Friday, February 24, 2023

vowels are processes of manufacture


vowels are processes of manufacture


……….. is just opening the mouth, breaking the silence, original unmanifest silence starting to manifest


……is  a process of stretching, prolonging, expanding, continuing


………is  a process of twisting


……  bending



…… vibrating, shaking stirring,

లు l

…… making into droplets


……….is flattening


……….is folding


…… making into ring


…… cylindrical shaping


…… blowing into ballon. spherical shape

అం  am

…….is extruding ., wire drawing

అః ah

…….is compressing , compacting, contracting


consonants are raw materials, substances like metals, dhathu

each consonant like ka, kha, ga, gha etc are unique and specific, special dhathu,material

by association of vowel with consonant a special product is generated / created , thus a countless associations will create a innumerable products , to fulfill the needs / wants

combining two consonants, ie, combining ka with ra , it becomes kra.  is like metal cladding / plating ie one metal on other


a word is a cluster of consonants, selectively processed by vowels, like a pack, like spanner , like screw driver etc

a sentence is a pack of products

a para is bigger package of variety of products

an essay is a huge pack

a book is the total , wholesale package, in containers of chapters

a bookshelf is a mall, super market

a library is a market place

all a result of the consonants,ie the raw materials undergoing the process of manufacture by association with vowels

the clue is the word ‘’dhathu’’, used for describing consonants 

…..vowel is ”intelligence” ie viveka/ discretion/judgement. on what where how which when why of action, it is the process of directing the activity, directing the energy, ………vowels is uttered easily, ie with minimum/ almost 0 input of energy……………..



….consonant is ”energy” ie mass, raw material.

.consonant is uttered by use of some energy ……

but .as it is ,in raw form it has no utility, we cannot use it , unless we process it as per our requirement,

ie…… unless consonant undergoes the right manufacturing process by associating with a vowel, it is not useful,……


……….when associated with vowel it gains value…….ie energy when associated with intelligence acquires a significance/ value/use/purpose….


….raw material when undergoes a particular process acquires a value


…… a word is thus a ”finished product” or a word is a component of a finished product, having a value, …..


…….since word is output of intelligence and energy , word has power ..

……….speeches /word groups have great power

….can do wonders, can transform earth into heaven …..

……..all with simple/ unchanging small limited number of basic vowels and consonants

sambhavami yuge yuge --nature has.a maintenance schedule


sambhavami yuge yuge

--nature has.a maintenance schedule


in a manufacturing unit a schedule is followed listing activities for attending, daily, weekly, monthly, annual.


nature has its own designed maintenance schedule--specifying

when, where, what activity is to be done,

time periods ranging from instant, micro second to centuries, millenniums

activities ranging from subtle nuclear/atomic to gross galactic levels

in live prani different degrees of repairs/healing/curing is done instant to instant continuously, but will be completed, gradually


some in minutes, hours

some in day time , some in night when all are asleep/resting

some in weeks/fortnightly

in months, in seasons, in 6 ritu,

some in year wise

in 12 years, 60 years

in multiples of 60, in 100

in multiples of 100

in yugwise, in 4


the system attains the perfection in kruth yug, with full productivity, abundance, optimum creations in harmony, no irregularities, no breakdowns


we are made to wait it cannot advance or delay in following schedule.

sambhavami yuge yuge


let us wait and pray with an understanding not trying to upset the schedule as per our urgency of needs, with a guarantee of certainty in the nature’s way of functioning


here, the factory owner , has designed the system ,,allocated the duties to the departments, that system works on its own ,owner will not interfere


however, owner has also put a few departments to carry out

R&D to improve the effectiveness of system, by developing

new ways of carrying out maintenance, faster, and more


and so each prani is endowed with creativity to perform

better, and among all, human being has great creativity , and

can improve the system , accelerate the process of

rejuvenation and renovation,

of course with the best support of the owner


here comes the most vital role of human being in bringing

about the great transformation, by individual self

transformation, ''little drops of water'', contributing to the

forming '' mighty ocean '' of heightened collective

consciousness, and making arrival of krishna sambhava

early, than waiting and hoping


vande krishnam jagadgurum

being a jagathguru, krishna's R&D

department is the ''guru parampara'', consisting of all

traditions, past and present, old and new , all masters,

gurus, saints, as mediums of supreme, in different forms

and due to their tapasya, sathyuga is just imminent, round

the corner, no more to feel despair.

