Thursday, August 18, 2011

Anna has finally his way... almost - 1 -

@bharatiya, iota..

yugpurush is symbolic   . true yug purush i n every yug is the heightened awareness

as the collective consciousness of the society improves, they deserve better times and the new times dawn in response, changing the yug to a higher level.

thus the high awareness experienced in india is giving rise to new era,

anna, krishna, ram or just iconic, nothing great in themselves ,,just like any other individual ,but a product of awareness, time  bringing in as symbol, a flag, a signal, a guide ,a direction,

bharath is lucky, its collective consciousness is on the rise

Anna has finally his way... almost - 1 -

Friday, August 12, 2011

Transcendental Laughter | SpeakingTree

Transcendental laughter is like a volcano [ not a correct analogy ]
there is tremoundous deposits of laughter [inexhaustible] lies hidden within the deep layer of mind.
before a volcano, match sticks of jokes --not required-- nor can compare with it.
match sticks can light up some paper and may induce a momentary small flame, which goes of the moment the fuel gets exhausted.
but the transcendental flame is such wild, magnificent, makes the body mind as if bathed in divine ganga snan, exhilerating, refreshing, energising, flabbergasting
it is to be experienced to perceive its ennobling effects , a jerk, a shock driving away the sanskars in huge quanities, instantly. jaigurudev.
i pray my guru for his grace in this aspect, and pray meeraji to write on this subject, choosing the right title
Transcendental Laughter | SpeakingTree

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Lokpal Bill cannot deter scam and scamsters: MP -

in 4 ways, sama daana bheda danda,  sama daana did not work.
bheda started working, --thieves accusing each other
where honest man ,anna,  fails , thieves end up in exposing themselves,
see ap politics. thief is not a permanent friend or enemy, like a politician --both trying to hide faces behind one another--ultimately, inadvertantly , unfailingly, truth triumphing
Lokpal Bill cannot deter scam and scamsters: MP -

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

2G scam: Swan Telecom acted as front for Reliance Telecom - 1 -

'sathyam' turned out to be asathyam
'reliance' what? let us wait for further 'episodes'
success demands sacrifice, including sacrifice of character?
once upon a time we used to listen stories like 'sathya harishchandra', 'rama', 'dharmaraja' daily in festival season
graduated to see movies and tv serials with enough masala
now doing pg to see all kinds of high/hot stories far exceeding in masala content in real life, suspense is so alluring we dont like to miss the shows ,ready to miss meal even
2G scam: Swan Telecom acted as front for Reliance Telecom - 1 -

India Against Corruption | SpeakingTree

Nation is fortunate to have ---one anna
but anna is----------------------- not one
hajare is --------------------------hajars, lakhs, crores,
we all ------------------------------in celebration of india's first ever struggle for liberation
from corruption -----------------of every sort, from every worthy or unworthy, high or low
India Against Corruption | SpeakingTree

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Karnataka BJP still stuck over ministry formation - 1 -

''power corrupts and absolute power corrupts''any way
finds many a way
stashes money unaccounted far away
till man finds a  way to drive away
the six--kaam krodh lobh moh mad maathsaryas' sway
Karnataka BJP still stuck over ministry formation - 1 -

Monday, August 8, 2011

Scriptural Knowledge Alone Does Not Help!!!!!!!!! | SpeakingTree

--spiritual knowledge provides an understanding of what where why when how and and at what stage, and how long/distant is the journey and goal --a nice map .
following the train track from madras t o bombay in google map will not take one from madras to bombay.
he has to board the train
for one who knows the details, map unnecessary
for one who wants to make the journey, he can do in any way, not neessarily see the google map
but one wastes his life without knowing the way, without taking the help, by following every available route, and coming back again to take a new route.
all guides and maps are welcome, they serve their own purpose. world is big market place with abundance of demand and supply.
the best quality at least price is prefered, despite the deafening advertisements.
Scriptural Knowledge Alone Does Not Help!!!!!!!!! | SpeakingTree

Friday, August 5, 2011

Guru is all

guru is all

gurur brahma gurur vishnu
gururdevo maheshvaraha
guru sakshaath parabrahma
thasmai shree gurave namaha
how true!
eternal truth
my proof is, i am here
made possible only by guru
i chanced to spot guru, how?
guru spotted me, that is why
who told him to do this?
parabrahma residing in him to
so a friend, very casually refered the name to me
i went, very casually, heard his first lecture
that 's it
i fell for him
my mind, though not my body fell dandavath before him
his grace, driven by paramathma, flowed, flooded, drenched, drowned me.
i was just a doll his commands i followed most willing,
not commands, his words are cajole, a lallaby, a loving touch, a call to wake up, a hand helping me to learn walk. talk, work,
things happened, on their own ,
circumstances, allowing, unexpected,
results following unanticipated.
eyes got opened
knowledge started revealing, petal by petal sprouting
the way is illumined, the speed is picked
the goal came nearer.
journey filled with joy
all as per his will
will of god
will of my guru
jai gurudev

Know the Difference: Ignorant versus Enlightened Guru | SpeakingTree

Relation is athmic, not worldly.
shishya invites guru into him ''aavo sadguru mere maname, anthara jyothi jagaao swaami''
his teaching is only incidental, a link for inner exploration. his guru bhakthi, his commitment, his shradha are with reference to his internal guru, guru will chide/guide from his inside. the out side guru will be busy in his sadhana, unmindful of others'opinion , as per what he may think best, depending on his level of wisdom, --and it is not possibe to know why guru is this way, that way.
sankara's episode of accepting liquor from some one ---1s a example in this context.
simlarly a god in the temple--greatness of that god does not depend on whether it is made of stone/marble/gold, and how much the temple posseses wealth, how big the temple, or number of devotees visiting--greatness is revealed inside unending as the devotee advances in his sincere worship as prescribed.
thank you meeraji, for your truthful thinking on this important issue
Know the Difference: Ignorant versus Enlightened Guru | SpeakingTree

An eye opening trip to Rajasthan | SpeakingTree

Singroli, korba. yes i did see. naked poverty, yet cheer on the face, they do not expect others to help them. they trust god.and endure his tests.
but in the country such scenes are ubiquious, i feel more shame than pity, we educated have failed.
An eye opening trip to Rajasthan | SpeakingTree

2Know the Difference: Ignorant versus Enlightened Guru | SpeakingTree

It will be helpful to evaluate ourselves, we know closely only ourselves, what we are, our strength, weakness, our past ,our present, ., and have ability and opportunity to correct only ourselves, not others.
to evaluate others no criteria helps, the best may fail, hence a waste of time .
let us take best from all , none is perfect. reject bad.
only best survives, let us take every help ,every care to become better, and deserve to be the best
Know the Difference: Ignorant versus Enlightened Guru | SpeakingTree

