Saturday, February 24, 2024

More the visitors, more is the distraction,

 More the visitors, more is the distraction, 

splitting attention , to exhaustion, frustration

less the diversion , better is the creative expression, 
self reveling in itself, in ever new fashion,

st, is a cool tree to do tapasya under it's shade, 
exploring the deeper realms in self own inside, not in outside

not to stay floating playing on the surf of consciousness 
despite the opinions be valuable and countless

Thursday, February 22, 2024

as it is we are in seed form, we eventually evolve to full stature


as it is we are in seed form,

we eventually evolve to full stature


we are seed poornam, t

o grow into tree poornam




from seed tree grows

from tree seed comes


every step in the growth also is poornam

expanding to higher bigger poornam


once you grow you are god

before that potential god

Monday, February 19, 2024

tm 4,000 TM & the effect of “ahimsa” in the Yoga Sutra


tm 4,000 TM & the effect of “ahimsa” in the Yoga Sutra

In the Yoga Sutra, the first of the eight limbs of yoga is called yama. Yama has five aspects, beginning with ahiṁsā, which means ‘non-injury’ or ‘non-violence.’ Mahatma Gandhi made ahiṁsā famous when he mobilized all of India to free itself from British domination without firing a shot. Martin Luther King, Jr., the head of the civil rights movement in the U.S., was one of many who were influenced by Gandhi and his use of ahiṁsā to achieve social change without violence.

The Yoga Sutra describes what happens when a person is established in non-injury: “Where non-injury is established, in the vicinity of that, hostile tendencies are eliminated.” (2.35)
In Sanskrit: ahiṁsā –pratishthāyāṁ tat-sannidhau vaira-tyāgaḥ. The word-by-word translation is: “Where non-injury (ahiṁsā) is established (pratishthāyāṁ), in the vicinity (sannidhau) of that (tat), hostile tendencies (vaira) are eliminated (tyāgaḥ).

st-francis-assisiAccording to the Yoga Sutra, where is non-injury established? In the state of yoga, which is defined in the second sūtra of the Yoga Sutra as the complete settling of the activity of the mind. The settled mind, the mind established in yoga, is free of injury, and the Yoga Sutra says that for this person the environment becomes free of hostility. St. Francis of Assisi, for instance, was famous for calming people and even animals around him by the sheer power of his love. An individual who has a mind full of peace radiates an influence of peace, and then creates a reality that is peaceful.
This is where non-violence becomes effective. It is a state of mind that, in Maharishi’s words, “disallows the birth of an enemy.” When enmity has been eliminated inside, there is no enemy outside. According to Maharishi, “An enemy is the lively embodiment of our own weakness.”
meissner-effectThe principle of non-injury is also described in quantum physics as the Meissner Effect, which shows that a coherent system generates a field around it that is coherent. Non-coherent fields will not penetrate a coherent system

While it’s possible to understand how this principle applies to individuals, what would happen if a large group were established in the state of yoga?
In the summer of 1993, 4,000 individuals gathered in Washington, D.C., to see if practicing the Transcendental Meditation technique in groups for two months would affect the crime rate. Dr. John Hagelin, a quantum physicist, predicted that the crime rate would drop by at least 20%. The chief of police went on the evening news and said that it would take a snow blizzard in the middle of summer to accomplish that.

washington-dc-meditation-peace-groupYet, after two months, public records showed that the crime rate dropped 23%. Since most people’s paradigm about the nature of reality is based upon classical mechanics, this experimental result seems unlikely. However, from a quantum perspective, the Washington, D.C., study follows the same principles as the Meissner Effect and was described long ago in the Yoga Sutra—“in the vicinity of yoga, hostile tendencies are eliminated.”

