Thursday, December 27, 2012

satyam vadishyami,rtam vadishyami,

Satyam or Truth, as we know, is one of the attributes of the Supreme. In Vedic Sanskrit there are two equivalents for the English word ‘truth’. They are: satyam and rtam. The expressions in the upanishadic invocation rtam vadishyami, satyam vadishyami meaning ‘I will tell truth’, I will tell truth’ are quite well known. There is a slight difference between the two words rtam and satyam.

Shankara’s commentary on the two words shows that while satyam is an eternally valid statement uncontradicted or uncontradictable in past, present and future, rtam is a truth of lesser order or degree. It is something which is deduced in a particular context in the light of a scriptural injunction. In a way, it is a contextual truth or what is right under the circumstances (not expedient). Like in the story of the sage who was giving shelter to a fleeing victim who was being chased by a robber. On the robber’s query as to whether the fleeing person was hiding in his ashram, the sage seems to have replied: the eyes which see cannot tell and the tongue which tells cannot see. Of course, in those dharmic days the robber did not further interrogate the sage nor search his house but went away. Here what the sage was telling was rtam i.e. what was right in that situation as per dharma. So the word rtamseems to be closer to the English word ‘right’.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Prajnana Vani

Prajnana Vani

The Fleeting Nature of Life

Nalini dala gata jala mati taralam tadvat jivita matisaya capalam
viddi vyadhi abhimana grastam lokam shoka hatam ca samastam
Bhaja Govindam

Life is uncertain like the drop of water on a lotus leaf. The world is constantly afflicted by disease, ego, sorrow and conceit.
To understand what life is or the transitory nature of life Shankara uses a simile - like the water on the lotus leaf. You will find this example in the Bhagavad Gita also - Padmapatra mivambhasa - This simili could be interpreted to explain many things about life.

First let us look at the symbolism of the lotus itself. Lotus is a flower taken as a symbol in yogic scriptures. The lotus plant is born from mud and comes up through the water but stays above the water. It has another uniqueness that it opens with the sunrise and closes with the sunset. Water gives support and strength but the real purpose of life is to look at the Sun or God. Let the flower of life be always directed towards God. Lotus is a plant where the stem is in the water but the leaf and the flower are above. If this world is like the pond life should be like the lotus - staying in the world but staying above it. The water on the lotus leaf stays like a pearl. The water cannot touch the leaf. The drop of water or even a dew drop only moves on the leaf.

The body is like the lotus leaf. The soul in the body is like a drop of water. Below is the water, the vast formless God. The soul in the body is vibrant with wind or breath but with a strong wind if the water drops falls into the water it goes back to the source or to the cosmic consciousness.

The same example could be used to demonstrate the fleeting nature and uncertainty of human life. The life in this body is for how long? Is there any guarantee? You may be the president of a country and a very powerful person. But no one can give you a guarantee. Like that water drop on the lotus leaf, life is very unstable and fleeting As long as the drop of water is able to remain on the leaf, it can shine like a pearl but with the slightest breeze it can disappear.

In another one of his works Shankara said,
"O God, forgive me for my forgetfulness. Every day we see life span decreasing, youth is fleeting, the day gone does not come back, and everything is disappearing in the mouth of time, material prosperity is fickle like the waves in the ocean, but we are still deluded. You are the only refuge, please save from this "( Sivaaparadhakshamapana Stotram).

It is not how long one lives but how one lives that matters .It is the beauty with which life is measured not with time.

In the second half of the verse, Shankara describes the world as afflicted with the disease of ego and sorrow and everyone is overpowered with disease and ego.

The word Vyadhi is a compound word. adhi means mental illness and vyadhi is physical trouble. Physical illness could lead to mental depression and mental suffering could be the cause of physical suffering. All are suffering from the bhava roga or the worldly disease of ignorance and infected with abhimana - ego and as a consequence the entire world is in sorrow. Ego hinders one from leading a virtuous life.

There are three lokas or planes of existence - heaven, earth and hell. All these three are not free from grief and suffering. There is suffering even in heaven. Heaven is also only a place of temporary pleasure. Adi Shankara is saying even the people in heaven suffer.

We all are in search of permanent happiness which drives us to find it by various actions. But permanent unlimited happiness cannot be found in the impermanent limited world. That joy is derived only when one has the relationship with God with his consciousness merging in divine consciousness.