Wednesday, August 3, 2011


food,clothing,shelter are  essentials--usual definition

for akkamahadevi chenna mallikarjuna was the all–in–one essential comfort, luxury

she was bare,
god covered her with hair
she sang:
For hunger, there is the village rice in the begging bowl,
For thirst, there are tanks and streams and wells
For sleep temple ruins do well
For the company of the soul I have you, Chenna Mallikarjuna

Communication and perception | SpeakingTree

pandit ravisankar sitarist said '' i point out to stars. they look at my finger''
the master is at a different level, the audience at some other.
guru sees, says
shishya hears, not listens
unless the levels match,
messages really do not reach.
any language is inadequate
will not with silence equate
gurosthu mouna vyakhyanam
shishyath chinna samshaya
[sankara in dakshina moorthy sthothram ]
Communication and perception | SpeakingTree
social networking, net browsing can be a distraction, 
should be a help 
not substitute for sadhana
time is precious ,
life is limited, not a public limited. 
keep eye on roi 
save time ,
save life ,
every moment counts.

his expression can be a mixture

his expression can be a mixture of feelings, emotions, disappointments, struggle to come out, or genuine repentence, pure fiction, imagination, expectation, attempt to mould truth in the best shape suited to him, name dropping, blame sharing, taking shelter.
in his area of operation , either there is a confusion, or misuse of available confusion, self interest prevailing to take every advantage of loose ends,

Monday, August 1, 2011

Aware, but not yet awake | SpeakingTree

Aditya sir
your reply is true wisdom
intellectuals are generally lost inebriated with the exuberance of their own verbosity, having not experienced the most essential of all knowledge, the knowledge of the self deep within , which clearly distinguishes pearls from pebbles and rubles thank you.
Aware, but not yet awake | SpeakingTree

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Scripture how

Scripture in the form of taal pathra, shila phalaka, manusripted printed, or even as a google searchable thing ---is not the thing. not real, it is old, it is backward
scripture cognizable in the consciosness of the humanbeing in the present times is the thing.
the real thing., it is a live phenomena happenning in the present time, in each person depending on the level of the sadhaka, it is as live as the present moment.. it is upward and forward.
excuses to eat creatures may be plenty.
non veg is an intermediate contingency in the evolution of homosap.
he has to/will eventually change over to veg.
thru meditation one knows by himself what is good and bad, and veg will be the outvome, not by imposition by self/others, it is the sense tongue that is uncontrolled, and sense i general that is sleeping that drags one to wrong ways.
my answer is learn meditation, and automatically be vegetaian,
personally i became veg after my initiation into meditation
i asked my teacher. he said there is no restriction, you do what you like best, and i liked to be veg
Heritage -- living it | SpeakingTree

Profile |

be mech,1968 svuce,tirupati, 2004 vr as sr dgm, ecil, hyd, development design detailed engg manufacture,testing quality control, installation testing ,standardisation, value engg, value analysis, seismic analysis using finite element method, project management, solar energy, cost reduction, energy conservation, plant engineering, civil maintenance, construction safetyinfluenced by his holiness maharishi mahesh yogi's teachings, tm, science of creative intelligence, learnt basic ssy, basic aol, like vivekananda, rk , harikatha, now divyayog. learnt a little sa re ga ma, dha dhin dhin dhalike kathak, hindusthani sasthreeya sangeethstarted sanskrit a aa e ee vu voomy spiritual march has been continuing innocently , effortlessly, revealing the knowledge from within, a gnyanapushpa blossoming, new petals sproutng as i go along, proclaiming to me that i am a rishi, naming me rishivasanth|| Aano bhadra krtavo yantu vishwatah ||"Let noble thoughts come to me from all directions?
Vasantharao Dusthakar's Profile |

Friday, July 29, 2011

Reuse of waste: Creativity galore | SpeakingTree

Natures way of life, simplicity, resultant of sadhana is the solution .when needs are less, less is fuss.
life does not need so much.
1there is no need to wake up till late in the night, between 7 and 8 pm we can as well wind up and sleep, birds etc know better.
2 is there need of so much travel, ? and fast travel that too?
3 our dress can also be simplified to suit climate and trade profession
i gave a few eg s
close scrutiny reveals more.
but enlightenment does the total task, see akka maha devi for eg.
what we lack is true knowledge,
all great people, having attained enlightenement lead/are leading simplest lives.
ignrance of true purpose and right way of life has costed a lot , , damaging the environ.
yes we must do our bit as you suggested, at the same time more and more people must me taught ways to realize self.
Reuse of waste: Creativity galore | SpeakingTree

man has age in terms of modules of 60 years

Take lightly this. my surmise, but i believe it, even if for just statements here are just conjuctures.
1 man has age in terms of modules of 60 years. that is why shashti purthi festival in life
2 after every 60 years, he dies and takes a new birth and lives for another 60 years.
3 suppose if iam 66, my age is 66-60=6
4 and interests, learning , memory, habits, earlier ones having died, all these start fresh , sprouting just like in a child
5 so i need not have to do any thing with the earlier speed/efficiency--infact,i cannot--- but i start learning fresh
6 i reach gradually my adolesence, by that time my teeth also start growing, [i have not experienced, but i hope to ge them. so i leave a chance by not going for artificials
7 i develop interest to know the wororld as if new, to learn alphabets, languages etc, games, sports, like to play with children on the play ground, thought they do not welcome
8 a day may come i go thru my be mech syllabus, i have preserved, my text books and college notes,
9 and i may take up a junior engr job
10 now i am learning computer as if i am just a beginner.
dreams some time may come true.

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Spend some time with yourself every day | SpeakingTree

Vasantharao Dusthakar
Vasantharao Dustha..
2 hrs ago
Solitude, solo, being with self, sharing and enjoying the hum within, the unexpressible feelings emotions within, along with the silence within, silence harmonising , making the hum a sweet song----- the most simple rediscovery, for most complex life situations. col saab ,silent within, when expressing most loudly and clearly is a tumultous water fall , yet pleasing to the ear, pleasing to the heart
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Col Gurnam Singh
Col Gurnam Singh Replies to Vasantharao Dustha..
1 hr ago
Dear Vasantharao,
I read in one of the Journal where writer lays stress to the analogy and says: "silence is that universal matrix, the emptiness that makes fullness possible." It means that when we enter the silence, we enter that emptiness wherein the distinction between self and other, while not obliterated, is transcended. Silence is still, small voice of God.
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Vasantharao Dusthakar
Vasantharao Dustha.. Replies to Col Gurnam Singh
17 mins ago
Beautiful, clarity-----''not obliterated, is transcended'' tnx.
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Spend some time with yourself every day | SpeakingTree

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Bookish Knowledge with Contradictory Phrases!!!!!!!!! | SpeakingTree

