Wednesday, December 16, 2015

water the root , enjoy the fruit

 1.every choice is at the cost of other options, sacrificed life, our plan should be such that every aspect blossoms, nothing neglected..wisdom is to attend to the root on the first priority, by which all aspects grow in due proportion gradually reaching ultimate growth and expansion

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Vasanth Rv ..2...''water the root , enjoy the fruit ''...nourishment to the root of life is sath chith energy intelligence once one learns to gain access to the source of nourishment, then automatically spontaneously all aspects are taken if god is guiding every plan and every action
LikeReply16 mins
Vasanth Rv the foremost first action in plan must be to regularly meditate morning and evening for a few minutes to recharge the system and allow it to get activated nicely
LikeReply13 mins
Vasanth Rv other words, one has become just a tool in the hands of god, and what planning and executing takes place , all happens in the most desired way , ...
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Vasanth Rv the divine plan, execution will be fully supported by nature and will be just easy and enjoyable, highly productive and fast ''yateenaam brahma bhavathi sarathi'' will be experienced in the day to day life as if kishan is guiding arjun ..............................
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Vasanth Rv .5,, if not , all plan and efforts will be just patchy, without optimum results , this is the difference between life of enlightened and enlightened ....kishan said ''yogastha kuru karmani.''..then ''karma sukaushalam'' happens
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Vasanth Rv 6..this is the wisdom gita teaches on planning and execution in our life practically
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Vasanth Rv 7 ...''master the science of life'' then you will live ''the art of living'' is true wisdom, highest intelligence, not just a philosophical contemplation

8...unexpected good co-incidents will be encountered, ....just wishing a desire gets fulfilled without actually doing it .....if you want to meet X . as soon as you wish it, X will come to you ,,,,this is sidha way of life, perfection in the art of living does not do a thing, but things happen on their own , since the individual life's plan is perfectly in lne with universal plan of life, 

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Sandesh Saboo - a)Why every one will ultimately become a Sanathan...

Sandesh Saboo - a)Why every one will ultimately become a Sanathan...

a)Why every one will ultimately become a Sanathan Dharmi?
Ancient Indians studied the Law of nature and discussed what they found about Law of Nature.This study and following this discoveries is known as Sanathan Dharma.
This laws of nature applies to everyone irrespective of which ever religion you follow.
This Law of nature is equal to all irrespective of religion, caste,creed ,money and education you have.
This Law of nature are eternal.Only God can change this Laws.
b)Can you know God without becoming God?
The ancient Indian books have always mentioned about God as sarva lokam Bhrmahanam,Sarva lokha ek nath, Sarvagya,sarva gyatha,sarva shakthimaan,Sarva antaryami,sarva vyaptha,anath,Nirakaar,saakar,Gunateeth.etcThere is only one Visvaroopa.Being God means being all that he is.Be divine to know divine.Find ways of how you can become a know all.
c)How much can you know about God?
'Hari anath Hari katha anatha'.
'Tameva sarvam mama deva deva'
He is infinite,Stories about him are infinite.He is everything how much of infinite and everything would you know. Trillions of years of History to know and remember humanly difficult.
d)God is known by many names.
Who ever and what ever you meet is God created.
Who ever and whatever you meet in essence arised from God.
e)Is there any point in trying to Kill anyone Who is a creation of God.?Are you saying I believe in God but hate his creation?Humans,Mosquitoes,insects,ants, Just a few example.
f)Is there any point in hating something or someone created by God.
g)Is there any conversion possible really speaking?
All books says God is watching you.Upaar Wala sub dekh rahaa hai.
h)Can we fool God?
When there is just one God how relevant is it to try to convert others.This side is one aspect of God the other side is another aspect of God.You may like,dislike or ignore.He will remain always apart from you what ever you see is God.
i)Think why do people try to convert and do Tamasha?What is the motive?What is the benefit?
j)Can you avoid God?
Follow any religion you cannot avoid God.Nor can you avoid Law of Nature.
k)Can books write everything about him?
God is everything.Everything else Noun,adjectives,verbs and prose and poem,literature to define this infinite God.Scriptures too created by him since the person who wrote it was created by him.
l)Why hate and love in the name of God?Why this Tamasha?
2 people like this.
Raja Kantan Informative
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Vasanth Rv no words to praise this blissful, truthful, meaningful, ''full sandesh '' from sandesh saboo , whom i see none other than god in the present earthly identity , a real messenger of god, talking in the internet cloud, in the contemporary language and modern scientific terms, i wish all the ''great'' religious'', and ''spiritual'' gurus must read this write up and wake up to reality , and thereby can wake up their mass of most ''sincere'' followers, and enable one and all to walk on the truthfl track beyond their limited conception/perception of god. ..i have saved this message of yours for my repeated reading for its ''freeing effect'', as refreshing as a new dawn of theage of enlightenment ...let the flow continue by the grace of god, lucky are those who can read this piece of ''modern classic'' rendering on the updated spirituality , i like to say a heart felt pranam

