Monday, June 26, 2023

spirituality in profession


spirituality in profession raises once perspective to such a high level ,and blossoms one's creativity to such a high level , that he accomplishes the results without hangama, show, domination, talks, speeches, orders, overtakingness, jealousy, bias, fear, hatred, without throwing his weight around

,----all he doing in fact nothing, but accomplishments happen in visible results, by the environ he creates around him, he not working 24x7, not burning midnight oil, not striving for 3p ' pay perks promotions, padma awards or booker prizes or tv/video shows ,never striving to be most influential .

most of the time he remains unseen, doing his little things alone, but open to any who needs his help . he is not the player not even director, he is more just a scriptwriter, scribbling the bare sketches of future as per his fancy and seeing things happen without his involvement.

People around him are just happy souls enjoying the full confidence and approvals for what they contribute and are just busy in delivering the best possible to make worthy of presenting to the leader .

He never supervises nor controls, but his unit is self disciplined. He is in fact a manager without limitations. I am yet to see when our great iim ‘/ iit ‘ s will raise such a crop of spiritually enlightened professionals, tho I happened to see a few in my profession around

In contrast , i see the present environ, including at the pm's post --people around with corruption, money ,power, favors, publicity, undisciplined under even imposed discipline . i only wish that such leadership must rise. and probably will rise

Monday, June 19, 2023

Truth is the source of nourishment and true strength

 Truth is the source of nourishment and true strength

Sticking to truth may put others into inconvenience , Copernicus, Galileo were perceived by the clergy to be ''putting down'' the Christianity, just because they persisted in telling the truth of ''earth revolving around sun'' , as against the blind belief of earth as the center around which sun is revolving but later truth prevailed, acceptability gained, despite rejected by church

A stone sees him a stone


A stone sees him a stone
a man sees him a man

a tree sees him a tree
a animal sees an animal

a bird sees a bird
a child sees him a child

yet it is stone, not man, not tree, not animal , not bird, not child

a mad sees mad
a sad sees sad
a wise sees wise
a god sees god

he is helpless
he does not do any thing
with him 
a man can make own head clean
a man can break own head down 

by his own efforts
or redoubled efforts
stone does not resist 
nor assist, it just exists

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Good, for me this is a feast