Shankara is reminding us that life is temporary. All are afflicted with disease and ego. Ego is the biggest problem. Ego enters us in such a nice way that we think we have no ego. If you are sad when someone scolds then you have a measurable ego. We have so much expectation that people should praise us, be around us and appreciate us. Adi Shankara is pointing out that the world is temporary and that people are suffering with vyadhi and abhimana. How many of us really want to be in knowledge and truth? If we sincerely want to be how intensely should you be trying for that? We forget but let us try again and again. Main cause is the ignorance and the guru removes that ignorance.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

It is god's way | Faith And Rituals Blog on

It is god's way | Faith And Rituals Blog on Speakingtree.inCatch all rats in one stroke, multi processing simultaneous

It is god's way, running the whole universe parallelly, simultaneously, synchronously, harmoniously, beautifully, peacefully .

so if man aligns himself with god, his abilities enhance infinitely, enabling him to accomplishing all with least time , least energy, but most intelligently 

meditation is the way as sadhana matures, creative intelligence blossoms

My best discretion is the god in me making my choices .

My best discretion is the god in me making my choices .

it knows in a momentary glance what is gem what is junk

it will not be fooled by any sale talk , however brilliant, 

i do not mind picking a thing from mud , if i see value in it 

i can see thru the fake, tho well showcased with the best of dress and decoration.

i will not pass the buck to some unseen god, if i make a wrong choice, by mistake.

i take the consequences deliberately , with a smile, and suffer the losses laughing 

but i learn the lessons , i never will repeat the mistake

the lessons from my mistakes

lessons from other unfortunate victims of wrong choices

and my discretion gets sharpened by every incident, every encounter, 

and i grow continuously making wiser and wiser choices.

all because, i take the buck on to myself

I will not read blogs | Philosophy Blog on

I will not read blogs | Philosophy Blog on Speakingtree.inI will not read blogs , i skip, i know thru sample kaun kitne paani me hai 
even if i pick one, i read a few words here and there, and come to know the ki haal hai of the blog , generally i stop at the tittle, or at best quick scroll , and grasp it and be done with in seconds .
my level is much much higher than the stuff that i see routinely being doled out as a sacred duty by the most sincere bloggers 
that is their best choice 
and i go for superior stuff in the internet on various topics , just google search .
i select them for my help if at all i find some use of it , otherwise clik and skip save time save money save effort .

if i reply it is for me , for mysake, me to develop into a nice blog, not to please x y z , but to help me to explore myself nearer the truth , not tell cok bul stuff and engage myself in useless dialog . 
i value my stuff , i value my time i value my life .
and i know my caliber myself best, not needing a certificate nor shaabhaashi from a b c however great they are . or have been

Pleased always, aadmi i am | Wellness Blog on

Pleased always, aadmi i am | Wellness Blog on Speakingtree.inPleased always, aadmi i am 
khata, meeta, tuta, gira, aam 

i see no compartments, 
no apartments 

nor partitions, 
nor apparitions

I am no seeker
only occasional sneaker

empty beaker
nose poker

for me nothing to seek,
i am myself the peak

Great is shakespeare, this nice advice of his is applicable | Self Improvement Blog on

Great is shakespeare, this nice advice of his is applicable | Self Improvement Blog on Speakingtree.inGreat is shakespeare, this nice advice of his is applicable to st souls as well 

Give thy thoughts no tongue,
Nor any unproportion’d thought his act.

Be thou familiar, but by no means vulgar.
Those friends thou hast, and their adoption tried,

Grapple them unto thy soul with hoops of steel;
But do not dull thy palm with entertainment

Of each new-hatch’d, unfledg’d comrade. Beware
Of entrance to a quarrel; but, being in,

Bear’t that the opposed may beware of thee.
Give every man thine ear, but few thy voice:

Take each man’s censure, but reserve thy judgment.
Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy,

But not express’d in fancy; rich, not gaudy:
For the apparel oft proclaims the man;

And they in France of the best rank and station
Are most select and generous chief in that.

Neither a borrower nor a lender be:
For loan oft loses both itself and friend;

And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry.
This above all,—to thine own self be true;

And it must follow, as the night the day,
Thou canst not then be false to any man.

