Saturday, October 7, 2023

Meditate to zoom out in life we cannot escape from travel and there is no u turn. but things are working ok


"Meditate to zoom out

in life we cannot escape from travel and there is no u turn.

but things are working ok, this universe being the big enterprise of god .

if viewed in zoom in , one perceives irreconcilable paradoxes , antithesis, enigma, leading us to dilemma, flabbergasted, frustrated, leaving us in doubt –unnecessary


Way out seems to be to view in ----zoom out

moon is charming inspiring many a poet , in zoom out ,--to flow in romanticism,


not to Neil Armstrong in zoom in --oh craters, cold--making him to hurry back home


zoom in view made gautham deject / reject


in his right moment of meditation , perceived the ultimate possible zoom out accepting life as it is ---enlightenment ---and what he taught is to view life in zoom out Google maps made me cognize certain qualities of god--god is viewing and operating the universe in the ultimate zoom out level


--map and things i see ---

but those present in the map, cannot see me, the viewer god is able to see us none of us the components of universe can see god, the viewer and our zoom in --of details---can never match his zoom out--of wholeness, unified, harmony, logic, his plan


 hence our rightful dream turn into gloom of misery and sense of failure and futility of our doings and our ways and existence and we become arjun -on the battle field of life's challenges


Rightly kishan analysed and gave finally arjun the vishva roop darshan--the zoom out--and immediately arjun got enlightened and was up and doing his dues without the trace of doubt, in a way all masters are teaching ways to zoom out and thus take us out from the quagmire bogging down our initiative every moment


let 's allow god to do his work in the zoom out and let 's do our work in the zoom in to the last level of detail, perfectly--probably he created you and me to complete his global plan rather universe plan--delegating to us his responsibility and authority, wisdom in some measure as necessary. and our hands and feet helping us, and we his hand and feet , serving his cause knowing / without knowing


in meditation we see things in zoom out ,just like god is seeing in the zoom out and come to see the ok of things and our role, and this makes us to comprehend all situations unperturbed, and to be doing our things just like god doing his thing unperturbed


in a nice unit, employees are given the goal mission strategy targets and overall picture of unit's direction to all the employees to involve them in achieving the objectives of the unit , results in employees excellent performance by being with him we know his way and are one with him . what more is required?"

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