Taking it a step further, what if throughout our society there were many large groups of individuals who could do their Transcendental Meditation practice together each day to heighten the experience of Yoga? Imagine the possibilities. A group of school children meditate and stress levels and violence go down in the neighborhood. A group of elderly people meditate together and their city begins to be more progressive and prosperous. It’s a possibility that could yield profound results both for the individual and for society at virtually no cost, and with great “side-benefits” for each of the individuals involved. It’s worth exploring, isn’t it?…

ahimsa pratisthayam tat, sannidhau vaira tyagah


ahimsa pratisthayam tat, sannidhau vaira tyagah  in the vicinity of divinity there is no negativity so the only unique solution to establish divine love without any conflicts is to gain and live the self realization, ie living in the vicinity of divinity

Friday, February 16, 2024

Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted” - says the Bible but where is the need to mourn


Blessed are they that mourn, for they shall be comforted” - says the Bible

but where is the need to mourn


ignorance is the cause

do not waste time in mourning and waiting to get comforted

realize the self become free from suffering, free from possible mourn

No need

ignorant mourns

enlightened knows what is death, neither fears nor grieves when he dies or other death

any mourn cannot earn life back


Instead mourning on ignorance, i go to master and learn such wisdom that makes me laugh


Little learning is a dangerous thing.

that is why aspire for total knowledge, become greatet master, gyaan moorthi

guru helps



God's Kingdom ---bring it down in real life

do not waste life , only hoping life long


i am the way the truth and the life

so find i

find truth

find life

become reborn in true knowledge

be blessed


God's eternal Kingdom is there eternally inside your deepest self, not outside it.

what is outside is the ephemeral ever changing, momentary, moment to moment life


Jesus died on the cross

and never rose from the dead, will never rise.

he is human like you and i , with body made of flesh, bone, blood


God's Kingdom is spreading every moment on this earth., you can invite in your life thru your inner gates

I know because i belong to it

I being an insider i know about it


Believers become jealous and fanatic in anger.

because their basis is belief not truth

one who knows truth ,never succumbs

In every age people wanted to copy Jesus' teachings and claimed that 'he is Jesus' but in vain.----------i am not aware of any such, it may be your conclusion , right or not , no concern for me


Mourn that you are a sinner--------there is no sin possible, in the universe created by the perfect god

the only ignorance causes to see sin where there is no sin


I rejoice and sing glory of God and glory of jesus and countless sacred souls like jesus , in the past and present , sice i see them i know them well in my inside soul


There is no time, life time,----tomorrow is unborn , dead is yesterday

the present moment is the god's glorious presence , i realized, i am seeing it now


Come to Jesus----------jesus is in me , no going nor coming to or away


---there is no need to die for god, for the sake of me or x y z

by death one is finished , is nothing

while in life only you can do anything ,if you want at all

god is deathless


I got saved


i read my inner bible directly , from inside jesus directly , not thru book

Like …Amen, i mean om

bali, what how why bali ritual


bali, what how why bali ritual

If so why to kill other pranies why not man kill himself?
and why to kill at all
he can prostrate to indicate surrender
by killing pranies, one is going away from god who is living in the pranies

i have a different story
''collapsing of wholeness''

creation happens by collapsing the existing wholeness and

reuniting into new wholeness

like a bark on the tree, green strong integral,

collapses cracks breaks,

to give way to new bark from within fresh strong green healthy

A seed breaks, collapses in sprouting afresh
here there is no destruction
it is renewal of life
a renovation a rejuvenation old gong, giving pace to new

saying---''old order changeth yielding place to new

This a sacrifice, in a sense, I recall ''anna ''----referring this sprout phenomena calling for a few men to sacrifice themselves in the cause of bringing new order in the nation

In the process of coconut breaking,

this collapsing phenomena is symbolic ,

at the same time good auger to bring in the subtle effect of creativity getting enlivened in the vicinity in the consciousness of individuals and probably in the entire universe.
so this is considered auspicious

why coconut 

probably it gives some dramatic effect with its obstinacy of hard shell, yet yielding to fulfill the god ordained purpose .

