Sunday, August 31, 2014

Maharishi Effect

Maharishi EffectFirst Experiment to Create the Global Maharishi Effect

Inspired by the success of the TM-Sidhi Programme in reducing negativity and hostilities in different regions of the world, in 1979 Maharishi held the first annual World Peace Assembly to purify world consciousness. Assemblies were held year after year on the international, national, and regional levels with many thousands of Yogic Flyers coming together to raise world consciousness through the group practice of Maharishi's Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme.
However, Maharishi explained that just as water only boils at 100 degrees centigrade, only with the square root of one per cent of the world's population, approximately 7,000, practising the Transcendental Meditation and TM-Sidhi Programme together in one place, would coherence be produced in world consciousness, leading to world peace.
Therefore, in December 1983, Maharishi assembled for the first time more than 7,000 Yogic Flyers from all over the world to create global coherence in world consciousness and thereby give the world a 'Sample Taste of Utopia'.
This experiment, conducted at Maharishi International University (now Maharishi University of Management) in Fairfield, Iowa, USA, from 17 December 1983 to 6 January 1984, was the first experiment to create world peace through the Global Maharishi Effect.

Nascent Hydrogen Lalithambika..

Nascent Hydrogen Lalithambika...

nascent hydrogen and lalithambika

at the moment of formation hydrogen is in nascent form

it is in the atomic state, subtle state. later they become molecules, slightly gross level

the later ones, molecules require work to be done on them to separate them in to single atoms

nascent hydrogen atoms are ready for reaction and require no further work on them needs to be done before the reaction could take place-----thus goes the subject of chemistry , blessed are experts of chemistry

here rishi cognizes thus-----

similarly ,the more tender the music, it has more penetrating power in to the personality , higher capacity to awaken it

the pure consciousness , the tenderest , has the highest power to awaken the personality to the ultimate level.
tenderness has more flexibility , can tackle easier, more effective

 lalitha=In the root form (vyutpatti)=nascent

lalitha kalas, fine arts, are more  powerful comparing to other.

lalithambika , being in the rootform , is tremondously powerful whose glory is cognized and recorded in the sahasranama.

 the power of thought in its nascent stage is similarly has all the power to manifest as a physical accomplishment with least energy and fastest, taking all the support of environ

as sadhana advances, one gains the ability to cognize the thought at its more and more nearest sprouting stage and project into the environ in  charged condition, then such intention becomes amogha, infalliable and materializes in to action --miraculously as if

that is how a sidha lives in a state of accomplishing and commanding the nature as per his wish, since he has 3 purities thrikarana shudhi thought speech action

hence his way is seemingly a miracle but full rationality exists in his way .
this is the way to live a glorious life full of accomplishments
simply it is

''do less accomplish more''
do nothing and accomplish every thing

Scriptures In Present Time.

Scriptures In Present Time...
scriptures in present time----how

The need does exist immense.

contents of scriptures are meant for living them ,

1 to be seen in tapasya, meditation and 
2 to be walking in their light. 

reading listening, debating, learning by heart, expressing in learned forums ---all is only insignificant part of the full glory.

in deep meditation they are available for conscious perception and spontaneous application in all activities

''yad yad karma karomi.......,''  becomes the property of one in one's  nature---this does not happen by reciting reading repeating--though these have their own value

thus the scriptures start getting lived in the context of contemporary life,

and once lived , get interpreted , updated, in  the language and idiom of our time

eg. geetha

whether one has read or not, it 's message is cognized in reality, beyond the limitations of language, in all phases of life, in all modern subjects of study , and one becomes a geetha, a geethaacharya in his thought, talk and walk, in his own right, his birth right

scriptures are written  not from intellectual contemplation or conjuctures, or idle imagination, but from the deepest experiences of rishis , cognized from within

and the reality of these are to be gained from our own depths, 
not from the heaps of books

books seve the purpose of only to confirm our cognitions ganed in the light of enlightenment

