Monday, June 5, 2023

zero is pujyam


zero is pujyam

in our normal talk we call zero as pujyam

i quizzed why was it

we address to all to their divinity , beyond the physical identity 

zero is worthy of worshiping

it's the shrusthi moola, all originate from it, start from it , it gives birth to all. it's the origin  0, 0

when i am zero, then I am pujyashree

maharishi is in zero state hence pujyashree maharishiji, 

our culture has been to address as pujya gopal sharma , pujya varma, pujya mohan ,,mathaji,, devi, shree, shreeman , his holiness, his highness , his excellency

not necessarily to the great souls but to every soul in the universe,

gajendra, nagendra, vrushabhendra etc

worshipping the inner zero 


what makes u say shunya comes after number 9,
does it not appear before 1 ?

valid question

0 is the origin , the starting point ,
from start point,
after taking 10 steps , we are at a pause , 10, ,
again we are taking 10 more steps ,
so this second start may be treated as shunya,
a fresh stating point and pause at 20 ,
we are not losing continuity ,
ie ,we go to 30, 40, 100, and more

this is similar to modular progress,
progress in stages , like in a bambu, or in sugar cane,
cane has short lengths , as if joined, but there is continuity
scorpion tail also has this feature,
fingers have 3 parts, hand, leg in two part

it is a break at 10 or 20 etc but it is notional

in music, thaal has a module flow ,
sam ,dha, in the dha dhin dhin dha
–teen thal is the zero point and it repeats after 16 counts ,
the next aavarthan again starting at dha,

Fortunate are those who can see the voids,
who can hear the silence

we miss to see the sunya ,
though is present every where,
our attention is on things

we miss to hear the silence,
though is always in between every sound,
since we hear only noise/ voice/ music, dialog,
and the ringing of a bell

in temple bell is not there to produce noise,
but to make one to feel the silence when sound subsides

and the silence that is left after the bell sound tapers
is some thing as profound as the divinity itself

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