Wednesday, December 28, 2022

I listen to the same raga, same song, several times, with full attachment


"I listen to the same raga, same song, several times, with full attachment

 ie with so much full attachment that i get new tastes in it,

new insights in it, new melodies in it, new excitements, new fantasy, new wonders, thus every listening increases my attachment to it much more, probably i may not get detached from it at all in my life time,


i get never bored, never tired, never disgusted, but ever wanting to listen again and again can you see why and how this is happening?


here lies a principle it is the ability of the subject that matters , not the quality of the object if one is in the awakened stream of consciousness,

everything, from the most grand to the routine trivial becomes charming equally ,sensing the newness of his own newness in whatever object encountered yatha pinde thatha brahmande , even in tasting a chocolate"


"When u keep listening to something again and again u become one with it.. u and the the thing forming a self referral pair as if a silent dialog happening with it, the thing becoming a jhoola, to sit on and swing back and forth the jhoola, it is just a routine , nothing new, just oscillating yet one sitting on it and swinging finds immense joy, excitement, fun, liking to play again and again due to one forming a self referral pair with it, when u keep listening to something again and again , that thing acquires a special hue, an aura, a ''holy'' something since u are the stream of consciousness that has wetted it, that has sanctified it, that has enriched its value in other words ,an insignificant, stray, trivial , a chocolate or a straw 


straw gains value by association with u, since u are the stream of consciousness here one is in deep attachment yet in a ''nonstick'' unblemished by any attachment all due to one having awakened the stream of consciousness"


"In the state of stabilized samadhi, the activity carried out does not bind the doer / no attachment / no residual marks , like a line drawn on water, no trace is left since he is doing in the state of nondoing, so emphasize that the level of consciousness of the doer matters, but not on what is being done or on how many times it is repeated ,"


"Detachment does not happen if the activity is repeated any number of times detachment happens thru meditation, which lead one to the experience of the state of samadhi, instantly for a few moments in the initial days kshanika samadhi


as sadhana, matures after some time, this state becomes nitya samadhi ,ie, detachment, ie nonstick prevails in activity, whatever it may be, eating, walking, seeing, listening etc , without this sadhana, detachment does not happen even if the activity is repeated any number of times For a real devotee ,the same one name, rama , gives everlasting sweetness, for him its madhurima is ever lasting, never he gets bored never get detached


One's creativity makes the routine work too charming , nothing never boring


not the task is important , but the doer's level is the significant factor


Rasikatha, is the point a rasagna enjoys anything more thoroughly than others


since his level is that of rasovaisaha for a commoner classical music is boring for a connoisseur the same lassical music is charming


lokobhinna ruche


since levels of perception differ


''bhais ke aage been, '' --is a saying underlining this point ''pearls before the swine'' is another"

Everything comes from nothing , shunya,


Everything comes from nothing , shunya,

The ground state or vacuum state,

it is an inexhaustible field of creativity, energy, orderliness and intelligence:

literally a field of all possibilities.

Everything in the universe—animate and inanimate—emerges from this quantum mechanical level.


It is the total potential of Natural Law.

All of the innumerable laws of nature—the impulses of nature's intelligence—responsible for governing all diverse tendencies in the universe, are found here.

This same field of Nature's unlimited potential can be located within each individual at the source of thought, the most settled state of one's awareness.


Acting from this level of pure consciousness, one inherits the infinite organizing power of Natural Law, making all things easy of attainment

Human is a guru and is a shishya simultaneously


Human is a guru and is a shishya simultaneously

the para aspect ie is chethana, is internal the guru

and apara aspect ie body mind intellect, budhi, is the shishya aspect

the teaching and learning , ie the giving and receiving of silence is continuously happening in human personality

the para, chethana is the guru aspect, it is always young, nitya yavvana ,unchanging , non aging, non dyeing hence ''guror yuva''

the apara aspect is he visible form, body organs , mind, all are the shishya aspect , are anitya, changing, aging, dyeing, hence ''vrudha shishya ''

the essential teaching and learning is the sharing of internal silence

the silence that is existing and flowing from ages thru ages in the form of traditions"

