My Comments
Mar 18, 2014 at 10:35 am
it is ultimate highest truth , hence quran is holy “Say, He is God, the One.
God, the self Sufficient One. He begets not, nor was He begotten. And there is
no one like Him. (Al Quran 112: 1-4)i understand this as same as ''advaitha
vedanta'', saying that there is only one god , in my own language and my own
spiritual exploration behaviour gets refined , love established in life , in
proportion to the vicinity we reach to the god thru effective spiritual
practices with right guidance"
Apr 10, 2014 at 10:11 am
Oct 01, 2013 at 02:08 pm
15, 2013 at 09:59 pm
08, 2013 at 10:03 pm
08, 2013 at 10:00 pm
08, 2013 at 07:58 pm
08, 2013 at 07:54 pm
08, 2013 at 05:31 pm
08, 2013 at 12:51 pm
08, 2013 at 05:25 pm
08, 2013 at 05:34 pm
08, 2013 at 05:24 pm
08, 2013 at 05:38 pm
08, 2013 at 05:37 pm
31, 2013 at 10:45 am
22, 2013 at 12:16 pm
22, 2013 at 12:15 pm
29, 2013 at 09:19 pm
15, 2013 at 08:53 am
13, 2013 at 01:58 pm
13, 2013 at 01:57 pm
13, 2013 at 01:56 pm
13, 2013 at 01:55 pm
13, 2013 at 01:37 pm
13, 2013 at 01:35 pm
13, 2013 at 01:34 pm
13, 2013 at 01:34 pm
16, 2013 at 03:59 pm
13, 2013 at 01:33 pm
13, 2013 at 01:33 pm
12, 2013 at 04:24 am
13, 2013 at 02:02 am
08, 2013 at 04:29 am
08, 2013 at 04:25 am
13, 2013 at 01:52 pm
13, 2013 at 01:47 pm
13, 2013 at 01:46 pm
13, 2013 at 01:39 pm
13, 2013 at 01:38 pm
13, 2013 at 01:37 pm
13, 2013 at 01:38 pm
05, 2013 at 01:48 pm
29, 2013 at 04:16 pm
29, 2013 at 04:13 pm
26, 2013 at 07:47 pm
26, 2013 at 07:44 pm
25, 2013 at 09:02 pm
25, 2013 at 08:53 pm
25, 2013 at 04:53 am
24, 2013 at 04:18 pm
24, 2013 at 04:14 pm
17, 2013 at 12:55 pm
08, 2013 at 06:24 pm
judgmental is the manifestation of our inbuilt quality control system ,
actively doing inspection, testing, grading, accepting, rejecting, rating
identifying, classifying, segregating different levels of good / or bad and
thus helping for actions for improvement , it is a kind of spreading / sharing
a unknown truth , not seen / missed by the person . it is a help ,it is a service,
one must feel thankful to get assessed, irrespective of getting accepted or
rejected a prime minister , not being judgmental on the misdeeds of his
ministers is doing a great disservice to the nation , all criticism must
happen, mistakes need to be pointed out that is how we have examinations and
system of correction and awarding the marks if a teacher or master becomes deaf
dumb blind and numb , for fear of causing negative vibrations, then his wisdom
is waste truth is bitter , yet it helps finally"
07, 2013 at 10:14 am

"One great
modern saint said'' i am not waiting for any one to become perfect. i use the
same existing imperfect human beings to create a perfect heaven on earth , in
which every one becomes automatically perfect ''the same deficient, immoral,
inefficient, deficient individuals , thru focusing their attention on others,
are triggering transformation , if a policeman waits for becoming perfect
individual himself first, before catching a thief , then he may not catch a
thief in life timeif a journalist waits to become perfect, in life time he will
not do a sting operation, he cannot expose the erring individuals , he cannot
write on crime, but fortunately , men are working ,as they are , and
contributing in their own ways by pointing out errors a art connoisseur, a
literary critic, a film reviewer are not perfect , yet their highlighting the
deficiencies in the creations are giving valuable feed back for rising in
quality here in st, the readers , are doing great contribution, without waiting
for infinite time in becoming perfect themselves, and i find comments are
greatly helpful to the creators of blogs and to the readers, thus helping for
mutual improvement"
07, 2013 at 09:51 am
"''in case
the same is causing hurt in the other person, or is bringing in poison,the
purpose gets defeated''one failed student commits suicideother failed student
works harder and passes next time .should we stop / can we stop exams ?some one
must sit in judgement over others, and definitely oversee their deeds misdeeds
other wise scam after scam, rape after rape repeatif the pm does not pull up
the erring law minister, who can?if the railjobs are put on sale by the kin of
rail minister, should some one not take action?if the cheatfunds are causing 8
suicides , should we not point outwhy crime is repeating?it is because the
criminals are not caught, mistakes is just overlooked, it is excused, it is
ignored why spurious goods are flourishingwhy adulteration is happeningwhy
morals are coming downsince we have not acted as watch dogs, not cared our
conscience, not bothered our duty to general society"
08, 2013 at 02:00 pm
08, 2013 at 02:14 pm
"Man cannot
see own deficiencies , he is helplesshe can see only others' mistakesi point
out your mistakes, you point out mine, we both come to know , others also come
to know every one's mistakes in this processthen there is reaction, in the form
of corrective action at top level, the corrupt are pointing out corruption
mutually, and truths are coming out to public glareand surely situation gets
improved in due course so dont not bother ,if you are not a perfect man, but
just go on pointing out others mistakes , let them come to know , this is how
truth comes outman wanting to reform others is a nice initiative welcomethru
this each one receives the feedback on own deficiencies, and consequent
07, 2013 at 09:49 am

"You can
never assess the other person fully , he may be god evenyou can only pass a
opinion true or false or incomplete, due to limitations of perceptions i am
saying , do not hold back your opinions, if you hold back, there is no chance
of getting corrected on your perception instead, if you express free frank, you
will get reaction/response which you may accept or reject in this blog sri has
expressed a view , right or wrong , what ever------but he did expressthat gives
us a chance now , we are expressing ours free frank so an opportunity is opened
to get at the validity of the ideas instead, if i keep quiet for fear of