Vasantharao Dusthakar
Vasantharao Dustha..
A min ago
1 these are simply conditional statements, not truths, ---bound by local parameters, have momentary/local value, meagre.
2 we must avoid them scrupulously, lest they limit our ceativity by trapping us/binding us, leading us to fall for the temptation to become''inebriated with the exuberance of our own verbosity '', missing the real track of expressing some thing worthwhile.
3 they pollute our mind like fast food
4 also lead us to ego states to exhibit
5 at the end of sivananda lahari, sankara wrote a nice things about writing,
6 also indicating wisdom to do priority things, ''nahi nahi rakshathi du krun karani'' in
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Vasantharao Dusthakar
Vasantharao Dustha..
A min ago
Also these have attraction,without value, reader is tempted to think that he is enjoying with them, while really they cause damage.
this is true in any language, but it is more true in english, their culture never knew full truth, they express half truth as a glorified thing, good at questioning and display of vocabulary and appearing to possess knowlrdge , failing to answer truely.
our culture does have such things but we know where to place them, in the importance, truth being our concern, experience of it providing authenticity to our expression, like clarity like daylight
Bookish Knowledge with Contradictory Phrases!!!!!!!!! | SpeakingTree

Monday, July 25, 2011

Blissful State from Transcending Higher Mind to No-Mind!!!!! | SpeakingTree

Most simple.
transcend the mind, all levels.
reach no mind state, the pure awareness,
debate must lead to experiencing,
all debates are at surface level of mind, hence have limited value.
the best debate must inspire and lead to a sadguru who shows a way to transcend, that's it
Blissful State from Transcending Higher Mind to No-Mind!!!!! | SpeakingTree

Saturday, July 23, 2011


a point
4 seconds ago
anna shown the lead.
success depends on all o****s start contributing our iota of personally being honest, not giving and taking bribe.
anna cannot be every where to control corruption.
our supporting his cause, rather our cause, must manifest in our transactions, not just becoming satisfied with just voting in supp****f him '
A Gandhian speaks - 1 -

Sunday, July 17, 2011


the world is flabbergasted!,
not bhaarath, !
bhaarath is a nation, with such noble personalities,
very common in the past, rare in the present
top most in bhaarath -----
president, pm, party presidents, ministers -----
may kindly -----
understand what bhaarath has been
and what has  to be ---------
and what is-----
where to go-----
what is real power-----
a man with a plate, and bed ---------
challenging the very existence of ----
karore pathis ------
and all power****l govt ------
with tear gas lathis guns bullets
how to eliminate such ''dangerous persons,''?
by attack, arrest, kidnap, encounter?


what is art
wha****'s purpose
who is artist
what his purpose
art and reality how are they connected
can artist create a live piece
can it bring peace
how a piece is judged, evaluated now
how to evaluate it's real value 
where mfh stands as artist
krishn was expert in 64 arts
where is modren art
how it is different from traditional
should not artist grow to a higher medium to express
what are the mediums and their relative places

Friday, July 15, 2011

All are Beggars.......... | SpeakingTree

1 on mundane plane, some are driven to this line due to circumstances.
a beggar is a sign that there is cheating/exploitation in society--of weakness/ignorance/--lack of love, resulting in negligence, indifference to suffering.. let us help not in coins, but currency of 10 /100 just casually ,unnoticed, lighten our hearts
2 on spiritual plane beggar is god, bhikshapathi, vidyarthi is supposed to pay his due to guru by begging, we must thank the beggar for being there to accept our alms, and arrange blessings of god-- give generously, thanking him , with due respect and regards, and thanking god that we are not the beggars.
3 we are beggars to god, he made us so , lest we be arrogant towards him
All are Beggars.......... | SpeakingTree

Thursday, July 14, 2011

discussions not a complete help

st is so nice, interest of viewers is so great, clarifications available are so superb that every thing that's going on here is something wonderful desirable, beneficial, helpful

but to what extent?

to the extent that one is lead to the achievement of self realization, unmistakably, quickly, with a comprehensive understanding of the theme of spiritual knowledge and a practical help to start experiencing the self and affirm to himself that it is what exactly is

precious homosap

manoj's blog on human life made me search, and i find that it is definitely precious

Ash� Journal, Vol 2, Issue 3, 2003.

Two Hundredth Homosap


Two hundred enlightened people will be enough to raise the consciousness of humanity
, at least fully to the superconscious level. And that's enough to prevent war, to prevent violence, to prevent all kinds of crimes, to prevent all kinds of prejudices--not that the whole humanity will become enlightened, but moving from conscious to superconscious is not a small change. It is of tremendous value, it is ten times more powerful than your conscious. If you can see only hundred feet, suddenly you can see thousand feet, suddenly your eyes have become a source of seeing things in their clarity, in their depth…

Because the world has become small, it is possible now to do what was not possible before
. Buddha tried, he managed at least one dozen people to become enlightened, but they could affect only the consciousness of a small area of the world. It is as if you burn one candle in the room. You can burn ten candles in the room; the room will be a little more lighted, but the whole world will not be affected by it. The candles are needed around the whole world, and my sannyasins have to become torches, not just candles. And if we can create--and we can create--in every country now we have sannyasins; even in communist countries, we can manage. Two hundred is just the minimum number; more is possible. And these people, just by their very presence, will raise the whole conscious level of humanity, will give them clarity, vision, insight, and will make them capable of dropping all nonsense that they have been carrying up to now. Then the politicians cannot exploit them, neither the priests can exploit them. All their gullibility will disappear.

And these enlightened people having nothing to do, just their presence is a catalytic agent. Just as the sun rises and birds start singing and the flowers start opening and spreading their fragrance, whenever there is an enlightened being birds start singing, flowers start opening, and there is great fragrance released.
Ash� Journal: Two Hundred Homosap, Osho

i see god in every bit of converse here,

copypasting my response on Ali Naqvi's blog Does God exist

1 i see god in every bit of converse here, , full of feel, shradha, in questioners and answerers
2 difference is there between brahman and god
brahman is unmanifest, attributeless, formless, omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, , like sap in the tree.
god is manifest, gross or subtle, animate or inanimate, brahman localizing , but existing within, like sap appearing as a leaf, a flower, a bark, a branch, a twig, a trunk visible, having differnt attributes like shape, form, ,taste,,smell, color, density etc, having a beginning and an end, a different version of brahman, all potentialities existing but dormant, only some expressed

There are cuontless gods like leaves, flowers, petals gods are in crores and crores, kotynukoti
but brahman is one

2a difference is not there between god and brahman
since the same sap existing and manifesting as tree
if no sap, no tree, no leaves, no flowers
glories of gods difer
a flower has its beauty
a leaf also a beauty of diferent kind
so god or gods and brahman are one and same