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

like how a child learns

like how a child learns , one can just learn


like how a child learns , one can just learn
i find it easiest to learn by  following some slokas, phrases, quotes etc directly  eg
  •  koham? soham!


kah+aham=koham=who am i
sah+aham=soham=he  am i

  • Ayam Atma Brahma =this soul is brahma
  • balaanaam rodanam balam=crying is strength of /for children
  • kim karthavyam=what to do
karthavyam=needs to do

  • kah=who-m
  • kaa=who-f
  • kim=what-n
  • kathi=how many, how much
  • yathra-=where
  • kuthra=where

  • athra=here
  • thathra=there
  • yathra-=where
  • kuthra=where

Monday, December 7, 2015

english or

rather than focussing on his dissent on english,

 let's understand the spirit of mohan bhagavath to propel india to reconnect to the vedik sanskriti, 

whose labguage is sanskrit, the deva bhasha, the mother of all anguages , 

the most pure original unpolluted divine communication media 

in which the best richest universal wisdom got expressed from the depths of rishis' tapasya...

.....which lost its full usage due to various historical reason ...

...and at least now, it is time to revive this great divine gift , sanskrit , and raise ourselves to the vedik wisdom and 

universal boundless existence

no doubt, great personalities like vivekananda learnt engilsh, 

and communicated their great messages to the world thru english,

 ...yet let us not be content only with one language, 

but be , first, a master of our own maathru bhaasha, sanskrit, 

mother of all languges and see what great things it can accomplish to the world civilization 

thru its perfect script and pronunciation, richness of vocabulary, and precision in expression 

,the great value of vibrations in vedik 

grid....kaivalya kshethra,.

 simultaneously we are part and we are whole grid...

every thing /every one /every process in the whole universe 

is the part of the one interconnected universal grid,

the Unified Field of Consciousness ,

ie kaivalya kshethra, .whose all components are playing

their own dependent / independent role,, each impulse

having its own range of responses ranging from zero to

infinite ....since all are interconnected, all are subjected to

pulls and pressures of all others, and each component
exerting its own pulls and pressures on all others

.,,yatha poorve....''back to base zero"" the ripples in the pond rising and settling ,nothing is stable or permanent for ever,

yet incessant activity / movement /transactions continuing to take place , with or without significant consequences . a line drawn on the surface of water.gets erased soon

a few actions leave indelible marks which may take a very long time to get erased like in the case of a line drawn with a nail on the slate .......still ,..on the over all, system has a definite resilience / elasticity to regain the ''original state. ie ''yatha poorve '' sooner or later systems have greater elasticity than the inert entities...... but out of all, a good work / damage human can do to the grid is limitless so ...requires the best of discretion.