displeasure, i am the loser . since you did not readily agree with me, and
since you feel my stand is not totally correct, ------and since you did express
your ''your judgement'' on me , i am able to do a re-look at my grasp, and
check my track is right or not , and am able to say what i feel , that means i
have undergone one cycle of improvement on revisiting my stand spirituality in
essence is to make one alert and to go on right track and it should not be a
lullaby to send one in to deep sleep thus sr i is waking us up on our duty and
responsibility, though they may be difficult or unpleasant .gandhi did not keep
quite, he awakened on the mistakes of the alien govt, though aliens were hurt
by his criticism and movement he did not tolerate their domination , he did not
fear i repeat, spiritual leaders have great responsibility in changing the
trends of time ruthlessly condemning the injustice , exploitation perpetrated
by the ignorant arrogant politicians, some times their words may pinch them but
injection is a must to cure the disease , it may prick and cause pain"
08, 2013 at 02:39 pm
09, 2013 at 08:56 am
"Thank you
for a beautiful response, which makes me to be in ''balance''., makes me not to
lose my ''silence'', makes me not to stop my ''speaking up''so i speak up, and
loudly, but remaining in my deep silence our pm, mms, was praised once for his
golden silence, dignified, unruffled, remaining in perfect balanceslowly that
balance, as you rightly emphasized, was lost sight of, and silence and
persistence silence prevailed, a sort of silent encouragement for all the
scamsters , to cheat and rob the nation, to stash black money and bash the poor
aam aadmi with raising prices and raising rapes , bomb blasts, and what
09, 2013 at 08:45 am
06, 2013 at 03:16 pm
06, 2013 at 02:42 pm
06, 2013 at 02:39 pm
06, 2013 at 11:27 am
06, 2013 at 04:33 pm
judgmental is the manifestation of our inbuilt quality control system ,
actively doing inspection, testing, grading, accepting, rejecting, rating
identifying, classifying, segregating different levels of good / or bad and
thus helping for actions for improvement , it is a kind of spreading / sharing
a unknown truth , not seen / missed by the person . it is a help ,it is a
service, one must feel thankful to get assessed, irrespective of getting
accepted or rejected a prime minister , not being judgmental on the misdeeds of
his ministers is doing a great disservice to the nation , all criticism must
happen, mistakes need to be pointed out that is how we have examinations and
system of correction and awarding the marks if a teacher or master becomes deaf
dumb blind and numb , for fear of causing negative vibrations, then his wisdom
is waste truth is bitter , yet it helps finally"
07, 2013 at 10:18 am
08, 2013 at 07:33 am

"One great
modern saint said'' i am not waiting for any one to become perfect. i use the
same existing imperfect human beings to create a perfect heaven on earth , in
which every one becomes automatically perfect ''the same deficient, immoral,
inefficient, deficient individuals , thru focusing their attention on others,
are triggering transformation , if a policeman waits for becoming perfect
individual himself first, before catching a thief , then he may not catch a
thief in life timeif a journalist waits to become perfect, in life time he will
not do a sting operation, he cannot expose the erring individuals , he cannot
write on crime, but fortunately , men are working ,as they are , and
contributing in their own ways by pointing out errors a art connoisseur, a literary
critic, a film reviewer are not perfect , yet their highlighting the
deficiencies in the creations are giving valuable feed back for rising in
quality here in st, the readers , are doing great contribution, without waiting
for infinite time in becoming perfect themselves, and i find comments are
greatly helpful to the creators of blogs and to the readers, thus helping for
mutual improvement"
06, 2013 at 04:52 pm
08, 2013 at 07:36 am
07, 2013 at 04:54 am
"But sounds
correctly as "Ma'am", or '' mom'' if you feel and we greet only once
when we meet first time, and then we are just friends, not needing to say every
time any greetings..i never say namasthe to my mother father brother sister
friends relativesthe love and regard stand proved by actions , not by words ,
even sweet words, even devotional words some times it is just distraction, a
time waster exchange of pleasantries, bordering on sycophancy, artificiality,
since it has become a routine habit meaning nothing athi vinayam dhoortha
lakshanam excessive humility is a sign of the wickedso better i come direct to
the point , without referring the names also, as , it is clear on the board of
st who replies to whom"
09, 2013 at 05:36 pm
"Shriin st
, i like to address all to their souls , not the name, form soul can be
addressed by any word of honor and reverence, like sir, madam, shri, prabhu,
your holiness, swami, guruji, mathaji, divinity, bandhu, friend, atman, lord,
addressing by name yes, is ok for all other formal or informal , other than
spiritual, i hope this reasoning will be accepted for my gurus, and in
sathsangs i never address by name , this is the culture i was brought up with
here it is always a transaction on spiritual plane , hence i feel i did no
mistake in calling madam"
07, 2013 at 10:33 am
08, 2013 at 10:36 am
09, 2013 at 10:36 pm

NAMASKAR NAMASTEY RAAM RAAM should not be a matter of just words, coming out
involuntary, by force of habit, like a parrot talk, without the weight or depth
implied in their meaning, but must go enriched with fullest bhaava , when one
says naman to any one , he must really mean that he is saluting the divinity
that he is seeing in him , if not better better say hi, hello, and be just
casual greetings have become meaningless, a pep talk, every one using them as
often, as freely, as recklessly, as we just chat for time pass i recall one of
my mentors, who was using every wordwith so much care and consideration that
