Friday, October 31, 2014

I am in my chair, in the room

I am in my chair, in the room , before the desk top , out side trees, , hill, .....all standing still .so...........nothing is moving

earth on which the room and all things that are standing is revolving and moving around the sun ,
so .........every thing is moving

Perfect answer,
indicates that you did see the PERFECTION, [capital letters, Arial font ] parabrahman
so you are able to see perfection [small letters , and in all fonts ] aparabrahman too

with your clue,
i am able to see beauty/perfection in all letters upper, lower cases , normal, or bold letters, , and italics, and in all colors , all variety of fonts , not only Arial which i prefer,

also i see the perfection in the alphabets of every language, not only devanagari, which i like,most
and the perfection in all puncuation marks, comma, question mark, exclamation, and special characters, like @, # , *, of which i like the point / dot . ie full stop mark,
and in all the numerals, 1,2,3, 4, 5, and all including the 0, zero , which i like specially, and of course the roman characters ,
i also see the beauty/ perfection in scribbles in the cartoons and caricatures,

Thursday, October 30, 2014

Advaita And Dvaita

Advaita And Dvaita

i see Advaita And Dvaita as 
tree and seeds , 
mother and children , 
unity and diversity
advaita giving birth to dvaita, 
dvaita growing into advaita
one unmanifest brahman manifesting as multiplicity of manifest creation 
multiplicity of manifest creation evolving to one unmanifest brahman
the process continuously repeating eternally

Jībanapātra….. Blog by Swamini Atmaprajnananda Saraswati

Jībanapātra….. Blog by Swamini Atmaprajnananda Saraswati1. The word ‘kavi’ is in the Īśāvāsyopaniad. ‘Kavi’ is another name of Īśvara,since He is Omniscient. A ‘kavi’ sees something that everyone does not see.Kavi means a thinker, an intelligent person, a person of understanding, a wise person, a sage, a seer, a singer, a bard, a poet.

The 8thmantra of Īśāvāsyopaniad reveals the svarūpa of the Īśvara

sa paryagāt-śukram-akāyam-avraam-asnā ;vira śuddham-apāpaviddham |
kavir-manīī paribhū svayambhū-yāthātathyato-arthān vyadadhāt-śāsvatibhya samābhya || - Īśā.Up.-8

Tr.: He is all-pervading, pure (brilliant), formless (being subtle), without scar, without nerves, taintless, untainted by wrong-doings, omniscient (kavi), the Lord of the mind, transcendent and self-existent. He has allotted the duties in proper order to the eternal (relatively) creators (Prajāpatis) known as years (samvatsaras)Īśā.Up.-8
Śaṅkara explains the ‘kavi’ as ‘krāntadarśī, ‘sarvadk’. Although this is used for Īśvara as Omniscient, in a relative sense all kavis (poets) definitely see, perceive what the common people do not.

2. The word ‘hasa’ is found in the earliest literature of the world, i.e. in thegveda. In the fourth maṇḍaḷa of the gveda- IV.40.5, this mantra starts with ‘hasa’. Here ‘Hasa’ is another name for Brahman, Īśvara, Paramātmā. Sankara explains ‘hasa’ as - ‘hasa’ = hanti = gacchati iti, meaning all-pervasiveness. ‘han’ to go - who goes eternally to destroy individuality, or it is resolvable into ‘aham’ – I, and ‘sah’ – He, i.e. - “I am That”

Ṛṣi – Vāmadeva Gautama,
Devatā - Sūrya,
Chandas – Jagatī.

‘hasa śucisat, vasur-antarikasat, hotā vediat, atithir-duroasat |
‘nṛṣat, varasat, tasat, vyomasat, abjā, gojātajā, adrijāta bhat ||
gveda - IV.40.5; and Kahopaniad – II.2.2

Tr.: As the moving (hasa) sun, He dwells in the sky (śucisat), as Vāyu (vasuḥ)He pervades all and dwells in the space (antarikṣasat), as the fire (hotā) He resides on the earth (vediṣat), as Soma (atithiḥ) He stays in the container (duroṇasat). He lives among people (nṛṣat), among the celestials (varasat), in the truth/or yajña (ṛtasat), in the space (vyomasat), (He is existent) in the water (abjā) and earth (gojā) in various forms, in the mountains as the rivers (adrijā). He is unchanging (ṛtaṃ); He is great (bṛhat).