thru sadhana everything is possible, one becomes

''aghatana ghatanaa samarth,'' and can make the

'' impossible into possible ''

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

All inputs from outside into the body and mind are deposits, in the system


All inputs from outside

All inputs from outside into the body and mind are deposits, in the system 

-------in the form of raw materials, semi finished items, scrap, obsolete, expired , stale, rejected items

----to be processed, and converted into finished product and digested, 

if not to be ejected , eliminated, purged, 

and system to be well lubricated, to be well maintained in the top working condition , with every possible cleaning methods and processes 

if not it gets worn out, torn apart out, shorn off, spoiled, inefficient, ineffective, malfunctioning, and eventually stop functioning, fit only for disposal as scrap a the earliest , not to cause nuisance to the surroundings 

see the power of words here , possible to express adequately , clearly , meaningfully beautifully , intelligibly 

what is the secrete of word power?


Word is power, when uttered with inner power?



Pranams, namasthe, ram ram etc have now become a courtesy, formality

but we do not really mean

hence they remain powerless


i heard one guru speech , telling every word with utmost love, care, gauged, slowly, but meaning them fully

his words carry tremendous power on the listener


vivekanada''sisters and brothers of america'', simply made all speechless

a precious circle..


a precious circle..

1 from existing level ,---- with all faults, defects, flaws, -----starting performance,

undergoing evaluation, taking feedback, recycling, revision, updating,

refinement, perfection


2 and then again performance, from this improved level, evaluation, feedback ,,,,,,,,,,,

circle , unending,


but continuously improving by iterations and reiterations,

nonstop, it's the dynamics of creativity, the growth, the evolution .

so feel free to see and point out flaws, do not stop at just seeing and admiring the superficial superfluous frills


do not be ---afraid, averse, hateful, disliking, unapproving ,if someone points out faults.

take the criticism, examine how it helps to improve your performance

be thankful to the critics and connoisseurs, all are helping in their own ways , whether to your expectation or to your shock

Tuesday, February 21, 2023

solidified knowledge


solidified knowledge


cognition of knowledge solidifying into shapes forms and in to space

experience of athma--ved ---vishv ----brahm

i did a deergh sandhya of 2 , normal work, afternoon nap,woke up in freshness,

a fresh experience and a fresh petal of knowledge woke up in me

suddenly all objects around me appeared as solidified knowledge--gyan murthis

all objects around me---bag, suite case, mat, tv, cupboard, pen, key bunch, cot, bed, blanket, wall, window, tree, sky, cloud, sun, persons, cat, mosquito--all manifest physical world appeared as if knowledge of different kinds has solidified in to different shapes, forms, and phenomena

gurudev----kevalam gyan murthim, ----has given me his darshan, in every object of creation, abundantly as above

my earlier understanding of gyan murthim limiting to only gurudev is now shattered, engulfing the whole manifest universe into it

for me now , the whole universe in total and in parts is gyan murthi, the solidified knowledge or knowledge frozen in to shapes and forms. thank you , maharishiji!

this is experience. understanding followed. it actually flowed, gradually--precisely speaking---it unfolded as follows.

as i watched things, it appeared to me that they are all telling their stories.

the mat, for eg, how has it taken its shape

the maker knows mechanics of bringing the abstract--unmanifest --idea of mat in to physical reality

he knows how to make fibers, how to color them how to weave them, and all other processes involved

at appropriate stages of knowledge he froze the knowledge and the knowledge took shape and it manifested

thus all shapes and forms are result of freezing the knowledge---thing are only frozen knowledge,


things are gyan murthis, the solidified knowledge

this experience has improved my understanding of the progression of evolution , namely, athma-- ved --vishv-- brahm

the ultimate constituent of the mat, --the pure consciousness--has expanded, rather contracted, to be the stratified laws of nature governing the expression of mat in to manifest form--- thus athma--to ved and when the laws of that mat froze as above, the mat took shape / form --not randomly but systematically--that is from raw matl , plastic in this case, which is already a frozen knowledge--knowledge frozen at some level--the engineer knows how to mix, what to mix, in what proportion, what parameters to maintain--and he decides to make raw material--that is he freezes the knowledge and produces the raw material--he knows how to make fibers--what color, what thickness--he produces fibers from freezing the knowledge of producing fibers, and fibers are produced.