and it will not disturb the sentiment of ahimsa in some,

as it is harmless, as compared to animal /human /child /bird sacrifices

an egg breaking also the ''breaking before making'' in becoming bird

Egg is just an example of wholeness collapsing,

i did not mean it a pooja material .leave it there

but see the total perspective, of how universe is evolving 
by moment to moment/
or periodical collapse of wholeness

dharma getting violated, and getting restored 
some thing sprouting, growing, dying,

and some new thing of the same getting born

It is the collapse of the whole ness ‘’ a ‘’
in the ‘’ akshara ‘’

ie,  kshara of ‘’ a ‘’

collapse of wholeness,

and then,

navo navo bhavathi ,

unmanifest fullness collapses itself and becomes the manifest,

manifest takes birth . –



-any ritual has the basis , which can be known only by one who has the experience of absolute,


if not it becomes meaningless,

becomes subject of wrong interpretations and harm,

though in reality the rituals are profound, founded on the basis of absolute reality seen by rishis 

it's the shiva aspect , laya, the destruction –

----out of the three , …..create, sustain , to be understood -- a contra enigma, creation and destruction go hand in hand 

the basic concept is  '' wholeness collapsing'' and 
generation degeneration to regeneration 
nothing new


 every thing new

rose is same
but every rose is new

we offer a fullness to god
by collapsing that fullness, coconut
to enabling the creator to reconstruct a new fullness

great is our rishi sanskruthi,

seeing nothing as unimportant ,

nothing out of place, even contra ,

appearing bad/useless/negative/ugly/meaningless

it's the seeing ability, in the seeing technology that bharath excels, and expands to embrace the universe

Sunday, February 4, 2024

be moving further


be moving further

sharing knowing discussions ok not the end , but means, also inspiration
let us move further
putting in to practice.
how to
not by imposition but by enabling ourselves
time is precious should not be spent only in endless blogging and replying,
take the next step important
i found one can gain a lot more in spending time in meditation rather than any other pursuits
i apply this on to myself having written a huge no of blogs and reading a huge no of blogs and replying.
my single finding and best message has been and will be 
this is what i feel inside me as a benefit from st ultimately

Saturday, February 3, 2024

A more clear, modern, comprehensive, scientific and deeper spiritual understanding of all the various issues ,can be gained in the extensive literature of maharishi mahesh yogi

 A more clear, modern, comprehensive, scientific and deeper spiritual understanding of all the various issues  ,can be gained in the extensive literature of maharishi mahesh yogi

based on the advanced sciences ,----on the unified field , consciousness, force fields, matter fields, fine particles, time space geometry, gravitation, super symmetry---and the field of 

parabrahma, devi devathas, creation and structure of universe, , ----how the vedic expressions, scriptures can be understood in terms of the modern scientific rational language 

those who are interested may google and refer----specially the ''unified field chart '' 

clarifies at a glance the interesting correlation between , the modern sciences and vedic science


With this understanding gained ---

based on the unified field being the basis of all the laws of nature governing the universe,

----one can understand all devi devathas, rishis, saints Prophets, savanths, pandits, scientists and all the species from highest homosap down to animal, bird, insect, tree to amoeba 

-----all jeevas and the inert matter in a single ''periodic table'' like that of elements, and see their  relative positions and value , in a broad perspective, this vision enables one to understand one's life much more intimately in all aspects and will guide him to the goal without confusion due to the ''din and bustle'' of isolated views presented by

various luminaries . 

With the experience of absolute, thru guru, the body mind nervous system function with harmony, coordination, in heightened awareness,


With the experience of absolute, 

thru guru, 

the body mind nervous system function with harmony, coordination, 
in heightened awareness,

