Tuesday, January 31, 2012

In the stream of consciousness

In the stream of consciousness

In the stream of consciousness all thoughts, memory, impressions, calculations feelings conjectures every accumulation find the grip with which the stick on the mind, and start flowing out as the most valuable poetry, art, writing, and all expressions charged with newness a, value and creativity
experiencing the ocean of consciousness is the basis

i found god in the speaking tree

i found god in the speaking tree
 i found god in the speaking tree,
in the posts and responses. as if directly from him, free

his color is green,
he is only behind the scene

his voice is melodious,
more love than words

makes me sing dance
revel in trance,

in great reverence
with folded hands.

i am no judge

i am no judge
As reader

i am no judge,
i can't judge too, if not qualified

i take good, ignore bad..
that too as per my capacity to

if i am swine,
for me pearls won't shine

my bad taste picks worst as best
let me be more a connoisseur than critic

as writer

i am ever a child, learning, though faltering some times

self correcting, improving,
thru my own intuition

neither elated nor slated by if others praise or criticize

but looking for improvements from every opportunity

not claim perfection, perfection is divine
but strive for perfection and please the divine

adi deva namasthubhyam

adi deva namasthubhyam
Ahilandakoti brahmandanayaka has sent one surya as his rep for bhoomi to give light, life.

he is koti surya prabhatejam, means at least koti suryas do exist if not more

the seer sees much more in the phenomena , the sun is.

he sees sun as the paramathma dispelling the darkness, 

more than, a fire of certain temp ,with so much calorific value 

with light of so many candle power, or just an input for chlorofill ,or germcide and with certain

radius volume , life, with vibgyor colors unified

it evokes awe respect, fear in the theif, hope, happiness, as mithra,

i adore our tradition of deifying this phenomena, in much more fitting manner it deserves

it directly is god visible

sun is indirectly also a supreme god invisible residing and illuminating our outside and inside lives

nice we have this ratha sapthami

let's all be blessed by sun in and out, for this shining blog to day

Sunday, January 29, 2012

creation of beauty

Sathyam sivam sndaram is the brahma suthra that underlies the creation of beauty

truth=like in geometry, 

st line is really straight without deviation, , circle is really defect free circles, 
sphere is really spherical without depressions and elevations

similarly , when things are expressed in true way they are beautiful, sundaram, and they are good sivam

There are so many detailed principles, 
like symmetry , mirror symmetry, , two/three axis symmetry--this is on visual , 

similarly on sound, smell, taste, touch, --constituting whole beauty

god is the most beautiful, conforming super symmetry

See wiky pedia hoggards principles of beauty

beauty of sound is music, with thaletc

beauty of movement is dance,

gods are good at sangeeth---gayan vaadan, naachan

The greater the artist, great is his art,

effortlessly he expresses.

his expression conforms to brahma suthra effortless,

masterpieces are the result, of paint, sculpture, music, speech, poetry,

--all have basic principles underlying which make them good and appealing valuable
If artist does not have depth , without sadhana,

his efforts are just useless,

may be he is most modern with best of medium and best material or best theme

My evaluation does not stop at physical level,

i look for the essence that conveys to me,

i look for the awakening it triggers in me ,

whether it leads me in to my own depth,

and get to the heart of the artist inside me.

this criteria is very high and very few stand my expectations

Friday, January 27, 2012

SURYA =experience of absolute

 SURYA =experience of absolute, parabrahma ,pure awareness,,-----not any thing less---- or other than it can------- make it sprout ---------is my point.

all discussion alone , in any detail , in any form can never provide it,

finally all discussion must end ,

leading one at the feet of sadguru, who provides the way and the experience of it.

the best of blogs in st are leading only to more and more discussions, and readers appear to be just content to read, reply, praise and forget.

without at least one glimpse of absolute, there is no possibility of dawning the wisdom,

which is the birth right of human being,

-------without it, all become the best surmises and the noblest hopes and aspirations, missing miserably the essence of spirituality in real life.

this is my considered cool assessment , any one is free to differ, free to choose what ever one wishes

guru stands for the test of his self | Faith And Rituals Blog on speakingtree.in

 guru stands for the test of his self, which is the severest than the rest.

he never plays to the gallery, he plays relentlessly to the tune of his internal guru

never pleases the world, nor has a coterie

rather defies every social norm, custom, expectation, estimation ,

uncompromising, for the sake of his firm stand on absolute valid truths,

establishes the order to a new high level ,

the public now stands agape,

unable to comprehend,

unable to go higher than him to surpass him.