3 read my blog ''copy paste--disgusting or charming' and just enjoy
4 also read my blog on ''st a rishi parishath'''

st is new temple

st is new temple
every age has constructed temples with contemporary knowledge, techniques ,means and materials
our it age has to also
st is its manifestation
so many seekers visiting, contributing, benefitting
st is a temple in the clouds
gods from heaven are blessing all with knowledge, ways, to get deliverance in the most modern style.
like rich temples, with gold silver diamonds, offered to god by devotees,
the new temple is being enriched by all visitors by their treasures of wisdom more valuable than material richness
traditions have found new ways to endure in line with changed times
i feel gratitude, with all reverence, to new temple, and realize my great responsibility to build and preserve pavithratha
and feel the necessity to contribute an iota of my effort , with what ever small the drop of wisdom that i might have gained in my journey of life, simultaneuosly gaining updating of my little knowledge with the torrential downpour from rishis of every level

St the temple, knowledge the god
As human evolves, temples that he constructs also evolve
the more the evolution ,the more the quality of temples.
in the state of ultimate evolution, the temple he constructs will be in his inside, deepest.
and the god therein will be his self,
the self visits the temple, and worships the god his own self
self worshipping itself is the goal of all temples, physical, subtle, unmanifest within.
self blessing self, life is blessed in turn,bringing all glories, material and non material to oneself and to the universe.

the next step after visit to st, the golden temple, is to ente the inner temple, and be with me, the ultimate god, my self

with sweet association here, i would prefer more within my inner temple and come to st sparingly, despite deep attraction to login.

now i login in into my self

intensive should be the effort

intensive should be the effort for substantial achievement, not extensive
read this story from chandamama
long long ago,there was a famous sculptor in Siang. Huan was very pious and often received blessings from the goddess he worshiped. one day he was invited by a wealthy person to make a statue. As Huan was being taken round the beautiful mansion,he was wonder struck by all that he saw there. He had never seen such a collection of artifacts any where else.

Huan could not help wondering .''Why can't I,too,become rich and wealthy?'' He prayed to the goddess. In no time,his own little house was transformed in to a two storeyed house,full of glittering gold. He gave up his job as a sculptor.

While Huan enjoyed his life as the wealthiest person of that place,there came a government official who attracted a lot of reverence and respect from the people. He,however,noticed that one person alone had kept himself away and did not pay obeisance to him. And that was the erstwhile sculptor. At the instance of the official,the police went and harassed Huan. Suddenly he had an idea. He prayed to the Goddess and told her that he would prefer to be a government official rather than a wealthy gentleman. Huan soon found himself to be a government official.

In the course of his tours,Huan came upon some tribal women and he was attracted by them. Soon he was harassing them. Their cries brought their menfolk to the spot and they gave. Huan and his attendants a good thrashing .Huan was full of remorse that he had to bear all the insults only because he was a government official.

Just as he was contemplating that he would better be a tribal woman,the goddess blessed him. Huan was now a comely tribal girl. but,then,she had to work in the fields like other tribal folk,and found it heard to be in the sun morning and afternoon. Huan's next wish was that he would better be a cool cloud


Cloud Huan cloud not rest even for a while as he was carried away hither and thither by a strong breeze. As there was no limit to Huan's ambition,wish next wish was to become a breeze. And he turned into a breeze,and began floating in the air. Suddenly he met with some hindrance and it was a rock. His next wish,too was granted. Huon was now a rock. Soon,sculptors like him were walking on it. As they chiseled the sides of the rock,Huan could not bear the hits from their hammers. He prayed to the goddess. Please save me,O goddess. It was foolhardy of me to have asked for several favors. I regret I was ambitious with out a purpose.''

''Yes Huan,''said the goddess,''you had too many ambitions in life,and still you were not happy with,yourself. You'd better be a sculptor.''She then disappeared once and for all. Sculptor Huan also had no occasion to seek any more favors from her

Our tradition has been to know more and more about less and less.
applying limits,
to know everything about nothing
that is how india rose to gretest heights.
explore this idea and contribute your views
i remain in all humility

Kgeethanjali Balak..

Jul 04, 2011 at 06:57 pm

Right. To know the nothingness or rather to experience it ,one needs to put in effort. Then a time comes when we drop all effort and slip into the nothingness.That is the destiny of every soul. How much time we take depends on our intentions.if all our energy is focused on the world ,it will take eons.

kgb ,right

Innumerable are choices, ---tv channels, print media, net websites, books, e books seminars lectures debates, universities, colleges, courses, writers, poets, philosophers, godmen, gurus even gods----dress desins, food varieties furniture--------endless items, variety, quality, quantity.
we are limited in every resource--time, money, energy, .
where to begin where to end, perplexed ever, in the dilemma of choices like a donkey unable to decide from which heap or grass to eat, starves at last, amidst plenty

Akkamahadevi, wisdom matured, in devotion to chennamallikarjuna, prefrred to live the most simple life.
indicates ''nothing'' provides everything that one really needs.
i respect the west's achievements but i adore our indian sages'wisdom, of solving the unsolvable mystery of life, thru offering ways to samadhi, ie experience of nothing

We cannot really do justice to any thing, though with best intentions
i realized that all is not meant to my alone use.
things are meant for all in the world
let me take what i need really
really we need very little, and infact ''nothing''
take that little and make the most of it, thoroughly experiencing, digesting ,enjoying and be done with.
leave the resources for that one thing, ''nothing''

customising one's universe

akkamahadevi did show a way to customising one's universe
She Sang:
''For hunger, there is the village rice in the begging bowl,
For thirst, there are tanks and streams and wells
For sleep temple ruins do well
For the company of the soul I have you, Chenna Mallikarjuna''

customising my universe

universe is big, contains all
but ,is meant for all

i have to check what i need
pick and choose indeed

my universe is of my own
for me alone ,a creation of my own

the big universe has every option
what's that i really need for my universe?

i walk bare foot, so i skip footware
i sleep on bare ground, i skip beds cots

i drink water cold or warm i skip friz
i eat fruits vegitables raw, i skip cooker gas

i sleep by seven i skip electric light
i keep fit by meditation, i skip hospitals medicines

i customised my universe
it has infinite empty space

to be enlightened is to be most modern

modern=uptodate, informed,rational, trendsetting, living in the present
enlightened= upto date, up to moment,informed about self , reality, truth, rational, not sentimental, blind believing, not following xyz but following the inner guidance, a leader, a trend setteing, living in the present, self updating every moment


plethora or panorama or both?

plethora=excessively abundance
panorama=full, comprehensive, wider view

i find here blogs from a number of people on a number of topics, a plethora, giving a widest choice ranging from novice [me] to experts to even celebrities , with levels of mastery over this misterious subject of divinity. welcome

time is scarce,

a system, a teaching, a philosophy, a traditions are to be dealt in depth giving the panoramic view to get at the core of teaching, less on superficialities. that will help the aspiring student to quicken his pace.
not all need what is all offered, each has his specific needs , level, and sholud easily cut across all and reach at the real one, which satisfies him truly and completely.

once getting at some anchor, exploring more, in more comprehensive way will be a pleasure but without a deepest involvement with one, the plethora leaves one open ended ever spending day and night, not finding the one for which one is searching for, thus reaching a state of disillusionment, except cllecting in his mind the writers thoughts inebriated with the exuberance of their own verbosity

panorama then plethora and then panorama of plethora should be the order of priority