when i hear, i see the truth of that words really coming to my heart he never
does any talk without impregnating every word of it with such clear
authenticity that he really means 100 percent of what he says a pooja must not
be a routine, must not become habit , a just any other activitytalk , even if
it is veda, it must not be a mere repetition, but must be delivered enriching
with the true content a bhajan, a keerthan , may have its value, but real value
of it is received or delivered only when it is done with heart .so what ever
words / greeting i may use those words are no real unless i mean them really ,
and not used by habit in such case, i better avoid such superlatives and just
be plain i will not be inspired to use such words just for each and every bit
of casual conversation"
08, 2013 at 10:24 am
"Man cannot
see own deficiencies , he is helpless he can see only others' mistakesi point
out your mistakes, you point out mine, we both come to know , others also come
to know every one's mistakes in this process then there is reaction, in the
form of corrective action at top level, the corrupt are pointing out corruption
mutually, and truths are coming out to public glareand surely situation gets
improved in due course so dont not bother ,if you are not a perfect man, but
just go on pointing out others mistakes , let them come to know , this is how
truth comes out man wanting to reform others is a nice initiative welcomethru
this each one receives the feedback on own deficiencies, and consequent
06, 2013 at 03:11 pm
never see our own shortcomings...''hence only , is this need for dialog,
debate, discussion, argument, analysis ,review, reconsideration, revision,
updating, synthesis, synchronization, reconciliation , of all the divergent
perceptions by different individuals with different view points . with
different abilities though we may not agree ,with each otherbut only to share ,
let's agree, sister , brotheri cannot see my faceunless to mirror i
faceuniverse is my mirrori see it in you to undo my error"
09, 2013 at 01:47 pm
should look at ourselves first...''this , we can be doing lifelong , but, how
to know the validity / correctness of our conclusions on ourselves.? left to
himself, man thinks that he is a very good person, next only to god, though he
may be a cheat, a criminal, a murder, a rapist, a bomber, a dullard, a
illiterate, he looks at himself and justifies all his wrongs with best logic ,
convincing to himself , and in turn does all bad, thinking that he is doing all
good he may think that he is the most eligible chief minister of a state, just
because he happens to be the son of a chief minister , and thinks that he needs
to console million people on the death of his father, andhe finds nothing
wrong, but as a right to acquire disproportionate assets using the office of
his father all this is the result of ''looking at himself first ''but cbi,
supreme court looks at these as grave misdeeds detrimental to the economy of
the country"
09, 2013 at 02:04 pm
"Not all
are experts in expressing plainly, there are novices there are great learned
professors, but eventually all learn and grow , eeven thru committing mistakes
initially, so undercurrents are bound to occur by default . however, at the
other end, how one receives is one's concern and merit,. as can be seen in the
variety of responses / replies in the debate for each one blogand i like
speaking tree, mainly because of extensive participation , every one has a
chance here to speak ,what ever may be his ability /level/capacity , with
richest variety of views"
07, 2013 at 05:19 am
09, 2013 at 10:47 pm

"An example
of ants ''speaking up ''and king listening and responding, and correcting his
courseKing Solomon and the Antsby John Greenleaf WhittierOut from JerusalemThe
king rode with his greatWar chiefs and lords of state,And Sheba's queen with
them;Comely, but black withal,To whom, perchance, belongsThat wondrous Song of
songs,Sensuous and mystical,Whereto devout souls turnIn fond, ecstatic
dream,And through its earth-born themeThe Love of loves discern.Proud in the
Syrian sun,In gold and purple sheen,The dusky Ethiop queenSmiled on King
Solomon.Wisest of men, he knewThe languages of allThe creatures great or
smallThat trod the earth or flew.Across an ant-hill ledThe king's path, and he
heardIts small folk, and their wordHe thus interpreted:"Here comes the
king men greetAs wise and good and just,To crush us in the dustUnder his
heedless feet."The great king bowed his head,And saw the wide surpriseOf
the Queen of Sheba's eyesAs he told her what they said."O king!" she
whispered sweet,"Too happy fate have theyWho perish in thy wayBeneath thy
gracious feet!"Thou of the God-lent crown,Shall these vile creatures
dareMurmur against thee whereThe knees of kings kneel
down?""Nay," Solomon replied,"The wise and strong should
seekThe welfare of the weak,"And turned his horse aside.His train, with
quick alarm,Curved with their leader roundThe ant-hill's peopled mound,And left
it free from harm.The jewelled head bent low;"O king!" she said,
"henceforthThe secret of thy worthAnd wisdom well I know."Happy must
be the StateWhose ruler heedeth moreThe murmurs of the poorThan flatteries of
the great."Read more:"
09, 2013 at 10:45 pm
"And hence
a speaking tree!!! with all birds tweeting , in their own way, relevant or not,
intelligible or not, synchronous or not, palatable or not incidentally, all
beings , including trees , are born with an ability, an urge, a necessity to
''speak up'', even as child, even as baby creatures , even as tender plants,
creepers, responding and reacting to every encounter, the mode of ''speaking''
need not be only thru speech / thru mouth/ tongue / or thru audible sound ,
their body language ''speaks'' a lot, their looks, gestures, signs, frowns,
smiles, sobs , contractions, convulsions, all ''speak'' volumesirrespective of
being heard or not , irrespective of being responded or not , but ,Yes....and
speak we do!"