''fools who come to scoff remain to pray''.

every soul you mentioned stood to their own internal tests, lived their life much different than the usual.

akka mahadevi did not wear clothes much against the social dis approval

only a cheat , like a politician , cares about popularity image, trying to dance to the whims and fancies of his

supporters for worldly gains.

easy it is to find a sadguru, he is there , for a sincere seeker ,

not to the one who wants to evaluate, criticize, find fault seeing him from a distance,

at his outward looks and life and his wealth,

lakshmi pleased to bestow on him ,

she having found him pure to the core

God realization has infinite indexes

God realization has infinite indexes thru which it can be verified confirmed ascertained asserted, without a slight doubt.

it is as clear and concrete as 2+2=4

let us agree to disagree. since truth has aspects infinite

from your angle, your opinions may be perfect, i respect your verdict ,

but surely i go by my conscience Benedict

i can understand the valley of differences between dream/hallucination and realization .

i am rational logical scientific down to earth uncompromising.

never a believer , nor sentimental,

nor idle talker, nor wishful thinker

nor a stray tinker

praise the lord

''i am the way , the truth and the life''--i understand, and adore the message and the Messiah

True acceptance happens

True acceptance happens spontaneous

as a result of experience of pure awareness,

in unity with almighty 's natural law

where in one sees there is no flaw

when every thing is seen as perfection

there can be no rejection

all acceptance

with infinite satisfaction

what is seeing

what is seeing
1 seeing is perceiving, thru 5 senses
2 seeing is perceiving beyond senses

who is a rishi/seerone who perceives beyond senses,
perceives more than what the senses could convey, in things conveyed by senses
perceives things senses could not convey.

he sees the light,
sees in the light
transcendent is the light
he casts the light, to gain insight

who is vasanth
an individual

who is rishivasanth
an individual who is a seer
it's rishi aspect that sees, says
it's no vasanth, hence profile is silence

what is richoakshare
cognitions of rishivasanth = what he sees=seen=name of his blog

what he sees
he sees truths=laws of nature=richas

what is this individual vasanth
like any with his biodata

is rishivasanth different from vasanth
yes, rishivasanth is biodata-less-vasanth

what is the full form of richoakshare

''richo akshare parame vyoman yasmin deva adhi vishve nisheduhu. yasthannaveda kim richa karishyathi''

knowledge is stuctured in consciousness, the pure field of creative intelligence, beyond the subtlest thinking level, the pure awareness, the pure being , in which reside the impulses of creative intelligence, the laws of nature responsible for the whole creation
he whose awareness is not open to this level of life, what can these acomplish for him

where from is it

what is akshara
transcendental consciousness
my musings , i named them as richoakshare, the knowledge, richa , that is cognized in my inside, the field of akshara.

these cognitions are from within, within vasanth. hence he is a rishi.
one may find similarities with cognitions of other rishis, i may not be aware.
it is a natural out come of mind reaching the depths........
this is how scriptures are to be enlivened , read
this is called reading the inner encyclopedia, the most powerful

here i would like to be original, my inside is the source that i derive the wisdom, with least content of copypaste, quotes, cliches, hackneyed, worn out expressions

my language, my idiom is of professional , modern, but enriched with ancient wisdom mostly cognized within

these cognitions reveal as sadhana continues, an indicaton of blossoming of gyana prasunam.

it's my pleasure and desire to be original, with rishi flavour, and my blogs i trust are so.

reader participation is beyond my expectation, actively supplementing and inspiring more insights--for which i feel most thankful--as if gods are pleased, showering blessings from clouds,

my ispiration is maharishi, with all reverence i express my gratitude by saying a loving, jai maharishiji.
and to all ,a blissful, jaigurudev

seer sees more

seer sees more, in every thing, in proportion to his depth
for him the least and the trivial can guide to the best and the valuable
water drop becomes a pearl somewhere
dries disappears elsewhere

Own body reveals

Own body reveals more of inside outside of it ,

more of universe's inside outside,

being nearest intimate a to z

for seeing exploration experimentation.

how fire is will be felt truly when i put my finger in it, than when other man puts his

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Why only one or two « richoakshare

Why only one or two,

yes two hundred also is better,

in fact develop such ultimate ability to unify all teachings of all gurus,

all religions all sciences, all arts,

integrate in to yourself the whole universe,

in the heart, overflowing with pure love, bliss, truth, and all virtues.

be thanking the parampara / sampradaya of guru parampara, the teachers the preachers, the

philosophers the thinkers, writers, singers, dancers, saints savanths rishi muni devidevathas,

peers fakeers,paiganbars, fatheries, the sanyasees, the acharyas, the avathars,.