 Good, for me this is a feast

i turn to east
to learn god best
and take gurus help most
here i flow with his grace
come run , join in my race
Contending opinions.
------------yes, truth /god/reality has infinite dimensions
no single human can deliver all the views,
every human has his angle
and so a unique vision
so a different opinion
so they are contending,
yet tending towards truth ,
not yet reaching for sooth
truth being unfathomable
this process continues for ever,
has been since time immemorial
Christians think universe is only six thousand years old.
-----let them think,
may be they are on the way towards exact figure
may come out a newer testament
more updated than the previous
and more updates follow as human evolves
nothing is final, at least not yet
The Hindus think that the universe is infinitely old
---let them also think
similarly , as they evolve they will update
probably to assert that
the universe has just born at this moment.
we shall wait for the right answer
till eternity,--if possible
With an infinite number of subsidiary creations and destructions along the way.
-oh, forget brahma, vishnu. maheshwar, seen/heard in temples, movies, stories scriptures,videos, tv serials for a moment
see your skin that is the home and play of the trio
carrying out the creation, maintenance, destruction
the cells , your cells, my cells, cells of every living being
from amoeba to manava ,
it is their live on line existence and performance,
does not need a biologist
or a zoologist
to know its gist
Now they can't both be right.
----you are very right
they have revealed what they found as right
it is right ,
it is their right ,
no fight
after enough evolution, probably they fuse in one right
but they all need the light
of the transcendental consciousness,
the ultimate right,
otherwise they can never reach the harmony
even if they waste a lot of time , time is money
Either the universe is a certain number of years old
or it's infinitely old.
---your challenge is bold ,
fact cold,
of value gold
my answer is , political, i mean poetical,
or more hypocritical
i want to capture all the votes,
i have no currency notes
i give my nod to any opinion
on this i have no pain, have all gain
i , so say ,
1 universe is just now is born, at this moment
2 universe was born a few years ago
3 universe is eternal unborn
mine is united parties alliance , [pun. fun ]
and i argue and prove with each of the voter
that is the king, most knowledgeable, a know all
and i teach tolerance ,
and give instant deliverance
what do i lose,
if my verbosity is let loose
The major religions on the Earth contradict each other
earth looks flat if you see the floor under the carpet in your flat-------correct
earth looks curvy if you see from a jet plane window at far distant high----also correct
earth looks round if you see from moon------and this is correct ,
earth looks a dot if you see from far higher galaxies -----yes , fortunately this too is correct
i can join any party, and utter that truth of that party
but i do not get stuck there
i aayaraam gayaa raam,
so i change my party .
and my flat,
i grow
and stay in a bungalow
i stand to gain
even if votes do not rain
What if all are wrong?
---------great, i wanted to say this .
but , you said it
i parrot --all are wrong
never can any human find the ultimate
he gets checkmated
he gets limited, tho uninhibited,
by his inability, of perception,
his comprehension,
safely for our mental health, we can amuse
ourselves with a muse
that none is right
and ourselves try to find the unexplored
to the best of our ability,
not relying on any one , ignorant or enlightened
the ground is open and vast ,fortunately, for my solo play
and i continue my play
there is no end , i mold my dolls with my clay
You must care about the truth.
----how much truth ?
tell me your truth ,
i shall check with mine and take care to update
there is no final date at any rate
Be skeptical.
-----yes, that is why i went to guru,
found out , what is truth,
with my direct, experience,
authentifying my gurus version of truth
In the scientific line of work, they're called hypotheses,
not inspiration and not revelation.
----unless they are inspired, enthused, excited,
they cannot reach and perceive the revelations of
their logic, their rationality , their research, their investigation
it is just being prosaic, cold , alert, open, no illusions , no delusions,
that is how illumination dawns
but some flow in to poetry
allegory, imagery, idolatry, bigotry,
superstition, sentiment, belief faith,
getting shadowed under .
one must shrug off
some are fast
some are fastidious
some are slow
some slovenly
all to give best lesson
we to take the best message
and forget the idiom and medium of lesson
pick the grain, from chaff
Most of the religious prophecies are vague,
ambiguous, imprecise, open to fraud.
They admit lots of possible interpretations
-human frailty
ignore with frugality
frailty thy name is human
omnipresent, none is excluded
even vishva mithra
Kele tapasya viswamithra
gele menaka maaghe kuthra
They admit lots of possible interpretations
-------they know more than me if not all,
hence open to all interpretations
or interruption
it's not at all a corruption
Why do scriptures not contain statements like
'A body in motion tends to remain in motion.
-----here i quote William Blake who said
‘What is Grand is necessarily obscure to Weak men.
That which can be made Explicit to the idiot is not worth my care.
The Wisest of the Ancients considered what is not too explicit as the fittest for instruction because it rouses the faculties to act.’
Earth weighs so much
------even this can be no precise
'There are no privileged frames of reference'?
one frame , that is frameless transcendent , is the basis of all privileged not privileged
Faster than light.'
---is the light of transcendent , whose rays are infinitude with intelligence and energy which can travel straight and in all possible curves circles zigzag
Why should God manifest himself in such a debatable way when he can make his presence completely unambiguous?
his presence is completely unambiguous -- to the one who did experience thru gurukripa.
thermodynamics cannot be unambiguous to 8th class boy,
unless he graduates to engg knowledge
Why should God be so clear in the scriptures?
-----because it is written by qualified professors
and can be understood by one similarly qualified
and so obscure in the world?
----in the world not many are qualified hence it is obscure for them
For believers its easy. Anything you don't understand, you attribute to God
----------it's an escape route to the timid ,
not willing to do tapasya and know and thus be bold to know what is really what
God for most is where one sweeps away all the mysteries of the world,
------------for ignorant all is miracle oracle, mystery
for the enlightened it is just mastery
Simply turn you mind off and say God did it.
-----they are helpless children, forgive them ,
they really want to say i do not know
do not have the courage hence find this easy outlet
Thank you , dear friends
my internet and powercut are hand in hand cut throats,
cutting my throat,
cutting my posts
in bits and pieces
yet i lose no peace
in perfect compose
i go on doing my compose
no repose
nor just pose
and all roses to you all