09, 2013 at 01:31 pm
"And if all
good is happening, it is just natural , there is no news good things are so plain
that we hardly talk about them since nothing more need to be done , if some
thing unnatural , bad , happens, it rouses our conscience to immediately
respond react , it comes out as news, needing , inviting ,all the concern from
every one , alerting them for remedial actionso do not expect news too be only
positive reporting definitely they highlight bad things , and it is good that
they do it and we shall be praying for all the good to happen with on addition
that girl child , daughter, be allowed for birth and growth , along with boy
child, son as was desired in the prayer"
07, 2013 at 05:42 am

"By your
reply i am reminded of Mangalya Prarthana[Universal Prayer to well being from
the Vedas]Translated by P. R. RamachanderSwasthi prajabhya
paripalayantham,Nyayena margena maheem maheesa,Gobrahmanebhyo shubhamasthu
nithyam,Loka samastha Sukhino bhavantu.Let good things occur to the king of the
country,Who looks after his people well, in the path of justice,Let Cows* and
Brahmins** have a pleasant life daily,Let all people of the world have a very
pleasant life.Kale varshathu parjanya,Prauthwee sasya shalini,Deso yam kshobha
rahitha,SAjjana santhu nirbhaya. Let the monsoon be timely and plentiful,Let
earth be covered with vegetation,Let the country live without problems,And let
good people never have fear.Aputhra puthrina santhu,Puthrina santhu
pouthrina,Adhana sadhana,Santhu jeevanthu sarada satham.Let sonless people have
son,Let people with son have grand sons,And let people who are poor or
rich,Live and see one hundred autumns.Sarvathra sukhina santhu,Sarve santhu
niramaya,Sarve bhadrani pasyanthu,Ma kaschid dukha bhag bhaveth.Let people live
with pleasure everywhere,Let all people live without diseases,Let every one
feel themselves secure,And let none have at anytime sorrow,Om Sarvesham
swasthir bhavthu,Om Sarvesham santhir Bhavathu,Om Sarvesham poornam Bhavathu,Om
Sarvesham Mangalam Bhavathu.Let comfort be every where,Let peace be
everywhere,Let there be plenty everywhere,And let good things happen
everywhere.Om Santhi, Om Santhi, Om SanthiLet there be peace, Let there be
peace,Let there be peace."
07, 2013 at 05:29 am
09, 2013 at 01:14 pm
07, 2013 at 05:20 am
"A rose
plant gives out flowers, thorns, leafs, twigs, branches, trunk, bark, all good
bad best wort but are just components of the wholeness, the treeEach individual
is unique, no comparison, grading, rating ,classifying, testing assessing will
be relevanta natural behavior with all its infinite range from the worst to the
best is what is desirable, like the child'sany controls or manipulation is
harmful intervention , distorts, disrupts, retards, obstructs the full
blossoming of all the multiple potentiality let it blossom fully , without
minding the environmental interferenceSaintly hood is just a result of natural
growth, unhindered, without external or internal interventions since what
happens is all has its own best logic , though it may not be fully known by the
01, 2013 at 08:07 am
05, 2013 at 05:19 pm
"All beings
have inbuilt ability to see, feel, understand, act , react , respond , learn,
remember at every step of growth right from birth , childhood, ------all
happening naturally and it is wonder how nature is carrying out this all
creation in so accurate and perfect fashion and intervention in this natural
process is definitely harmful thtu what ever form it is imposedwhich conditions
the individual and his natural integrity is lessened to that extent , man there
by acting like a robot at the instructions of the program, losing his original
flavour in life"
05, 2013 at 05:03 pm
15, 2013 at 07:52 pm
14, 2013 at 09:53 pm
13, 2013 at 02:20 pm
13, 2013 at 02:31 pm
13, 2013 at 11:02 am
13, 2013 at 11:10 am

"From birth
to death we are guided by the human guru in many forms mother is the first
guru, even cats teach the baby catsthere are several gurus , father, teachers,
friends, relatives, but all have some attributes , some class some level, .guru
is one who guides .all knowledge and guidance is received from a number of
knowledgeable humans ,every one may not be the ideal or perfect teacher, but
has his place . one moves forward graduating from one level of learning to
higher level, but all with the help of various gurus,though they may be experts
in one branch and do not know other branches so well .we must take all
available help from one and all, and help all others , though we may not be the
perfect gurus ,so i liked speaking tree s venture to bring together all
teachers and learners .here simultaneously all are learning and all are teaching,
appropriate to their levels and needs .we are not waiting for one perfect
teacher , from external or internal . we are proceeding to learn and teach in
our respective abilities and knowledge i salute the speaking tree for this
great taskIn speaking tree i find great teachings from the participants
actively involved in showing many points of views on a single matter projected
by one individual ,thus the matter is enriched and becomes more useful and
full, and broadening the vision of all readersand particularly the vision of
the writer , he gaining enormous depth not himself has probed while he is
writing the article. .and if we ignore the label and badge aspects, we will be
able to see the true worth of the content and will be able to supplement and complement
it from our own perspective , this results in higher comprehension , and better
utility.after seeing a few samples of writings i find that , sharing of views
is helping a lot , and thus in a way ,we can see the guru coming live in the
teachings and learnings by one and all . confirming the fact that guru is
always in some form , in some place, and comes here in speaking tree online ,so
to say, in the form of writers and readers in their conversations, and thus