at each step of production process, knowledge at that step is frozen and production is continued

so finally the mat produced is a mixture of frozen knowledge at various components levels, at various levels of each component.

so we can see athma--ved--vishv progression clearly.
in this case mat is the manifested form --is the bit of ---the vishv.

now when we see together the pure consciousness level, , the laws level, the shape/form level, --that is the totality of mat it is brahm

thus the progression of athma--ved--vishv--brahm is cognized

the above is on shape and form. also there is localization of---or---the space aspect.

knowledge has frozen into shape---it is frozen at particular points of space---that is at the manufacturer's place, , at weavers' place, , at the shop, and know in my room, for eg, at one of the space point that is my room, . let's discuss. how the mat came in to my room, ?
i ---came to know that it was available in the shop, ---know its price , know how to purchase it, how to bring it home, --all these bits of knowledge coupled with my decision to buy---again decision was based on --on knowledge of its utility, cost benefit, knowledge of its fitness into my totality, my purpose--my future plans, etc, --also i know I am eligible to take decision, --know how to effect the decision making process, , that is knowledge of using, my intellect,--my body--my ability to pay etc, i knew and i decided [acted]

that is how the mat is in my room, at this particular space point.
thus location, ---or localization --also a function of freezing of knowledge--but wrt a point in space

knowledge and knowledge of potential to act--knowledge of choices of action--and the ability to make a choice--all these knowledges --is like pulling the arrow back ---and knowledge of allowing/ using the intellect to make choice of action or decision, and subsequent steps of action is like releasing the arrow

i had query--how decision making act is knowledge, how action is knowledge--on this maharishi has subtly explained how----knowledge has within itself the potential to act---pure knowledge, pure consciousness knows itself thru its self-referral quality, 
and this ability of --the process of ---knowing itself is the potential dynamism---ability to trigger action--the ability to make choice and trigger action---ability to implement choice.

when two bits of knowledge joined they become a bigger chunk.

now the self referral process--knowing itself has become a ---bigger knowing bigger itself.

the previous self referral is now a different self referral or, ----if i knew less about the mat, i would not have purchased-----ie smaller knowledge has smaller potential/ nil triggering ability or---i f i knew much much more, my choice would have been different. 
so bigger knowledge has bigger trigger

total knowledge, the pure consciousness , has total trigger

thus my experience of has expanded my understanding.

thanks to great maharishi and the great channel

jaigurudev, in all humility

Sunday, February 19, 2023

the principle of maatha” is one of the many features of devi


the principle of maatha”

is one of the many features of devi


….in the sloka ”yaa devi sarva bhuteshu…..mathru rupena samsthitha”


..devi is a goddess, not one particular mother,

nor a statue in a temple,


but it is the principle of mother in all pranis,


whether cat dog monkey human, chicken, bird, elephant, lion

..the principle of motherly care , responsibility, love, tender qualities, patience, in conceiving, giving birth

and protecting, feeding,

teaching skills , play , work, protection ,

cleaning, sanitation, etc.

