ornament to the ornaments of cowherd.
and rishi cognizes-----
my mind was dwelling on this great sthuthi, i finished bath, mopping with towel, looked in the mirror .
1 my nose tip above nostrills --it was round, a little shining, naasaagre nava moukthikam , i found , it was like pearl .
amazed, it was a clue for peculiar new meaning of this shloka
2 looked at fore head , yes it had a naama like vertical wide line
3 on wrist some light wrinkles suggestive of kankanam
4 chest some patch was perceptible
5 body , odour was not their but it was not smelling bad
nothing special for me,
all the same familiar look, and when seen others around they too had these features more or less.
what was special is, it got cognized.
extend -----
life sees art, art sees life
when artist sees life the seer/creative designer cognizes nava moukthikam, kankanam, and and designs the ornaments
i felt that this is the root reason for the evolution of ornaments and decorations,
--trying to redefine beauty in own terms, and offering back to life to decorate it with them
if you look at fore head 3/4 horizontal lines / marks we see along with / without vertical
suggestive of vibhoothi on shiva forehead. or nama of vishnu
suggestive of vibhoothi on shiva forehead. or nama of vishnu
also lines at our ankles suggestive of anklets
the lines at waist like oddaanamu / sarpa/ belt like
lines at finger like rings.
man is nearest to god , he is evolved being so has all the features of god in some degree
rishis cognized god in the form of highest human and perceived all the best of features of man and decorated god with them
in any case truths are wonderful and great
and some times they reveal
some times partial
some times partial
of course it depends on the degree of rishi’s evolution that matters to find of cognitions nearer the truth.
some times it can be just an illusion, a surmise, drawing more out of nothing or ordinary, but a charm on its own
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