Tuesday, November 8, 2022

Origin of technology


 Origin of technology

one of the principle of creation is ''least expenditure of resources'' like energy , time and accomplish the result easiest, i call it a brahma suthra.

mans superiority over other creatures has been to live more according to this , as a result he cognizes the why of things, the science , and devises how of doing things, 

so tools , staring in stone age to iron age to further now the age of IT.

The future of man 's ability is ---to ''do less and accomplish more'', 

leading ultimately ---to ''do nothing, accomplish every thing '' by just wishing it

a table tennis ball which fell on the floor while playing,

will just jump from the floor and rests on the table, by his just wishing it , 

not himself lifting it , not using a detailed technology/mechanism to enable it to come on the table

while doing the chores, 

an aware person cognizes the opportunity / need to do better and better , 

and starts creative thinking leading to first discoveries 

and then leading to gain mastery over every phenomena in nature, 

thus he takes over the reins of running the universe in his hands, 

and becomes a virtually the god, the supreme , 

and may start running the universe too ,

in much better ways than the existing god

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