Friday, September 16, 2022

kabir and sai never read yet experienced the alertness of conscience


kabir and sai never read yet experienced the alertness of conscience"-- this is the core aspect of spirituaity

this opens all packets of knowledge from within .

million books cannot give such experience

all my blogs thousands are from inside , packets of knowledge getting opened ever since i started my meditation

i do not read books of saints

but if i open geetha or other vachans i find that what is said is coinciding with what i scribbled long back

this is called reading the inner script

And my guru has clarified this clue that this is the way to get the spiritual truths even vedic truths from within

and then authenticating the scriptural truths in the book

books will not authenticate that got by experience

but books get authenticated by the truths experienced inside

my inside vision in fact gives the certificate to a saint saying that yes his word is truth , if i find it as truth from my inside


"no prophet was purified . all did minor or major sins knowingly or unknowingly.."


----------every one may fall, fail on the way

whether they reached the goal

if so how nearer

some reached nearest

some had gone sufficiently nearer

yet some had only glimpses

and many men do not have any idea of path or goal


many prophets were non vegetarian... many did wars ... many killed ants when they walked or sat... in that way every prophet had done minor or major sin , ignorantly or un intentionally.

To empathy and sympathy human and innocent beings is the best way to raise your conscience. this would work much faster than searching gods in rituals, festivals , ghee lamps, candles and prayers.’’


But To empathy and sympathy human and innocent beings is the best way to raise your conscience.---this is cart before horse hence will not work , so problems continue

to raise your conscience. is the best way To empathy and sympathy human and innocent beings---this is horse before cart hence is working , all enlightened souls go voluntarily for human help and service to mankind thru seva programmes ,

so to solve the problem of poverty suffering ---raise the consciousness

this is the message to next gen emphatic from me

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