Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Spirituality is a fundamental necessity like food cloth shade


Spirituality is a fundamental necessity like food cloth shade

rather, there is no other necessity other than spirituality
once this is met all become provided by
providence as just rains from heaven
no wantings

no ventings
no struggling
no bargaining
it's all pure gaining all the usual necessities,
comforts, luxuries

just as gift of god

Wednesday, March 23, 2022

Is duniyaa mey hun mai ek fakeera


Is duniyaa mey hun mai ek fakeera

laavaarish awaara, bekaara

hun mai akela pan me ek bechaara
hai muzko  na  darvaajaa, na deevaaraa

muzko lagthee na bhook na pyaas
chal rahaa hai kyo kaise muzme ye

mai hun na mera, na thera,
na vuska, na iska,

na hai kuch bhee mera
phir bhee kar rahaa hun kisliye phera


girthe, vutthe  , rokthe, chalthe

hasthe, gaathe, khelthe, naachthe,


sothe, jaagthe, janamthe, marthe

kahan thak ye safar, kabthak ye savaar


na maaloom  hai kiseeko aajthak

na samaj sakaa kuch bhee abthak

i am lost


i am lost

i lost my address
i exist everywhere

i lost my dress
i am digambar

i lost my name
i am called by sahasranaam

i lost my mind
i am a mad of a kind

i lost everything
i am truly nothing

Every lost moment is death


Every lost moment is death,

every past event is death

we do not meet any one in the past,

even after the immediate next moment.

death is dark, nothing visible,

no senses to perceive,


no memory to recall,

hence no hell, no heaven ,


no persons can be met ,

nothing can be experienced.


better leave death alone,

better live life now


How you know all these things?

I deduce thru deep dreamless sleep, which is akin to death


And thru the experience of pure awareness, in the state of samadhi, 

ie experience of present moment , 

fully alive, fully alert , 

the fullest expression of life, 

no overshadows of mental creations, 

no recollections, no calculations, 

just existence in nonchalance, pure innocence

most valuable, precious in life

the present moment of life

the divinity's presence 

the divinity's presentation.

the divinity's best attention


Thru the experiences of these two extremes , 

of deep dreamless sleep and the pure awareness, 

and thru the experience of dream state and waking state, 

we can deduce what is real , 

what is seemingly real, 

what is not at all real 

and understand and enjoy the drama of life to the core

things become just within the grip, 

not to swing in the doubts, flip-flop

Do not get lost


 Do not get lost


do not get lost in fulfilling useless commitments or wasteful avocations

define, redefine, refine, fine tune your plan online every day, every time you are about to allot your time, energy, resources

what is important really is it that important,

apply nethi nethi , do value analysis

better do not come out of samadhi for trivial

evaluate ,since life is gold, valuable

do not live like a fool

do not spend yourself in semi conscious /unconscious/unwise/thoughtless pursuits

better no results than useless investments of time

meditate well

may be a day, a week, a month., a few years, full life time

hence great have meditated for a long time, a life time

meditate long

avoid trivial pursuits

no to non important

let me meditate

leave things to almighty to do what is required

Friday, March 18, 2022

god is perfect and imperfect


god is perfect and imperfect


perfect in unmanifest
imperfect in manifest


his creation ls not perfect 
but a compromise at its best


each attribute / quality of any of his creation is less than perfect, 
no less ,but is optimum


nothing is straight, but straight within some limits
nothing is round, square, flat,, but to only some extent, yes


true in case of nature's creation, 
and man's own design or innovation


my boss is right ,says-----

i do not want your meaningless perfection . 
i want things functionally acceptable, and fit 
not perfect pieces of art.--
finish your design fast ....


customers were happy , things worked,

but every where there have been tolerances, allowances,

down to earth in practical applications


inert matter the raw material,

every being a semi-finished product, 
going thru iterative births, learning, evolving to a better state,


thru generations thru procreations, ---
thru rebirths thru higher births


homosap is highly finished product , 
yet, not the perfectly finished output


self evolving mechanism is inbuilt, 
as if god wants us to do the finishing touch ourselves

not to be born again

Thursday, March 17, 2022

Pleased always, aadmi i am


Pleased always, aadmi i am

khata, meeta, tuta, gira, aam

i see no compartments,

no apartments nor partitions, nor apparitions

I am no seeker

only occasional sneaker

empty beaker

nose poker

for me nothing to seek,

i am myself the peak

citizens' simplicity is a simple city


citizens' simplicity is a simple city

man requires very little to live happily

why not sleep on the floor,

enjoy limitless freedom,

very deep sleep--
you need 3 pairs of clothes

one wearing,

one washing,

one spare , in case of rain

Maharishi on knowing


Maharishi on knowing-----------




'It is like you read about water, this is like this, this is like this, this is like ocean, this is like river, this is like drops. You read about it and read about it.

