Sunday, September 22, 2024

faith, belief, hope, -------------------no help


faith, belief, hope, -------------------no help


truth is real help


find truth

live truth


nothing other than truth works


 fire is to be lit to cook rice

faith in fire can never cook


you will starve


earth is flat-------------------a faith

earth is round------------------truth


Faith is a tool to get blind following
self in illusion, leading followers in delusion 

osama was a great teacher of faith, belief ,,hope
followers followed in full faith---- to where--------to zannath?
or early death 

sathyameva jayathe is not faith

it is the truth of truth

hence wins


it is not -----faith eva jayathe ---never


faith , is blindness, is due to teacher not knowing truth ,

relies on imagination and starts thinking that what he talks is supreme talking

and believers, since told to believe they believe , blindly



faith is a hurdle, blocks the way, it’s a virus, interferes right function of mind

binds to one surmise one set of assumptions of one’s own or others,

keeps one in the groove circling one round and round in the thought that one is moving ahead, not knowing that he is stuck, though seemingly is moving 



The ignorant teacher/preacher who does not know what the truth, he teaches the compromise formula, faith and all extinguishes all enthusiasm to go further to see reality 
here the aspirant gets ditched by teacher


Sun is shining 
i need not believe, need no faith, nor hope to see sun


No big deal, matter of days / weeeks

guru leads to the experience of truth, unmistakeably , infallibly, instantly, easily, really --indelibly, nobly, surely, 

find guru, proceed to conquer the universe, in ever winning ways 
sathyameva jayathe


If not 

waste time in belief hope faith 
wait for 100 y, blogging dalogging endless aimless 
time pass useless 

choice is yours

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