Wednesday, May 31, 2023

Spirituality is the science and technology of ''seeing'', it is ''rishiing''


Spirituality is the science and technology of ''seeing'', it is ''rishiing''
it is all seeing and seeing-----what, how, how much, where, why , from where to where and so on till one gets the right complete picture .

not all can see all 
each sees an aspect
from own stand
with own glasses


All spirituality is to first experience this state of pure awareness first


All spirituality is to first experience this state of pure awareness first and get stabilized in pure awareness in life gradually irrevocably"


"In the pure awareness all become pure, in as is where is state, instantly in this state one sees just the clear presence of god, inside and outside nothing but good in every thing one will be able to see order in chaos, beauty in every particle, wisdom in every being, truth in every expression , logic in all absurdity,

filter becomes superfluous apavithra pavithrova sarvaavasthan gathopivayasmareth pundareekaashamsabaahyaabhyanthara shuchihi"

"Some times even genuine good intentions will be perceived as malice due to one's own inadequacies and conditioning resulting out of past experiences ''good intentions'', is only individual's contextual definition

since good is relative what is good for one may not be good for others sarvejana sukhino bhavanthu we repeat

but we go by self interest first

real good intentions are possible only in the ultimate level of self realization , such intentions do good to all, unconditional"

Not that other cultures neglect spirituality,


Not that other cultures neglect spirituality,

but it is only the Indian culture in which spirituality permeates life,

in which spirituality is the pivot around which all other activities revolve.


---------but i find contemporary events unfolding deteriorated values in practice, indicative of the very thin spirituality, nominal or nonexistent


 During its glorious period, India produced great religion, great philosophies,

 great literature, art , poetry, great science and medicine,

and has also been great in its organization, politics, trade and commerce.

But all these activities stretched beyond the mental level, and reflected the vital contact that the Indian mind has always had with the spirit.


 -----this light of self realization is now missing This has often been misunderstood, and our ‘other-worldliness’ has been blamed for many of our problems.

The peculiarity of the Indian culture is that it has not placed worldly life and spirituality in two neat compartments, but has sought to spiritualize worldly activities.


The ideal of Indian culture has been a balanced pursuit of kama (desire), artha (the means to fulfill desire), dharma (right conduct, within the framework of which kama and artha have to be pursued) and moksha (liberation), which is the ultimate aim of life, for which worldly life is a vehicle and an aid.

It was also understood that the emphasis on different aspects of this quartet would vary at different stages of life.


----due to absence of the light of self realization, all misinterpretations and misunderstanding is now prevailing"


Happiness due to the compromise, is called alpa santosh, of a simpleton


 ''na alpe sukhamastu''---there is no real happiness in small gains

man in india has missed the track , been left behind he has dropped all attempts to rise to the true divinity, just losing all opportunities to live as a master of the universe, his birth right as the son of supreme all mighty god"


"Happiness can be a result of compromise, accepting defeat, failures , inadequacies, incapacitates, in the name of fate, karma, surrender , self deceptive escape route to avoid challenges , from inside or from outside. in effect, it is living a just death like vegetative life lacking in initiative, impulse, enterprise, which are characteristics of a dynamic purposeful life

all due to misunderstanding the true spiritual principles which can be known only thru the light of self realization which is significantly missing despite all available best teachings , and in spite of the best glorious golden past




"During most of the 16th and 17th centuries, fear of heretics spreading teachings and opinions that contradicted the Bible dominated the Catholic Church. They persecuted scientists who formed theories the Church deemed heretical and forbade people from reading any books on those subjects by placing the books on the Index of Prohibited Books. A type of war between science and religion was in play but there would be more casualties on the side of science.