...hence the vital need for enlightenment , so that what ever action done results in the best / optimum good to the universal '''yad yad karma karomi thath thath akhilam shambho thave aaraadhanam ''

Saturday, December 5, 2015

saraswathi namasthubhyam

saraswathi namasthubhyam

 saraswathi namasthubhyam

Beautiful scriptural prayer ,

taught to recite on the first day of school,

before the a aa e ee u uu is taught.,

intention being the maa is primary basis

and alphabets are secondary offshoots

let's experience maa inside our being for ever guiding us

to read the wisdom more and more from infinite books inside ,

and be worthy of her grace to make us to become a living sarswathi,

a brahmananda saraswathi

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

The nature has given instinct for procreation

The nature has given instinct for procreationThe nature has given instinct for procreation for perpetuation of life,

all beings, including trees . perpetuate without fuss,
but man has violated , sacrileged the simplicity and divinity of this aspect
with all kinds of grasps interpretations institutions customs traditions
superstitions controls inhibitions prohibitions
all just complicating the whole matter
and creating all controversies fights tensions which are just unnecessary 
this aspect needs to be coolly seen and delinked freed from all its perversions
without imposing all past understanding .
osho has tried to redefine, but one has to define oneself
without getting imposed without imposing on others
on what is right or wrong and be with their kind of approach , what ever it may be

The god designed system of procreation

The god designed system of procreation 
is just for one purpose of perpetuation 

it is not meant to be a mere recreation, 
in infatuation, sensual satisfaction, 

when god's purpose is not served, 
when god's will, the discretion, is not cared

never can any thing be a prayer , nor a worship 
nor an offering nor a sacrifice

it's delusion, it's illusion, it's ignorance, 
it's madness, it's crime, it's arrogance

never never it's divine
not even bovine

it's inhuman, it's cruel. it's evil 
it's misuse of free willThe god designed system of procreation

Monday, November 30, 2015

Your God and my God

Your God and my God and every one's god is same in essence,

By: Vasanth Rvlg 

Your God and my God and every one's god is same in essence, 

----this is the most valuable understanding all humanity must reach to 

---and all are sure to reach to it sooner or later

i repeat --in essence --they are same 


once , a person sees/ adores/ follows a god immediately the name, the qualities the geo time all local factors , invariably come to the surface

and hence the differences are inevitable , 
some times leading to divisions/ conflicts
---till again a great seer/saint/ prophet/ is sent by the supreme
to remove the surface differences and unite all again
thru proper teaching

Friday, November 27, 2015

Let's grow up stop being communal and let's ask...

Sandesh Saboo - Let's grow up stop being communal and let's ask...

Let's grow up stop being communal and let's ask simple questions like.To discuss about God the first condition is purity of mind,heart and being.
How to practice all knowing God?
How to establish a direct Talking with God?
How to clearly see God?
How to practice omnipotent God?
How to practice omniscient God?
How to practice almighty God?
How to practice there is nothing but God?
How to practice it is always between you and God?
How to practice a all seeing God?
How to practice the only provider is God?
How to know God has loved you?
How to practice all the ways of love you have learned with God?
If you have been practicing and have experienced Good results for your practice please discuss.
Zidhar dekhu udhaar uski hee tasvir nazaar aathi hai.
Kakoli Sinha and 3 others like this.
Vasanth Rv Kisiko kaisey patthar maaru kaun paraya hai?
sheeshmahal mein ek ek chehra apna lagta hai

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Sandesh Saboo achaa soncho
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Vasanth Rv
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Vasanth Rv all conflicts including communal /religious/racial/regional are due to one single reason of not knowing the simplest truth on god ........and once the truth is known, the conflicts just vanish without a trace, exactly like how the darkness goes away at dawn
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Sandesh Saboo know thy self.Reach to self actualisation,reach to God realisation.
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Vasanth Rv Sandesh Saboo human is equipped with ''mind'' for this purpose , but with double edged........manam eva manushyanaam ...bandha moksha kaaranam .........wise saints used for god realiation and adiced us accordingly
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Vasanth Rv

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Vasanth Rv when truth is known thru direct experience,..all the essential FAQ's on how to lead a life in the best wisdom without problems and suffering ..will get answered from within , without the need of reading/ listening scriptural messages
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Sandesh Saboo Exactly cause if you read something which you do not practice and have faith that is useless.