But you have not seen it, you have not touched it, you have not tasted it.

The whole reading is a — we would put one quarter of importance to the reading and three quarters importance to being.


Knowing through being is really knowing — then you really know about it and there can't be any mistake in the knowledge of it. Both things are necessary, but they have their own proportion



Friday, March 11, 2022

shree right spelling of shri

 shree right spelling of shri is shree, -----deergha, not hrashva shrimathi should also be shree mrs is indianised as shrimathi, a non indian custom--based on physical platform the right way, the vedik way is to address female also as shree eg shree padmavathi womens college shree lakshmi, shree parwathi--reminding the true devine nature--based on spiritual platform

deergha ayushman bhava

 deergha ayushman bhava

for long life...clue is to be within one's swadharma, ...yukthaahara vihaarasya yuktha chestasya.............another clue is living in awareness, with best viveka in dos and donts .............prevention is better than cure.....ie, heyam dukham anaagatham....body is a vehicle, needs best training for driver, best maintenance , judicious usage,

priorities must be reset to achieve long happy life

1...destiny is predefined, life span is fixed by god, fate''........this is disowning responsibility and leading reckless life.................................or 2..it is in one's hand '',.....this is owning responsibility and leading a conscientious life .. one can live long by wise ways of living, suicide is one's own decision, fatal accidents can be prevented by observing proper precautions/alertness

jathasya maranam dhruvam ...is it really true??.why at all decay/death is allowed to happen ...............some trees are living 1000 plus years, at some places, the same trees are short lived at other places...why /how..decay happens ...how to prevent decay and make life a ever fresh flourishing tree.. .in ..savithri episode yama retracted ......how to bring dead person to back life again??........mruthyunjaya .........what is it??...........manthra...can be made use of practically??..........nachiketha ..what did he achieve??

road accidents, fire accidents, gas leakages, elec shocks, collapse of buildings, can be prevented by human efforts/quality control/ preventive maintenance, maintenance, timely detection, ....bad habits smoking, drinking, drugs, bad food inputs can be avoided

bad company, bad inputs from environs , bad sensory inputs sight smells, taste, touch, noise/obscene language can be controlled

it's the will/spirit /self confidence/determination/commitment /principled life with sathsang, soothing music, sathgrantha pathanam divine discourses, guidance from teachers, will help

nothing to be left uncared , all possible actions from fore sight and hind sight must be taken

over straining , mentally and physically must be avoided.. system must be allowed to get recharged adequately, should not be abused/misused/over used/underused/unused......sun rays, fresh air, bath, clean clothes clean surroundings, clean water, nutritious pure food/ less spices / vegetables/vegetarian/ raw foods sprouts fruits nuts help

hobbies  creative, scribbling, drawing,

relaxation, mentally physically, sufficient sleep,  …meditation, rest, …….puja, japa, bhajan, stotra, nama smaranam

gaana , bajaana, naachna, …listening music,

walking ,laughing, gibberish talk,

what more??

Even on an insignificant straw,

Even on an insignificant straw,
seer sees many layers of truth,

and gives his expression to it in many ways
each seeing has its own validity at that level.

one sees its green
other its sheen

other sees its length, thickness, width
yet others uniquely see various aspects

like, its construction, design, growth, its material,
its chemical , physical properties,

its molecular weight,
its atomic number,

its nuclear structure and
its empty spaces within

its life, its growth, decay
its utility, its price, its shelf life

its nutritional value
its nuisance value

where what how much
what purpose why when

of its existence, its pain, its pleasure
its talk, its movement

yes ,
it has infinite aspects
every aspect is significant

though straw itself is insignificant 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Where are we heading as a nation


Where are we heading as a nation

Who claim to be spiritually enlightened

And dream about leading the world

towards spiritual enlightenment

if one really cares, 
to rise to be more than a talker and spectator, 
meditation is the shortest route for subduing 
kaama, krodha lobha moha mada mathsarya,
just a few minutes daily 