Monday, June 5, 2023

our conclusions normally will be based on limited span of time and space


our conclusions normally will be based on limited span of time and space, where as actions have their own course, just happen without criteria of good/bad rain happens, how much where when all a factor of weather movements, does not distinguish farmers, also mishaps are happening to the devotees on pilgrimage....not due to their karma etc, but due to the factors of road/driver/traffic/light/vehicle. in spiritual deduction it is better to allow some factor of safety/factor of ignorance, keeping in view the limitations of human ability to compute all the complex actions and reactions .....and one should not look for an escape route in the name of god/karma etc

zero is pujyam


zero is pujyam

in our normal talk we call zero as pujyam

i quizzed why was it

we address to all to their divinity , beyond the physical identity 

zero is worthy of worshiping

it's the shrusthi moola, all originate from it, start from it , it gives birth to all. it's the origin  0, 0

when i am zero, then I am pujyashree

maharishi is in zero state hence pujyashree maharishiji, 

our culture has been to address as pujya gopal sharma , pujya varma, pujya mohan ,,mathaji,, devi, shree, shreeman , his holiness, his highness , his excellency

not necessarily to the great souls but to every soul in the universe,

gajendra, nagendra, vrushabhendra etc

worshipping the inner zero 


what makes u say shunya comes after number 9,
does it not appear before 1 ?

valid question

0 is the origin , the starting point ,
from start point,
after taking 10 steps , we are at a pause , 10, ,
again we are taking 10 more steps ,
so this second start may be treated as shunya,
a fresh stating point and pause at 20 ,
we are not losing continuity ,
ie ,we go to 30, 40, 100, and more

this is similar to modular progress,
progress in stages , like in a bambu, or in sugar cane,
cane has short lengths , as if joined, but there is continuity
scorpion tail also has this feature,
fingers have 3 parts, hand, leg in two part

it is a break at 10 or 20 etc but it is notional

in music, thaal has a module flow ,
sam ,dha, in the dha dhin dhin dha
–teen thal is the zero point and it repeats after 16 counts ,
the next aavarthan again starting at dha,

Fortunate are those who can see the voids,
who can hear the silence

we miss to see the sunya ,
though is present every where,
our attention is on things

we miss to hear the silence,
though is always in between every sound,
since we hear only noise/ voice/ music, dialog,
and the ringing of a bell

in temple bell is not there to produce noise,
but to make one to feel the silence when sound subsides

and the silence that is left after the bell sound tapers
is some thing as profound as the divinity itself

Previously cats were playing in st with maximum fun joyfully,


Previously cats were playing in st 
with maximum fun joyfully, 

free, friendly, smiling,
jumping, bumping 

now the cats are caught, 
tied tightly, not knowing for what

with ropes of ranks , 
with hopes on badges 

predominantly trying to display
which is big which is small, 

which is beautiful which is horrible, 
which is rich which is poor

they are all forced to fight and run, 
non stop circling round and round ,

trying to catch a few bones in haste 
with or without meat or taste


Divine blogging should not become a rat race or cat walk for popularity 

when supreme has allowed existence of all the creatures,

irrespective of merits demerits, 

why to delete a young seeker on suspicion of irregularities 

and bringing down his reputation, creating a hurt

instead , 

tell him what were the irregularities openly and ask his reply, 

then take a decision 
after all the allegations cannot be always true 

i pity that seeker who got good rating, but dumped because of it , just because some one complained

Previously cats thronged to satsang charmed by the spirituality, 

truth, originality, virginity, 

clarity, maturity
pristine purity, beauty, 

now there is no charm, no inspiration, 
no enlightenment , no enchantment 

only enforcement 
of entertainment, 

so they are being lured with '' gift rats ''
for their rants, chants, 

laments, comments,
tormenting torrents

no more a inquisitive spirit
being intent only on head counts

Saturday, June 3, 2023

talk continues , intentionally or automatically,


talk continues , intentionally or automatically, 
in search of, in the hope of, getting at the real thing
--left to himself man goes inwards and out wards automatically,
those who know they like to share,
those yet to know would like to explore
-- so talks continue
--better the talks continue
2--they do not practice because, they do not know the way
show the way --they start practice right away
3--talk will reach the fulfillment in silence, 
a result of realization, 
here these people, are silent when they are talking , 
it is not talk., not their talk--
-it is the silence that talks

