Thursday, May 19, 2011

wealth and honesty

why honest do not possess riches?

there are two kinds of honest

1 honest ---but, thamasik, dull, defeatist, lacks initiative, enterprise, easily compromises with circumstances, lacks in creativity, believes in fate, hence no attempt to improve life, confused in thinking and on values, influenced by others easily, hence will not be earning much, nor saving ,spending on worthless causes—lakshmi does not like to grace him—hence remains a simpleton, rather poor. this is the reason for most of us to be poor and second rated, though not being dishonest, but just in a kind of helpless contentment------not a desirable state, sooner we come out of this coma like, vegetating existence, the better—such people should be given a help of genuine spiritual experience to awaken them to gain the rightful glory of human life, a darshan of narayan, a glimpse, so that lakshmi will be pleased to shower prosperity due to increased purity

2 honest---but , sathvik, jayathum jayathum in spirit, excellent initiative, challenging the fate, creating self destiny, attempting to uplift himself and others, clear in thinking and on values, wise not to get influenced, will be earning creating/utilizing the opportunities to earn in ever new ways, saving, spending with descretion, ---having the deep spiritual experience, lakshmi pleased to stay with narayan within, the wealth coming to him in torrents, just attracted by his worthy causes, his wishes getting fulfilled directly without delay, bhaktha janoke sankata kshana me doora kare, ---a desirable state, aishvaryavaan, he is rich internally, hence externally too—result of sincere sadhana, –this is what our spiritual heritage wants us to live , a life in unlimited freedom, unbounded by any circumstances, a virtual narayan in real life—richest on earth, enjoying iha para
unfortunately we lost such traditions, fell in agnana, suffering, now rich seeking commandos to protect them
fortunately a few are still carrying the mantle and giding the aspirants to right path to the right destination mukthi, here lies a ray of hope.

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