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robot am i or not

"are we someone else's very evolved machines...?"

my answer is ''yes but no''

[pl read '' i ''as a typical human being, not me personally]

how? let 's see

YES.......because i am dwytha, simplest answer

god and me are separate
i have very little knowledge, power, presence in this infinite cosmos
i have no control even on my closest, neaerst, dearest, they have their own decision makers
i have no /very little control over my body nervoussystem, mind, they are functioning on their own--i eat, but what happens inside, happens by itself
some body functions ae autonomous, involuntary, i see snake, i jump before deciding to
i have no control over thinking, why which thought for what purpose, i know not, just stream in
neither i have control on sun moon stars,
then who controls all?boldly i say i do not know.
but unless things are controlled by some agency they do not move in specified motion, things are not at random
i am not too at random, though i have no control over me
that means , x is doing all this
i was not born at my will, i did not cook to eat in mother's womb. x fed me
i neither can grow faster, nor can slow my growth, nor can i stop my growth
i am growing as per design and program by some x
i am having some powers of choice, some abilities --again delegated/bestowed on me by x
i am a robot--conceived designed, manufactured, delivered by a nature's machine, called mother, in collaboration with another machine called father, both similarly manufactured by x
x is a clever fellow, hiding, and making all dance to his tune
one day i may locate him, but not sure, whether he has programmed me to locate and question him face to face. in all probability no
i am a robot, and fated/programmed to be a robot for ever
but i am programmed to take pride in calling myself
''someone else's very evolved machine..."

but no, because i am adwytha, simplest answer again

god and me are one
i was a robot, i was thinking
i saw around, knew that things are not at random , i am not at random, things are working as per system
saw my hardware,
body--i can grow mustles if i want
i can walk run as desired by me, i can stay without food, without water, without sleep, at least to a degree, i can manipulate my breath stop it , accelerate, slow it, as i want it again to some degree

breath an intrface between h/w and s/w

i saw software, my mind, closely observed ways of work, tried to manipulate, needed to read all manuals, learnt japa, found that it can be manipulated, learnt meditation. found that thoughts vanish, that means i can control/redirect /reprogram body mind functioning
when i can manipulate my own ,i can manipulate others's as well

when i can manipulate my own ,i can manipulate others's as well
that means my system is not having a rigidity seal from an outside agency but it is a thing working from inside me , as decided and driven within limitations though
as i continued my sadhana, i leart that more we gain familiarity of ourselves within more we are able to have some effect on outside that means the system is not utsideagency programmed, but inside, that is me only as per my choice, i have come to this level of evolution purely by my self will choices but not a preprogrammed choices.
when i further continued my inner exploration, i concluded that all the laws of nature are well structured in my depths, nothing from outside, i can open each memory smruthi, and read what i stored from ages from several births i found that i can gain control in proportionate to my sadhana, as per my choice
my becoming the most powerful is simply my choice,
i can expand my abilities beyond any limitations , can command any thing any where, sitting simply in samadhi at one place
at my will i can create lokas, i can create beings.
i knew that this is my universe and i am the ceo of it
i have every thng under my perfect command including sun stars moon oceans, i only have defined all the laws and i only have deputed all the devi devathasto run this universe, folloeing the rules procedures laid in detaile by me only
i know every thing i can do any thing, i can be any whare
i am the mono monarch
eka chathradhi pathi
none else and nothing else
i have grown up from being dwytha to being an adwytha
there is none other than me, no second other than me
i am the creator, sustainer the destroyer
not at all a robot,no remote in some body's hand

edit cont...

ceo ordinary and effective

ceo=chief executive officer
i have seen / worked under effective and ordinary ceo s

units function and behave remarkably different under them, with the same staff, and things

under one, the unit rises in performance, grows expands, multiplies, endures vissitudes, achieves success beyond imagination
the staff feel fulfilled breathing a rejuvenating success

under the other it slogs, slows, loses, becomes sick and dies
the staff feel disgust, depressed, dejected, grossly let down .

a ceo can grow to be an effective, or remain just ordinary, choice does exist

this is just a prolog, not to prolong
then what is the point of this blog?

the point is choice, how one chooses and what one becomes, what one gives to the universe, what kind of leadership one gives to the universe, to his universe as its ceo

yes , every one is ceo of the universe, his universe

you are the ceo of the universe, your
i am the ceo of the universe, my

are there two?
are they different?

also there are as many universes as are beings, each of their own,
each being run by them, effectively or ordinarily

pity is most of us are ordinary more by choice, than by circumstances
we can be effective, but we are ignorant of potential, settle for the least.

we do not know that we are ceo, we just be thinking only to be a speck of dust, and become dust as a result ,pitiably losing the game, destroying ourselves at every opportunity, moment by moment.

where as every moment is fresh , rich with opportunity, to be availed by the best discretion, we just ignore.
ignore, waste, lose moments, not just acting, or by wrong choices and wrong acting.
we ignore moments, hours, days, months,
years, a life.
we ignored several lives in the past
we could have been much better, at least now there is a chance.
universe is waiting in askance to be governed by the best
it definitely deserves a better governance let us wake up and do justice to our respective chairs
let us be the ideal ceo to our universe, as great as god and take hold of the reigns of life in our hands

it's all clouds, dense and vast

it's all clouds, dense and vast ,

winds, gale, whirls driving them away fast.

it will not shower rains ,

let's be happy with a few drizzles

till , a cool mountain raises its height

overnight, to every one's delight

it's but a dream, an expectation sweet

till then all we birds together let's tweet

may be a god may listen

and may show up a vision

Friday, July 1, 2011


so concentration on vital few, trivial many----welcome, a late wisdom
I-T dept goes after big fish, salaried to escape scrutiny 


దేవుడు మంచివాడు 
మనల్ని కూడా మంచోల్లుగా వుండాలి అని తాను మంచి అయి చూపిస్తున్నాడు 

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Rishi means


curious to know, i looked for what is rishi
wikipedia is informative, extracts given here