helps to arrive at higher level of knowledge , all not one man effort but the
enthusiasm of all the participants irrespective of their merits or attainments
.and i like this great opportunity offered by speaking tree"
Apr 13, 2013 at 10:29 am
Aug 31, 2013 at 10:45 am
Aug 22, 2013 at 12:16 pm
Aug 22, 2013 at 12:15 pm
Aug 29, 2013 at 09:19 pm
Aug 15, 2013 at 08:53 am
Aug 13, 2013 at 01:58 pm
Aug 13, 2013 at 01:57 pm
Aug 13, 2013 at 01:56 pm
Aug 13, 2013 at 01:55 pm
Aug 13, 2013 at 01:37 pm
Aug 13, 2013 at 01:35 pm
Aug 13, 2013 at 01:34 pm
Aug 13, 2013 at 01:34 pm
Aug 16, 2013 at 03:59 pm
Aug 13, 2013 at 01:33 pm
Aug 13, 2013 at 01:33 pm
Aug 12, 2013 at 04:24 am
Aug 13, 2013 at 02:02 am
Aug 08, 2013 at 04:29 am
Aug 08, 2013 at 04:25 am
Aug 13, 2013 at 01:52 pm
Aug 13, 2013 at 01:47 pm
Aug 13, 2013 at 01:46 pm
Aug 13, 2013 at 01:39 pm
Aug 13, 2013 at 01:38 pm
Aug 13, 2013 at 01:37 pm
Aug 13, 2013 at 01:38 pm
Aug 05, 2013 at 01:48 pm
Jul 29, 2013 at 04:16 pm
Jul 29, 2013 at 04:13 pm
Jul 26, 2013 at 07:47 pm
Jul 26, 2013 at 07:44 pm
Jul 25, 2013 at 09:02 pm
Jul 25, 2013 at 08:53 pm
Jul 25, 2013 at 04:53 am
Jul 24, 2013 at 04:18 pm
Jul 24, 2013 at 04:14 pm
May 17, 2013 at 12:55 pm
May 08, 2013 at 06:24 pm
judgmental is the manifestation of our inbuilt quality control system ,
actively doing inspection, testing, grading, accepting, rejecting, rating
identifying, classifying, segregating different levels of good / or bad and
thus helping for actions for improvement , it is a kind of spreading / sharing
a unknown truth , not seen / missed by the person . it is a help ,it is a
service, one must feel thankful to get assessed, irrespective of getting
accepted or rejected a prime minister , not being judgmental on the misdeeds of
his ministers is doing a great disservice to the nation , all criticism must
happen, mistakes need to be pointed out that is how we have examinations and
system of correction and awarding the marks if a teacher or master becomes deaf
dumb blind and numb , for fear of causing negative vibrations, then his wisdom
is waste truth is bitter , yet it helps finally"
May 07, 2013 at 10:14 am

"One great
modern saint said'' i am not waiting for any one to become perfect. i use the
same existing imperfect human beings to create a perfect heaven on earth , in
which every one becomes automatically perfect ''the same deficient, immoral,
inefficient, deficient individuals , thru focusing their attention on others,
are triggering transformation , if a policeman waits for becoming perfect
individual himself first, before catching a thief , then he may not catch a
thief in life timeif a journalist waits to become perfect, in life time he will
not do a sting operation, he cannot expose the erring individuals , he cannot
write on crime, but fortunately , men are working ,as they are , and
contributing in their own ways by pointing out errors a art connoisseur, a
literary critic, a film reviewer are not perfect , yet their highlighting the
deficiencies in the creations are giving valuable feed back for rising in
quality here in st, the readers , are doing great contribution, without waiting
for infinite time in becoming perfect themselves, and i find comments are
greatly helpful to the creators of blogs and to the readers, thus helping for
mutual improvement"
May 07, 2013 at 09:51 am
"''in case
the same is causing hurt in the other person, or is bringing in poison,the
purpose gets defeated''one failed student commits suicideother failed student
works harder and passes next time .should we stop / can we stop exams ?some one
must sit in judgement over others, and definitely oversee their deeds misdeeds
other wise scam after scam, rape after rape repeatif the pm does not pull up
the erring law minister, who can?if the railjobs are put on sale by the kin of
rail minister, should some one not take action?if the cheatfunds are causing 8
suicides , should we not point outwhy crime is repeating?it is because the
criminals are not caught, mistakes is just overlooked, it is excused, it is
ignored why spurious goods are flourishingwhy adulteration is happeningwhy
morals are coming downsince we have not acted as watch dogs, not cared our
conscience, not bothered our duty to general society"
May 08, 2013 at 02:00 pm
May 08, 2013 at 02:14 pm
"Man cannot
see own deficiencies , he is helplesshe can see only others' mistakesi point
out your mistakes, you point out mine, we both come to know , others also come
to know every one's mistakes in this processthen there is reaction, in the form
of corrective action at top level, the corrupt are pointing out corruption
mutually, and truths are coming out to public glareand surely situation gets
improved in due course so dont not bother ,if you are not a perfect man, but
just go on pointing out others mistakes , let them come to know , this is how
truth comes outman wanting to reform others is a nice initiative welcomethru
this each one receives the feedback on own deficiencies, and consequent
May 07, 2013 at 09:49 am

"You can
never assess the other person fully , he may be god evenyou can only pass a
opinion true or false or incomplete, due to limitations of perceptions i am
saying , do not hold back your opinions, if you hold back, there is no chance
of getting corrected on your perception instead, if you express free frank, you
will get reaction/response which you may accept or reject in this blog sri has
expressed a view , right or wrong , what ever------but he did expressthat gives
us a chance now , we are expressing ours free frank so an opportunity is opened
to get at the validity of the ideas instead, if i keep quiet for fear of
displeasure, i am the loser . since you did not readily agree with me, and since
you feel my stand is not totally correct, ------and since you did express your
''your judgement'' on me , i am able to do a re-look at my grasp, and check my