Nicholas Copernicus and Galileo Galilei were two scientists who printed books that later became banned. Copernicus faced no persecution when he was alive because he died shortly after publishing his book. Galileo, on the other hand, was tried by the Inquisition after his book was published. Both scientists held the same theory that the Earth revolved around the sun, a theory now known to be true. However, the Church disapproved of this theory because the Holy Scriptures state that the Earth is at the center, not the Sun. As the contents of the Bible were taken literally, the publishing of these books proved, to the Church, that Copernicus and Galileo were sinners; they preached, through their writing, that the Bible was wrong."


all controversies perceived or appear to have been created , are the reflections of one's own inner unreconciled, unresolved controversies and chaos that persists as a conditioning of the mind, unable to see something new or different this is the inability on the part of the receiver to '' sync'' different streams of thoughts, flowing in different directions, in different hues, conforming, confirming, contradicting, opposing, repelling, rebelling, revolting, repulsing but all trying to reach a common destination, the one truth it is like, water, going as vapor, cloud, rain , streams, rivers, all different, trying to reach the ocean which is silence, the truth , the one real entity i see everything , every blog, poem, dialog, repartee, fun, ridicule, all wonderfully happening ,simply as an attempt to reach the oceanic silence , the non changing one truth, within one side as long as that all- synchronizing silence is not established in one's system, one will get disturbed, perturbed, annoyed, excited, incited, consulted , insulted, crushed, crashed , defeated, frustrated, outwitted, by anything, by any one with whom one encounters so one needs to gain that ability to sync, then one sees order in disorder , solutions in controversies, universities in diversities, beauty in the filth, wealth in the waste"


Someone ,if do not have essential value will create nuisance value.??

it's individual reader's ability to make essential value out of all values presented, whether it is sense, nonsense, nuisance, new sense, new science, absurdity, obscenity, divinity, devilish, foolish , trivial, profound, intelligible, idle scribble, i make the meaning and take home the essence , not from the stuff given, but from the way i explore myself within with the stuff encountered good or bad"


no negativity or pessimism at all , in any of the blogs , and particularly, in the controversial blog referred with 2000 plus conversations do people select such topics----1.Knowingly or unknowingly to irritate others,??no ---not at all ---i see no such intentions, do people select such topics--2.just to promote their or their Teacher's path breaking ,revolutionary philosophy.

no ---not at all --------none can truly promote or sale or do door to door marketing on any philosophy on the other hand , in fact , every saint/ philosopher/thinker, writer, seer, have discovered fresh angles of truth, and just did their loud thinking, which did create flutters , did made people to relook revise improve their frozen ideas and update

pioneer just moves forward, does not wait for commoners' approval / acceptance, / ,permission that is how progress is made in the world"

spirituality is essentially a cleaning process for human


spirituality is essentially a cleaning process for human


as if it is a metallurgy, from raw ore, to pig iron, to steel, to steel parts,

as if it is derusting, degreasing, polishing, honing,


and render the mind body absolutely in the fittest possible condition

for the best usage


so maintain it by schedule, routine, daily weekly, monthly cleaning processes


with all kinds of appropriate spiritual techniques and processes, including pooja, vratha, fasting,

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

తెలుగు మనకు వెలుగు

తెలుగు మనకు  వెలుగు 

తెలుగుతో చందురుని వెన్నెలలా హాయి కలుగు 

Monday, May 29, 2023

Man can cheat whenever he wants ,or be jealous , cruel, murderer whenever he wants

 Man can cheat whenever he wants ,or be jealous , cruel, murderer whenever he wants

man is a god's child , so he has all liberty to do anything
he has all the choices , he has the skills and abilities to do anything. god has given .
that is why
man is doing all kinds of good and bad
and reaping the good and bad results
The criminals have great intelligence , no less. like great professors of maths sciences.
he does what he wants . because he can do . he has ability
that is his choice that is his consequences
professors do not do , they can if they want , but they choose not to do
so they will not reap the consequences as criminals reap
but all are gods products , like good son/daughters or bad son/daughters to the one father
Best teaching is by living the message one wants to convey .
words are will bring more words not the desired effect
Valmiki lived showed his own lesson,
vedas were cognized by living how to cognize
they are a lesson by living
they no preacher,
preaching has no effect
million books with words have not changed behaviors,
only the lives of souls who lived their ideal has been the factor to inspire efforts for transformation
I read much much better stuff by real great saints , vivekananda , sankara, and started practices what they practiced i did not stop with read/write , yes their teaching thru living, and my doing the practice has been effective in bringing tremondous transformation in me, that is how i am ---and not thru reading books/blogs by casual scribes
i look for actions than best words, literature, poetry, even vedas.
what one has done in his life so far , to where is his trend , how far nearer he is to the goal , and what goal he is working for
what means, medium, at what rate, what the effect , visibility of performance, preferably in measurable terms
World has infinite choices. one has enough freedom to come up , nothing to feel unhappy and get depressed . it is better to assess our behavior once by the responses we receive from the world around objectively and mould ourselves in desired areas