The mantra is gveda - IV.40.5, adapted in to to in Kahopaniad - II.2.2

Hasa’ is also compared with Mānasa (mental, born of mind, as opposed to that of physical body), which is used in he poem.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Krishna’s Final Message In The Gita Article by Jaya Row

Krishna’s Final Message In The Gita Article by Jaya RowGita is a down to earth practical manual, for all business and political leaders, 

it is a teaching of the art of management by no less a manager than the ''manager of the universe '' krishnam jagadgurum ''

it is laying emphasis on enhancing the vision to supreme level , and to enhance intelligence and energy, 
to enable one to take right decisions,and with ease, in ''no stress no anxiety mode,'' but in playful bliss, 
for the all round good of every aspect of life , of every being.
its message is ''go beyond'', and be ''established in the highest level of consciousness,''
and become the master of ''the art of doing,''karma sukaushalam

The Spiritual Message of Avatars Blog by Debi Acharya

The Spiritual Message of Avatars Blog by Debi Acharya

Excellent, complete from a to z on the evolution of jeeva from amoeba to complete man 

but my puzzle is that if every being evolves to the highest level, then no more the creation exists, no more birth growth death , will it all get reduced to zero or vacuum with no life activity at all ??
or who will be the left overs??
what their function or need??
is it a laya, the union or the pralaya, the ttal annihilation??
if so is all evolution leading to only to a permanent death??
then evolutionary steps are they only a process of slow death ?? 
and if so life is it worth living at all??
is our existence just meaningless??

But after several janmas, all jeevas will surely pass the test, and merge in god 
then what will be left??
only god remains , alone and laughing, ??
no more any jeevas,??
or only stones and sand and water and air??
if so , the logic seems that it is not advisable to do raising of consciousness 
so better be ignorant so that creation that is so beautiful will continue to sustain
may be mine is perverted logic but i feel pity that creation will miserably ends
At top there are infinite vacancies, supposing that every one of jeevas evolve to the topmost post , then there is flat, no pyramid, 
whether the activities of the universe organisation come to end??
whether universe becomes a closed unit for ever??
since there is no more demand for products, no consumers no producers no distributors, because the top most position is godly with total fulfillment, no wants, no desires, no impulse of any kind 
is that the end we are reaching to ??
if so, is it wise to become enlightened or is it beneficial to be ''ignorant in the long run ??
this is just a hypothetical situation , but surely will become a reality at the final stage

Why at all god created a system that needs periodic maintenance and repair??
being all powerful, why he could not create a flawless all proof perfect universe which functions perfectly all time , not needing any patch work 
this rises a doubt that god is not so powerful as he poses.
out of all he created ''human being'' who always does mistakes , who destroys environ, causes suffering to himself and others , and god watches fun when flood , famine, hud-hud 's happen 
why cannot he prevent mishaps before happening

My puzzle is on what remains after every being evolves to the highest level of god himself ...
will there be universe or is it reduced to nothing, ie vacuum , since after every one reaches the goal there will not be any need for further activity of any kind

If creation is only for destruction at the end, 
why at all the creation in the first place ??

if all evolution is ending with annihilation, 
then is it wise to put so much effort to evolve?

if it is a grand design, then it must endure for ever, 
not become nullified after reaching the ultimate perfection 

if it is liable to get nullified, 
why such a fragile system was designed by the god who is perfect 

you may ignore , but my puzzles remain

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Jagannātha Aṣṭakam Blog by Swamini Atmaprajnananda Saraswati

Jagannātha Aṣṭakam Blog by Swamini Atmaprajnananda SaraswatiWe need not be particular on ''who'' is the composer, let's focus on ''what'' the content, and its beauty and it's effect on the readers.

in shankaras expression i find mostly abundance of ''unmanifest'' in his stuthis on devi devathas, a freedom, a relief from the ''manifest'', a liberation, and a finality, nothing more to aspire..... all in the state of advaitic , kaivalya, union 

in this jagannath astakam i find the proportion of ''manifest'' is more than the ''unmanifest'', and leads us to be in the glories of manifest , rather , in a sweet bondage in the rasa aspect, tyet wanting to be in the quest of ''object'' as per this prayer ''Oh! Lord! Jagannātha! May you be (bhavatu) the object of my (‘me’) vision (nayanapathagāmī), indicative that he is yet to reach him 

and the followers, like ISKCON are more intent on the nama roopa guna s , where as lord has said one has to reach his transcendental divinity, not be on the relative level, in the duality of '' me and thou '' however glorious the duality may be 

that is how i perceive that this astakam is from chaitanya only 
this is just my feeling, truth remains what ever it is , god knows