will  provide some light not the enlightenment, and not meant for conformity

enlightenment only confirms the truth, and naturally makes us to conform to it

Saturday, August 30, 2014



way he knows,
he shows

he lives,
tells how to live

he has no doubts,
clears all doubts

He walks, yet is a few millimeters above the earth, untouched earthly

he talks, yet his message is silence
he works, yet he leaves no mark,

he sleeps, 

yet he is awake witnessing his sleep

every thing inert
every being animate

hillock to high hill, 

tiny stream to flooding river

every jeeva from ameoba 

to manava to great baba
are gurus

universe is a mirror to teach you how you are 

and how you can be

Teacher is not to teach
student is to learn each

intelligent learns from the worst
dull gains not from the best

Best teaching is silence
best teacher is silent

gurosthu mouna vyaakhyaanam
shishyath chinna samshayaa
[dakshinamurthi sthothram, adi sankara]
guru's silent commentary cleared shishya's doubts

God started his career as a sole proprietor

God started his career as a sole proprietor of his business firm

he did all duties excellently well , all doing himself.
he wanted to expand his unit

he picked and chose the best and appointed as staff
delegated some responsibilities, some powers, authority, some business secrets, some intelligence
he did now the job of supervision

But felt that this can also be delegated, so hired supervisors
for clarity, he defined rules
he was managing them , saw that things went smoothly

now he felt that he wanted to have some leisure, to do some innovation,

so he hired a manager, defined his job description and wrote down channels of communication, flow of authority, made an organization chart, kept him at the top and declared that he is the boss. 

well things worked, his new products flooded the markets

demand was more than the supply 

so he created one more unit, and appointed one more manager, but his products were so good that 
again he had to create more and more units, to meet ever growing demand.

to keep things going smoothly he had to oversee all units 
in the process , he did not find enough time to do innovationactivity
he thought , why not hire some good creative fellow who will do product innovation and evolve new and new designs and better versions. he appointed the brilliant most brahma and said'' you do only the creation''

Then he had some good leisure, went round, found that existing products too had great demand and had to be manufactured in abundant quantity, 

so he expanded the manufacturing base, and to run it nicely he then appointed vishnu to sustain the production of all the designs, in full quantity and quality, with adequate raw materials, storage, marketing distribution system. things went nicely.

but somehow because of brahma's ever new product innovation, customers started to show more inclination to new products

There in the new products manufacture, he felt the need of better skills, better manufacturing processes, and better raw materials, faster rate of productions, may be also some automation, in which case , the existing highly experienced staff, now getting old, the existing machinery now becoming worn out, existing raw materials in the stores becoming surplus, and non moving stock accumulating, not fetching the price, had to be written of as scrap. 

he now felt the need of one exclusive manager who can do all this cleaning and clearing process, of disposing the unusables, even at scrap value or even just sending to dump yards. so he found one shiva,a poor fellow and called him asmaheshwara as designation so that he is in protocol with brahma the most favored, vishnu the second

Now he said to himself , that
''enough is enough , let these fellows run the show , i decided/ devised/defined/clarified every thing and let the organization work by itself . and obtained now the uso certification . universal standards organisation , 

all is now well, let me now relax, i have earned my leave, having done an excellent job in designing and instituting a self sufficient self propelled self sustaining system, with all the rules and regulations wail laid out unambiguously

let me contemplate on future strategies. and if at all once a while , in extreme case give a shock treatment to one and all , and create some pralaya, crisis, and then refine or redefine or repair once in 4 yuga times. 
yes i know , when i relax, the whole thing gradually deteriorates, every one taking things easy when boss is not around, ok it is tolerable no worry . let it go to worst in kali level. any way i can restore it back to perfection of kruth yug.
in the meanwhile i can hire some good fellows to teach nice things, ''

and then he appointed rishi muni saints sidhas sanths savanths, babas, yogis,.
let them do their level best and create a environ suitable for me to easily restore things to original excellence

then confidently, he went on foreign tours, where his pa also does not know, and his chambers are there in all branch offices, but his presence, is only in the form of paintings as imagined by his subordinates, who never saw him, some are only some funny cartoons, some are hearsay, some rumors about his greatness and qualities but none knows his whereabouts or hide outs , or when his arrivals or departures.

in the meanwhile every ne in the org started to play games for promotions, perks pay, some even started malpractices, corrupt earnings,.

but all still feel that he may come at any time, some have seen dreams , some even his ghosts . some said that he is not there at all .

in the meanwhile things are still running though not in the best possible way but yet satisfactorily .

since i too belong to this organization, i am no exception . but feel that he need not come, or should not come. let me acquire all his qualifications and experience and skills, and then i can myself one day will reach the highest post and reconstruct the universe, i feel it is possible.

