of our times is not ''conversion '' but a ''conversion table''
and similarities are due to the presence of ''uniqueness and universality''
that exists in every system, every individual,
when one rises to cognizes the inherent universality existing in his own
uniqueness, one will be able to harmonize all differences in his perception, no
more conflicts"
of our times is not ''conversion '' but a ''conversion table'' defining all the
spiritual / religious terms, like we do in science, from one system to other
system, without confusion or conflict
only we will be able to solve the problems of life for example we have this
table 1 inch =2.54 centimeters,, or 1 ounce =so many grams, and rupee to dollar
etc ,"
is an individual journey and therefore every journey is unique''.
is .like a Columbus to America.
a journey ..even to mount Everest,
to mars, by curious daring pioneers and path finders into fields unknown,
is adventurous, uncertain, may be hazardous and arduous involving tremendous
will power, commitment, indomitable spirit,
pitfalls on the way, countless wrong tracks, innumerable wasted moves only a
blessed few succeeding, enabling them to move further on and on till life long.
once the'' pioneers'' showed the right track, the ''common'' men made maps,
roads invented, vehicles,... without needing to do a ''rediscovery''....but
enabled all others to trek and reach successfully and easily and quickly
to explore more mysteries in spirituality too one need not waste one's life to
learn and know afresh what is already discovered,
help from the experts makes one to quickly master the fundamentals and graduate
to the higher lessons, and prepares one to launch on ‘‘new’’,'' original''
discoveries, and thus more and more novices are enabled to progress rapidly
hence the need to systematize the plethora of spiritual paths and findings, ie
in short , precisely defining and standardizing, and universalizing is the
exactly is the need in spirituality, at least now in this most modern infn
technology age
defining and standardizing fundamental units , L M T length mass time , things
were arbitrary, different, some used to measure length with reference to the length
of hand, or foot or finger, or guess , and weight by hand feel, or relative
difference in articles, also time by just observing the shadows etc but a few
men put enough trials / effort, and f p s/ c g s,was made, and then mks,, now
rationalized R MKS, or SI units were evolved
spirituality must evolve as a science, with precise definitions, amenable to
theory and tests /practical
mahesh yogi did a attempt in his '' science of creative intelligence '' he has
made whole thing scientific and results measurable precisely by modern
instrumentation, those who are familiar with TM ,know this,99 names of allah in
quran were correlated to the attributes of the unified field ,,.....this was
done by one muslim spiritual/scientist
sri sri has done it in his book ''hinduism and islam, the common thread''
hawkins too has made a good attempt in spirituality the basic yardstick is
brahman, unmanifest , nirgun nirakar, pure consciousness
using this one can differentiate who is master who is seeker and at what levels
each individual is ....exactly like , in education, we know elementary, high
school , inter, graduate, post graduate, doctorate levels
the spirituality to there are the levels jad chethan, jagrut chethan, turia,
turiateeth, daivee, brahmi levels, may be corresponding to rishi maharishi. Devarishi,brahmarshi
need to change their religions but they will come to know where they are and
how far they have to go,
are unique and different, but medical/ psychological sciences are developed
applicable to all kinds of humans
levels are measurable, health /fitness is measurable
this attempt for systematization & standardization of Spiritual must be
done on by a committee of top saints
must define, and a world standard must emerge
''i am the way the life and the truth'' is identified as ''aham brahmasmi'',
sarvam khalvidam brahma''
of jesus cleanses every sin '' is parallel to ''gyanagni dhagdha karmani,
of jesus is the pure consciousness, not the red corpuscles
idols, allegories are obscuring
standard tears off the delusion and makes one know one what he is, where he
scriptures show us the path but how many have found the truth?
any given time there are millions on the path but how many have reached the
"The proof of the pudding is in the eating" the very fact that
not all, but a very few could reach the ultimate the very reason for more
scientific result oriented approach needed , though putting mental/ physical
effort and strain, the goal is not reached, benefit not got since humanity is
on the wrong track, guidance is faulty/ not clear/ confusing, / ineffective/
did a study of a few teachings and systems and find there is enough scope to
make a table of all religions and teachings and show the equivalents, some
sankara teachings are coinciding with marati saints like tukaram , meera etc
some with milton, William blake, emerson "
can be thus harmonized, and assimilated to one’s benefit
one of agenda should be to standardize terminology
and provide
precise definitions for several of the vocabulary that all religions use
also, evolve standards like ISI / ISO and a
gradation and eligibility criteria to give a open certification to the
spiritual leaders/ gurus
also evolve an conversion table like british system
to metric system, like 1 inch =2..54 centimeters, or 1 kilogram =so many pounds
.so that all teachings from all the saints and babas are understood by properly
''syncing'' them
and there should be a table like periodic table
putting all elements metals, gases, etc in their proper place using certain
criteria, so that one is able to understand and know relative worth of each
saint/ teachings compared to others'
and all conflicts must be resolved in an open forum
freely fearlessly without inhibitions are secretes
this is required for new gen not to waste their time
and life by groping into the jungle of scriptures and gurus, but to arrive at
the proper grip on ''what is all ''
this will be resisted
since it dilutes the hold of spiritual leaders on their followers and exposes
them naked on their hard earned false position and respect
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