Thursday, August 31, 2023

ganesha is not the roopa aspect but the principle aspect , .ie vighna kartha+vighna hartha


ganesha is not the roopa aspect but the principle aspect , .ie vighna kartha+vighna hartha

1  i see him as an on off switch, a door opening/closing, a speed breaker, to stop the over speeding, but allow the walker to cross the road , or a brake in a bike ,or a watchman at the gate, ...incidentally ....well suits .on parvathi kept him at the entrance to stop shiva ,, i may not see him as depicted in the pictures / or as described in the stotras,

2 . he creates obstacles, he removes obstacles,-----like a water tap, allowing and stopping the water , so one must earn his grace, ie one must know how to use the beneficial aspects of both ...''on and off'' ....

2.1 this '' on off '' is what we do in ''activity and rest '', 
on the ultimate level ,it is '' manifest and unmanifest ''

since it is a principle, the applications / possibilities/ ,manifestations of it are infinite
in life every where this principle is present , even eye lids, closing and opening

2.2 light is discrete "packets" of energy that we call photons, it is a case of flow of ''glow and unglow '', since , between photons, there is no energy , no light

3 since a principle is universally present, and eternally working, it is a deva, animesha, some thing valuable and ever alive. 
to explain such subtle knowledge , dharma sookshmas to commoners the media of icons and episodes is used 

4 unfortunately the principle is ignored / overshadowed by rituals/ faith/ beliefs / hopes, and devas remain a mystery 
but for rishis all devas are just so familiar and intimate that they can cognize them every where without any ambiguity , 
since they have gained access to the field of ''parame tyoman ''where in, ''yasmin deva adhivishve nishedhuhu '', the laws governing the universe reside . 
all the vedic literature can reveal true essence to the one who has that experience, ie access, to that field , but, ''yasthan na veda , kim richa karishyathi '''' alas , to the one who has no access what avail are these

and i find , me having known that easily.... feel pity on the great gropers in the darkness doing every thing except getting the most needed thing, ie self realization , the most essential light

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