Wednesday, September 14, 2022

raise yourselves to a state where your universe functions so perfectly


raise yourselves to a state where your universe functions so perfectly and so automatically that you do not have to intervene, your will gets implemented as the supreme commandment , you being in a state of naishkarmya sidhi
All the participants in the universe universe, speaking tree are the reflections of my own infinite personalities that i am 
it is sharing of joy to be '' my self conversing myself ''
''self moving in itself governs the universe''
the effect is subtle, imperceptible, yet this joy harmonizes the whole universe , frees it from every distortion , in some measure , ''task is done without my doing''

my self conversing with myself ''
it is the self referral, most powerful

There is a level of truth which is the basis of all ''Dharma Principles, Philosophies, Tradition, Culture, Value System etc.'' that level of existence is beyond all these 

once that level is attained these become just elementary lessons , 
the purpose of life is to move steadfastly towards that level, come what may, and reach that level first. 
in that level life gets aligned with the one universal dharma and life becomes just innocent play filled with love and bliss, enjoying in life the reality of 
''sahanaavavathu sahanau bhunakthu 
sahaveeryam karavaavahai
tejaswinavadheetha masthu 
maa vidvishavahai
om shanthi shanthi shanthi ''Yes, i too do not mean to negate material world. 

but to gain the ability to engage in conscious decisions and actions while being in material world. , he asked to rise in higher consciousness, ''nishthraigunyo bhava'' It also means, achieve the most in all the 4 varnas in life which is dharma, artha, kaama and moksha.., but key is to be '' nitya sathvastho niryogakshemamamaathmavaan ''

Best one can do is to rise to infinite potential , it is first priority, once that is done , any undertaking gets accomplished infallibly

for that one has to unscrupulously re-prioritize once tasks , without waiting for any thing or any one 

the first thing to be defended and preserved against all ''under use'', ''over use'' ,''misuse'', ''abuse'' ,''unuse'' is our most precious time, efforts, attention, and resources., not to fall into any trap and dissipate / dilute unnecessarily

Essence of krishnas teaching is ''become yogastha''


We must raise ourselves to that level of divinity where there will not be a need to fight at all.

that level of divinity makes one saturated with sweetest divine love which does find any other than oneself in the universe , one becomes the universe whole, lives his vishva roopa

india became weak and confused lapsed into inaction, and into degeneration for the one single reason that indians lost the access to sathya , for which the means is tapasya

the enemy is within,
so the solution for all the problems is to raise ourselves first foremost, earliest in life , and lead a life of vishva vijetha

any other solution is ineffective , so let's not get distracted by any number of encounters from outside

My simplest question , to any one,.. ''did you get enlightenment or not ??''

in life , for each and every individual, the foremost priority is to get enlightened, 

let the world be the way it is , 
cleaning to start from inside , 

without it, any amount of trying to clean outside will be unwise, 
life is precious, time is limited

If some considers that he has some ''goods'' he has infinite choices to pass on them to the world , one can donate, exchange, sell, make a living out of it, he can also do aggressive salesmanship, offer free gifts, discounts, door to door marketing, advertise, or cheating on poor quality, or push though it though obsolete outdated and even see that other fellow does not come in his way by any of means fair or foul, all knowingly or innocently or by compulsion

he may denigrate with loudmouth that others goods are inferior , though of superior quality .

finally the consumer is the ultimate factor in deciding the real worth, though he may enjoy the fun for a while 
time proves , sathyam eva jayathe

Brahman has unfathomable depth , level ranging from surface to the utmost bottom [ sath ] like in an ocean.

vipra bahuda vadanthi because their penetration / diving is also upto a depth different for different vipra, not ultimate 
but every vipra who did a kinchit depth can cognize and express that kinchit of the total truth 
they need to reach the ultimate to express the totality 

dishes are never the same 
but essential ingredients are same and proportion and way of serving is different 
also not all dishes may contain all ingredients , 

for the one who has tasted the ultimate best dish , other lesser dishes will become superfluous, even lacking in adequate taste 
not every one knows the full art of cookery, total ingredients, right process, proper proportions
and since ''loko bhinna ruchih'' their are likes, dislikes, addicts ,and sharing, eulogizing, to the degree of fanaticism, like veg hating non veg and vice versa , and emergence of different cook books / recipes,/ menu cards / and restaurants and star hotels and simultaneously the road side eateries 

one has to taste samples and skip till one discovers the best dish 
this exploration has to continue, so continues....