gain such agility, lightness, flexibility 

that life becomes dance, 

every moment a new expression, 

every pose a new mudra

here the time and space, rhythm and body become fusing, 

every sound heard as a raag, if enriched with anahath

if you know this art , 

the art of allowing the absolute permeating the body mind, , 

you will enjoy this dance , the dance of life, 

with knowing and tasting much more intensely, 

much more intimately much more blissfully

basics for interaction

 basics for interaction

to do an effective interaction on spiritual aspects we need to have some basics
most essential is the experience of self realization, a glimpse of the absolute pure consciousness at least once, at least for a fraction of a second, for the entire life
with this light the interaction yields the results on what purpose the sharing is done
--ie lighting the light and kindling the other lights.
if this is not met any amount of elaboration on any aspect becomes only a cry in the bewilderness,
the receiver lacking the ability to take the message and innocently arriving at erroneous , irrelevant conclusions even contra conclusions on what is said.
and discussion becomes a mere waste
also essential is the precise definition of terminology in the subject,
like what exactly is meant by words like god, devi ,devatha brahma vishnu maheshwara, paramathma, jeevathma, and other terms
for eg to know what is chemistry
we must have the level of matriculation ,
and not all can discuss otherwise, like a boy of ukg lkgr 1/2/3standard cannot understand what the best teaches can explain
and precise definitions like what is substance, mixture / compound
molecule, atom, what is chemical reaction what is physical reaction, what is ion what is atomic weight ,molecular weight etc to make all understand clearly what is being learnt
to test the theory we need a chemical lab
similarly we need in spiritual matter one should have his body mind senses ready to undergo / subject it to tests and verification.
and like a senstive balance in the lab, we must have the units and way to quantify the results of our investigation in to our own personality , that is our lab.
if not all discussion ends up in a big waste having no more value than just scrap
i am just trying to make out head and tail on certain huge blogs
with huge reader participation each talking expertly honestly sincerely ,
yet the readers unable to reach the intended message and and not arriving at the conclusions if any .
many of the post s have there own level, terminology conjunctures, surmises, imaginations on very important aspects
i was wondering on what can be the ultimate purpose of all such talks .
and replies also indicate no trace of either learning or teaching in the process.
so i did this muse
but i do not expect that things will get set right,
but at least it makes me participate judiciously and to stop in case it is going to be waste,
instead of pressing forward in endless debates and pointless arguments

Friday, February 2, 2024

Beauty of these swaras are that each of them are residing the tones of Animals


"Beauty of these swaras are that each of them are residing the tones of Animals. Since Naadam itself is Brahmah, each swara is also a Deity. Each of these deities are expressing themselves in each of these swaras. That is each of the deities is residing inside these swaras in Sublime state. Hence each of them has their own Beejaksharams.


 SapthaSwaras BeejAnimalAnimal


1Sa Shadjam Ohm



2Ri Rishabam Am Ox Rishabam


3Ga Gandharam Saam Sheep, Goat Ajam / ajaha


4Ma Madhyamam Maam Crane Krouncha bird


5Pa Panchamam Im Cuckoo, Nightingale Which sings in the Springs Vasantha Kaalathil / padum Kogilam


6Da Dhaivatham Gloum Horse Ashwam


7Ni Nishadam Hraam Eliphant Gajam"




''If you could hear the changing frequencies present at the first awakening of the dawn, in the dynamics of midday, or in the deep silence of midnight, you would be hearing the frequencies of Gandharva Veda music. These sublime melodies neutralize stress and disharmony in the environment, and gently restore biological rhythms by attuning the physiology to the cycles of nature that underlie each hour of the day and each season of the year.


The knowledge of when to play each melody is based on three-hour periods called Praharas which correspond to the changing frequencies of nature throughout the day.


"Thousands of years ago in India, the land of the Veda, Rishis or seers capable of cognizing the rhythms and melodies of nature sang and played these beautiful melodies at the appropriate times of the day and night to bring peace and harmony to their land and perfect health to all their people."



"''Geetham, Vadyam, tatha Nrithyam thrayam Sangeethamuchyathe''.


Combination of geetham (song), vadyam (instrument), nrithyam (dance) form sangeeth


sangeeth is the trio gaayan vaadan naachan"



"''nature resonates by a perfect combination of the three ‘since music is an integral part of nature, and the saptha swaras are from the sounds of creatures ''the reverberations across the world sometimes soothing sometimes violent. ''----a play in nava rasa anubhoothi''Symbolic manifestations are in Laasya and Tandava dances of Lord Shiva'',----- mudras ."


"To sing in unison with nature's musicConforming to Vedic philosophy"