..which are common features of mother in all pranis


… when i saw a cat attending to her children,
so lovingly , and commitment, against all odds, involving hard work,
i really was thrilled to see mother ”devi”’ in it


……………..that is how devi is eternal ,
all pervading in all beings, sarva bhuteshu,


not localized in time or space or to a specie


…so similarly all gods are particular eternal, principles,
eternal non changing laws of nature governing the universe

Saturday, February 18, 2023

mind has levels


mind has levels 

1 intellectual-----reason logic rationality objectivity, analytical, striving for clarity, truth about things, beings phenomena, trying to make out meaning in them by deducing laws theories experimentable, verifiable, and useful for life and living in comfort , in confidence, reliability as far as possible ----typically adult'scharacteristic

2 emotional------feelings, insightful, surmising, hoping, anticipating, predicting, forecasting not with basis but as responses beyond the comprehension of mind, with expressions of varied nature and degrees in proportion to the inputs received beyond its normal capacity---of shock surprise, sorrow happiness, love, lust, fear, apprehension, pain, jealousy, triumph. excitement, depression anger, reactionary, hasty, unexpected, uncalculated, likes dislikes approvals dis approvals, fanciful. delightful, distress, loneness, guilt shame, reverence, respect----typically of parent's characteristic

3 subtler-------oh here is my favorite field, most charming, suspenseful, secret, new, enchantment, exploring, innovating, searching, discovering things out of the way, creating expressions , in romantic play, going forward, taking risks, learning lessons, desiring to conquer sun moon stars, reaching far in to unknown regions mountains oceans, trying to play with wind, seeing visions, new beauties, conversing with all things and all being, stress and expressing in song dance, and abstract art, creating new worlds new heavens, challenging, defying the unknown authority, trying to establish one's own sway, and rule over every thing ------typically the child's characteristic.
this the field of higher lokas, devi devatha gandharva, kinnera kimpurusha rishi muni sidha, santh

a level beyond the bhakthi, but intimacy and familiarity with higher beings making friends with them , inviting them to play with oneself, a surrealism, or superrealism you may call it, ever increasing mysteries, --the existence at par excellence

4 come to the ultimate limit -----of minds existence, and crossing the subtlest , the entry into nothing , into nothingness, pure awareness, pure existence, vacuum state, unbounded awareness, the pure consciousness----where in all is crystal clear nothing mystery only mastery , all knowing, full clear, no doubts, no any sort of imaginations or imagery, no magic, no music, only silence harmony, oneness, a state one is totally relaxed but fully alert , no waves no ripples, nothing of forms phenomena, entire thing is just ok no wonder,  


Actions  at each level has different effects and results, profundity varying in proportionate to the depth the suitableness.

once the silence of the absolute gets established unshakably all levels and actions at all levels will be glorious infallible nice beautiful helping, elevating, without any adverse effects at all.     here emotions too will be stabilized, balanced, not nullified nor suppressed nor controlled, nor modulated, but flow as if in the best possible way, as if the almighty has designed their expression in fitting with the all occasions, in the most acceptable manner.    It s to be understood that without the harmonizing , fulfilling presence of pure awareness in one's body mind nervous system, the actions responses, reactions, replies from any of these levels will all be not optimum, not fully wise, not producing the most favorable results. and all such people will be lacking in full maturity, in spite of the best of edu, environ, breeding, and cultural conditioning, ---leading one to call them as intellectual fools or emotional fools or even devotional fools.      

hence the necessity of experiencing the absolute, at very early in life, to sustain sadhana to stabilize it, and live and act as a man of wisdom, a real gyani, an enlightened individual, a pure soul, life long complimenting the universe in his every impulse 




నా ప్రతి స్పందన 
విశ్వమునకు అభినందన
విశ్వము నేనే  కదా 

every impulse of mine
is a compliment to the universe
i am the universe’’

Tuesday, February 14, 2023

Aham taking association with an identity, creates the ego, the individual entity


Aham taking association with an identity, creates the ego,

the individual entity


Child is just without ego, without an identity, though he cries, gestures, moves, asserting his existence and seeking fulfillment of its little needs like food and comfort etc


Slowly gradually he comes to know the world, and starts assuming various roles as he grows

he thinks he is child, the son of mother, student, friend, playmate, belonging to a community , relative of so and so, then further, when grows , a doctor, a artist, a teacher, a employee , a citizen, and so on


these identities cover his real nature. He starts living those identities and strengthens them too, to an extent that he becomes a prisoner of his id's .bound unable to come out

Loses freedom, loses opportunities to lead a real life, loses the great game of life, loses life


