Thursday, July 14, 2011

precious homosap

manoj's blog on human life made me search, and i find that it is definitely precious

Ash� Journal, Vol 2, Issue 3, 2003.

Two Hundredth Homosap


Two hundred enlightened people will be enough to raise the consciousness of humanity
, at least fully to the superconscious level. And that's enough to prevent war, to prevent violence, to prevent all kinds of crimes, to prevent all kinds of prejudices--not that the whole humanity will become enlightened, but moving from conscious to superconscious is not a small change. It is of tremendous value, it is ten times more powerful than your conscious. If you can see only hundred feet, suddenly you can see thousand feet, suddenly your eyes have become a source of seeing things in their clarity, in their depth…

Because the world has become small, it is possible now to do what was not possible before
. Buddha tried, he managed at least one dozen people to become enlightened, but they could affect only the consciousness of a small area of the world. It is as if you burn one candle in the room. You can burn ten candles in the room; the room will be a little more lighted, but the whole world will not be affected by it. The candles are needed around the whole world, and my sannyasins have to become torches, not just candles. And if we can create--and we can create--in every country now we have sannyasins; even in communist countries, we can manage. Two hundred is just the minimum number; more is possible. And these people, just by their very presence, will raise the whole conscious level of humanity, will give them clarity, vision, insight, and will make them capable of dropping all nonsense that they have been carrying up to now. Then the politicians cannot exploit them, neither the priests can exploit them. All their gullibility will disappear.

And these enlightened people having nothing to do, just their presence is a catalytic agent. Just as the sun rises and birds start singing and the flowers start opening and spreading their fragrance, whenever there is an enlightened being birds start singing, flowers start opening, and there is great fragrance released.
Ash� Journal: Two Hundred Homosap, Osho

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