flow with any stream, fly with any wings, till you reach the ultimate, non stop.
‘’Ekam sath vipra Bahuda vadanthi’’
Aakaashaath pathitham thoyam
yathaa gachchathi saagaram

sarva deva namaskaara:
Sri Keshavam prathi gachchathi

Just as water falling from the sky finds it’s way to the ocean, so also, prayers to any form of God will finally go to Sri Keshava
In the state of self realization, any teaching gets integrated filtering the superficiality separating its core teaching, hansa taking the milk, one becomes the rich owner and expert of diamond, collecting, and polishing every diamond, and studding in one's life a gold, thus becoming a valuable jewel on earth, living a heaven of abundance of knowledge wisdom, radiating new colors beautiful and bright illumining the path .
The vision becomes free, sees infinite possibilities with unique abilities to create harmony in diversity, and truth which has unfathomable depth and infinite dimensions gets revealed fuller from various angles, enriching one's existing as a new sun in the life of every one.

choices being infinite, one knows relative worth and effectiveness and penetration, and is in line with the best from the rest
Like in the periodical table of elements, one is able to see the place of each and every system, in total perspective, without confusion confounding at the enormity of variety and availability, and gets at the gold silver life saving oxygen, utilities of copper, iron, and value of radium, lerns from mercury how life is lived untouched, but serving the evolution in one's own way despite in the company of better or less.

this is an example of result of my taking all in to my self accepting the best of all, naturally skipping the dross, but never to oppose/resist to learn and experiment .

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Shairy hai ek shervani

Shairy hai ek shervani her ek share kee,
mere jaise her ek fakeer kee

hoke kabhee meree, kabhee theree.
kabhee kiseeaurkee

ham sab pahanthe chale,
kiskee kya hai sabkuch bhule

sab kuch hai manjoor
tere mere yadoki baarath a hai jaroor

ham batle khusion hajaar
mere pyare hujoor

For universality to dawn in reality

For universality

to dawn in reality,

the key is '' meditate, transcend ''

boundaries will vanish

----only when----only when----

unbounded awareness is experienced,
not until then

not thru any intellectual explanations pleadings exhortations

blogging lecturing imposing influencing compelling cajoling ,

coaxing reading writing doing .

sadguru helps in the direct experience

things follow natural as consequence

virtues sprout from the seed, the source of virtues within

----only when -----only when ----

contacts the source within

not from outside,

seed is not outside

guru dakshina is the tradition

guru dakshina is the tradition

i pay guru as a token ,not a price , his teaching is priceless

i donate, i like the causes for which my money is spent

i prostrate , my heart is fulfilled

i do not criticize, lest i fall

i learn not to commit mistakes by others
mistakes, including guru's if
i add a drop of honest living,
what ever the ocean the world is

i learnt precious things in association with several gurus,

including those who are rich or poor

i trust that spiritual knowledge delivers goods,

rids nation of all evils, including corruption

i welcome all gurus with folded hands ,

to please teach/preach /spread gyan ,

and provide delivarence to all ,

all humanity,

with alacrity

words ---a jungle

words ---a jungle
every where
on every topic
by every person
thru every media
thru books, thru net
unlimited in quantity
unstopping for ever

words beautiful, rich, high vocabulary, quotations, poetry drama literature of every sort it is an ocean, an explosion

for what do i need i have to wade thru quickly
or else, i will be strayed endless
missing the track to the purpose of life, moksha

million words are no help, rather binding, obstruction, seeds for further words

when solution is in silence, beyond a word,
what avail is this jungle of words?

Faith is not the basis for god realization

Faith is not the basis for god realization
god realization is the basis for the sprouting of faith

without realization it is blind faith, a vain hope.
real faith is based on true experience of god

the flower of faith sprouts and grows
in proportion to the inner experience of god

as god experience matures,
faith reaches finality, it ends, vanishes,

fact of realization only exists,
no need of faith anymore

once the fruit of fulfillment grows,
the flower of faith withers

Monday, January 23, 2012

Shradhavaan labhathe gnyanam

Shradhavaan labhathe gnyanam

let's solve this quiz easily .

you are a student you are a teacher both

every teacher wants the student surpass him
systems are designed for win win,
for easiest and sure win.

"Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you

All show clearest way and give the best guidance,
but you have to make the journey yourself.

never expect to ride piggy back,

nor fall to carry x on your back.

realized state no secretes, no magic, no miracles,

all plain simple comprehendable

I talk my heart, no need to carry others piggy back

i express my views. if I am not sure, i shall say so

total faithlessness , is 0 base, the best starting.

i am rational scientific faith does not work with me

i am for need based result orientedness, visible verifiable, plain as day light

we are right, game is right

Do not take it what ever you are taught.
observe all around , your environ, body etc and draw your conclusions

and write for your clarity not show or prove to others

do a original research find things .