track is right or not , and am able to say what i feel , that means i have
undergone one cycle of improvement on revisiting my stand spirituality in
essence is to make one alert and to go on right track and it should not be a
lullaby to send one in to deep sleep thus sr i is waking us up on our duty and
responsibility, though they may be difficult or unpleasant .gandhi did not keep
quite, he awakened on the mistakes of the alien govt, though aliens were hurt
by his criticism and movement he did not tolerate their domination , he did not
fear i repeat, spiritual leaders have great responsibility in changing the
trends of time ruthlessly condemning the injustice , exploitation perpetrated
by the ignorant arrogant politicians, some times their words may pinch them but
injection is a must to cure the disease , it may prick and cause pain"
May 08, 2013 at 02:39 pm
May 09, 2013 at 08:56 am
"Thank you
for a beautiful response, which makes me to be in ''balance''., makes me not to
lose my ''silence'', makes me not to stop my ''speaking up''so i speak up, and
loudly, but remaining in my deep silence our pm, mms, was praised once for his
golden silence, dignified, unruffled, remaining in perfect balanceslowly that
balance, as you rightly emphasized, was lost sight of, and silence and
persistence silence prevailed, a sort of silent encouragement for all the
scamsters , to cheat and rob the nation, to stash black money and bash the poor
aam aadmi with raising prices and raising rapes , bomb blasts, and what
May 09, 2013 at 08:45 am
May 06, 2013 at 03:16 pm
May 06, 2013 at 02:42 pm
May 06, 2013 at 02:39 pm
May 06, 2013 at 11:27 am
May 06, 2013 at 04:33 pm
judgmental is the manifestation of our inbuilt quality control system ,
actively doing inspection, testing, grading, accepting, rejecting, rating
identifying, classifying, segregating different levels of good / or bad and
thus helping for actions for improvement , it is a kind of spreading / sharing
a unknown truth , not seen / missed by the person . it is a help ,it is a service,
one must feel thankful to get assessed, irrespective of getting accepted or
rejected a prime minister , not being judgmental on the misdeeds of his
ministers is doing a great disservice to the nation , all criticism must
happen, mistakes need to be pointed out that is how we have examinations and
system of correction and awarding the marks if a teacher or master becomes deaf
dumb blind and numb , for fear of causing negative vibrations, then his wisdom
is waste truth is bitter , yet it helps finally"
May 07, 2013 at 10:18 am
May 08, 2013 at 07:33 am

"One great
modern saint said'' i am not waiting for any one to become perfect. i use the
same existing imperfect human beings to create a perfect heaven on earth , in
which every one becomes automatically perfect ''the same deficient, immoral,
inefficient, deficient individuals , thru focusing their attention on others,
are triggering transformation , if a policeman waits for becoming perfect
individual himself first, before catching a thief , then he may not catch a thief
in life timeif a journalist waits to become perfect, in life time he will not
do a sting operation, he cannot expose the erring individuals , he cannot write
on crime, but fortunately , men are working ,as they are , and contributing in
their own ways by pointing out errors a art connoisseur, a literary critic, a
film reviewer are not perfect , yet their highlighting the deficiencies in the
creations are giving valuable feed back for rising in quality here in st, the
readers , are doing great contribution, without waiting for infinite time in
becoming perfect themselves, and i find comments are greatly helpful to the
creators of blogs and to the readers, thus helping for mutual improvement"
May 06, 2013 at 04:52 pm
May 08, 2013 at 07:36 am
May 07, 2013 at 04:54 am
"But sounds
correctly as "Ma'am", or '' mom'' if you feel and we greet only once
when we meet first time, and then we are just friends, not needing to say every
time any greetings..i never say namasthe to my mother father brother sister friends
relativesthe love and regard stand proved by actions , not by words , even
sweet words, even devotional words some times it is just distraction, a time
waster exchange of pleasantries, bordering on sycophancy, artificiality, since
it has become a routine habit meaning nothing athi vinayam dhoortha lakshanam
excessive humility is a sign of the wickedso better i come direct to the point
, without referring the names also, as , it is clear on the board of st who
replies to whom"
May 09, 2013 at 05:36 pm
"Shriin st
, i like to address all to their souls , not the name, form soul can be
addressed by any word of honor and reverence, like sir, madam, shri, prabhu,
your holiness, swami, guruji, mathaji, divinity, bandhu, friend, atman, lord,
addressing by name yes, is ok for all other formal or informal , other than
spiritual, i hope this reasoning will be accepted for my gurus, and in
sathsangs i never address by name , this is the culture i was brought up with
here it is always a transaction on spiritual plane , hence i feel i did no mistake
in calling madam"
May 07, 2013 at 10:33 am
May 08, 2013 at 10:36 am
May 09, 2013 at 10:36 pm

NAMASKAR NAMASTEY RAAM RAAM should not be a matter of just words, coming out
involuntary, by force of habit, like a parrot talk, without the weight or depth
implied in their meaning, but must go enriched with fullest bhaava , when one
says naman to any one , he must really mean that he is saluting the divinity
that he is seeing in him , if not better better say hi, hello, and be just
casual greetings have become meaningless, a pep talk, every one using them as
often, as freely, as recklessly, as we just chat for time pass i recall one of
my mentors, who was using every wordwith so much care and consideration that
when i hear, i see the truth of that words really coming to my heart he never