A important correction | Science Of Spirituality Blog on

A important correction | Science Of Spirituality Blog on

120A important correction

A important correction

read slowly 

peace is not Dwelling nor pervades in all the spaces around

the truth is

the manifest universe of forms and phenomena is not at rest nor at peace, at all at any time

it is a noise and bustle all round , all beings incessantly engaged in activity needed for survival


in the seer, the peace emerges from deepest core, by the real, direct authentic experience of the field of perfect peace-----shivam shantham advaitham ----chathurtham -----the fouth state of consciousness, the thureeya state ,of divine abode inside 

and so he sees all peace and harmony in all the spaces around

To see peace in the world outside
see peace in the world inside
Rishi Vasanth
Sep 11, 2012 at 01:25 pm
Silver: 2923

if the seer is able to see peace outside, then does he see a cheat a murderer a scamster, a plunderer also as ok?

if not does he lose peace

does he behave deaf dumb blind numb

Anil Kumar
Sep 11, 2012 at 02:07 pm
Gold: 4092
Rishi ji
there is no deepest core in seer
nor there is any state of consciousness
a seer is a crystal clear
free of any deepness and any state of mind
Rishi Vasanth
Sep 11, 2012 at 03:21 pm
Silver: 2923
Narayanan P S
Sep 11, 2012 at 02:18 pm
Gold: 18.8K
Rishi Vasanth
Sep 11, 2012 at 03:20 pm
Silver: 2923
my joy is to keep correcting the blurred grasp ,encashing on the lapses observed

Friday, August 29, 2014

a straw gains value by falling in to the stream of consciou | Self Improvement Blog on

a straw gains value by falling in to the stream of consciou | Self Improvement Blog on Speakingtree.in43a straw gains value by falling in to the stream of consciousness 

all experiences, observations, memories, impressions,--- learnt , acquired, accumulated---all good bad useless, ---are insignificant straws, in the mind

in fact they are debris, a burden blocking the creativity of an ordinary man, some times causing harm, making him ineffective , binding him to conformity to degenerate ways of living--the sanskaars. 

he does not know how to come out or get rid of them

but for an enlightened man ,a rishi, a poet, the vary same straws become the raw materials for him to construct a poem, to create a melody, ----to innovate an universe. since he is a flow,chethna,he is not static., jada 

he is the stream of consciousness, chethana sravanthi

in the stream, the same straw s in his mind come out as beautiful expressions, chunks of truths. 

he uses the same alphabets, same words, idiom grammar but what comes out is a artistic creation , 
thus the ordinary things become extraordinary in his expression, gaining value by associatoin with the stream 

his mind a sheet clean
his imagination the fluent pen
his ink the consciousness

with him
the dictionary flows
the alphabet glows

poetry is as deep as the rishi is
when rishi is rooted in the field of infinite creativity,
his every utterance is a poetry, and a novelty

extend it to god

an ordinary individual , a stone , in rama kaarya, does not drown, becomes a raw material to construct the sethu , gaining infinite value by just being with him, the chethna

Aug 23, 2012 at 03:21 pm
Bronze: 151
I find it is so difficult to me to under stand..........what you want to convey.......

.......god in all
Rishi Vasanth
Aug 23, 2012 at 08:49 pm
Gold: 7711
Thanks for visit
there is no dust , dirtall forms nourishment, keechad se kamal
Sukhwinder Singh
Aug 23, 2012 at 09:57 pm
Bronze: 151
Please elaborate it.......