Eka brahmachari shatha markatah

 Eka brahmachari shatha markatah

…….3 ways of seeing this, all 3 are right
one brahmachari has energy of 100 monkeys
one brahmachari is as mischievous as 100 monkeys
one brahmachari has an intelligence equivalent to 100 monkeys

Dashame yuge yatinam Brahma bhavati sarathih

 Dashame yuge yatinam Brahma bhavati sarathih

(Rk Veda, 1.158.6)
For those established in self-referral consciousness, the infinite organizing power of the Creator becomes the charioteer of all action.
This phrase expresses the behavioral quality of the supreme level of evolution of consciousness. When consciousness is free from any limitation—when individual consciousness is fully awake in its unbounded self-sufficiency—it is wide awake in its supreme, royal, cosmic dignity such that the awareness is a lively field of total silence and total dynamism —the unbounded, infinite field of total Natural Law awake in itself in the state of complete fulfillment. At the same time, all the specific Laws of Nature are fully awake—all the holistic and specific values of the infinite organizing power of Natural Law are fully awake within this state of consciousness, or intelligence.’
—Maharishi Mahesh Yogi, Celebrating Perfection in Education

desires Let’s admire / sympathize persons who are on the journey of accumulating as much as possible, as early as possible,

 Let’s admire / sympathize persons who are on the journey of accumulating as much as possible, as early as possible, they having been propelled by desires to fulfill the needs, which is but natural. curbing the desire or suppressing / negating it or compromising on failures is not natural,.

this point has to be understood to lead a life of success in material or spiritual fields
every one one of us would want to grow as powerful as god himself, ruling the entire universe. and this is a natural desire.
how far we succeed --what ways we adopt--is a different question
Fortunately our traditional teaching preserved in purity
has given the knowledge to fulfill the desires to the ultimate extent of becoming god himself and there by lead a contended life
desire is not obstacle, every fulfillment is a step of progress.
discontentment is due to the inability to fulfill desires in total and at the fastest rate.
solution is to enhance the ability by contacting the field of creative intelligence within, which enables one to gain natures support and cooperation thru which his wishes become actualized with least effort and fast
formula is
yatheenaam brahma bhavathi sarathi
reaching a state of tranquility within thru meditation which alone can provide ultimate contentment since one has the support of god in every endeavor turning it into instantaneous success in all fields of life

the phenomena of miracles,--- ie instant materialization of wishes just by one wishing

 the phenomena of miracles,--- ie instant materialization of wishes just by one wishing -----is natures support

fortunately our traditional teaching preserved in purity has given the knowledge to fulfill the desires to the ultimate extent of becoming god himself and there by lead a contended life
desire is not obstacle, every fulfillment is a step of progress.
discontentment is due to the inability to fulfill desires in total and at the fastest rate.
solution is to enhance the ability by contacting the field of creative intelligence within, which enables one to gain natures support and cooperation thru which his wishes become actualized with leas effort and fast
formula is
yatheenaam brahma bhavathi sarathi
reaching a state of tranquility within thru meditation which alone can provide ultimate contentment since one has the support of god in every endeavor turning it into instantaneous success in all fields of life
most intelligent way of life
do less accomplish more
do nothing accomplish everything
the secrete of miracle, most see it as sleight of hand
it is in fact the skill of the doer , thru getting directly god's help

Yatra naryastu pujyante ramante tatra Devata,

 Yatra naryastu pujyante ramante tatra Devata,

yatraitaastu na pujyante sarvaastatrafalaah kriyaah
Where Women are honoured, divinity blossoms there, and where ever women are dishonoured, all action no matter how noble it may be, remains unfruitful.