It not, identifies with the outer world, but with one aspect of/ or a few aspects of own total personality, mostly it goes with a name and linked with biodata

i am gopal, i am a marati, i am a lawyer,

the tendency is to reinforce that one or few identities, ignoring the infinite aspects of his potentialities


eg as a lawyer, he may ignore the artist aspect etc




as one reinforces that identity, say an artist, he grows to a greatest artist--this is positive aspect of the identities

name and fame thus help and unhelp such celebrities


the need is not to be associated with one / few , but to ever refreshing oneself , get born again as a new child , with a clean slate


as the refreshing phenomena happens continuously, one rises into his deeper unmanifest personality, ie, the rishi aspect , and grows to maharishi, brahmarshi, which means, an individual without his earthly identity / existence, but the real true nature the just awareness/ knowingness, with all potentialities alive and can be activated at will and can be lived as a man of ''bahumukha pragna'', as if an actor who is expert playing any role impeccably


also, such personality can express his message which has many/ infinite hues meanings, imports channels simultaneously , making him a ''panditha paamara jana ranjaka at the same time in one stroke


so the art of id's is


born as no id

acquires id

discards/comes out limiting id

becomes capable of assuming any id as per context, with all freedom

and again discarding that id and get refreshed into non id


1 any ego id miniaturizes the infinite personality if growth is stuck up on the way, ends up as miniature small ego , man dies as a just ordinary common fellow with small little achievements


2 if the same ego id is allowed to grow, --if one knows how to make it grow----then that small ego/id can grow to infinite stature like a vishvaroop --ie with a roop ---as big as the universe

artist can grow into a genius ravi varma and more ,

scientist can grow into Einstein and more

politician can grow into a world statesman and more

human can grow into an avathar


To sum up

ego is both blessing and harm


one must be a master who can easily change/remove one robe and wear another robe

all with own will and freedom


with this if one is given a name as vishvanath, he can grow / he is meant to grow really as lord of universe

if one is given the name as shiva, he can grow/ he is meant to grow really as lord shiva

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Kasturi Tilakam -- कस्तूरीतिलकं ललाटपटले वक्षःस्थले कौस्तुभं

 Kasturi Tilakam -- कस्तूरीतिलकं ललाटपटले वक्षःस्थले कौस्तुभं

नासाग्रे नवमौक्तिकं करतले वेणुं करे कङ्कणम् ।
सर्वाङ्गे हरिचन्दनं सुललितं कण्ठे च मुक्तावलिं
गोपस्त्री परिवेष्टितो विजयते गोपाल चूडामणिः ॥ this great sthuthi
rishi cognizes-----
my mind was dwelling on this great sthuthi, i finished bath, wiped dried with towel, looked in the mirror .
1 my nose above nostrills --it was round, a little shining,
naasaagre nava moukthikam , i found , it was like pearl .
amazed, it was a clue for peculiar new meaning of this shloka
2 fore head , yes it had a naama like vertical wide line ,
3 on wrist some light wrinkles suggestive of kankanam
4 chest some patch was perceptible
4 body , odor was not their but it was not smelling bad
nothing special for me, all the same familiar look, and if see others, around they too had these features more or less.
what was special is, it got cognized.
extend -----
life sees art, art sees life
when artist sees life the seer/creative designer cognizes nava moukthikam, kankanam, and and designs the ornaments
i felt that this is the root reason for the evolution of ornaments and decorations, --trying to redefine beauty in own terms, and offering back to life to decorate it with them
if you look at fore head 3/4 horizontal lines/marks we see along with/ without vertical
suggestive of vibhoothi on shiva forehead
also lines at ankles suggestive of anklets
the lines at waist like oddaanamu / sarpa/ belt like
lines at finger like, rings.
man is nearest to god , he is evolved being so has all the features of god in some degree
rishis cognized god in the form of highest human and perceived all the best of features of man and decorated god with them
in any case truths are wonderful and great and sometimes they reveal some times partial
of course it depends on the degree of rishis evolution the degree of cognitions nearer the truth.
some times it can be just an illusion, a surmise, drawing more out of nothing or ordinary, but a charm on its own