Knowing needs to be practiced.

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Vasanth Rv Sandesh Saboo great teachers expressed from heightened consciousness...............unless they gain that level of consciousness thru own sadhana ..followers can never get full import faith or no faith ......just .teachings ...become useless or even harmful .....cannot be practiced ..........
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Vasanth Rv

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Manas Das "How to practice all the ways of love you have learned with God?"... the world is becoming madwith anger and hate......
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Sandesh Saboo Just one more push and anger and hate becomes love.
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Manas Das people are angry saying the same thing.....
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Sandesh Saboo Just one more nudge.or one more jhaphi.
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Vasanth Rv Sandesh Saboo love is the first automatic result of the experience of ''unity ''with god, then all in the universe become one's loving kith and kin ..............without god realizatoion all other love is just conditional/partial/sensory/illusion/short lived
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Sandesh Saboo That is the point of all the questions.Experience.
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Vasanth Rv

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Kakoli Sinha Beautiful sharing. Pranam
LikeReply16 hrs
Vasanth Rv as the mind experiences the ultimate level of transcendental consciousness beyond mind, in the state of samadhi, the purity of mind,heart and being.start growing , ie thrikaran shudhi process gets triggered, the purity grows thru intense sadhana of meditation , all glories start blossoming
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Sandesh Saboo infinite ways.
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Sandesh Saboo God is beyond consciouness.Anti consciiusness can also be practiced.God is beyond consciiusness and anti consciusness.
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Vasanth Rv Sandesh Saboo fully agreed on essence, only our terminology is differing giving rise to exchange of so many perceptions
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Vasanth Rv

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Vasanth Rv 1.and 5 ...How to practice all knowing /omniscient.God?..............................................there are two extremes... without guru, answers are impossible to know , but with sadhana with guru guidance, answers get revealed instantly easily, spontaneously from within ....1... one starts to live all knowing omniscient god , he becomes a gyan murthi
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Sandesh Saboo When the student is ready God arrives as guru.
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Vasanth Rv Sandesh Saboo yes, student is ready at adolescent age asking/seeking/wondering/inquisitive on the life and its workings , right time for getting initiated into sadhana with upanayana sanskar, lucky are those who goes thru it....if missed, life long one remains searching till death...any time is ok to receive guru , god is present as guru parampara from long past to living present times
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Sandesh Saboo The one within is the guru he makes his presence felt When the student is ready.
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Sandesh Saboo supoose the teacher says God is great.Till your God within does not want you to understand that he will keep you opposing this very sentence.

The mullha from masidh loud speaker says God is great.This very sentence is disturbing crores across the World.Why?The innerself has not become sure you can understand greatness of God.

We need the permission of inner one even to accept simple statement as God is great.

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Vasanth Rv Sandesh Saboo external guru is like a match stick, just lights up /awakens the inside guru ...................this lighting up can happen by any or many ways including none, just incidental
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Vasanth Rv Sandesh Saboo some one teaching God is great etc will not just work, unless one is guided to experience what is /who is /where is god .that is why such utterances lose meaning , and becomes a formality ......some times to bigotry, slavery, ..with consequent suffering
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Vasanth Rv

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Vasanth Rv 2.and 8.How to establish a direct Talking with God?...How to practice it is always between you and God?.....first , to start with, a momentary glance is revealed, as the sadhana proceeds, the connectivity becomes more and more stable and strong and a dialog is established as if ..kishan is guiding arjun's self guides itself ...that is called self referral, atma samvaad
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Vasanth Rv 3..How to clearly see God?....experiencing the ''pure consciousness'' in samadhi is the ''clear , transparent , unmanifest formless nameless god with all the infinite mahimas the practice grows clarity grows and duration too grows from a few moments to a few minutes to a few hours to finally all time ....any form of god is a part of this totality , can be experienced with particual relevant manthras
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Sandesh Saboo Do you rule out the infinite forms is also God?
Do you rule out God has infinite names?