Human is in a way is a universe total

 Human is in a way is a universe total

yatha pinde thatha brahmande---is truth
in him contains every thing what ever that exist in the universe
visvam darpana drushyamana
nagaree thulyam nijanthargatham ----said shankara
poet artist singer dancer
painter teacher student
engineer scientist politician
leader ---all , every personality,
are there inside the human being
and all the gods ,
devi , devathas,
gandhrava, kinnera,
kimpurush, all the higher beings
exist in the human being
all the 14 lokas exist within the human being
he is the teen murthis , he is the parabrahma
all this is truth
no illusion
but not knowing all these ,
not experiencing all these ,
not living all these
in the day to day mundane routine-
is living in the illusion of limited tiny individual
majority explore a little of external universe
a few explore a bit of internal universe
and come out with master pieces of creations
in various mediums of communication
they are really blessed
they did inherit the heaven ,
though only a glimpse of it

Despite my suggestions your suggestions or any one's suggestions,

 Despite my suggestions your suggestions or any one's suggestions,

universe is running , it continues , at its own speed.
no one , nothing , can stop it nor hasten it ,
it has enough intelligence,
flawless without needing improvement ,
or tinkering by anyone
in the supreme's view there is no partitions, no partiality, no borders,
no India no America, no Africa,
it is one universe infinite unbounded
with one sky with infinite galaxies
it works optimum, no best, no worst
bless or curse , no effect , no defect
it is perfect , it is fact

Can you store time? like you store money in bank?

 Can you store time? like you store money in bank?

if you save money, you can draw if needed.
when hanuman meditated, did he store time?? yes

storing is for the purpose of gaining back, 
for the purpose of going beyond limits imposed by it due to lack of it.

when money is not there with us, we draw it from bank, and go beyond the limitation imposed by lack of money

the more we transcend, the more we store time
when in unity, abundance of time beyond limitation is available


my friend suggested a simpler method
''see , you measure the time in hours minutes seconds, 
the clock wasting your time continuously, its hand rotating, nonstop. 

you take out the battery cell, 
hands stay at the same place, 

no time is wasted. time lost is zero, 
hence total time is saved 

i jumped, reached to the clock to take out the cells

got one more idea
instead, why not remove the clock and throw away this time waster forever.

it gave an alarm,
said '' it's 1pm ,go and take your lunch ''

now i am in dilemma

whether to thro it out
or  keep it for reminding me for lunch dinner

let me first eat, so i am going

find your peace within yourself then, you will see peace outside

 find your peace within yourself

you will see peace outside
despite all the wildest wars,
worst terrors, horrors,
rapes, cheats, scams,
murders, plunders,
blunders, thunders
if not
even the best of temples,
rivers ,wells. Travels, spirituals, rituals,
books, scriptures,
counsels, lectures
preachings, teachings
pilgrimages, images
messages, massages,
of sages since ages
stars, star blogs
galaxies, galaxy dialogs
plexies, mixies, taxies
midis, maxis
mixtures, textures
fixers, fixtures,
are no help, no use,
will not excuse
nahi nahi rakshathi
duk run karani

Sunday, May 28, 2023

guru is all


guru is all

gurur brahma gurur vishnu
gururdevo maheshvaraha
guru sakshaath parabrahma
thasmai shree gurave namaha
how true!
eternal truth
my proof is, i am here
made possible only by guru
i chanced to spot guru, how?
guru spotted me, that is why
who told him to do this?
parabrahma residing in him to
so a friend, very casually refered the name to me
i went, very casually, heard his first lecture
that 's it
i fell for him
my mind, though not my body fell dandavath before him
his grace, driven by paramathma, flowed, flooded, drenched, drowned me.
i was just a doll his commands i followed most willing,
not commands, his words are cajole, a lallaby, a loving touch, a call to wake up, a hand helping me to learn walk. talk, work,
things happened, on their own ,
circumstances, allowing, unexpected,
results following unanticipated.
eyes got opened
knowledge started revealing, petal by petal sprouting
the way is illumined, the speed is picked
the goal came nearer.
journey filled with joy
all as per his will
will of god
will of my guru
jai gurudev