Life offers infinite choices | Self Improvement Blog on

Life offers infinite choices | Self Improvement Blog on
Life offers infinite choices,
very few --search, locate, choose the best.
very offten they settle for the inferior by default , due to getting stuck with fewest , and getting exhausted with wrongly investing

result is fake is more popular than the real


I connect my self to what i truly want,
stretch to reach that which is not reachable,

skipping ordinary, that is my best compromise ,
resources are limited, discretion is a must

My best discretion is the god in me making my choices .

it knows in a momentary glance what is gem what is junk

it will not be fooled by any sale talk , however brilliant,

i do not mind picking a thing from mud , if i see value in it

i can see thru the fake, tho well showcased with the best of dress and decoration.

i will not pass the buck to some unseen god, if i make a wrong choice, by mistake.

i take the consequences deliberately , with a smile, and suffer the losses laughing

but i learn the lessons , i never will repeat the mistake

the lessons from my mistakes

lessons from other unfortunate victims of wrong choices

and my discretion gets sharpened by every incident, every encounter,

and i grow continuously making wiser and wiser choices.

all because, i take the buck on to myself

I will not read blogs , i skip, i know thru sample kaun kitne paani me hai
even if i pick one, i read a few words here and there, and come to know the ki haal hai of the blog , generally i stop at the tittle, or at best quick scroll , and grasp it and be done with in seconds .
my level is much much higher than the stuff that i see routinely being doled out as a sacred duty by the most sincere bloggers
that is their best choice
and i go for superior stuff in the internet on various topics , just google search .
i select them for my help if at all i find some use of it , otherwise clik and skip save time save money save effort .

if i reply it is for me , for mysake, me to develop into a nice blog, not to please x y z , but to help me to explore myself nearer the truth , not tell cok bul stuff and engage myself in useless dialog .
i value my stuff , i value my time i value my life .
and i know my caliber myself best, not needing a certificate nor shaabhaashi from a b c however great they are . or have been

Pleased always, aadmi i am
khata, meeta, tuta, gira, aam

i see no compartments,
no apartments

nor partitions,
nor apparitions

I am no seeker
only occasional sneaker

empty beaker
nose poker

for me nothing to seek,
i am myself the peak
Less luggage more comfort
make travel a pleasure

ticket , is a luggage ,left it in my baggage
in the carriage, in the garage

Masters compartment ,has no engine
it is not moving, it is a dungeon

i am in the company of all masters
post master ,station master
school master ,high school master
head master, i a copy master

Let the bogey of masters be hooked onto the engine
to the best engine , me , the engineer of the universe

i value enormously the hint on being continuous aware of | Self Improvement Blog on

i value enormously the hint on being continuous aware of | Self Improvement Blog on Speakingtree.ini value enormously the hint on being continuous aware of the things
that are happening inside , without falling at the temptation of blurting out
at the spur of tendencies
Living in awareness is a great teaching , jk and sri sri have propounded,
has a great value in controlling/refining/ patterns of instinctual impulses ---which some times harm the individual and the environ , definitely is a good thing to cultivate .

this is in the initial stages of sadhana, a rope walk, one must be 100 % careful or else he falls , he injures himself , injures others
very much needed

to learn music one one has to know the swaras, saregama, and the bols of thaals dha dhin dhin dha , and practice them accurately , carefully, flawlessly, for a long time, and then master the raags, thaals.
yes , a must

and then ......
one reaches a level, the mastery , and hence the ability to go free in his melodious rendering,
here he will not do this ''aware '' thing , but he is automatically spontaneously aware and expert in his grasp, expression, response, reply, repartee, ready wit, resourcefulness, creativity, abundance of merit updating momnt to moment, ever fresh in his every creation
he may sing the same raaga but he generates new ness, that too , inadvertently, without plan, thinking, manipulation, regulation, but immediate, with all ease , and added bliss, out of confidence and spontaneous infallibility