Jagannātha Aṣṭakam Blog by Swamini Atmaprajnananda Saraswati

Jagannātha Aṣṭakam Blog by Swamini Atmaprajnananda Saraswatireminds me  “reportedly”. kalidasa , though earlier was a illiterate moorkha,  he by the grace  of kali sang ''manikya veena mupalaalayantheem ....'' his first stuti on saraswathi reportedly”. kalidasa , though earlier was a illiterate moorkha, he by the grace of kali sang ''manikya veena mupalaalayantheem ....'' his first stuti on saraswathi extempore, 

//not an oral tradition unlike the Vedas (Samhita).// i understand

in classical renderings , lyric is just a thin minimum fabric , and most of the time is'' left '' and music flows in aalaap , taane etc 

a song stays with us more by its enchanting flow of raaga and relevant rasa than by lyric 

in fact lyric gets enriched greatly by them 

yes, lyric helps in recalling the flow o sa re ga ma 's

also we remember certain songs by the tune, and certain tunes by by lyric, 

power of words is limited, hence support of sageeth is taken 

//Whose feet are worshipped by Ramā (Lakṣmī), Śambhu (Śiva), Brahmā, Amarapati (Indra), and Ganeśa, Oh! Lord! Jagannātha!//

yes, no doubt , here, chaithanya has gone deeper in his krishna to the level of jagannatha , jagadguru, the supreme , brahman , before whom/ which all devi devathas ,''yadwaare nikhilaanilimpa parishath sidhim vidhaththenisham srimath sri lasitham jagadguru padam nathaathma thrupthim gathah '' 

for every bhaktha, his istadevatha is the door'passage to go beyond and reach that supreme brahman 
the nam roopa mahimas of istadevatha , here krishna, are just initial steps, an he soon ascended and transcended, and so his astakam has endured decades and centuries , will stay on'//He, who sometimes out of great joy fervently plays His flute on the banks of the Kālindi (Yamunā),//
it's pure sangeeth , ''venu'' gopal's , he did not choose to sing, a lyric'/ sahithya 

thanks, shortly i shall read the blog on sidhartha in odissi
incidentally, we must learn more languages , each language opens the relevant culture'/ethos of that area
//not an oral tradition unlike the Vedas (Samhita).// i understand

in classical rendeings , lyric is just a  thin minimum fabric , and most of the time is''  left '' and music flows in aalaap , taane etc 

a song stays with us more by its enchanting flow of raaga and relevant rasa than by lyric 

in fact lyric gets enriched greatly by them 

yes, lyric helps in recalling the flow o sa re ga ma 's

also we remember certain songs by the tune, and certain tunes by  by lyric, 

power of words is limited, hence support of sageeth is taken 

//Whose feet are worshipped by Ramā (Lakṣmī), Śambhu (Śiva), Brahmā, Amarapati (Indra), and Ganeśa, Oh! Lord! Jagannātha!//

yes, no doubt , here, chaithanya has gone deeper in his krishna to the level of jagannatha , jagadguru, the supreme , brahman , before whom/ which   all devi devathas ,''yadwaare nikhilaanilimpa parishath sidhim vidhaththenisham srimath sri lasitham jagadguru padam nathaathma thrupthim gathah ''  

for every bhaktha, his istadevatha is the door'passage to go beyond and reach that supreme brahman 
the nam roopa mahimas of istadevatha , here krishna, are just initial steps,  an he soon ascended and transcended, and so his astakam  has endured decades and centuries , will stay on 

Monday, October 27, 2014

Jagannātha Aṣṭakam Blog by Swamini Atmaprajnananda Saraswati

Jagannātha Aṣṭakam Blog by Swamini Atmaprajnananda SaraswatiThanks on details, on sunanda,and chaitanya 

i liked this rag , even from child hod, '' vande mataram'', and later the national song desha raga, ''miley sur..mera tumhara....''

''//He reportedly composed it instantly when He first saw Lord Jagannātha in the Temple//

rather he must have sung it too spontaneously in some appropriate raga , overflowing in bhakthi.towards the beloved lord

this feature of saints choosing the medium of sangeeth , and krishna with his venu gana , and saraswathi being veena pani might be due to the power of sangeeth ,

"Shishurvethi, Pasurvethi, vethi Ganarasm Phani ''., who said this,/ when/ not known, but it has a healing power, it can even help in growth of crops , it must be working deep in the being at their gandharva level
krishna swayed the cows became the gopala , and swayed the gopis, became the gopijana vallabha 

Dance, drawing and sculpturing are all forms of art. 
However these forms do not possess the power to entertain all the living beings equally. 