A view of the upper Ganges area of Rishikesh, India. Regarded by tradition as the abode of Vedic rishis.
Rishi (Sanskrit: ṛṣi, Devanagari: ऋषि) denotes the composers of Vedic hymns.
However, according to post-Vedic tradition, the rishi is a "seer" to whom the Vedas were "originally revealed" through states of higher consciousness.
The rishis were prominent when Vedic Hinduism took shape, as far back as some three thousand years ago.
It has often been asserted that some of the ancient rishis were in fact women.[1] According to the late Vedic Sarvanukramani text, there were as many as 20 women among the authors of the Rig Veda, known as rishika. However, this has been disputed as post-factum fabrication.[2][3]
One of the foundational qualities of a ṛṣi is satyavāc (one who speaks truth) when composing Vedic hymns. According to tradition, other sages might falter, but a ṛṣi was believed to speak truth only, because he existed in the Higher World (the unified field of consciousness). Ṛṣis provided knowledge to the world which included the knowledge of Vedas.
In Indian tradition, the word has been derived from the two roots 'rsh'. Sanskrit grammarians[4] derive this word from the second root which means (1) 'to go, to move' (- Dhātupāṭha of Pānini, xxviii). V. S. Apte[5] gives this particular meaning and derivation, and Monier-Williams[6] also gives the same, with some qualification. Another form of this root means (2) 'to flow, to move near by flowing'. (All the meanings and derivations cited above are based upon Sanskrit English Dictionary of Monier-Williams).[6] Monier-Williams also quotes Tārānātha who compiled the great (Sanskrit-to-Sanskrit) dictionary named "ṛṣati j�ānena saṃsāra-pāram" (i.e., one who reaches beyond this mundane world by means of spiritual knowledge).
More than a century ago, Monier-Williams tentatively suggested derivation from drś "to see".[7] Monier-Williams also quotes Hibernian (Irish) form 'arsan' (a sage, a man old in wisdom) and 'arrach' (old, ancient, aged) as related to rishi. In Sanskrit, forms of the root 'rish' become 'arsh-' in many words, e.g., arsh. Monier-Williams also conjectures that the root 'drish' (to see) might have given rise to an obsolete root 'rish' meaning 'to see'.

However, the root has a close Avestan cognate ərəšiš[8] "an ecstatic" (see also Yurodivy, Vates). Yet, the Indo-European dictionary of Julius Pokorny connects the word to a PIE root *h3er-s meaning "rise, protrude", in the sense of "excellent, egregious".
Modern etymological explanations such as by Manfred Mayrhofer in his Etymological Dictionary[9] leaves the case open, does not prefer a connection to ṛṣ "pour, flow" (PIE *h1ers), rather one with German 'rasen' "to be ecstatic, be in a different state of mind" (and perhaps Lithuanian 'aršus').
In Carnatic Music, Rishi is the seventh chakra (group) of Melakarta ragas. The names of chakras are based on the numbers associated with each name. In this case, there are seven rishis and hence the 7th chakra is Rishi.[10][11]

"Seer" of the Vedas

In the Vedas, the word denotes an inspired poet of Ṛgvedic hymns, who alone or with others invokes the deities with poetry. In particular, Ṛṣi refers to the authors of the hymns of the Rigveda. Post-Vedic tradition regards the Rishis as "sages" or saints, constituting a peculiar class of divine human beings in the early mythical system, as distinct from Asuras, Devas and mortal men.
The main rishis recorded in the Brahmanas and the Rigveda-Anukramanis include Gritsamada, Vishvamitra, Vamadeva, Atri, Bharadvaja, Vasishta, Angiras, Kaṇva.
Seven Rishis (the Saptarshi) are often mentioned in the Brahmanas and later works as typical representatives of the pre-historic or mythical period; in Shatapatha Brahmana (Brhad Aranyaka Upanisad), their names are Uddālaka Āruni (also called Gautama), Bharadvaja, Vishvamitra, Jamadagni, Vasishtha, Kashyapa, and Atri. Daksha, Bhrigu and Nārada were also added to the saptarshis riṣis in Āshvalāyana-Shrauta-Sutra, where these ten principals were created by the first Manu (Svāyambhuva Manu) for producing everyone else.
In Mahabharata 12, on the other hand, there is the post-Vedic list of Marici, Atri, Angiras, Pulaha, Kratu, Pulastya and Vasishtha. The Mahābhārata list explicitly refers to the saptarshis of the first manvantara[6] and not to those of the present manvantara. Each manvantara had a unique set of saptarshi. In Harivamsha 417ff, the names of the Rishis of each manvantara are enumerated.
In addition to the Saptarṣi, there are other classifications of sages. In descending order of precedence, they areBrahmarshi, Maharshi, Rajarshi. Devarṣi, Paramrṣi, Shrutarṣi and Kāndarṣi are added in Manusmriti iv-94 and xi-236 and in two dramas of Kālidasa.
The Chaturvarga-Chintāmani of Hemādri puts 'riṣi' at the seventh place in the eightfold division of Brāhmanas.Amarakosha[12] (the famous Sanskrit synonym lexicon compiled by Amarasimha) mentions seven types of riṣis : Shrutarshi, Kāndarshi, Paramarshi, Maharshi, Rājarshi, Brahmarshi and Devarshi. Amarakosha strictly distinguishes Rishi from other types of sages, such as sanyāsi, bhikṣu, parivrājaka, tapasvi, muni, brahmachāri, yati, etc.

Female Rishis (Rishikas)

Notable are several female contributors to the composition of the Vedic scriptures.
The Rig Veda mentions Romasha, Lopamudra, Apala, Kadru, Visvavara, Ghosha, Juhu, Vagambhrini, Paulomi, Yami, Indrani, Savitri, and Devajami.
The Sama Veda adds Nodha, Akrishtabhasha, Sikatanivavari and Gaupayana.


In Hindu astronomy, the Saptarṣi (seven rishis) form the constellation of Ursa Major[13], which are distinct from Dhruva (Polari

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Brahma sathyam

Brahma sathyam jagath mithya-----ultimate, the pure being, formless, attributeless, pure knowingness, pure consciousness, unmanifest, absolute
all other perceptions are partial truth, all expressions are filtered truth, sullied with deferent degrees of localizations, bias
the realized one sees thru each partial one and integrates such into his wholeness, remains unaffected by any untruth, maya, mithya, keeps them in their deserved place
he lives sathyam vada, dharmam chara, courageously, not deceived by half truths, not tempted by tendencies to utter less than truth.
thus nanak, a realized, spoke truth, daring, uncompromising, stripping open the falsehood prevalent ,even ever he is a guiding light
truth alone is light
truth alone is right
The Truth is the Truth | SpeakingTree

Poetry Submissions – Share poetry you have written to help others heal from domestic violence « The Last Straw


Poetry Submissions – Share poetry you have written to help others heal from domestic violence « The Last Straw

Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty


Eternal Vigilance is the Price of Liberty

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Sanskrit An Anachronism


Sanskrit An Anachronism

Sanskrit An Anachronism

Godmen or rock-star businessmen? - 1 - National News – News – MSN India#uc2Lstff982dc9-cb08-4096-a6b3-2ef5b2f9d1a3#uc2Lstff982dc9-cb08-4096-a6b3-2ef5b2f9d1a3


i realize i am talking to a knowledgeable spiritual teacher, pranams again, thanks for your presentation, nice, clear

i cognized that every one is a rishi of some level, knowing an aspect of truth , partially, ****ll truth known to highest level  brahmarishi, who lives brahman.

my understanding  of rishi includes, all beings which are conscious , though in ever small measure . thus all pranies are rishis

in the process of sharing cognitions among all rishis, the truth gets revealed in ****ller and comprehensive manner.

so every one has a contribution to my knowing, so are all baba/yogi/godmen   and ordinary men/ and animals/birds/insects. so i thank every one with all respect ,keeping in mind their being a member of my infinite rishi parishath, the universe is, and revel in exchanging partial truths and getting  back a ****ller and ****ller truth.

special thanks to you a rishi for sharing your point of view and my truth is enriched there by to that extent.