Spontaneous infallibility

is the point ,

there is a vast difference between the student and the teacher
one is a learner of a b c the other is a master of a to z

the caution applicable to the student is not for the master
and in spirituality one has to start a b c and with all the care, hard work, and then he rises to be the carefree , nonchalant master

where spontaneous flawless behaviour in think talk and walk is experienced
what he blurts out extempore will be the great things, what he does will be the marvellus excellent outputs

here he is living

yad yad karma karomi thath thath akhilam
shambho thava araadhanam

at this state he no more falters, never falls, nor fails, nor errs, nor hesitates, nor inhibits, nor cares, nor worries, nor regrets, nor aspires, nor perspires,
things happen perfectly in his life, he is now a master , a master of universe, his every movement every moment is a compliment to the universe

here he has become the awareness himself, a living awareness in physical form 

happiness and suffering are part of life but | Philosophy Blog on

happiness and suffering are part of life but | Philosophy Blog on Speakingtree.inhappiness and suffering are part of life.-- true

stoic acceptance as god's gift makes one to face both in equal measure

and makes one to find creative ways to overcome the suffering of oneself and others

suffering need not continue life long,

here lies the distinction between ignorant and enlightened

ignorant continues to suffer
enlightened comes out of it

Can i make use of things to my best self exploration | Self Improvement Blog on

Can i make use of things to my best self exploration | Self Improvement Blog on Speakingtree.inCan i make use of things to my best self exploration, 

unmindful of environ, like valmiki, not asking god any thing

can i encash on what ever the imperfections to my evolution, as a nourishment

should i wait till perfection dawns from outside

can i be the perfection that i expect from environ

ultimate is to be one with god/creator | God And I Blog on

ultimate is to be one with god/creator | God And I Blog on Speakingtree.inultimate is to be one with god/creator --what ever labels
If that target is first achieved, all the abilities to see better , perform better, live better, behave better will sprout as result

Be good , then you will see god ---is not the right statement 
see god, then you will become good--is the right statement

.I reiterate
see god, then you will become honest------is the horse before the cart--right
be honest, then you willl see god ------------is the cart before the horse--not right

this point is to be understood once clearly --very very very important
Realized souls only know what is right wrong honest dishonest fair unfair in every situation
others cannot know what these are really, also , others have no ability to overcome the temptations hence can never be really honest etc

since realized souls easily can live honesty and vitrtues, by seeing them others cannot imbibe / copy their behaviour

authenticity in behaviour is possible only with authentic experience of god realization is gained
it is a matter of thrikarana shudhi , alignment of think talk walk.

and it results as the sadhana intensifies, purifying proportionately the body, mind, nervous system, senses and limbs
and never can be possible even with best resolve/commitment

What is art | Science Of Spirituality Blog on

What is art
How to create art
Who is artist, who the best
what's the purpose of art
which is the best art
what are the mediums to express creations
what is the ultimate medium
how to evaluate work of art
what are the important fields of art
who are the eminent in them
how to become great artist
What is the difference between artistic work and routine work
what is the relation between art and life
how many arts exist, what are they
how many more are possible, how
what is the relation between artist and connoisseur
who is the best connoisseur
Think on each , take time 
let's share , we shall open some new vistas, new worlds
you have the choice to discover or miss
Let's go a little higher than the routine blog, replies ,
praises , and derive max value to our precious time , and precious life
let's go a little beyond trivialities
i say it's possible
i wait i watch

wah! and ah! | Wellness Blog on

wah! and ah! | Wellness Blog on Speakingtree.inwah! and ah!
Sitar maestro ravishankar mused------------- ''it is so easy for one to get ''wah!'' from all and sundry .
i look for an ''ah'' from even a single connoisseur.
''ah!'' means awe, awe struck, flabbergasted
the creator of blog must rise to a level to aspire for not wah!, but ah!

My knifes and scissors , instead, are rocking | Wellness Blog on

My knifes and scissors , instead, are rocking | Wellness Blog on Speakingtree.inMy knifes and scissors , instead, are rocking with this live suff from the mortuary,
[ ajit zutsi asked me to do a good post mortem on his blog rock and me ]
continue rock, hey! live corpse!,
bring life again to all the corpses though alive

masters every where do this greatest miracle of vanishinng promptly
at the sight of a ''devil'', a ''egoist'' a ''leg puller''
and hurry to protect their ''greatness'',
lest the ''faithfuls'' come to know more than what is brought into market place .

i cannot add more , except that you got that spark, ajit,
which i rarely see in the most regular , best viewed best commented, best'' praised'' stuff
by all great masters and greater seekers

''fortunately'', every clever ''enlightened'' soul 
finds an escape route
to avoid the penetrating encounter with truth

infact they strive very hard in every possible way
to push it away
to brush it away
to run away