On guru i say only one point to me he is just a spark, momentary ,


On guru
i say only one point
to me he is just a spark, momentary ,

all stories and facts about him , i just keep aside
it is me who took that rare tiny momentary spark, 
made it in to a just a little fire, 
and then made it into a flame, 
then a brilliant light, 
a wild fire, 
a everlasting all purpose divine medium
for lighting 
and glad to say it is working in me, with me , around me, 
in my surroundings ,in my universe
with this authenticity i have become a phenomena

myself getting flabbergasted at it
no claims., no impression creating

no seeking any name fame



Personally , am happy being simplest, sleeping on the mat on floor with 3 pairs of clothes
my profile is nothing , none knows who i am, what my bio data where i am what things i did what achievements by me , what my email--all is secondary 
i do not aspire anything ,

not after any gains One cannot conclude anything just reading a few casual rants, from me , there is ocean


''fools die''----is some novel Basically why we die?


''fools die''----is some novel 
Basically why we die?

we are fools we are ignorant of the science and art of life

a day may come, some one discovers the fullest knowledge , exact science, to lead in swadharma, absolutely unviolating , fully in acc with all the laws of nature 

Then there will not be any more deaths on earth, one learns to stay alive and kicking till he wishes himself to die
till then 
every one of us take a resolve not to be or become old, and do all the necessary sadhana inputs to be in the ways of nature as close as possible 

Osho says, human child is the weakest of all species, if uncared dies

this is due to wrong culturization versus needed tropicalization which other species undergo. 

Why ,

man lives distancing away from nature
eg no animal with footwear, umbrella, bedding, tooth brush, paste, cloths yet continues life
animals swim without a learning.


Friday, June 2, 2023

देह देवाचे मंदिर, आत आत्मा परमेश्वर

 देह देवाचे मंदिर, आत आत्मा परमेश्वर ॥

Deh devahe mandir, aat aatma parameshwar ॥
Meaning – This body is the temple of god, inside is God in the form of the soul
जशी उसात हो साखर, तसा देहात हो ईश्वर ॥
Jashi usaat ho saakhar, tasa dehaat ho ishwar ॥
Meaning – Like there is sugar in sugarcane, just like that God resides in our heart/soul
जसे दुग्धामध्ये लोणी, तसा देही चक्रपाणि ॥
Jase dugdha madhye loni, tasa dehi chakrapani ॥
Meaning – Like there is butter in milk, just like that God resides in our heart/soul
देव देहात देहात, का हो जाता देवळात ॥
Dev dehaat dehaat, ka ho jaata devalaat ॥
Meaning – God is in our heart/soul only, why do you go to the temple
तुका सांगे मूढ जना, देही देव का पहाना ॥
Tuka saange moodha jana, dehi dev ka pahana ॥
Meaning – Tukaram says O fools/ ignorants, why cant you see God in your heart/souls

Sindooram is a traditional vermilion red or orange-red coloured cosmetic powder

 Sindooram is a traditional vermilion red or orange-red coloured cosmetic powder from the Indian subcontinent, usually worn by married women along the part of their hairline.[1] In Hindu communities the sindoor is a visual marker of marital status of a woman and ceasing to wear it usually implies widowhood

Silence is potential energy expression is kinetic energy

 Silence is potential energy

expression is kinetic energy
deeper the silence, the more the potential, the more powerful the expression
Words without power is only noise
powerful word is the atma's voice
more the ratio of signal to noise
high is the message , of sage
silence is the best message in any age
But let me express my silence loudest
mookam karoti vaachaalaam
-----does not mean it makes one to become dumb
--it simply means his expression is densely rich
--highest signal to noise ratio
--packed with power of wisdom"