'you' merges with ' i '
the vedic rishi here in this sooktham is going deep within himself
in exploring and extolling all the great mahimas of ganapathi
and is reaching for his real subtler potentialities
and taking a dip/ bath in the ocean of consciousness containing infinite hidden powers, and becoming one with the deity, becoming one with his own self, all the potentialities he is able to see and enumerate as many as possible, and as a result his own being is getting charged with these, mahimas, i see the great energizing / charging effect on the chanting person and the listener, probably on the whole universe, since his sight is penetrating all the layers of existence, so of the universe, and one is rising to be the master of universe himself as the lord is
''You transcend the three guṇas (sattva, rajas, tamas of Māyāśakti).
You transcend the three states (of waking, dream, and deep-sleep).
You transcend the three bodies (physical, subtle, and causal).
You transcend the three periods (past, present, and future).
You always abide in the base of the spine.
You are manifest as the three-fold power (icchā-śaktiḥ, jñāna-śaktiḥ, kriyā-śaktiḥ).
The Yogis always contemplate upon You.
You are Brahmā, You are Viṣṇu, You are Rudra, You are Indra, You are Agni, You are Vāyu, You are Sūrya, You are Candra, You are all, You are the earth, the intermediate space, the heaven, and Om (All).
And in this travel , ''you'' will merge with ''i''
and a union of one with the universe will be the result
And finally in his ecstasy , bliss, of union with self, he will now sing , an equally valid , more profound veda, probably in his silence
i transcend the three guṇas (sattva, rajas, tamas of Māyāśakti).
i transcend the three states (of waking, dream, and deep-sleep).
i transcend the three bodies (physical, subtle, and causal).
i transcend the three periods (past, present, and future).
i always abide in the base of the spine.
i manifest as the three-fold power (icchā-śaktiḥ, jñāna-śaktiḥ, kriyā-śaktiḥ).
The Yogis always contemplate upon me, residing inside them
i am Brahmā, i am Viṣṇu, i am Rudra, i am Indra, i am Agni, i am Vāyu, i am Sūrya, i am Candra,
i am all,i am the earth, the intermediate space, the heaven, and Om (All).
and declare the maha vakyas with authenticity
aham brahmasmi
sarvam khalvidam brahma
ayam atma brahma
and sings in the way of adishankara in advatha experience,
''shivoham'', ''shivahkevaloham''
chidananda roopah
shivoham shivoham
his prayer culminating logically, inevitably reaching the goal of union for which all the prayers and sthuthis are meant.
and he just dances,
Yoga ratho va Bhoga ratho va.
Sanga ratho va sanga vihina
yasya Bhramani ramathe chittam
nandathi nandathi nandati eva
Yāvān artha udapāne
sarvataḥ samplutodake
tāvān sarveṣu vedeṣu
brāhmaṇasya vijānataḥ
so, then, vedas become superfluous
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