This is really the bottom line......'' many of our Indians are so confused that they don't know what they are up to some times....''.
Reason is simple. ours being rushi sanskruthi , all our wisdom that is there in vedas , upanishaths, puranas, kaavyaas itihaasas and the traditions, systems, customs, rituals, entire way of life and the value system ,had the basis of deep tapasya , and the lineage of guru parampara.

down the passage of times, this basis / foundation , ie tapasya got lost, teaching lost the purity , and what remains is just rubble after collapse , of the magnanimous edifice .
we are just picking the ruins dusting them and polishing them to the best of our abilities , but any such effort is just ''some thing is better than nothing '', but it is insignificant in renovating what is lost 
so it's absolutely essential for indians to pick up exactly what is lost, ....that is tapasya ....and automatically india will rise to its pristine glory. 
if not we are bound to be in endless ''grope in darkness

I am able to understand that you have great grasp, my best regards to you 

1 it's not the fault of scientist if his findings were misused for destructive some 
it's not the fault of jesus/ prophet if followers misunderstood and trekked a wrong track as a result
2 my rating of spiritual seers/ masters is based on my own ability too ''see thru''
even i find some English poets / writers too have glimpsed and expressed most valuable '' vedic truths '' in their own language and idioms and metaphors 
they stood the test of times , endured

i see both jesus and mohammed did experience that ultimate level , the light of brahman at least a glimpse of it, and they tend to be ''advaitic, '', in their expression, this state can be proved by the proper grasp of their utterances 

we need not agree , rather we cannot agree fully due to inevitability of our individual perspectives , thank you

Pranams to jesus with all respect , he uttered truths fantastic, i love 

but misunderstanding abounds

'' the blood of jesus washes every sin '' 
not the red corpuscular blood , but the true meaning is '' knowledge is the greatest purifier , it tallies with vedic, ''gyanaagni ''

where is the lucuna
not with jesus, but in understanding jesus by followers

Ultimately , it is the receiver to digest and make use of the goods received, in what ever best package they are supplied.

if the goods do not serve , only package though very nice, will not help 

as long as one maintains ''exclusive'' posture, one is himself the loser, 
and it is difficult to make them open up to '' all inclusive'' infinite possibilities.
and time only will rectify this situation , not possible by human effort

the problem arises when one tries to apply a truth of only one level to every situation .

one seer says '' aham brahmasmi'' as a result of his tapasya , and lives a life of pure love towards all

but will not insist that every one must live like that in as is state, since it 's just fallacious  

but the followers without reaching that state , if try  to imbibe it it leads to confusion, since that truth is not applicable in their situation, they will not be able to experience that pure love, and any amount of effort to display love will not work 
and most of the time they try to teach others what they have not themselves understood rightly .

and when that does not sell, they resort to aggressive measures even violence, branding others as non believers , and try to finish them
so one must be careful in learning the right ways and to a level of perfection that his utterances will become just truth and no less, not needing the sales effort 
that is why ''half knowledge is dangerous''

and ''half truth is a full lie''  

Jesus and christianity are different, jesus said i am the way the truth and the life'' he meant in fact aham brahmasmi '' in saying ''i am '', the universal , brahman, 
but ''i am'' was understood as '' he is '', ie as ''jesus is the way.........'' by followers and christianity , making it person specific, losing its universality

Inevitably unavoidably each seer invariably adds a specific flavor to the same essentially ingredients ., since one is bound by localization of time, geo ,context, language, and that adds beauty , variety, novelty , richness and hence a value , makes likable by a few 

