Not that other cultures neglect
but it is only the Indian culture in
which spirituality permeates life,
in which spirituality is the pivot
around which all other activities revolve.
---------but i find contemporary
events unfolding deteriorated values in practice, indicative of the very thin
spirituality, nominal or nonexistent
During its glorious period, India produced
great religion, great philosophies,
great literature, art , poetry, great science
and medicine,
and has also been great in its
organization, politics, trade and commerce.
But all these activities stretched
beyond the mental level, and reflected the vital contact that the Indian mind
has always had with the spirit.
-----this light of self realization is now
missing This has often been misunderstood, and our ‘other-worldliness’ has been
blamed for many of our problems.
The peculiarity of the Indian culture
is that it has not placed worldly life and spirituality in two neat compartments,
but has sought to spiritualize worldly activities.
The ideal of Indian culture has been a
balanced pursuit of kama (desire), artha (the means to fulfill desire), dharma
(right conduct, within the framework of which kama and artha have to be pursued)
and moksha (liberation), which is the ultimate aim of life, for which worldly
life is a vehicle and an aid.
It was also understood that the
emphasis on different aspects of this quartet would vary at different stages of
----due to absence of the light of
self realization, all misinterpretations and misunderstanding is now
Happiness due to the compromise, is
called alpa santosh, of a simpleton
''na alpe sukhamastu''---there is no real
happiness in small gains
man in india has missed the track ,
been left behind he has dropped all attempts to rise to the true divinity, just
losing all opportunities to live as a master of the universe, his birth right
as the son of supreme all mighty god"
"Happiness can be a result of
compromise, accepting defeat, failures , inadequacies, incapacitates, in the
name of fate, karma, surrender , self deceptive escape route to avoid
challenges , from inside or from outside. in effect, it is living a just death
like vegetative life lacking in initiative, impulse, enterprise, which are
characteristics of a dynamic purposeful life
all due to misunderstanding the true
spiritual principles which can be known only thru the light of self realization
which is significantly missing despite all available best teachings , and in
spite of the best glorious golden past
"During most of the 16th and 17th
centuries, fear of heretics spreading teachings and opinions that contradicted
the Bible dominated the Catholic Church. They persecuted scientists who formed
theories the Church deemed heretical and forbade people from reading any books
on those subjects by placing the books on the Index of Prohibited Books. A type
of war between science and religion was in play but there would be more
casualties on the side of science.
Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo
Galilei were two scientists who printed books that later became banned.
Copernicus faced no persecution when he was alive because he died shortly after
publishing his book. Galileo, on the other hand, was tried by the Inquisition
after his book was published. Both scientists held the same theory that the
Earth revolved around the sun, a theory now known to be true. However, the
Church disapproved of this theory because the Holy Scriptures state that the
Earth is at the center, not the Sun. As the contents of the Bible were taken
literally, the publishing of these books proved, to the Church, that Copernicus
and Galileo were sinners; they preached, through their writing, that the Bible
was wrong."
all controversies perceived or appear
to have been created , are the reflections of one's own inner unreconciled,
unresolved controversies and chaos that persists as a conditioning of the mind,
unable to see something new or different this is the inability on the part of
the receiver to '' sync'' different streams of thoughts, flowing in different
directions, in different hues, conforming, confirming, contradicting, opposing,
repelling, rebelling, revolting, repulsing but all trying to reach a common
destination, the one truth it is like, water, going as vapor, cloud, rain ,
streams, rivers, all different, trying to reach the ocean which is silence, the
truth , the one real entity i see everything , every blog, poem, dialog,
repartee, fun, ridicule, all wonderfully happening ,simply as an attempt to
reach the oceanic silence , the non changing one truth, within one side as long
as that all- synchronizing silence is not established in one's system, one will
get disturbed, perturbed, annoyed, excited, incited, consulted , insulted,
crushed, crashed , defeated, frustrated, outwitted, by anything, by any one
with whom one encounters so one needs to gain that ability to sync, then one
sees order in disorder , solutions in controversies, universities in
diversities, beauty in the filth, wealth in the waste"
Someone ,if do not have essential
value will create nuisance value.??
it's individual reader's ability to
make essential value out of all values presented, whether it is sense,
nonsense, nuisance, new sense, new science, absurdity, obscenity, divinity,
devilish, foolish , trivial, profound, intelligible, idle scribble, i make the
meaning and take home the essence , not from the stuff given, but from the way
i explore myself within with the stuff encountered good or bad"
no negativity or pessimism at all , in
any of the blogs , and particularly, in the controversial blog referred with
2000 plus conversations do people select such topics----1.Knowingly or
unknowingly to irritate others,??no ---not at all ---i see no such intentions,
do people select such topics--2.just to promote their or their Teacher's path
breaking ,revolutionary philosophy.
no ---not at all --------none can
truly promote or sale or do door to door marketing on any philosophy on the
other hand , in fact , every saint/ philosopher/thinker, writer, seer, have
discovered fresh angles of truth, and just did their loud thinking, which did
create flutters , did made people to relook revise improve their frozen ideas
and update
pioneer just moves forward, does not
wait for commoners' approval / acceptance, / ,permission that is how progress
is made in the world"