Sad people forget their sorrow on hearing music and babies calm down and sleep on hearing lullaby. due to the mystical power music has. The birds becoming still on hearing to music is also due to the power of music.

apart from reading, the importance of reciting / listening aspect of vedas must be due to this power of music 

other art forms take the aalabana of form / movement/ postures/ color etc
but music is just sound beyond these aalambanas

Jagannātha Aṣṭakam Blog by Swamini Atmaprajnananda Saraswati

Jagannātha Aṣṭakam Blog by Swamini Atmaprajnananda Saraswati

//He reportedly composed it instantly when He first saw Lord Jagannātha in the Temple//

rather he must have sung it spontaneously in some appropriate raga , overflowing in bhakthi.towards the beloved lord

this feature of saints choosing the medium of sangeeth , and krishna with his venu gana , and saraswathi being eena pani might me due to the power of sangeeth ,"Shishurvethi, Pasurvethi, vethi Ganarasm Phani hi" (From animals to kids anything on this earth can enjoy music.)., who said this when not known, but it has a healing power, it can even help in growth of  crops , it must be working deep in the being at their gandharva level
krishna swayed the cows became the gopala , and swayed the gopi jana, became the gopijana vallabha 

Dance, drawing and sculpturing are all forms of simple art. 
However these forms do not possess the power to entertain all the living beings equally. 

Sad people forget their sorrow on hearing music and babies calm down and sleep on hearing lullaby. due to  the mystical power music has. The birds becoming still on hearing to music is also due to the power of music.

Happy Diwali to All the Readers | Swamini Atmaprajnananda Saraswati's Videos

Happy Diwali to All the Readers | Swamini Atmaprajnananda Saraswati's VideosThe unseen hands of the divinity is lighting every home every heart, 

the artist is conveying this message , by making the lamps appearing and lighting on their own as if following the silent wish of the divinity , creativity has its own ways to unfold .
divali is a inspiration

Jagannātha Aṣṭakam Blog by Swamini Atmaprajnananda Saraswati

Jagannātha Aṣṭakam Blog by Swamini Atmaprajnananda Saraswatinice to read and understand thru translation 

 it's a great joy added listening to sunanda patnayak's rendering set to  basic teen tal 
Nice to read and understand thru translation , good effort 
it's a great joy added listening to sunanda patnayak's may be from puri, rendering set to basic teen tal in raag desh 
divine glories in sanskrit and in sangeeth bring in a greater feel , in addition to reading and knowing .
chaitanya has brought krishna down on earth and made him to stay in puri for ever

Saturday, October 25, 2014

The Ten Commandments! Article by NOEL EZEKIEL MALEKAR

The Ten Commandments! Article by NOEL EZEKIEL MALEKARMy simplest question , to any one,.. ''did you get enlightenment or not ??''

in life , for each and every individual, the foremost priority is to get enlightened, 

let the world be the way it is , 
cleaning to start from inside , 

without it, any amount of trying to clean outside will be unwise, 
life is precious, time is limited

Friday, October 24, 2014

It is just a beginning | Faith And Rituals Blog on

chathurashrama dharma in the humam life , 

brahmacharya, gruhastha, vanaprastha, sanyas

building endures all weathers if built on strong foundation
the first of the ashrams is the foundation of life
in this stage, the youth is given the upanayan sanskar , one of the most vital of shodasha sanskars , to get the glimpse of the light of self realization , and having effectively completed the rigorus tenure, one becomes eligible to adopt any options , and is in a capacity to rise to unlimited heights in spiritual and worldly attainments

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Gadkari clears path for Fadnavis to be next Maharashta CM - Firstpost

Gadkari clears path for Fadnavis to be next Maharashta CM - Firstpostgrapes are sour, probably, 

orientation seems '' what interests me more, what makes me happy, '' but not what are people 's interests, nor what makes people happy....
''people orientation'' involves sacrifice, struggle, inconvenience , so better be away from all this fuss, 
good luck, maharastra

The Ten Commandments! Article by NOEL EZEKIEL MALEKAR

The Ten Commandments! Article by NOEL EZEKIEL MALEKARYes, i concur mostly , except that i see both jesus and mohammed did experience that ultimate level , the light of brahman at least a glimpse of it, and they tend to be ''advaitic, '', in their expression, this state can be proved by the proper grasp of their utterances 

we need not agree , rather we cannot agree fully due to inevitability of our individual perspectives , thank you