Read more and more------this is the greatest mistake, educated persons do


Read more and more------this is the greatest mistake, educated persons do

instead -----write more and more
in every writing you are reading your inner-book more and more
and as you write, you discover more authentic truths from inside,

 far more profound and useful than found in the books 
you will thus be able to update the book knowledge and your written books will become better books than existing books .
and your education is meant for it, and thus it becomes fulfilled .
meditation helps to write creatively , not the reading of books

focus do not focus


focus do not focus


1 focus on the task undertaken

engg college principal dr rama krishnan advised

do not waste time energy resources on other pursuits

like cinema, cricket, games, parties, tours, etc

yes, good advice, rather good guidance

I followed

I passed with first class with distinction, became ranker

2 do not focus on the task undertaken, but fly free, discover wider field

Ecil general manager k s srinivasan advised

Do not be lakeer ka fakir

No need to be sticking to chair 8 hours

Explore , experiment , innovate, invent

I followed

Visited many cities,Did a lot new things, solar energy, tools,

Techniques indigenous designs etc avoiding the need to import


Advices though contradicting, they have relevance in different contexts

Monday, December 26, 2022

Criticism is a great help and responsibility


Criticism is a great help and responsibility
it is a help from guru that dwells inside self and inside others 

Do not be afraid, 
be frank to give or to receive 

Judge and be judged to get feedback for self correction towards improvement
to give feedback to others for their correction for their improvement

Black suggests


Black suggests 

1… mystery, secrete, hiding things, unknown, so, charming, evokes fear, suspicion, curiosity, it is beauty, it is no beauty 

2…it is a thick black curtain, hiding the light inside, veil of ignorance 

3… universe is full of   darkness, infinite emptiness, ……light somewhere is incidental 

4…a remote dark cave, may be some one is doing tapasya 

5…night, peace, deep sleep

Friday, December 2, 2022

Dream …this word has multiple meanings

 Dream …this word has multiple meanings/ and so has multiple implications

1 dream is one of the 4 states of consciousness. wake, dream, sleep, turia

2 dream also means to imagine / formulate a target, a plan a course of action, to actualize, some times unrealistic or impossible , a futuristic extrapolation, overcoming the limitations of the waking state

3 day dream is semi conscious, mind trying to relax while still active on a task, a part of attention getting passive, a person driving a vehicle, may cause accident in while in day dreaming

4 dream also a synonym for unreal, mithya ,

5 dream can be a creative design exercise for a engg solution, designers see a problem and perceive different solutions , brain storm, without limitations, and select a possible earthly solution, thus invent some zig fixture tool

6 dream is a canvas for the artist to create the best of beauty / patterns / colours without really using the paper and pencils brushes, prior to actual creation

7 dream is a process to create shapes out of the mind, that serving as a universal molding material,

8 dream's closest meaning is that happens when we sleep , itis essentially a biological purification process that clears the debris in the mind, while that sweeping is taking place, all the components of the dirt assume different patterns/shape/ get connected as a sequence of events linking them to gether at random, with meaning/ without meaning , even absurd/ foolish/ holy/unholy, not having a time frame nor a fixed geo identity ,

9 dream is a reality at its own level, abstract , unclear, changing, melting, vanishing, all ripples of mind in the ocean of consciousness, it is a changing feeble unstable reality , now existing now disappearing

10 dream is like, factory owner , arranging for a cleaning. clearing/ scrapping task, on a holiday when staff is not there,

11 sleep is like , the closing down the factory on holiday , only watch man being there

12  waking is like the factory is full of activity , staff busy in their duty

13  death is like the factory is closed for ever, the owner absconding

14 turia is like the factory totally non existing for a few minutes, only the owner standing alone

15 uses and applications of dream in its multiple meanings, multiple roles are countless, most useful to most useless

16 realized man dreams?sleeps?

yes, but he witnesses the dream and sleep , and can at will continue / stop that process, and wake up if wants

17 dream is a natures gift , so all is welcome what ever happens in the dream, , since it is essentially a cleaning process we need not bother on pure /impure dreams , we do not care to see each particle/ of dust while cleaning , one gets up refreshed after dream

18, sleep is darkness, nothing exists, not even the sense of darkness, it's just not perceivable as long as one is asleep ..however it is a reality of it's own ,it is also a nature's gift , and body requires it as much as the hunger is felt for food, food is nourishing, sleep too is nourishing, one gets recharged. but sleep is known as sleep only when one comes out of it,

19 dream also a is a reality ,it is a loka, swapna loka, with all its inhabitants, man moving conversing interacting , reacting with them, involved in the processes that are happening in that loka, never he feels it is a dream , dream is known as dream only when one comes out of it

20, wake is a reality , it is a loka, bhooloka, all life processes done in wake, but dream and sleep supplementing it , man is 100 percent in trust in its existence, strives hard every moment to earn money, name fame, wants to win, wants to do a lot , never he doubts its existence , wake is known as wake only when one comes out of it