but how many are really serious about themselves,

What to talk on India 
just being driven deaf dumb

blind numb by the best time waster media mania

Meditation, Fantastic,


Meditation, Fantastic,

derusts the mind,

makes me be up like that dog 

who suddenly gets up and vibrates its body

getting rid of dust and dirt

fresh to embark

on a hearty loud bark 

and a smart and quick run

to find new worlds to conquer 

and rule as the sole emperor

Monday, March 7, 2022

My Biopic


My Biopic

No need for making one

It is available at no cost

I have not created

It got created on its own

My mind is the theater

With widest screen

I choose the scenes

From earliest to latest

See them in detail

They tell my many a tale

In black and white

In multi colors

In many flavors

Happy, playful,

Sad, remorseful

Exciting, inciting

Inspiring, perspiring

Disgusting, exhausting

Exhilarating enthusing

Musing, amusing

Enjoyable, unending

Wonderful telltale

Ready at any time

Sunday, March 6, 2022

I am no judge


I am no judge


As reader

i am no judge, 
i can't judge too, if not qualified

i take good, ignore bad..
that too as per my capacity to 

if i am swine, 
for me pearls won't shine

my bad taste picks worst as best 
let me be more a connoisseur than critic

as writer

i am ever a child, learning, though faltering some times

self correcting, improving, 
thru my own intuition

neither elated nor slated by if others praise or criticize

but looking for improvements from every opportunity

not claim perfection, perfection is divine
but strive for perfection and please the divine

Self is the best judge, not outsiders,


Self is the best judge, not outsiders, 
one to judge oneself right or wrong of things 
i am free and frank, 
if i want i talk, if i don't i don't
no need to prompt me nor stop me
where is the need for fear , hesitation, compulsion or obligation
one's wisdom is not for demonstration, it is to live wisely. 
i am unfluttered by criticism ,hate, rejection, or condemnation
i am unflatterd by praise , acceptance admiration or adoration
no need to add

To be judgmental is to be in awakened consciousness,


To be judgmental is to be in awakened consciousness,

to be alive in vivek,

to be alert , studying, finding merits /demerits

choosing the right , rejecting thre wrong

correcting oneself, correcting others

going in the right path, reaching the goal surely,

helping and leading others to be right, to be wise

saving them from inadvertent mistakes

and preventing the possible dangers and pitfalls

all in love , concern kindness,

its a way to express our divinity

and be always judgmental

eternal vigilance is the price of freedom

do not tolerate mistakes

do not excuse the criminals

every one needs your help

none is perfect , so be human, humanitarian

Saturday, March 5, 2022

I just be,


I just be, 
the point,
no line, 
no distance 
no journey
no time
no ocean,
no motion
no submerge
no merge 
no wave
no length
no ripple
no tickle

Idea of effortlessness can --not ---be equally true at the beginning time.


Idea of effortlessness can --not ---be equally true at the beginning time.

it happens after the mastery is gained , first starting with learning alphabets ,from guru 

soon you will reach , a level of mastery , living the truth of 

yad yad karma karomi thath thath akhilam 
shmbho thava aaraadhanam 

what ever i do , all is thy prayer 

but not before , not without knowing abcd 

stumbling up on some good thing , on a fewest occasion without effort is no mastery , not a great thing , it will not happen, it may be fleeting , momentary 

mastery is much more than these stray experiences, with total grip on the universe, universe responding at one's beck and call

ideal or ideology?


ideal or ideology?

 maoist/marxist/Leninist/naxal/communist /congress/communalist/nationalist/regionalist/linguist

----or any ideology is based on the best thinking of the best intellectuals 

to do good to people and to themselves,

virtually to create a happy environ for prosperity and well being of all-----welcome, ok

but in performance nothing has worked,

unhappiness persists.

hence being rejected /will be rejected till a really better alternative emerges.

it will be a challenge to all intellectuals to evolve one that works, that delivers goods.

unable to find solutions with the most modern education, should we not be looking back at what our wise had discovered, practiced, preached, preserved----sarvejanaa sukhino bhavanthu,?

and what was the key for its successful implementation?

is it not the realization of aham brahmasmi, thath thvam asi, sarvam khalvidam brahma?

can there be a greater ism with a superior ideology ?

Friday, March 4, 2022



leisure-------the word is making me to see more.......

shesha shayana reposing in leisure

kishan never works,leela is his pleasure

narad, on mahathi, singing in meter and measure

devi devathas dancing none can measure

shiva in tandava for getting his duty major

and all pashu shishu phani revel in gaana rasam though are minor

all saints sanths, savanths, in easy go ever

none feel shortage of time , never never

they all own the all time unending inside treasure

for them life itself , no work, but a leisure

oh what a miracle super


they never wasted a moment in reaching the pinnacle of power

in ignorance , wasting idling in leisure

first diligent sadhana

earn the divine dhana

then all life a nand nandana, 

real play with kishan in brundavana

Evolution depends on our contact with the our being , field beyond the least activity of mind, 

beyond the intellectual, the contemplation ,

even in leisure too ,it is still an activity, 
even the emotional, 
even the subtlest activity mind in worship devi devathas

,and --crossing all the levels ---reaching beyond. 

not untill then--

but once crossed all fields of activities gross and subtle

-all activities will be done in spontaneous leisure-like in the away higher beings live