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Vasanth Rv every form is his form ,every name is his name including yours and mine, and of any plant ,ant, elephant, stone, river, sky, stars, all...nothing excluded ......this is on overall level..............but some names and forms are special, containing ''concentrated mahimas of different types , ...33 crore gods ../33 types of gods point be noted is a devatha is one of the several laws of nature that is governing the universe.....seers can cognize and record these, as revealed from deep tapasya/sadhana
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Vasanth Rv

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Vasanth Rv 4,and 6....,How to practice omnipotent /almighty God?.......simple, as the sadhana of god realization advances, nature starts cooperating, one's wishes get fulfilled just by withing , as if god is serving as aservant obeying his commands ...yateenaam brahma bhavathi saarathi ...this becomes a living will be able to accomplish the impossible without himself doing but just desiring to do it thru his sankalpa bala
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Sandesh Saboo What if God does exact opposite of what you wish?God will only send what is Good for you despite you wishing what is not Good for you.
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Sandesh Saboo what is will power?What all it needs to execute it self?
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Vasanth Rv Sandesh Saboo agreed,perfectly said........point to be noted is that in the higher state wishes become sublime, universal, life supporting, one will not feel like wising hamful...............if one is at lower level, such bad wishes if any may get materialized, but god has a way of using negative wishes for positive long term purpose .....bhasmasur example clarifies
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Vasanth Rv at edic level of life one's aspirations become totally aligned with over all function...sarve jana sukhino.....samastha loka ...etc will be his natural wish and reality of his life
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Sandesh Saboo what is good for and according to you may be actually bad for others.

My mom is kind of partial in loving her grand children her love has become poision for the same child.Others start to make that guy a victim.A love of a unwise can hurt you.A spank from a wise can save you....See More

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Sandesh Saboo vasanth have a perfect balance.Think of sarva jana sukhino do not forget to include your name in the list.
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Vasanth Rv Sandesh Saboo will power 1..on mental level is like tapasya at the begining, like taking vow and adhering against all odds it is tight rope walk , a determination to accomplish and willingness/readiness to undergo difficulties and then coming out with...See More
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Sandesh Saboo Sidhi means perfection.
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Vasanth Rv Sandesh Saboo Sidhi means perfection, sidha means perfect ie he has the highest purity level, perfectly synchronized thinking talking doing and in tune with environ
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Vasanth Rv

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Vasanth Rv 7..How to practice there is nothing but God?..........simple, once the unmanifest aspect is mastered thru sadhana, the vision of one becomes refined to see the all pervading consciousness in the manifest universe.....he rises in his seeing ability to see te reality of ''anor anian mahatho mahiyan ....he sees his silent presence...his all pervading presence in smallest to the biggest ..
LikeReply145 minsEdited
Sandesh Saboo What is seen and what is unseen?
what is seeable and what is not seeable?

what is conditioned vision?
What is unconditioned vision?
What is clear vision?

