Samadhi is the beginning, ....not the end of Yoga.
...maharishi mahesh yogi
...maharishi mahesh yogi
Patanjali. Yoga Sutras, the eight limbs of yoga are presented in the following order:
Patanjali. Yoga Sutras, the eight limbs of yoga are presented in the following order:
1) the five yamas or personal virtues, such as ahimsa or non-violence, and satya, truthfulness
2) the five niyamas or rules of life, including shaucha, purification, and swadhyaya, study
3) pranayama, the breathing practices
4) the asanas, the poses of yoga
5, 6, 7,) the three stages of mental practice, pratyahara, dharana, and dhyana or meditation.
8 ) Samadhi, the union of the busy thinking mind with its deepest, most silent level, the unified field of consciousness, the Self. Think of an individual wave settling down and experiencing the unbounded ocean.
2) the five niyamas or rules of life, including shaucha, purification, and swadhyaya, study
3) pranayama, the breathing practices
4) the asanas, the poses of yoga
5, 6, 7,) the three stages of mental practice, pratyahara, dharana, and dhyana or meditation.
8 ) Samadhi, the union of the busy thinking mind with its deepest, most silent level, the unified field of consciousness, the Self. Think of an individual wave settling down and experiencing the unbounded ocean.
However, despite the fact that Ashtanga translates
as eight LIMBS, and not eight STEPS or stages, ....
many have thought Patanjali meant that his eight-fold approach should be practiced only in this step-by-step, sequential order, starting with the personal virtues and observances, and culminating in meditation for the purpose of gaining samadhi.
as eight LIMBS, and not eight STEPS or stages, ....
many have thought Patanjali meant that his eight-fold approach should be practiced only in this step-by-step, sequential order, starting with the personal virtues and observances, and culminating in meditation for the purpose of gaining samadhi.
Patanjali had, due to the long lapse of time, become badly misinterpreted.
The order of Patanjali’s famous eightfold yoga had, he said, become the reverse of what Patanjali intended.
“The practice of Yoga was understood to start with yama, niyama (the virtues), and so on,”
“The practice of Yoga was understood to start with yama, niyama (the virtues), and so on,”
but Maharishi said, “whereas in reality it should begin with samadhi.
Samadhi cannot be gained by the practice of yama, niyama, and so on.
Proficiency in the virtues can only be gained by repeated experience of samadhi.”
In other words, it is mistaken to think that improved morality and behavior is required to reach samadhi;
rather, Maharishi said that better behavior and morality comes as a result of the experience of that most unified and blissful level of life
For example, Maharishi said, one can only truly progress in ahimsa or non-violence as one grows in the consciousness that there is a common unity of all things. This unified reality of life is directly experienced in samadhi.
For example, Maharishi said, one can only truly progress in ahimsa or non-violence as one grows in the consciousness that there is a common unity of all things. This unified reality of life is directly experienced in samadhi.
Similarly, he said, asteya or non-covetousness can only be truly achieved when one feels fully contented, and the most stable inner happiness naturally comes through repeated experience of the eternal field of bliss-consciousness in samadhi.
Samadhi is the beginning, ....not the end of Yoga
Samadhi is the beginning, ....not the end of Yoga
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