Saturday, December 1, 2012

It's a skill to be learned from experts--note--not reinvent | Science Of Spirituality Blog on

It's a skill to be learned from experts--note--not reinvent | Science Of Spirituality Blog on Speakingtree.inIt's a skill to be learned from experts ---note----not reinvent wheel-----

to survive and grow and succeed triumphantly, rapidly, invincibly

using all the inevitable limitations of own, and environ---- in as is where is ----as one's manure and nourishment for self growth , primarily , then be a inspiration to the real aspirants ---
--witout wasting time on trying to transform the environ's limitations , which are bound to be innumerable-----and so impossible in one's 100 y minus life

one's growth welfar is one's concern whether ne likes to grow or remain bogged down
if not
at;east a wise one will not get entangled with such unwilling unfortunate obstinate individuals and get bogged down himself , in showing extra attention than deserving or needed

Most welcome, i like differing views as many as possible, | Self Improvement Blog on

Most welcome, i like differing views as many as possible, | Self Improvement Blog on Speakingtree.inMost welcome, i like differing views as many as possible,
since life has infinite dimensions,
must be viewed from innumerable angles
to get closer, precise, comprehencive, true and total grasp, which none can provide singly
i cannot see my face unless i face a mirror
each one is a mirror in which other can seeand find nearest total view
but the one's inside view no external mirror can provide,
except the internal miror the pure consciousness,

God realization alone---is ---- and ----this is-- the first | God And I Blog on

God realization alone---is ---- and ----this is-- the first | God And I Blog on Speakingtree.in4God realization alone------is ---- and ----this is---- the first step----- in spirituality---not the final step-----
and with this first step , starts the true journey of life experiencing greatr and greatrre, growing manifestation of the glories of spirit , atma
eventually final and ultimate fusion of life in spiritually irrevocably
i repeat
God realization alone ---- and ----this is---- the first step----- in spirituality---not the finalstep-----
and with this first step , starts the true journey of life experiencing greater and greater, growing manifestation of the glories of spirit , atma
eventually final is the ultimate fusion of life in spirituality irrevocably

Life demands to be living all the infinite qualities of god, | Science Of Spirituality Blog on

Life demands to be living all the infinite qualities of god, | Science Of Spirituality Blog on Speakingtree.inLife demands to be living all the infinite qualities of god, as per need,
not to be wondering / blundering / hesitating wasting time in not knowing on which qualitys in what degree in what circumstances are to be brought to be displayed at every second at each changing events continuously

Not to worry | Wellness Blog on

Not to worry | Wellness Blog on Speakingtree.inthis is my response to ''sanskruthi''  [ pun and word ] wanting to vanish
Not to worry
i died many times , reborn many times
in ever new id 's, fake or real,
depending on the need of yuga in st

proving kishan , -----yada yada hi dharmasya......

doing -----yogastha kuru karmani,

becoming -----nishthraigunya

st has many ways to teach,
by good examples, by bad examples ,
both providing an opportunity to do some self analysis and grow

my suggeation is sanskruthi to follow the best descretion of her own,
probably she has graduated to higher levels faster
in dropping off the elementary lessons learnt behind
and entering a higher class of worthy masters

i welcome her what decison she may take
if she finds some new worlds, i request her to do invite me there.
since i would like to be in the company of gods and angel

I look for truth authenticity | Wellness Blog on

I look for truth authenticity | Wellness Blog on Speakingtree.inI look for truth authenticity
i can see thru all gimmicks, to get headcounts, to get name fame ,
hidden jealosy, fear, hatred, cowardice, obstinacy, game, agenda, intolerance,
parrotting others to practice honesty , and all virtues , but one self not doing his bit
i am frank free fearless, no compromise
i will not please me or x ,
i am just cut and dry, clear, emphatic,
even if x calls me a egoist,
surd, absurd,
bookish. stupid,
parrot, idiot or rot
all labels are welcome
but do not expect a word of praise unless you deserve it
if you deserve i am the first best
to love respect adore
salute congratulate parade
and celebrate high rate , narrate,
even prostrate
i stick to truth authenticity from me too
i ignore if some one picks a fight