Godmen or rock-star businessmen? - 1 -  National News – News – MSN India#uc2Lstff982dc9-cb08-4096-a6b3-2ef5b2f9d1a3#uc2Lstff982dc9-cb08-4096-a6b3-2ef5b2f9d1a3

Saturday, June 18, 2011

5Godmen or rock-star businessmen?

''Rememeber, Any Baba, Yogi or Godman. At the last moment of his life he can not cure  himself and keep himself alive. He needs a physician/doctot to treat him or declare him dead. Ultimately he is a mortal element.''
geetha said what?
did not krishn die?
immortality is not said of the body , it is said of athma
sword cannot cu-t_i_t
water cannot we_t_ I_t
fire cannot burn it
air cannot dry it
jaathasya maranam dhuvam
that whi**** born is sure to die
baba or no baba all will die but their athma never
to comment meaning ****lly , people need some basics, i am sorry to say

Shravan Kumar | SpeakingTree


Shravan Kumar

By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on Jun 18, 2011 | Views (3) | Post response

this posting was inspired by manmohanjis blog on parent's day
Shravan Kumar belonged to the time when King Dashratha ruled Ayodhya. He was born of poor and blind parents, but they had brought him up remarkably well. He was strong healthy and honest, and he had a good character. He bore sincere love and respect for his parents. He was also a great devotee of God. Everyday he worked hard to make his parents as comfortable and happy. In his leisure time he prayed to God and attended to his poor, blind and aging parents.

One day his parents told him that they had be- come quite aged. They, therefore, wanted him to take them to the various places of pilgrimage : this could make them fully satisfied and give them abundant peace of mind. It is a typical Hindu belief that a pilgrimage to the various shrines and holy places under- taken in old age, purifies the soul and takes one nearer to one's Maker ere the icy hand of Death touches one. To a Hindu mind nothing is more precious, than becoming one with the great Maker of this Universe.

In those days means of transport were scarce and costly, and Shravan Kumar could not afford to hire- them. He, therefore, decided to place his parents in two baskets and carry the baskets on his shoulder to the places of pilgrimage. He took a strong bamboo- stick, at its two ends he tied the two baskets with strong ropes, and placed his father in one of the baskets and his mother in the other. Carrying on his shoulder this bamboo stick with a basket at either end, Shravan started on the pilgrimage.

After having visited a few places of pilgrimage, he found himself on the banks of the sacred river Sharayu. Pleased with the beautiful scenery around. he decided to take a little rest there, with his parents. Shravan then placed the baskets in the shade of a tree.

And after describing the beauties of the scene to his blind parents, he told them that he wanted to take a dip in the river Sharayu- The bath was sure to re- fresh him. His parents asked Sharavan to take his bath leisurely: they also asked him to fetch them pitcher of water from the river, for they were feeling thirsty.

Shravan went to the river and had his dip. Now he had to fetch drinking water for his parents, and so he dipped a pitcher into the water. As the pitcher was getting filled, there was that peculiar bubbling sound caused by the air escaping from within.

At that precise time. King Dashratha of Ayodhya. who was on a hunting expedition, happened to be near the spot. Hearing the bubbling sound, the King thought that it was caused by a deer drinking water in the river. Dashratha stood silent for a while and only with the bubbling sound to guide him carefully took aim and shot his arrow. Indeed the arrow hit the target with precision, but the King was astonished to hear the pain-stricken screams of a human being instead of the painful cry of a dying deer. Shravan had become the target of the King's arrow. Injured fatally, he lay screaming in a pool of blood.

The King came to the spot and saw the ghastly mistake he had committed. He repented for his hasty action, but it was too late. He then placed Shravan's head on his lap, and tried to elicit some information about himself. Shravan Kumar told him that he would be dying in a few minutes, but he felt sorry for his blind parents, who were resting in the shade of the tree, waiting for him to quench their thirst. He. Therefore, requested the King to attend to his old, blind parents. Soon Shravan breathed his last.

Now the King; had to perform the duties of Shravan. He lifted the pitcher and brought it to Shravan's parents and raised it up to the lips of the blind old man. The King did not utter a single word for fear of revealing the stark reality. But the parents would not take water till they heard the familiar voice of their beloved son. So they asked:

0 dear son. why do you not speak today? Are you angry with us because you have to toil so much to serve up?"

At last King Dashratha had to tell them all that had happened. The parents were unable to bear the grief as their beloved son was no more. They told Dashratha that they could not live in this world with- out their son. They cursed the King that he, too would meet his death caused by the sorrow of separation from his son just as what had happened to them. Shortly afterwards both the parents passed away.

Many years passed, and Dashratha had four sons. The eldest son was Rama. In due course. Dashratha began preparing to crown Rama as the King of Ayodhya so that he could retire to the jungles and live there a peaceful life praying to God. Now Dashratha had given two boons in the past to his wife Kaikeyi. Rama's step-mother. She insisted that the King grant her the boons before crowning Rama. The King hesitated, but had to concede in the end. She demanded that Rama be sent to the forest for fourteen years and her son Bharat be crowned as the king of Ayodhya. The shock of the thought of fourteen years' separation from his son, Rama was so great that Dashratha instantly collapsed and died. And thus the curse of Shravun Kumar's parents came true.unquote

Tags : vasant

Shravan Kumar | SpeakingTree



in darkness, the light
in gloom, the delight
in twilight, the sun's might
you came, you saw, you conquered my heart
it's brilliant!
so bright!
you are a seer ,very right

Friday, June 17, 2011

there are rich gods,also poor ones,


there are rich gods,--- lakshminarayan.

also poor ones, ---siva, beggar, bhikshapathi

man rises from rags to riches

falls from riches to rags

intelligence, effort, vary, hence the accomplishments differ

business has its objectives, material

sadhana has sole objective, mukthi

choice is ours, to set and work for any

choice is ours, to keep criticising,   or   keep learning lessons from others merits or mistakes

there are different levels of people with degrees of spiritual attaiments, not all are at ultimate level

,hence there are processess of sharing of spiritual knowledge, it happens continuously in one form or other

for akkamahadevi chenna mallikarjuna was the all–in–one essential, comfort, luxury

she was bare,
god covered her with hair

she sang:

For hunger, there is the village rice in the begging bowl,
For thirst, there are tanks and streams and wells
For sleep temple ruins do well
For the company of the soul I have you, Chenna Mallikarjuna