It's a race with myself


It's a race with myself 

reaching excellence in 
quality and quantity
to discover more and more gems from within

it's an attempt to be intensely intimate with my self, 
a sacred 
duty that i owe to myself 

to rise to unlimited heights, 
to expand to reach the far far into the universe

to make the impossible into a possibility ,

into a reality


to win over myself
to free myself from all the impositions , lures 

to go faster than light
to penetrate into all the secrete labyrinths


to run at fastest pace 

to see god face to face 

rewards, awards ,acclaims esteems ,name fame,

praise, prize are too insignificant, not worth, no appeal to me ,


only incidental, accidental,

hence not objectionable, but not the object , 

i revel to create newness in every step,

in every opportunity, i make the most of every moment

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Planning in life is a nice alert


Planning in life is a nice alert on controlled focusing on priorities in the face of infinite distracting and frittering away the most precious wealth time, time is gold

also the highest priority is to strive for attaining a sufficient degree of self realization earliest in life, at least from now on

once this highest priority is attended without compromise, and the result is accomplished , life becomes free flow, without need of any planning, activities getting accomplished spontaneously, by actions happening at the right time , as if in according to the bigger plan of the total universe

Thursday, May 25, 2023

what is creation?


what is creation?


what is creation?

putting two things together.

making many into one!


one into many!!!

Wednesday, May 24, 2023



Ajamila is a figure from the Puranas. The story of Ajamila is taken from Bhagavata Purana Canto 6.[1]

Ajamila was raised according to the Vedic regulations. He was a perfectly trained Brahmin and had a chaste and beautiful wife.


But one day, while he was out in the fields collecting flowers for worshipping the Lord, he happened to see a drunken sudra and a prostitute engaged in sexual embrace. Ajamila became bewildered and attracted; his mind becoming more and more attached to the prostitute.


In Bhagavad-Gita


it is said that if one contemplates sense objects, he becomes attached to them.


Although Ajamila was a strict Brahmin he became helplessly entangled by seeing a man and woman engaged in sexual activity.


 Consequently he took this prostitute into his home as a maidservant. Inevitably, he became so entangled that he abandoned his family, wife and children and went off with the prostitute. Due to his illicit connection with the prostitute, he lost all his good qualities. He became a thief, a liar, a drunkard, even a murderer. He completely forgot about his original training as a Brahmin, and his whole life was ruined.


Engaging in sinful activities, Ajamila fell down from his position, and he begot many children through the prostitute. Even towards the end of his life, around the age of eighty, he was still begetting children. It is explained that while he was dying, which is a very fearful time,


 he began to call out to his pet child, whose name was Narayana.


Narayana is another name of God or Krishna.


At that time, the Yamadutas, the messengers of death, were coming. They were tying up the subtle body of Ajamila and preparing to take him to be punished by Yamaraja, the lord of death.


At the same time, because he happened to be speaking the holy name of the Lord Narayana, the beautiful Visnudutas,


the messengers of Krishna,


also arrived there.


They checked the activities of the Yamadutas, refusing to allow them to take Ajamila for punishment. The Yamadutas were bewildered. "Why are these effulgent and beautiful personalities checking our action? It's our duty to take sinful men to Yamaraja for punishment; then they are awarded another material body for the next life so that they can get the result of their sinful activity." There was a discussion between the Yamadutas and the Visnudutas. The conclusion was that although Ajamila was sinful throughout his life and gave up his religious life, his wife and children and begot children through a prostitute, he nevertheless was purified from all these sins because at the last moment he chanted the holy name of Krishna, Narayana. If this single act of the utterance of a four-syllable word Narayana can make such a difference to life after death, what larger worlds of fullness and majesty he may not conquer by really leading a noble life of Dharma in the memory of the Lord? -- so thought Ajamila. And that very moment he renounced everything to which he was attached, went to Benares and engaged himself in austerities and meditation and in due time reached the abode of the Lord. It is noteworthy that a wrongdoer is given a chance to correct himself and thereafter lead a virtuous life before attaining salvation. It is not as if the Lord gives him a boon because he uttered the Lord's name when death was nearing him. It was the resultant of his previous good deeds that helped him to remember who he was and then get back to his previous position. Yet he had to struggle again and do enough penance before he could get salvation.