does any talk without impregnating every word of it with such clear
authenticity that he really means 100 percent of what he says a pooja must not
be a routine, must not become habit , a just any other activitytalk , even if
it is veda, it must not be a mere repetition, but must be delivered enriching
with the true content a bhajan, a keerthan , may have its value, but real value
of it is received or delivered only when it is done with heart .so what ever
words / greeting i may use those words are no real unless i mean them really ,
and not used by habit in such case, i better avoid such superlatives and just
be plain i will not be inspired to use such words just for each and every bit
of casual conversation"
May 08, 2013 at 10:24 am
"Man cannot
see own deficiencies , he is helpless he can see only others' mistakesi point
out your mistakes, you point out mine, we both come to know , others also come
to know every one's mistakes in this process then there is reaction, in the
form of corrective action at top level, the corrupt are pointing out corruption
mutually, and truths are coming out to public glareand surely situation gets
improved in due course so dont not bother ,if you are not a perfect man, but
just go on pointing out others mistakes , let them come to know , this is how
truth comes out man wanting to reform others is a nice initiative welcomethru
this each one receives the feedback on own deficiencies, and consequent
May 06, 2013 at 03:11 pm
never see our own shortcomings...''hence only , is this need for dialog,
debate, discussion, argument, analysis ,review, reconsideration, revision,
updating, synthesis, synchronization, reconciliation , of all the divergent
perceptions by different individuals with different view points . with
different abilities though we may not agree ,with each otherbut only to share ,
let's agree, sister , brotheri cannot see my faceunless to mirror i
faceuniverse is my mirrori see it in you to undo my error"
May 09, 2013 at 01:47 pm
should look at ourselves first...''this , we can be doing lifelong , but, how
to know the validity / correctness of our conclusions on ourselves.? left to
himself, man thinks that he is a very good person, next only to god, though he
may be a cheat, a criminal, a murder, a rapist, a bomber, a dullard, a
illiterate, he looks at himself and justifies all his wrongs with best logic ,
convincing to himself , and in turn does all bad, thinking that he is doing all
good he may think that he is the most eligible chief minister of a state, just
because he happens to be the son of a chief minister , and thinks that he needs
to console million people on the death of his father, andhe finds nothing
wrong, but as a right to acquire disproportionate assets using the office of
his father all this is the result of ''looking at himself first ''but cbi,
supreme court looks at these as grave misdeeds detrimental to the economy of
the country"
May 09, 2013 at 02:04 pm
"Not all
are experts in expressing plainly, there are novices there are great learned
professors, but eventually all learn and grow , eeven thru committing mistakes
initially, so undercurrents are bound to occur by default . however, at the
other end, how one receives is one's concern and merit,. as can be seen in the
variety of responses / replies in the debate for each one blogand i like
speaking tree, mainly because of extensive participation , every one has a
chance here to speak ,what ever may be his ability /level/capacity , with
richest variety of views"
May 07, 2013 at 05:19 am
May 09, 2013 at 10:47 pm

"An example
of ants ''speaking up ''and king listening and responding, and correcting his
courseKing Solomon and the Antsby John Greenleaf WhittierOut from JerusalemThe
king rode with his greatWar chiefs and lords of state,And Sheba's queen with
them;Comely, but black withal,To whom, perchance, belongsThat wondrous Song of
songs,Sensuous and mystical,Whereto devout souls turnIn fond, ecstatic
dream,And through its earth-born themeThe Love of loves discern.Proud in the
Syrian sun,In gold and purple sheen,The dusky Ethiop queenSmiled on King
Solomon.Wisest of men, he knewThe languages of allThe creatures great or
smallThat trod the earth or flew.Across an ant-hill ledThe king's path, and he
heardIts small folk, and their wordHe thus interpreted:"Here comes the
king men greetAs wise and good and just,To crush us in the dustUnder his
heedless feet."The great king bowed his head,And saw the wide surpriseOf
the Queen of Sheba's eyesAs he told her what they said."O king!" she
whispered sweet,"Too happy fate have theyWho perish in thy wayBeneath thy
gracious feet!"Thou of the God-lent crown,Shall these vile creatures
dareMurmur against thee whereThe knees of kings kneel
down?""Nay," Solomon replied,"The wise and strong should
seekThe welfare of the weak,"And turned his horse aside.His train, with
quick alarm,Curved with their leader roundThe ant-hill's peopled mound,And left
it free from harm.The jewelled head bent low;"O king!" she said,
"henceforthThe secret of thy worthAnd wisdom well I know."Happy must
be the StateWhose ruler heedeth moreThe murmurs of the poorThan flatteries of
the great."Read more:"
May 09, 2013 at 10:45 pm
"And hence
a speaking tree!!! with all birds tweeting , in their own way, relevant or not,
intelligible or not, synchronous or not, palatable or not incidentally, all
beings , including trees , are born with an ability, an urge, a necessity to
''speak up'', even as child, even as baby creatures , even as tender plants,
creepers, responding and reacting to every encounter, the mode of ''speaking''
need not be only thru speech / thru mouth/ tongue / or thru audible sound ,
their body language ''speaks'' a lot, their looks, gestures, signs, frowns,
smiles, sobs , contractions, convulsions, all ''speak'' volumesirrespective of
being heard or not , irrespective of being responded or not , but ,Yes....and
speak we do!"