Do you get upset by criticisms? | SpeakingTree


As reader
i am no judge, i can't judge too, if not qualified
i take good, ignore bad..that too as per my capacity to
if i am swine, pearls won't shine
my bad taste picks worst as best
let me be more a connoisseur than critic
as writer
i am ever a child, learning, though faltering some times
self correcting, improving, thru my own intuition
neither elated nor slated by others praise or reproach
but looking for improvements from every opportunity
not claim perfection, perfection is divine
but strive for perfection and please the divine

Do you get upset by criticisms? | SpeakingTree

98 kg gold found in Sai Baba’s room - National News – News – MSN India#uc2Lstdc1877bd-63a3-4c38-93e3-843e74bd380d#uc2Lstdc1877bd-63a3-4c38-93e3-843e74bd380d


grapes are so sour

baba an i soar

i failed to earn score

because of x y fact , i am meritorious.....i am excellent....

so i bore

i am not baba,

i wanted to become,....... bu_t  you know.........i  thought.....

so i write blah blah

98 kg gold found in Sai Baba’s room -  National News – News – MSN India#uc2Lstdc1877bd-63a3-4c38-93e3-843e74bd380d#uc2Lstdc1877bd-63a3-4c38-93e3-843e74bd380d

god speaks thus

god in my innermost speaks thus
me why to come out ?
let me come out only in utter need,
unless it is a must, why to waste my resources of sath chith anada?
world, universe runs on its own, as per its own laws.
if i have to come out, it is only to restore the laws
that are damaged if at all
i am un involved witness, ever established in the depths of my consciousness
i have defined every thing , perfectly, unambiguously, clearly. no confusion, no concessions, no mistakes,
i have programmed every thing, including calamities, good and bad, with perfect understanding and deliberate intension, nothing is accidental, nothing is outside my sight
if any one is happy or unhappy it is my own intention,as a result of laws of the universe operating,inspite of me,and because of me

Thursday, June 16, 2011

What is creation? | SpeakingTree


what is creation?

By : Vasantharao Dusthakar on Jun 17, 2011 | Views (4) | Post response

what is creation?
it is something out of nothing
something becoming many things

putting two things together.
matter and mind working together

making many into one!
collecting all the rays of consciousness, consolidating in to one
vibgyor to white one


one into many!!!
one unmanifest absolute becoming manifest infinit

What is creation? | SpeakingTree


Inside our clothes we wear 5 dresses more, 5 koshas,
the goal is to unclad all and to see the ultimate reality in its true nakedness ,becoming koshaatheeth.
baring the body is no nudity at all

Also, as long as the body consciousness prevails, one's vision is limited to physical. once overcome, clothes drop off the body, body drops off the mind.
akka mahadevi discarded all clothing, the legend says, god produced enough hair to cover her fully.
digamber is god
we are bare when bathing
why fuss on nudity
when nude scene is encountered, we close our eyes respectfully, not disdainfully.
but story of those who are trapped in 6 kaam, krodh........ is different, not worthy a matter to waste a discussin on it

That is why purity of teaching plays the most important role, vocabulary in sanskrit is live,
wrong interpretations , using the names out of context, exploiting them for any other purpose than for sadhana the worst sin, no god will excuse

Current Affairs : The Victims of Corruption Fight Back! « Ancient Indians – Satya Samhita


Current Affairs : The Victims of Corruption Fight Back! « Ancient Indians – Satya Samhita

The value of uncertainty | SpeakingTree


Nice topic, i differ
uncertainty is our inability
that is why a need for complete map of life, for the journey of life, from where to where
with what stations to expect when,
what are pitfalls , where to look for solutions
firmly anchored to reality, down to earth, distinguishing facts from fiction, free imagination and practical application.
but with an awareness that things happen as a result of several variables, and be able to create comfortable space to uncertainity to happen.
that is why a need for a sidha vidya, to propel the ship of life successfully , availing the best of nature's cooperation, and to receive positive help from uncertainity, ie, command laws of nature to avail fulfilment of desires effortless, receiving the help from unexpected quarters as if things are working only to fulfill my desires , without me knowing the mechanism how things are happenning beneficial to me without my plan or involvement.
sidha way is life in total ability agaist every possibility, expected/unexpexted.

The value of uncertainty | SpeakingTree

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

citizens' simplicity is a simple city

citizens' simplicity is a simple city
man requires very little to live happily
examples, out of many ways, --
why not sleep on the floor, enjoy limitless freedom, very deep sleep--
you need 3 pairs of clothes--one wearing, one washing, one spare , in case of rain

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none accepts imposition.
but if liked, one takes it without opposition
gandhi , not imposed but expressed
people were impressed
merit prevails,
second rate derails

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Organisation is an organic entity


Organisation is an organic entity
like it, it has a soul, a core philosophy, an ideal, a clear goal, at least an urge to survive and grow.
it has its mind, the intellectual level, on down to earth to guide practically, driven by the core soul.
it has a physiology , several members doing the assigned tasks, unquestioning, but to commands from mind
it has its reproductive organs, the membership drive
it has its elimination organs, the rules defining the conduct and eliminating the unworthy
it has an outer look, a dress,
it has mobility, it has pervasive tendency.
it has good, evil, best ,worst ,
it does a service, it fills a need of environ, it has a need to fulfill its own needs
finally , we, an entity, are liked by some, hated by others, ignored by the rest.
still we continue to exist , doing right or wrong thngs, deriving resulte/effects accordingly, and god settling the final accounts,at appropriate time.
so is iskcon, or any .
what i can do ?
i have a choice to reply, or ignore
but let who ever what he is/what they are, let me not lose my joys, let me not reduce their joys.
 continue regardless, of likes/dislikes, that is your choice, your joys

God -------has any one seen | SpeakingTree


god -------has any one seen

By : Kamal Naabh on Jun 11, 2011 | Views (23) | Responses (13)

so many , so much, write talk sing dance on god
has any one has seen?
where is he why is he hiding when he will talk with whom where how what language
my questions fill all the papers, like god loving fill with his 'glory'
is there really an answer, or only trying to do salesmanship
and why god needs slalesmen
may be i stumbled here, if any feel bad, shall i quit

God -------has any one seen | SpeakingTree

Wind is | SpeakingTree


Home Blogs Kamal Naabh's Blogs wind is 

wind is

By : Kamal Naabh on Jun 12, 2011 | Views (5) | Responses (2)

who has seen the wind
neither you nor i
but when the trees bow their heads , wind is passing by
so let me be happy with wind, not trying to bother it by wanting to see it
i am happy to see its presence every where, , in gently moving the leaves, caressing the ripples, , shooting up dust and dry leaves[me]. in whirlwind, .
breathing in breathing out , a life sustained, not minding smoke, , smell so foul.
when the hair on my skin move, , i feel its ticklish presence
, with out throwing its weight around , it moves weights, showing me to do the work, silently without noise without making my presence felt
perhaps god is not seen that is why., running the universe, unseen.unheard, physically not distracting any one
let him do his work , let me do mine, in the same way if possible
Tags : k

Wind is | SpeakingTree