21 turia is a reality, it's the other world, paramdham, unmanifest , one exists as no body , but as pure awareness, nothing other than himself , fully alert , much more alert than the wake, he comes to know that this is the truth of existence , his existence in reality is just awareness nothing less nothing more.

after this experience is gained, his three states gain the needed refinement , he knowing that he is only an actor in the drama of the universe, and he does his role all the more perfectly , though knowing it a mithya, he is untouched unmoved by the success failure , joy sorrow, yet doing his best, he is now established in the reality firmly , and makes his journey masterfully , knowledgeably , every step guided by the light of the turia , here his wake dream sleep all will be rewarding , blissful, a rich life free from any lacks

22 it may be noted that whether sleep dream wake, nothing can be discounted nor discarded as mithya or useless, each has its role , but fullest significance of every moment can be known only with the experience of turia , hence all wise teachers have emphasized the utter need of turia experience, turia being the unmanifest basis for all the manifest universe, once this is mastered one rises to be the master of the universe, and its all lokas

23 for some few dream is a divinity. it's an ideal, probably unreachable, such a dream may take the shape of one's ista, may even come alive , either in dream while sleeping, or actually on earth plane, like vittal standing at the door of the devotee

24, for some few dream is love affair, with one glimpse of the beloved , with just a casual encounter, one's beloved having entered the heart of the lover, yet playing hide and seek, , while on earth plane both remaining away at far distant places,

it's a way of conquering time and space, and seeking the union rather attaining the ''virtual'' union with the ''dream girl '' [or ''dream boy '',]] all filled with sweetness and joy

25 dream is one's privilege, it is one's own '' reality '', beyond the belief / unbelief of others, some discarding as an absurd, since not all can comprehend. the life it self is a surd ,which can not be deciphered by the best brains .

for saints it's a wall- less existence , they reach the right souls in so many ways, dream is one way

26 saint poet potana .. ala vaikunta purambulo---and he could not write further , left ....

and god came probably in dream or in real plane, when he came back, he found the poem completed with precision and beauty dream mind is able to further explore the creativity, and can write what could not be written in the wake

27, tightness/ compactly mind of the waking state gets loosened and space is created, new discoveries will be possible, those discoveries may/ may not be valid in the wake , like suddenly one gets a dream that says at one location gold deposits exists, and the whole govt machinery starts digging and finds no gold but public criticism

28 but the adventure of '' the alchemist '' dreaming for gold leads him in to the inner world, where he becomes the richest alchemist , seeing richness every where . he did pursue a dream / a desire and reached an entirely different world

29 dream can be a vision, for future , company ceo s, they create a vision document , and it becomes the mission for the whole unit , and drives the aspirations and ambitions of every employee from top to bottom , they meticulously plan the detail strategy and implement all the practical steps needed , on the earth plane and achieve unimaginable heights

30 pioneers are dreamers, they are visionaries, they go to any extent risking/ sacrificing their life , till they reach the success , their efforts benefit man kind immensely

31 Lyrical ballads were written by coloridge in dream it seems...........while one is immersed in a theme, in a task, in a trade, in a profession, unknowingly one slips into a reverie

32  reverie is  a state of being pleasantly lost in one's thoughts; a daydream... this happens since the task is now becoming automatic, as if done by the subconscious, requiring not much attention or care , and one enjoys the luxury of unspent/reserve attention to do its own chosen spinning, that is how the folk songs originate, even some times the construction labour start sing- song talks, flirting with each other, ......result is just increased joy

and language loses its rigidity of grammar / syntax, becomes colloquial, vernacular, with local idioms and slang and musical tones set in

33  it is worth noting that Coleridge and words worth valued more their natural flow than the conventional rigidity of poetry rules , and their works stood the test of times , it all proves the mind going into a dream state, has its peculiarity and associated benefit of a sort of ‘’release’’

34 ''Wordsworth and Coleridge set out to overturn what they considered the priggish, learned and highly sculpted forms of 18th century English poetry and bring poetry within the reach of the average person by writing the verses using normal, everyday language. They place an emphasis on the vitality of the living voice that the poor use to express their reality. Using this language also helps assert the universality of human emotions. Even the title of the collection recalls rustic forms of art – the word "lyrical" links the poems with the ancient rustic bards and lends an air of spontaneity, while "ballads" are an oral mode of storytelling used by the common people.''...wikipedia