May 09, 2013 at 01:31 pm
"And if all
good is happening, it is just natural , there is no news good things are so
plain that we hardly talk about them since nothing more need to be done , if
some thing unnatural , bad , happens, it rouses our conscience to immediately
respond react , it comes out as news, needing , inviting ,all the concern from
every one , alerting them for remedial actionso do not expect news too be only
positive reporting definitely they highlight bad things , and it is good that
they do it and we shall be praying for all the good to happen with on addition
that girl child , daughter, be allowed for birth and growth , along with boy
child, son as was desired in the prayer"
May 07, 2013 at 05:42 am

"By your
reply i am reminded of Mangalya Prarthana[Universal Prayer to well being from
the Vedas]Translated by P. R. RamachanderSwasthi prajabhya
paripalayantham,Nyayena margena maheem maheesa,Gobrahmanebhyo shubhamasthu
nithyam,Loka samastha Sukhino bhavantu.Let good things occur to the king of the
country,Who looks after his people well, in the path of justice,Let Cows* and Brahmins**
have a pleasant life daily,Let all people of the world have a very pleasant
life.Kale varshathu parjanya,Prauthwee sasya shalini,Deso yam kshobha
rahitha,SAjjana santhu nirbhaya. Let the monsoon be timely and plentiful,Let
earth be covered with vegetation,Let the country live without problems,And let
good people never have fear.Aputhra puthrina santhu,Puthrina santhu
pouthrina,Adhana sadhana,Santhu jeevanthu sarada satham.Let sonless people have
son,Let people with son have grand sons,And let people who are poor or
rich,Live and see one hundred autumns.Sarvathra sukhina santhu,Sarve santhu
niramaya,Sarve bhadrani pasyanthu,Ma kaschid dukha bhag bhaveth.Let people live
with pleasure everywhere,Let all people live without diseases,Let every one feel
themselves secure,And let none have at anytime sorrow,Om Sarvesham swasthir
bhavthu,Om Sarvesham santhir Bhavathu,Om Sarvesham poornam Bhavathu,Om
Sarvesham Mangalam Bhavathu.Let comfort be every where,Let peace be
everywhere,Let there be plenty everywhere,And let good things happen
everywhere.Om Santhi, Om Santhi, Om SanthiLet there be peace, Let there be
peace,Let there be peace."
May 07, 2013 at 05:29 am
May 09, 2013 at 01:14 pm
May 07, 2013 at 05:20 am
"A rose
plant gives out flowers, thorns, leafs, twigs, branches, trunk, bark, all good
bad best wort but are just components of the wholeness, the treeEach individual
is unique, no comparison, grading, rating ,classifying, testing assessing will
be relevanta natural behavior with all its infinite range from the worst to the
best is what is desirable, like the child'sany controls or manipulation is
harmful intervention , distorts, disrupts, retards, obstructs the full
blossoming of all the multiple potentiality let it blossom fully , without
minding the environmental interferenceSaintly hood is just a result of natural
growth, unhindered, without external or internal interventions since what
happens is all has its own best logic , though it may not be fully known by the
May 01, 2013 at 08:07 am
May 05, 2013 at 05:19 pm
"All beings
have inbuilt ability to see, feel, understand, act , react , respond , learn,
remember at every step of growth right from birth , childhood, ------all
happening naturally and it is wonder how nature is carrying out this all
creation in so accurate and perfect fashion and intervention in this natural
process is definitely harmful thtu what ever form it is imposedwhich conditions
the individual and his natural integrity is lessened to that extent , man there
by acting like a robot at the instructions of the program, losing his original
flavour in life"
May 05, 2013 at 05:03 pm
Apr 15, 2013 at 07:52 pm
Apr 14, 2013 at 09:53 pm
Apr 13, 2013 at 02:20 pm
Apr 13, 2013 at 02:31 pm
Apr 13, 2013 at 11:02 am
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