Bilva Mangal


Bilva Mangal

‘Some are born great. Some are made great. Some attain greatness. Some strive hard but do not become great.’ This applies to the lives of Bhakta also. Mangal attained greatness in this fashion.

Once upon a time there lived a pious Brahmin called Ramadasu in a village near Krishnaveni river. He had a son called Bilva Mangal. The father brought him up in the true orthodox way. He was trained in the Shastras. His upbringing and the religious training moulded him into a kind natured, soft-spoken, god-fearing man. But his good qualities were short lived.

His parents died at an early age. He was left with lots of property. There was no one to control him. Wealth brought him fame. Wealth and fame brought him too many friends all too bad. He fell into bad ways. One day he happened to see the dance programme of a prostitute named Chintamani. He was lured by her charm. The physical lust for her drove his reason away. He became a slave to her. He gave up his body, heart, money, family prestige, his dharma and the norms of his caste. All through his wakeful hours he thought of her and in his sleep he dreamt of her. Chintamani was his constant ‘chinta’ (thought) as if she was a mani (gem). He could not live one day without seeing her.
He was forced to stay back one day, since it was his father’s death anniversary. He had to fulfil his duty as a son and he was going through the rituals with body present mind absent. He was not at all interested in the rituals, but he could not say no to them. At last it was all over thankfully by the end of the day. Some wiseacres advised him not to go to the prostitute’s house on the day of his father’s death anniversary since he had performed the rites! But ‘kamaturanam nabhayam nalajja’ A lustful man knows no fear or shame ! He gave a deaf ear to them.

Bilva Mangal rushed to the riverbank to reach his heartthrob on the other side of the river. God’s leela is indescribable. There was a sudden change in the weather. There was a storm accompanied by heavy down pour of rain with lightening and thunder. The fishermen and boats men ran ashore seeing the ghastly weather. It was pitch dark everywhere. No boats man agreed to take Bilva Mangal across the river though he offered a huge amount! Who would risk his life for mere currency! But Bilva Mangal was knee bent on reaching Chintamani. He had lost his reasoning power long back. He dived into water without a second thought! A dead body was floating across the river. In the darkness around, he mistook it as a wooden plank and held it for his support. His clothes were torn but he was not aware of it.

Finally he reached Chintamani’s house. He told her the previous day that he would not be able to go to her house that day due to his father’s ceremony. So Chintamani closed all the doors and dozed off to sleep happily. Due to the heavy down pour, his voice or the banging of the door did not reach her ears. In the lightening flash he saw a rope along the wall. He climbed the wall through the rope and entered Chintamani’s house and woke her up.

Chintamani was shocked to see him. He was half naked, he was thoroughly drenched and he was emitting a foul smell. She wondered how he reached her in such a ghastly weather. He told her that he held a wooden plank and climbed up through a rope. Just then the rain stopped. She came out to see the scene outside with the lamp. The rope he mentioned was a poisonous snake and the plank was a decaying dead body. Bilva Mangal was shocked and the lady was irritated at his indecent behaviour - ‘Are you not ashamed of yourself? Are you a true Brahmin? Are you not supposed to do the religious rites to your father? Can’t you control your senses for one day? Are you so mad after a body, which has nothing but flesh and blood? Should you ignore your dharma for this temporary pleasure and reach me in the dreadful night holding a dead body and a snake? Can’t you understand the simple logic that this external beauty of mine is but a passing phase and that sooner or later I will be floating in water like that decaying dead body? Had you shown half the interest you show on my body on lord Krishna he would have blessed you and you too would have enjoyed spiritual bliss as opposed to the physical happiness you derive from me.’

These words were more powerful than a slap on his face! They struck him like a thunder! He analyzed himself. One never knows what thoughts or words or deeds bring about a drastic change in anybody. These words of admonition cleansed the perverted heart of Bilva Mangal and brought him back to his original good self. Tears rolled down his cheeks.

He fell prostrate before Chintamani and said, ‘You are my guru. you have opened my eyes. I am very grateful to you.’ Chanting the name of Lord Krishna he left her house.

