Wednesday, October 21, 2015

One sees what one wants to see,

One sees what one wants to see

One sees what one wants to see,

interpretations on every thing , every phenomena, every person, every object , every custom, every system , every tradition , every history, every ancestry are possible in infinite ways, by any one, ranging from a rag picker on the road side , to the best of qualified experienced intellectual, to the best enlightened soul

all provide their own interpretations to the best of their ablities, knowledge, understanding, penetrating abilities., beliefs.

it's all wlcome

but what is valued is that which has some worth in it


as long as the basis on which things evolved is not explored , not understood,
all appear topsy-turvy , funny , hazy, puzzling, amazing, flabbergasting,
as if a lunatic seeing a nuclear plant, and comparing with a garbage dump,
and trying to share his discoveries with a relish

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