sweet home
Every time we go out for some errand or for meeting some commitment we would like to be in our home and hearth in the company of our nears and dears.
----since home is where we belong,
we are born and brought up in the home, which is really the heaven with all needs met/ comforts provided, unasked unstruggled with nearest, dearest, playing together, we feel in home a sense of security, satisfaction, a freedom ,a gift, we like it ,we love it,
so we wish to come back to home again and again by nature ,
hence it is ‘’home sweet home’’
well this is all on earth plane--there is a similar home on the spiritual plane,
we wish to come back to that home again and again by nature,
even though we are at home, amidst all the sweet company of the kith and kin , eats and things,
though we might be in the lap of the best luxuries,
that desire to go to that spiritual home, that made gautham to get up at midnight and walk away from that sweetest home"
He walked far far away in search of that spiritual sweeter home,
and did discover and did own that far far sweeter , far far higher home, far far bigger , far far beautiful home,
and started to live in it for ever in life, and after life
by which he experienced far far greater freedom, comfort, happiness, health, wealth, relation, love, infinitely more grand than the sweetest earthly home
that is the unquenchable longing deepest, the real home sickness , to return to that spiritual home, that every soul born on earth is blessed with
and he wants to reach ''yathaa poorve...'', ''as was originally'' in that homeand blessed are those who take cognition of this longing within, without getting overshadowed/ deluded by the sweetness of the dearest earthly home
and this is the true home of the individual soul, deep within his body , the temple , in which he is the divinity and he wants to reach that state of divinity, his longing continues nonstop , from birth to death, to more births and deaths till he finds and joins his true home for ever
once he stays in this home, now no place on the earth is new to him, whether office, market place road, or in vehicle, along with company or alone , in own country or at far off new places, he feels he is at home,
he feels at home with every one every place every situation every day every moment
the universe becomes his home every being trees, creatures, people ,hills ,dales, sun, moon, stars, are his loving playmates,
his own belongings
all belong to him
he belongs to all
no stranger, nothing special, no discomfort , nothing to bother , carefree, nonchalant
his home now expanded into the universe
this is the real ''home sweet home''
just within, no separation, no walls
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