Bilva Mangal was making a frantic search for Lord Krishna. He was wandering all over the country ‘Old habits die hard’. One day he came across a very beautiful lady. He followed her up to her house. Poor lady, unaware of his admiration for her beauty walked in. Unable to forget her, he sat outside the front gate. Her husband happened to come out after a while. He was surprised to see a stranger at his doorstep and enquired his whereabouts. Bilva Mangal frankly told him the truth and added ‘I am enchanted by her beauty. If you don’t mind, I would like to stare at her to my heart’s content. Please call her out.’ The man was a Sethji and the woman was his wife. But unlike any other man he was touched by the stranger’s frankness. He found no wrong in showing his wife for quite sometime. So he went into explain it to his wife.

He found no wrong but God found it wrong. So He made Bilva Mangal realize his mistake. Bilva Mangal cursed himself for such crazy behaviour. When the lady came out to make a feast to his eyes, his mind had separated from his eyes. Instead of enjoying with the eyes, his mind cursed his lustful eyes, which brought shame upon him. So he hurriedly fetched two thorns from a nearby tree and poked his eyes with them. He felt that was the right punishment for his misguiding eyes. Blood rolled down his cheeks but he was dancing away happily, chanting the name of Lord Krishna, which echoed to the sky. The Seth and his wife were shocked to see the situation but were helpless. But this situation cleansed him of the remnants of his immoral behaviour.

Now the sole intention was to seek God and have his Darshan. As Chintamani advised, unknowingly, he was singing songs of God melodiously all the time. He was unmindful of physical comforts like food, comfortable bed and rest. With tears rolling down his cheeks, he was chanting the name of God moving from one village to another. Being blind he could not move easily but he never minded. But how will God say ‘never mind’ to the suffering of his devotees? He came down to him personally as a shepherd boy. With a sweet voice he said ‘Dear Bilva Mangalji, you seem to be very hungry. Please have this sweet and water. Bilva Mangal was lured to the voice of the boy. He asked the boy his details.

Then the boy replied - I stay quite close by, I don’t have any specific name. People call me with different names and I answer them all. I look after the sheep. I am kind to those who are kind to me. Don’t worry. I will come to you every day and feed you with good food. ‘So saying he left Bilva Mangal, but took his heart with him.

Bilva Mangal was totally enchanted by the small boy. Little did he know that the boy was the Lord himself come down to bless him. So when he was falling a prey to the attractions of the boy, as days passed by, he began to curse himself. ‘I thought I had passed the stage of being lured by women. I thought I am interested only in God but I am mistaken. Still I am pulled down towards a human being, towards this boy. How is this attraction different from other attractions? ‘The boy read his mind and asked him with his sweet voice.’ What are you thinking about? Shall we go to Brindavan?’ He was thrilled at the offer but came back to his senses. He expressed his inability. But the boy did not leave him. He said ‘Come on, hold your stick, I’ll lead you. God leads us all to the righteous path no doubt but here! God was literally leading the path of a blind devotee, blinded by his love for him, to eternal bliss. As they reached Brindavan, the boy wanted to go away, but Bilva Mangal held his hand tightly. The very next minute he felt his body was electrified. He could feel the current waves passing from the boy’s hand through his body. He had divine knowledge. He could guess at once that it was God Himself that took personal care of him. With tears of joy he held tightly the boy’s hand and said ‘Now I know who you are. It was very late but atleast now I know you. I will not leave you any more. I will never leave you.

God touched his eyes with the other hand and at once he got back his eyesight. He had a feast to his eyes. He saw to his heart’s content the magnificent, glorious God. He couldn’t believe himself. He fell down to the feet of God and continued to wash his feet with his continuous flow of tears of joy.

As long as he lived, he spent his life in spreading the powers of God through his songs and when his time had come to leave this physical body he joined Paramathma.

Thus like ‘Bilva Patra’ (a leaf used in the prayer of the lord) Bilva Mangal proved himself worthy and remained as one of the special devotees of God, being blessed by God.

God is moved by the total faith of his devotees and the devotees are elevated by the blessings showered upon them by God’s immense love.