1 ''Patience is the Essence of Spirituality''
------not true
truth is ---
patience is not to be cultivated for attaining spiritual realization
it is in fact ,it is the spiritual realization
that makes all the virtues to sprout in their right proportion in living
as per the need of situation ,
including patience,
forbearance, resilience,
freely, unimposed, unconflicting,
effortless spontaneous
all surely leading to all good to one and all
------not true
truth is ---
patience is not to be cultivated for attaining spiritual realization
it is in fact ,it is the spiritual realization
that makes all the virtues to sprout in their right proportion in living
as per the need of situation ,
including patience,
forbearance, resilience,
freely, unimposed, unconflicting,
effortless spontaneous
all surely leading to all good to one and all
2 Patience is not to be cultivated for attaining spiritual realization
it is impatience that leads to finding ways and means to overcome all the cause of impatiens or disturbances in the right living
gautham became--- impatient ----on the ways of one becoming the victim
of disease, old age and death
it is the impatience that made him to get up in one instant
and walk out and walk away from the existing situation,
however grand it might have been, and find the truth of life
he did find
had budha been patient like any other guy,
he would have lead a life in ignorance, and would have diedan inglorious lif in oblivion
it is impatience that leads to finding ways and means to overcome all the cause of impatiens or disturbances in the right living
gautham became--- impatient ----on the ways of one becoming the victim
of disease, old age and death
it is the impatience that made him to get up in one instant
and walk out and walk away from the existing situation,
however grand it might have been, and find the truth of life
he did find
had budha been patient like any other guy,
he would have lead a life in ignorance, and would have diedan inglorious lif in oblivion
3 Life demands to be living all the infinite qualities of god, as per need,
not to be wondering / blundering / hesitating wasting time in not knowing on which qualitys in what degree in what circumstances are to be brought to be displayed at every second at each changing events continuously
not to be wondering / blundering / hesitating wasting time in not knowing on which qualitys in what degree in what circumstances are to be brought to be displayed at every second at each changing events continuously
4God realization alone-is ---- and ----this is---- the first step----- in spirituality---not the final step-----
and with this first step , starts the true journey of life experiencing greatr and greatrre, growing manifestation of the glories of spirit , atma
eventually final and ultimate fusion of life in spiritually irrevocably
and with this first step , starts the true journey of life experiencing greatr and greatrre, growing manifestation of the glories of spirit , atma
eventually final and ultimate fusion of life in spiritually irrevocably
i repeat
God realization alone ---- and ----this is---- the first step----- in spirituality---not the finalstep-----
and with this first step , starts the true journey of life experiencing greater and greater, growing manifestation of the glories of spirit , atma
eventually final is the ultimate fusion of life in spirituality irrevocably
and with this first step , starts the true journey of life experiencing greater and greater, growing manifestation of the glories of spirit , atma
eventually final is the ultimate fusion of life in spirituality irrevocably
Most welcome, i like differing views as many as possible,
since life has infinite dimensions,
must be viewed from innumerable angles
to get closer, precise, comprehencive, true and total grasp, which none can provide singly
i cannot see my face unless i face a mirror
each one is a mirror in which other can seeand find nearest total view
but the one's inside view no external mirror can provide,
except the internal miror the pure consciousness,
since life has infinite dimensions,
must be viewed from innumerable angles
to get closer, precise, comprehencive, true and total grasp, which none can provide singly
i cannot see my face unless i face a mirror
each one is a mirror in which other can seeand find nearest total view
but the one's inside view no external mirror can provide,
except the internal miror the pure consciousness,
All have limitations and strengths we need to move from strength to strength to supreme strength, to be the commander of universe limitations vanish in the process, without any attention to them if we go from limitation, the route will lead to further limitations andto to the stagnation and death REPLYDELETE |
It's a skill to be learned from experts ---note----not reinvent wheel----- to survive and grow and succeed triumphantly, rapidly, invincibly using all the inevitable limitations of own, and environ---- in as is where is ----as one's manure and nourishment for self growth , primarily , then be a inspiration to the real aspirants --- --witout wasting time on trying to transform the environ's limitations , which are bound to be innumerable-----and so impossible in one's 100 y minus life one's growth welfar is one's concern whether ne likes to grow or remain bogged down if not at;east a wise one will not get entangled with such unwilling unfortunate obstinate individuals and get bogged down himself , in showing extra attention than deserving or needed |
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