Inevitably unavoidably each seer invariably adds a specific flavor to the same essentially ingredients ., since one is bound by localization of time, geo ,context, language, and that adds beauty , variety, novelty , richness and hence a value , makes likable by a few 

Even prophet Mohammed's utterances and those of jesus christ tare to be really understood by the most sincere followers/ believers , since these great men tend to be nearing to advaitic

if the followers succeed in getting their message right, they will accept other utterances without difficulty , in fact they will be pleased to find them universal 

since understanding is inadequate it drives one to be dogmatic , in closed mind , thus losing the infinite opportunities to explore more and expand unlimitedly . what is more they end up stagnating 

similar dangers exist in cults in hinduism, like krishna, etc as their ista 
one has to realize that ista is a gate way , not a closed temple 
thank you , for a thoughtful response , i like your concern

This my response with shankara's reference above is with reference to your statement ..... "Don't worship other God's"- This gives a sense of arrogant posture which is common to Abrahamic Traditions.''

i do not treat it as ''of arrogant posture ''
when a person gets to know a thing beyond a spec of doubt, which provides him the best clue for all the mysteries of life, he/ she tends to affirm/ assert that thing and recommends that in preference to what he/ she had known . and it gives a feeling of ''arrogance, or ego , rude, impolite, intruding on the receivers ''firm'' belief system or expectation on courteous behaviour/ talk 
the knower says ''aham brahmasmi'', and also ''ayam atma brahma'' irrespective of whether these are acceptable or not or understood or not 

sanskrit is a '' vertical language '' expressions having imports ranging from grossest to the subtlest, depending on the ability of the reader and writer

Even shankara said ''dont do'' 

in ''gabheere kaasare vishathi vijane ghoravipine 
vishale shaileshu bhramathi kusumartham jadamathi ..

his is ''shiva manasa puja.....'', 
not the elaborate ''physically doing the ritual

he also said ''dont do ''
in '' nahi nahi rakshathi dukrun karani

budha said ''do not'' follow any one, even jk too 

such '' dont do'' strictures are out of one's findings , 
which are true to oneself, 
and just sharing out of their concern for others, 
in the hope that others also will ''rise'' similarly , 
but may not suit all others , at all times 
it is the nature of nature to send out new saints, sages, 
swamies, babas, gurus, prophets, visionaries, 
of all levels as per its own design from time to time 
to guide the humans as much as possible according to their grasping abilities
this continues till every one rises to the level of supreme truth 

THE ONE which is supreme intelligence, and supreme knowledge , 

by its own will, by its own reason has become MANY , 
with many many levels of intelligence and knowledge, 
and each one of these is evolving to the lvel of supreme 
at its own pace, with its own abiliies 

and ultimately 
all these tiny many are going to bet integrated into ONE again

in the process, 
we see the display of different streams of thoughts. approaches 
religions, techniques, processes,
teachings, scriptures, strictures, 
comandments, ammendments
revisits , updates,
clarifications confusions 
revisions, fusions 
all terrific, unique , specific, 
with insights, foresights
assumptions estimates, 
faiths, beliefs, 
struggling to rise to be universal, 
useful, acceptable, respectable , 
and the process is continuous , nonstop
the cycle repeating ONE into MANY and MANY into ONE

THE ONE tree , is complete, absolutely without confusion , 

alive, growing, flourishing, expanding , infinitely,
with all its roots, trunk, branches, twigs , 
leaves , flowers, fruits, seeds, 
and then to a new sprout

but alas, 
each individual tiny parts of the tree , a leaf , a petal, a twig 
though connected with the whole, 
yet feeling its individuality, 
living its own identity, a shape, a size, a color ,
a structure, a texture 
all drawing nourishment from the tree
doing its role, drying and dropping dead, 
yet the one tree continues from ages thru ages
undying, existing eternally, 
each part does not know that their existence too is eternally i
in the continuum of ''tree to seed, seed to tree,.....''
the confusion, conflicts, misunderstanding, continue
leading to exploration, investigation, discovery, 
and final reconciliation, balance, 
harmony , peace, silence .

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