The Ten Commandments! Article by NOEL EZEKIEL MALEKAR

The Ten Commandments! Article by NOEL EZEKIEL MALEKARPranams to jesus with all respect , he uttered truths fantastic, i love 

but misunderstanding abounds

'' the blood of jesus washes every sin '' 
not the red corpuscular blood , but the true meaning is '' knowledge is the greatest purifier , it tallies with vedic, ''gyanaagni ''

where is the lucuna
not with jesus, but in understanding jesus by followers

The Ten Commandments! Article by NOEL EZEKIEL MALEKAR

The Ten Commandments! Article by NOEL EZEKIEL MALEKARUltimately , it is the receiver to digest and make use of the goods received, in what ever best package they are supplied.

if the goods do not serve , only package though very nice, will not help 

as long as one maintains ''exclusive'' posture, one is himself the loser, 
and it is difficult to make them open up to '' all inclusive'' infinite possibilities.
and time only will rectify this situation , not possible by human effort

The Ten Commandments! Article by NOEL EZEKIEL MALEKAR

The Ten Commandments! Article by NOEL EZEKIEL MALEKARJesus and christianity are different, jesus said i am the way the truth and the life'' he meant in fact aham brahmasmi '' in saying ''i am '', the universal , brahman, 

but ''i am'' was understood as '' he is '', ie as ''jesus is the way.........'' by followers and christianity , making it person specific, losing its universality

The Ten Commandments! Article by NOEL EZEKIEL MALEKAR

The Ten Commandments! Article by NOEL EZEKIEL MALEKAREven prophet Mohammed's utterances and those of jesus christ tare to be really understood by the most sincere followers/ believers , since these great men tend to be nearing to advaitic 

if the followers succeed in getting their message right, they will accept other utterances without difficulty , in fact they will be pleased to find them universal 

since understanding is inadequate it drives one to be dogmatic , in closed mind , thus losing the infinite opportunities to explore more and expand unlimitedly . what is more they end up stagnating 

similar dangers exist in cults in hinduism, like krishna, etc as their ista 
one has to realize that ista is a gate way , not a closed temple 
thank you , for a thoughtful response , i like your concern

The Ten Commandments! Article by NOEL EZEKIEL MALEKAR

The Ten Commandments! Article by NOEL EZEKIEL MALEKARThis my response with shankara's reference above is with reference to your statement ..... "Don't worship other God's"- This gives a sense of arrogant posture which is common to Abrahamic Traditions.''

i do not treat it as ''of arrogant posture ''
when a person gets to know a thing beyond a spec of doubt, which provides him the best clue for all the mysteries of life, he/ she tends to affirm/ assert that thing and recommends that in preference to what he/ she had known . and it gives a feeling of ''arrogance, or ego , rude, impolite, intruding on the receivers ''firm'' belief system or expectation on courteous behaviour/ talk 
the knower says ''aham brahmasmi'', and also ''ayam atma brahma'' irrespective of whether these are acceptable or not or understood or not 

sanskrit is a '' vertical language '' expressions having imports ranging from grossest to the subtlest, depending on the ability of the reader and writer

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

dos donts

wise people advise  dos and donts, commandments, 

Even shankara said ''dont do'' 

in ''gabheere kaasare vishathi vijane ghoravipine 
vishale shaileshu bhramathi kusumartham jadamathi ..

his is ''shiva manasa puja.....'', 
not the elaborate ''physically doing the ritual''

he also said ''dont do ''
in '' nahi nahi rakshathi dukrun karani ''

budha said ''do not'' follow any one, 

even jk too said not to follow others

such '' dos and donts'' strictures are out of one's findings , 
which are true to oneself, and just sharing out of their concern for others, 
in the hope that others also will ''rise'' similarly , 
but may not suit all others , at all times 

it is the nature of nature to send out new saints, sages, 
swamis, babas, gurus, prophets, visionaries, 
of all levels as per its own design from time to time 
to guide the humans as much as possible according to their grasping abilities
this continues till every one rises to the level of supreme truth 

Parliament attacker was

Parliament attacker was inspired by ISIS, says Canada PM - Hindustan Times

timely intervention of the government is a must, the right clue is pitting one group agaist other ...thus causing each terror outfit be competing with other , leading to ''the destroyers will get destroyed by themselves,''