......god in all
Aparna Gupta
Aug 23, 2012 at 11:08 pm
Silver: 182
"......every alphabet glows....".my whole conscience seems dancing around the phrase!!
and hence we are further to the galaxy of the our best Love!!
Anil Kumar
Aug 24, 2012 at 10:16 pm
Gold: 4092
Poetry is sea of imaginations
Rishi Vasanth
Aug 26, 2012 at 03:05 pm
Silver: 2923
Poetry is the expression of of silence experienced
Gopinath Kaushik
Aug 24, 2012 at 10:43 pm
Silver: 343
Sukha dukhe same’ kritva labha labhou jaya jayou
tatho yuddhaya yujyasva naivam papam avapsyasi (Bhagavad Gita)
(Having an equal mind in happiness-sorrow; gain-loss; victory-defeat; engage in battle and thereby you will not incur sin.)
Work as such does not bind any but it is the attachment to the results of actions (fruits of action) that binds the individual.Life is full of waves of happiness and sorrows. Whether we like it or not, we want it or not, we are born on to this world and have to face the pains-pleasures; experience happiness-sorrow and victory-defeats as a consequence of our actions.
Learning the art of swimming in the ocean of life is the secret of reaching the shore by the seeker of truth.
Thank You,Jai Sri Krishna.
Dr Sunita Gupta
Aug 24, 2012 at 10:55 pm
Platinum: 35.0K
Very right. humility at the feet of god either by learned or an illiterate person sees a person thru to be near god.-
you may pray u may not pray but do not play with his divine laws
Rishi Vasanth
Aug 26, 2012 at 03:03 pm
Silver: 2923
The message is 
become first the chethana, 

this happens in samadhi
an this experience sustains as a flow, chethana sravanthi
the sream of consciousness
then all virtues blossom including the humility
not before that humility is not the way to reach god
any pretence is a distence

only reaching god , makes the truth of humility to be lived 

one gains ability/virtue to see / and use ---the great value in every insignificant dust particle, stone or straw
Bhupinder Gupta
Aug 25, 2012 at 05:43 am
Silver: 2578
Http:// seekers/faith-and-rituals/dasavataram-tamil-old-mo vie
Narayanan P S
Aug 25, 2012 at 06:25 am
Gold: 18.8K
A lotus is chosen as a symbol.... More the slush better the flower!
Batu Ram Nayak
Aug 25, 2012 at 09:32 am
Gold: 15.4K
Simply beautiful...
Anil Kumar
Aug 26, 2012 at 04:33 pm
Gold: 4092
Rishis and poets are not enlightened
Rishi Vasanth
Aug 26, 2012 at 05:17 pm
Gold: 7711
Rishi expression is poetry 
naan rishi kuruthe kaavyam 

enlightened alone can write poetry 
since poetry is not rhyme rhythm and meter only

it is truth 
it is the product of silence
Swamini Atmaprajnananda Saraswati
Jan 13, 2014 at 08:23 pm
Perfect definition of Poetry.

And what you write appears effortless.
Rishi Vasanth
Jan 14, 2014 at 07:42 pm
Gold: 7711
Pranams swamini ji,
i feel it's divine grace to get your sacred attention on my submissions .and valuable validation from your holiness, 
pl bless me 
i am inspired to present this blog 

''silence overflows, so poetry flows

'' rs/faith-and-rituals/silence-overflows-so-poetry-f lows-63951

kindly cast a glance when you find time 

just adding----- 
Silence is not dumbness, 
not numbness

not absence of noise
not absence of voice

seer hears silence in a song
seer delivers silence in his speech
seer lives silence in his think talk walk 
he is silence
nishabdam brahma uchyathe
Anil Kumar
Aug 26, 2012 at 04:35 pm
Gold: 4092
When we feel something we want to express them
this is not a silence
Rishi Vasanth
Aug 26, 2012 at 05:12 pm
Gold: 7711
Silence is not dumbness, 
not numbness

not absence of noise
not absence of voice

seer hears silence in a song
seer delivers silence in his speech
seer lives silence in his think talk walk 
he is silence
nishabdam brahma uchyathe 

think more ask more
Pristine Waterswaters
Oct 18, 2012 at 08:19 am
Silver: 1563
My vote goes to u
Pushpa Chaturvedi
Jan 13, 2014 at 08:39 pm
Platinum: 35.1K
Beautifully expressed 
Once our inner conscience is awakened 
Everything looks glowing and pure 
earlier what we thought was not pure 
Now has a meaning for the soul to share .
Rishi Vasanth
Jan 14, 2014 at 07:21 pm
Gold: 7711
Pranams swamini ji,
i feel it's divine grace to get your sacred attention on my submissions . pl bless me 
i am inspired to present this blog 
''silence overflows, so poetry flows''