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Vasanth Rv

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Vasanth Rv 9...How to practice a all seeing God?.....since human is partial god, he has ability to see ...but thru 5 senses of perceptions, eyes human is in a way all seeing but with two limitations...1 range,...he can see only so far and not more, so wide but no more , 2.. that too in only in waking state sleeping state he cannot see, also if eyes closed,cannot see ............but in the state of samadhi it is a different kind of seeing ......senses are inactive, mind atrest, but one is alert, aware, his is pure awareness, boundless, it is knowing , it is knowing ness is being ........he is one with the eternal one continuum of universal existence, just a seer in this state one experiences the state of ''all seeing god ......... .if samadhi is stabilized, he can also ''see '' his own deep sleep and witness the dream also will know that heis sleeping/dreaming m, can wake himself up if wishes ...........laws of nature are ''ever seeing'' ...devathas are ''non blinking, ...animesha ......when seer knows that universe is running by the ever alert vigilent laws of nature, he becomes 'all seeing god
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Vasanth Rv 10..How to practice the only provider is God? is obvious that every living creature micro organism to highest evolved homosap , requiring food/nourishment/air /water/ protection/ and perpetuation are all living /surviving growing evolving without some body giving food etc , even new born is supplied with needed nourishment , even while in the womb, and with mother milk, jungles are growing , no gardener is watering, all is from the one source sath, ie energy god is anna poorna .once we see this arrangement of nature, we can conclude that god is that provider behind the scene
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Vasanth Rv 12..How to know God has loved you?......since god is love, and since love is ''myness'' mamatha, the love of god is there unasked , felt or not felt ...the principle of ''matha'' exists in all jeevas ...ya devi sarva bhooteshu....maathru rupena samsthitha......not one mother, all pranis have a mother , mother is always a loving mother the very fact that mother is taking every care proves that god 's love has come to us inthe form of mother
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Vasanth Rv 13...spirituality is not a intellectual exercise, can be fathomed only thru practice, and surely unmistakably getting at the ''truth''...if not it is just a play of words or a game of egos .......self realization or god realization is surely a worthy goal in life, all fulfilling, deserves the best priority ...once the goal is reached, then life becomes an enchanting art, a sweet song and a delightful dance , an all loving existence, happiness unending ...of course there are stages /levels of attainments , but journey is most rewarding in every sense.............and all conflicts /fights are due to ignorance and there is no other solution than the single most effective root level solution of god realization

Vasanth Rv 14..'''let's grow up ''''...............what is growth??..... ..spiritual growth is true growth
all the rest is mere froth

as spititual growth happens,one is born again,
as a child, with a slate clean, with a mind a mirror

navo navo bhavathi is the nature of creative intelligence

renders one grow in the ability of finding new ways, new perceptions, more play,

burden of experiences off-loaded instantly as if a line drawn on water, gets deleted, automatically

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Vasanth Rv 15....Who sent this sentence to you and Why?.............god comes in many ways for many purposes to each individual for chosen purposes to teach/to test/to awaken/to guide/to chide/....all towards taking one from present level to a higher level, this happens till one reaches perfection in every endeavor...lucky are those who make the best use of every opportunity, profound or trivial
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Vasanth Rv 16..become divine to experience divine''............since truth has infinite facets, truth can be known by being truth, true ''knowing'' happens only thru ''being''......since divine is of infinite stature, divine can be known by experiencing/being divine....just knowing from other sources is not help,, even saannidhyam /nearness is not enough.....saayujyam/ unity /oneness is essential
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Vasanth Rv 17....thvameva sarvam mama deva deva.............what ever sustaining me/managing me from birth to death and ever after, till final liberation and kaivalya prapthi is all the love and grace of god, including good bad .pleasant unpleasant, painful pleasurable, including every breath , every heart beat the spirituality it is always ........''and''...''both''...''all''.....''whole''.....''all including''.....''it is yes and no''.....''simultaneity''.....''concurrently''....''parallel''...and ''serial''...''localized ''and ''spread''...............See More
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19 ..awareness/chethana.....has levels... shushupthi, swapna, jagruth .................and 4 th , ie thureeya human is blessed with capability to ascend to thureeya...which is the most essential and most worthy gain in is the pass port to divine life and devlok , without it life is wasted despite all other great accomplishments in life............Ek saadhe sub saadhe is a referring to this 

Vasanth Rv and activity are the two steps of progress.........deeper the rest more dynamic the activity will be ,,,,,,withdrawal is for recharging oneself ''being'' get energized ...................being is the basis of thinking,........ thinking is the basis of action....,''engagement'' in action is the basis of achievement.......achievement is the basis of fulfillment................................levels ,high, low etc are word play it is a fact of life that growth is having a progression from seed to tree to seed ..... high can be new low .yes ..tree to seed