THE ONE has become MANY ,

THE ONE which is supreme intelligence, and supreme knowledge , 

by its own will, by its own reason has become MANY , 

with many many levels of intelligence and knowledge, 

and each one of these is evolving to the level of supreme 
at its own pace, with its own abilities 

and ultimately 
all these tiny many are going to get integrated into ONE whole again

in the process, we see the display of different streams of thoughts. 
approaches, religions, techniques, processes, 
teachings, preachings, scriptures, strictures, 
revisits , updates, clarifications, confusions 
revisions, fusions all terrific, unique , specific, 
with insights, foresights,assumptions, estimates, faiths, beliefs, 

struggling to rise to be universal, 
useful, acceptable, respectable , 
and the process is continuous , nonstop
the cycle repeating ONE into MANY and MANY into ONE

THE ONE tree , is complete, absolutely without confusion , 
alive, growing, flourishing, expanding , infinitely,
with all its roots, trunk, branches, twigs , 
leaves , flowers, fruits, seeds, 
and then again to a new sprout

but alas, 
each individual tiny parts of the tree , a leaf , a petal, a twig 
though connected with the whole, yet feeling its individuality, 
living its own identity, a shape, a size, a color ,
a structure, a texture , but all drawing nourishment from the tree
doing its role, drying and dropping dead, 

yet the one tree continues from ages thru ages
undying, existing eternally, 

each part does not know that their existence too is eternally 
in the continuum of ''tree to seed, seed to tree,.....''
the confusion, conflicts, misunderstanding, continue
leading to exploration, investigation, discovery, 
and final reconciliation, balance, 
harmony , peace, silence

The Ten Commandments! Article by NOEL EZEKIEL MALEKAR

The Ten Commandments! Article by NOEL EZEKIEL MALEKAR

THE ONE which is supreme intelligence, and supreme knowledge , 

by its own will, by its own reason has become MANY , 
with many many levels of intelligence and knowledge, 
and each one of these is evolving to the lvel of supreme 
at its own pace, with its own abiliies 

and ultimately 
all these tiny many are going to bet integrated into ONE again

in the process, 
we see the display of different streams of thoughts. approaches 
religions, techniques, processes,
teachings, scriptures, strictures, 
comandments, ammendments
revisits , updates,
clarifications confusions 
revisions, fusions 
all terrific, unique , specific, 
with insights, foresights
assumptions estimates, 
faiths, beliefs, 
struggling to rise to be universal, 
useful, acceptable, respectable , 
and the process is continuous , nonstop
the cycle repeating ONE into MANY and MANY into ONE


A promise normally assumes certain constancy of a situation . 

situations change from moment to moment, 
and keeping a promise proves costly 
or even fatal 
or foolish

so wisdom is to assess the implications of changes , 
and to revise one's promise , 
including negating totally if required

Friday, October 10, 2014

Itechi's Followers Comments, Questions and Thoughts

Itechi's Followers Comments, Questions and Thoughts

My Comments

Itechi posted a response on the article MIND SET: A tribute to Maharishi
Sep 15, 2013 at 12:10 pm
Itechi posted a response on Krishna Murty's blog Let There be Light Again
Sep 15, 2013 at 12:11 pm
Itechi posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to ignite compassion
Sep 06, 2013 at 02:49 pm
Itechi posted a response on Sathiya Selvam's blog HONEST
Sep 06, 2013 at 02:42 pm
Itechi posted a response on Sathiya Selvam's blog good knowledge
Sep 06, 2013 at 02:33 pm
Itechi posted a response on Sathiya Selvam's blog expert
Sep 06, 2013 at 02:31 pm
Itechi posted a response on Sathiya Selvam's blog happy life living
Sep 06, 2013 at 02:30 pm
Itechi posted a response on Sathiya Selvam's blog happiness in peace
Sep 06, 2013 at 02:20 pm
Itechi posted a response on Sathiya Selvam's blog PEACEFUL IN LIFE
Sep 06, 2013 at 02:16 pm
Itechi posted a response on Sathiya Selvam's blog PEACEFUL IN LIFE
Sep 06, 2013 at 02:46 pm
Itechi posted a response on Sathiya Selvam's blog SMART WAY
Sep 06, 2013 at 02:12 pm
Itechi posted a response on Zeya Alam's blog informative
Sep 06, 2013 at 11:17 am
Itechi posted a response on Sarmistha De's blog The Tycoon Sadhvi :)
Sep 06, 2013 at 09:02 am
Itechi posted a response on Hemant Lodha's blog nature work as a team
Sep 06, 2013 at 08:53 am