Monday, October 9, 2023

all the knowledge of nature, knowledge of the life and the universe in totality is available beautifully


all the knowledge of nature, knowledge of the life and the universe in totality is available beautifully structured in the field of akshara as richas the laws of nature .once this field is first glimpsed, and then owned thru repeated experience, this knowledge becomes one's property in his thot talk ,walk, guiding as if from within every step     as if the god is holding our finger and making us into his guided track   this knowledge is recorded in the scriptures but cannot be understood or owned, they can me at best memorized recited written down but its actual import will be known only thru experiencing the pure awareness

Richo akshare parame vyoman yasmin deva adhi vishve nisheduhu yasthannaveda kim richa karishyathi---rikved

knowledge is structured in consciousness beyond the mind, in the field of pure awareness in which reside the impulses of creative intelligence responsible for governing the universe  to those who do not know this level of reality ,what can these accomplish for them

Here is the potential for living a truly powerful life glorious with 100pc material and 100 pc spiritual and this is the knowledge the saints called knowledge is power which is grossly misunderstood as reading million book reading and getting stuffed with all kinds of tidbits of infn and this knowledge expressed, solidifies as a glorified life     

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