35 dream experiences range from earthly to heavenly, encountering higher beings , visions seen, voices heard, presence felt....all are one's personal, nothing to do with others approval , these are true to oneself , and oneself interpretes understands by his own ability/ limitations rightly / wrongly .only thing is that such things happen , atheist theist agnostic sees it differently , scientist sees it with logic ,

 36 one's ''self referral'' existence is unconditional, undependent on any object or person, it's most valuable unmatha state , ''that limitless state'' 
love marriages some times fail, since the lover does not find ''the beloved'' in the spouse, one sees the earthly and become disappointed / disgusted 
dream is a dream , and ground reality is different

37 good movies takes one into a dream , the viewer identifying himself with the hero/heroine and living the theme of the movie , forgetting his presence in the theater in that 3 hours, comes out exhilarated, .. so are good novels ,/ prabhanda kaavyaas , paintings, sculpture, music , dance

38 dream while asleep, , or day dream or virtual dream created by the kavi, like the episode of ''varudhini pravaraakhya''has connection with navarasas, funny enjoyable dreams with hasya, srungara, remorseful karuna, nightmarish bheebhatsa, dreadful bhayanak,,

39 where the waking state does not permit , or does not approve, the system finds an escape route , ie dream where exist no bars, it can be like a private rave party, or wild circus, or like a penance in a cave in the mountain, or a jungle, where individual is free, even to do a puja or tapasya or sport with gods, which is not possible in the waking state, yet desire persisting, hence , in dream all is permitted , promethian unbounded

40 quality of dream depends on the purity of the body mind nervous system, if one is pure, beautiful divine dreams of devalok are possible, good persons would like to be good in dream also, like pravara, they swear not to commit sin even in dream , this firm resolve persists in dream also, and acts as a shield against all attractions . however till all the impurities are cleared , some impure dreams may persist, indicative of the cleaning that is happening , so nothing to worry on impure dreams

41 when one had the glimpse of Truth, it makes him to express the ''chunks of that truth'' , ie darshanas, / cognitions,/ insights,/ richas, in a number of ways , in a number of communication mediums, hence ekam sath vipra bahudaa vadanthi, in their lang or slang , as per their feel , they create and create, each a unique product , yet with a sheen of unity

42 even when one is fed up with dreams'..........yet god continues the cleaning operation , sleep is his anesthesia, let the process happen ,but to accelerate the cleaning intensive practice of meditation helps

43 nidra bhangam, should not happen,, one should not ''walk miles and miles before i sleep,'', .sleep deprivation is to be avoided ...a sleeping individual should not be disturbed , ....adequate sleep and in the process adequate dreaming is to be allowed .....yukthaahaara vihaarasya

44 i had a funniest dream, this dream ..i was enlightened in a different way ...a funny revelation occurred .''.ie, in temple do not stand in front of god, , since if you stand in front , god and you , duality exists ...instead, enter the garbha gudi, and stand behind the statue, where you see only the black, blank, back side without the roopa , and i stood for a while accordingly and i found merged with the statue, ..i disappeared..''........this is blasphemy in the waking state, but dream is a dream

45  ‘’i dont dream, i cant dream’’ …one cannot .at will , since ‘’will’’ is asleep , dream happens or does not happen as per the system requirement, duration of dream too … stomach upset or any such signals indicate that either system is getting strained beyond elastic limit, crossing/violating swadharma, so some regulatory action may be required….or… nature is carrying repair/rejuvenation, ….best to allow

It to happen.

A dreamless deep sleep indicates good health and purity

More profound is the ability of Witnessing the sleep and dream, ie when one is deep asleep or in a dream, one comes to know that he is sleeping, or dreaming, he can hear his snoring/ watch his breath , he can continue /discontinue the dream/sleep and wake up as per will , here will is not asleep

That means he has conquered sleep, ie he has attained mastery over one of the 4 survival instincts of nature , …nidra, aahara, bhaya maithuna

While On earth plane , Even in waking state, one unconsciously enters in a reverie, even ethereal , mind in silent dialog with internal ista devatha or with one’s beloved

Creative individuals writers/ poets /artists  create their dream consciously and wantedly driven by the inclination of imagination/ and dwell in that virtual world like kalidas, and give expression to their visit and visions

46  dream experiences may be similar with different individuals, but may / may not be for the same reasons/ causes, comparing may not be advisable.  Analysis of dreams may be /may not be precise.  One’s own feel / conclusion is authentic , and valid for oneself, since dream is a very very personal matter , it is in fact an affair with god, in surrenderful-ness