how the heart is beating ,how every being has only two eyes etc find your answers . convince yourself , that's it.
do not use any standard, old ,worn out vocabulary like god, enlightenment, realization etc
To find at the end what ever it can be--worthy or not, it is worth , it is authentic, its your truth, be with it. it is the most valuable possession of it
you need not put any label

but do all efforts,-- is the point
To evaluate diamond , experts can only do, looks no final
Criteria ''which we are not sure exists ''-----columbus discovered america, which i was not sure existing
now i know it exists tho i did not cross the oceans and ascertain myself.
it is no faith, it is logic ,it is infn from various people , media, news paper, who are money minded
scriptures are not meant to be believed,
the truths there in are for confirmation of our progress in the journey.

map helps to see what stations are intermediate when we are in the train ,

map will not help if we do not board the train

Child has no assumptions false/right , but no opposition to know that america exists.

at appropriate time it is given to him by a map/globe makers on some charges,
later the child goes to america by plane by paying money monger plane service.
yet it is worth, rather than assuming or negating or doubting.

every master learnt first then started to teach like a maths teacher for eg
my point is this journey is no mystery
it is as open as 2+2=4, no compromise, no false promises, no tricks, no miracles no magic,
it is not inexplicable poetry.
things must stand the math sci tech logic verification experimentation objective
Point is did he started journey or not .

communication is a great subject has many distortion/pollutions slants , bias --we need to verify
hence so many channels with various angles
we need to filter and fit things, leave others if they are wrong or right
you do a rational assessment with facts figures arrive at your truth
To know world of maths from 2+2=4 to advanced differential equations, where to start, go to one who knows,
learn from co-children who know a little more,
learn from prof in a college but do not wait ,
which college which teacher? find trail error ,
does not matter if you go to a dupe
but sure you know that you failed in the exam so learnt to go to right one

those who have gone to doctorate level will not teach 2+2.

those who passed out , they are proof , whether college/teacher are ok
but they say that tho math books [scriptures ]are in the university lib, it is better to go to inter degree and ma

finally did you become ma or not is the result we want

do not guess, take what you find at the end.
any guess biases, directs, makes one to deviate from openness,
this is open exploration, original, unguided, unaided, and accept the outcomes on the way ,
not putting a label on it, see the result yourself,
do online corrections, as situation demands,
but being open to receive/create your own solutions/help ,
and reach the end if there is one, if not proceed on

Basis in the beginning is just natural curiosity,

1 on things known thru 5 senses, eg seen things like a bird flying, a cat walking, a boy jumping, an apple falling, the sun rising --just to know a little more of these phenomena, what why how when where of these, or

2 on the experiences felt like coolness of ice, heat of summer, feel of breeze , pain of a hit, pleasure of eating a sweet mango

3 what ever can be the things, just one would like to know and try to gain mastery over the things seen as mystery at first encounter, and would like to know the inside mechanism,

by which he can recreate/ redesign/reorient/refine or to manipulate them in any way possible,
like just a boy playing with a toy --he plays with it by turning throwing lifting,
talking with, even breaking it .
he will not be happy by just looking at it ---no one told him to do all these,
nor explained advantages of doing things on it this way or that way --nor there is any aim in his attempt yet he explores ways
It is just the beginning of the story, as one explores more, his desire to explore more increases as a natural process.
here most of the people become compromised, thru conditioning thru faulty edu/ friends/parents/upbringing/circumstances/and become accepting the life as is where is,
they become mentally old, dull, vegetate ,
go in pursuit of wrong --unnecessary necessities comforts luxuries--money goods goodies,
innocently their hands and mind entangled, become a toy in the hands of the world, instead of himself playing with it by his hand.

only a budha like --does no compromise,
gets up in the dead of night,
goes away from entanglements of things and persons

He wants to know why and challenges why not ,

and he does get answers.
he has done his job.
he knows that all too want what he wanted himself --and now having known, he is delighted to share his findings

yes blessed are those who understand his message and live it.
but not are those who cannot, they miss the point, they misunderstand/ misinterprete/misteach .
lo! all efforts of budha went in to drain, his dress and looks his statues books, buildings stay
--more to misguide than to guide.

now it's time for another budha to come and reinvent the wheel.
hence more and more teachers of various levels crop up, do their best and worst.

one who is alert takes all ----filters/fits the puzzle ---and gains a little more than the rest .

yet he is no budha

what is required is a real zeal to become budha, at the cost of any sacrifice-----of course teaching is easy, passing on the onus on others
and just remain watching the fun--is more attractive ---with added spice of criticism and ridicule of this guru or that
My plea and my approach has been to keep the burning flame of curiosity alive
and to increase it day by day till it burns up all ignorance,
and one becomes a shining sun
dispelling the darkness of ignorance from life own and the entire world.

yes in the process wisdom does blossom.
with ever new petals sprouting from within,
non stop, effortless, naturally , on its own
--but with gurukrupa and with sincere sadhana