Sunday, September 22, 2024

faith, belief, hope, -------------------no help


faith, belief, hope, -------------------no help


truth is real help


find truth

live truth


nothing other than truth works


 fire is to be lit to cook rice

faith in fire can never cook


you will starve


earth is flat-------------------a faith

earth is round------------------truth


Faith is a tool to get blind following
self in illusion, leading followers in delusion 

osama was a great teacher of faith, belief ,,hope
followers followed in full faith---- to where--------to zannath?
or early death 

sathyameva jayathe is not faith

it is the truth of truth

hence wins


it is not -----faith eva jayathe ---never


faith , is blindness, is due to teacher not knowing truth ,

relies on imagination and starts thinking that what he talks is supreme talking

and believers, since told to believe they believe , blindly



faith is a hurdle, blocks the way, it’s a virus, interferes right function of mind

binds to one surmise one set of assumptions of one’s own or others,

keeps one in the groove circling one round and round in the thought that one is moving ahead, not knowing that he is stuck, though seemingly is moving 



The ignorant teacher/preacher who does not know what the truth, he teaches the compromise formula, faith and all extinguishes all enthusiasm to go further to see reality 
here the aspirant gets ditched by teacher


Sun is shining 
i need not believe, need no faith, nor hope to see sun


No big deal, matter of days / weeeks

guru leads to the experience of truth, unmistakeably , infallibly, instantly, easily, really --indelibly, nobly, surely, 

find guru, proceed to conquer the universe, in ever winning ways 
sathyameva jayathe


If not 

waste time in belief hope faith 
wait for 100 y, blogging dalogging endless aimless 
time pass useless 

choice is yours

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Our maths lecturer, was leaving to US for his further studies

Our maths lecturer, was leaving to US for his further studies

we gave farewell 
in the party this was my marvel

he adds friends
subtracts enemies

divides ignorance
multiplies virtues

differentiates good bad

integrates all in to one

All this will improve the percentage


Multiplies virtues'', interestingly, 
with compounded interest

i am his affectionately

you have given me more marks , 
simply your generosity, it marks


Friday, July 12, 2024

vowel is ''intelligence


.vowel is ''intelligence'' ie viveka/ discretion/judgement. on what where how which when why of action, it is the process of directing the activity, directing the energy, .........vowels is uttered easily, ie with minimum/ almost 0 input of energy.................



....consonant is ''energy'' ie mass, raw material.

.consonant is uttered by use of some energy ......

but .as it is ,in raw form it has no utility, we cannot use it , unless we process it as per our requirement,

ie...... unless consonant undergoes the right manufacturing process by associating with a vowel, it is not useful,......


..........when associated with vowel it gains energy when associated with intelligence acquires a significance/ value/use/purpose....


....raw material when undergoes a particular process acquires a value a word is thus a ''finished product'' or a word is a component of a finished product, having a value, .....


.......since word is output of intelligence and energy , word has power ..

..........speeches /word groups have great power

....can do wonders, can transform earth into heaven .....

........all with simple/ unchanging small limited number of basic vowels and consonants




Thursday, July 11, 2024

Get Attached, One Hundred Per Cent


 Get Attached, One Hundred Per Cent

"I listen to the same raga, same song, several times, with full attachment ie with so much full attachment that i get new tastes in it, new insights in it, new melodies in it, new excitements, new fantasy, new wonders, thus every listening increases my attachment to it much more, probably i may not get detached from it at all in my life time, i get never bored, never tired, never disgusted, but ever wanting to listen again and again can you see why and how this is happening? Here lies a principle it is the ability of the subject that matters , not the quality of the object if one is in the awakened stream of consciousness, every thing, from the most grand to the routine trivial becomes charming equally ,sensing the newness of his own newness in what ever object encountered yatha pinde thatha brahmande , even in tasting a chocolate"


Feb 12, 2014 at 08:35 pm


Rishi Vasanth posted a response on the article Get Attached, One Hundred Per Cent

"When u keep listening to something again and again u become one with it.. u and the the thing forming a self referral pair as if a silent dialog happening with it, the thing becoming a jhoola, to sit on and swing back and forth the jhoola, it is just a routine , nothing new, just oscillating yet one sitting on it and swinging finds immense joy, excitement, fun, liking to play again and again due to one forming a self referral pair with it, when u keep listening to something again and again , that thing acquires a special hue, an aura, a ''holy'' some thing since u are the stream of consciousness that has wetted it, that has sanctified it, that has enriched its value in other words ,an insignificant, stray, trivial , a chocolate or a straw straw gains value by association with u, since u are the stream of consciousness  here one is in deep attachment yet in a ''nonstick'' unblemished by any attachment all due to one having awakened the stream of consciousness"   


2 hrs ago


Rishi Vasanth posted a response on the article Get Attached, One Hundred Per Cent

"In the state of stabilized samadhi, the activity carried out does not bind the doer / no attachment / no residual marks , llike a line drawn on water, no trace is left since he is doing in the state of nondoing  ,so emphasize that the level of consciousness of the doer matters, but not on what is being done or on how many times it is repeated ,"

Yesterday at 05:05 pm



Rishi Vasanth posted a response on the article Get Attached, One Hundred Per Cent

"Detachment does not happen if the activity is repeated any number of times detachment happens thru meditation, which lead one to the experience of the state of samadhi, instantly for a few moments in the initial days kshanika samadhi as sadhana, matures after some time, this state becomes nitya samadhi ,ie, detachment, ie nonstick prevails in activity, what ever it may be, eating, walking, seeing, listening etc , without this sadhana, detachment does not happen even if the activity is repeated any number of times For a real devotee ,the same one name, rama , gives ever lasting sweetness, for him its madhurima is ever lasting, never he gets bored never get detached


One's creativity makes the routine work too charming , nothing never boring not the task is important , but the doer's level is the significant factorRasikatha, is the point a rasagna enjoys any thing more thoroughly than otherssince his level is that of rasovaisaha for a commoner classical music is boring for a connoisseur the same classical music is charming lokobhinna ruchisince levels of perceptiondiffer''bhais ke aage been, '' --is a saying underlining this point ''pearls before the swine'' is another"

Every thing comes from nothing , shunya, The ground state or vacuum state

"Every thing comes from nothing , shunya, The ground state or vacuum state, it is an inexhaustible field of creativity, energy, orderliness and intelligence: literally a field of all possibilities. Everything in the universe—animate and inanimate—emerges from this quantum mechanical level. It is the total potential of Natural Law. All of the innumerable laws of nature—the impulses of nature's intelligence—responsible for governing all diverse tendencies in the universe, are found here. This same field of Nature's unlimited potential can be located within each individual at the source of thought, the most settled state of one's awareness. Acting from this level of pure consciousness, one inherits the infinite organising power of Natural Law, making all things easy of attainment 

Sky is the best costume, i like the most


Sky is the best costume, i like the most
not needing to search, nor to select ,
not to reject, nor to accept
not to bargain nor to gain
not to buy nor to sell
not to cut nor to stitch


Not to clean nor to wash
not to wet nor to dry
not to press, nor to mess
not to loose, nor to fuss


All other costumes are costly, scarce, 
scanty, superfluous , 
waste, worst
they wear, tear , burst, burn, 
soak, soil, 
no sanctity, less beauty, 
not plenty, less novelty
will not last, get cast