priority must be for action towards visible results | Faith And Rituals Blog on

priority must be for action towards visible results | Faith And Rituals Blog on

priority must be for action towards visible results

By: Srinath Uni on May 03, 2012 | 78 Views | 1 Response
Tags : Truth
priority must be for action towards visible results , as it is, internet is rich with wisdom of wisest masters, one excelling the other, but very few are showing the lead for practical action . and even web browsers are active in studying and passing very wise and useful comments . and its utility stops there, readers only waiting for more wisdom posts from some more enlightened souls to update /upgrade and enrich their knowledge .
, some times spending time in debates ,arguments, fights , instead of using the wisdom gained to serve the poor sick and invalid and old . my approach will be to directly help first with available knowledge, even in small quantity and then think of sharing their experience of practical contribution in websites.

I have a lot to share such experiences of me helping practically, without me reading any great book or hearing to any great lecture, of any great teacher .but even such of mine will not help , nor useful, since readers wont take the next step of doing things, they continue to do only talking .
so i refrain from all such empty talks, and keep myself busy in doing what little i can

And hence all the web stuff is least priority to me, even the best . i may not spend time in reading, i can get what the intention of the writer just going thru sample, few lines here and there. and every author says the same theme in every writing, so i get bored and skip and attend to work instead

External and Internal disciplines for purity, clarity and | Faith And Rituals Blog on

External and Internal disciplines for purity, clarity and | Faith And Rituals Blog on Speakingtree.inExternal and Internal disciplines for purity, clarity and piousness follow
once established in the supreme dharm,
--without need of any mandatory follow or awareness of yam niyam s
things happen all in the best possible way
without the need of one to struggle to follow or impositions .
truly the horse placed before the cart of life,
for moving in the journey of life
this is the naturalness one gains,
but only after the realization of self, not before that.

for self realization, nothing is a impediment,
no obstruction, no preconditions to apply,
no austerities to be practiced,
no preparatory rituals are needed

self realization is so easy and can be accomplished instantly by any one,
in as is state,
just a matter of one clik by guru
once this occurs things start unfolding simultaneously in many areas of life
as if the plant is just sprinkled with a few drops of life,
all round freshness growing spontaneously
and inevitably
and the plant grows and grows

दीनन दुःख हरन Deen Dukh Haran Dev | Faith And Rituals Blog on

दीनन दुःख हरन Deen Dukh Haran Dev | Faith And Rituals Blog on Speakingtree.inदीनन दुःख हरन Deen Dukh Haran Dev

दीनन दुःख हरन देव, संतनहितकारी|
अजामील गीध व्याध, इनमें कहो कौन साध,
पंछी को पद पढ़ात, गणिका सी तारी|
ध्रुव के सर छत्र देत, प्रहलाद को उबार लेत,
संत हेतु बांधों सेतु, लंकपुरी जारी|
गज को जब ग्राह ग्रसयो, दुषासन चीर खासयो,
सभा बीच कृष्ण कृष्ण, द्रोपदी पुकारी|
इतने हरी आय गए, वसनन आरूढ़ भए,
सूरदास द्वारे ठाड़ो, आंधरो भिकारी|

Deen dukh haran dev, Santan hit karee.
Ajaameel geedh vyaadh, Inme kaho kaun saadh,
Panchee ko pad parhaat, ganikaa see taaree.
Dhruv ke sar chhatr det, Prahalaad ko ubaar let,
Sant hetu baandho setu, Lankapuree jaaree.
Gaj ko jab graah grasyo, Dushaasan cheer khasyo,
Sabhaa beech Krishna Krishna, Dropadee pukaaree.
Itne Hari aay gaye, Vasanan aaroodh bhaye,
Soordaas dware thaaro, aandhro bhikhaaree.

O Bhagwan, who removes the suffering of the poor and takes care of the welfare of the saints.

Who amongst Ajamil , the vulture and the hunter-was virtuous?
Even the 'ganika' ( the dancer woman),
who taught the parrot verses, 
crossed over to the other side ( attained salvation).

You provided a parasol on Dhruva's head,
uplifted Prahlaad;
for the sake of your devotee Vibhishan you spanned the ocean with a bridge and razed Lanka to the ground.
When the crocodile tried to devour the elephant
and when Dushaasan tried robbing Draupadi of her garments,
the cry "Krishna !...Krishna!" rose amidst the congregation.

So many have come and gone in this world,
Soordas the blind beggar too is at your door.