Sunday, September 20, 2020

Arjun i said ‘I will come back’

 Arjun i said ‘I will come back’

but i came back, long back

i am here, now , at this moment

you are not able to see me, now ,

just in front of you , here , you missing me, somehow

you think that i will come back only later, not now

i am the time, past ,present, future

i am the yug, all the yugs, even this yug, now

i am the yug purush, in all the yugs,

so also, now , here , in this yug

i am the space, i am the point

i am all the points , in all the space

so, i am before you, behind you

above you , below you,

within you, without you

i am in every particle, article, trickle

can’i you see me, is your mind fickle

how is that you are still waiting, for my arrival ,

as if in some future occasion,

as if at somewhere, far off station

after all vacation , all vexation,

in some special session ,

in one season, with a particular reason

I know who i am–

 I know who i am– 

i like to remain unknown,– 

leaving all to guess and get at who and what i am– 

i like to be ever new, in ever new forms,– 

with new names, 

with new frames–

with new wisdom, creating newness,– 

every time, every moment–

i am a seer, 

but remain unseen– 

i have no identity, no profile,no picture,– 

all is your best conjuncture-

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


Monday, September 14, 2020

yaa devi sarva bhuteshu…..mathru rupena samsthitha....mother....maatha


yaa devi sarva bhuteshu…..mathru rupena samsthitha


the principle of maatha”

is one of the many features of devi


….in the sloka ”yaa devi sarva bhuteshu…..mathru rupena samsthitha”


..devi is a goddess, not one particular mother,

nor a statue in a temple,


but it is the principle of mother in all pranis,


whether cat dog monkey human, chicken, bird, elephant, lion

..the principle of motherly care , responsibility, love, tender qualities, patience, in conceiving, giving birth

and protecting, feeding,

teaching skills , play , work, protection ,

cleaning, sanitation, etc.

..which are common features of mother in all pranis


… when i saw a cat attending to her children,
so lovingly , and commitment, against all odds, involving hard work,
i really was thrilled to see mother ”devi”’ in it


……………..that is how devi is eternal ,
all pervading in all beings, sarva bhuteshu,


not localized in time or space or to a specie


…so similarly all gods are particular eternal, principles,
eternal non changing laws of nature governing the universe

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Realised Master expresses and conveys only silence

 Realised Master expresses and conveys only silence,thru all words


silence is not dumbness, not to remain speechless


but let's explore a bit on what exactly Sri Dakshinamurti did to dispel all the doubts of the disciple ??


what exactly is his mouna vyakhya??


can any one learn that art and science and technique of mouna vyakhya??


and how ??


if ''Silence is the most eloquent language'' .------then what is the need of this blogging and dialogging, then we can be just silent no need of any book?



only white paper can reveal all the wisdom?


why audio / lectures, music, why a tongue at all,

and what is the need for a speech ,

then where is the need of ears


so deaf , dumb are the most elevated teachers?

because they are experiencing silence life long?"


"Still, let's know a little more on what exactly is silence?


since it is glorified as

 ''nishabdam paramam padam,

and nishabdam brahma uchyathe"


"Finally this answer silences me yes, chathurtham ,


turia is the state of silence,

rather the word silence is not a right word,


it is the state of least excited state of consciousness

it is ‘’shivam shantam advaitham, chathurtham manyante,,,,.......


and guru gives the experience of this thru initiation /instruction,


and this silence is what dakshinamurthi imparted to shishyas which cleared all doubts


and this

 "Silence vibrating is Creation

Silence flowing is Love

Silence shared is Friendship

Silence seen is Infinity

Silence heard is Adoration

Silence expressed is Beauty

Silence maintained is Strength

Silence omitted is Suffering

Silence allowed is Rest

Silence recorded is Scripture

Silence preserved is Our Tradition

Silence given is Initiating

Silence received is Joy

Silence perceived is Knowledge

Silence stabilized is Fulfillment

Silence alone is."~ Author Unknown ~"


"Beautiful, i am hearing the silence conveyed thru this,


wonderful, these words on silence are  as profound as silence ,


it is clear that silence is not —–not speaking… not being dumb -..


,it’s the grace,

urdhva-mulam adhah-sakham

 urdhva-mulam adhah-sakham

asvattham prahur avyayam
chandamsi yasya parnani
yas tam veda sa veda-vit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
,,,, There is a banyan tree which has its roots upward and its branches down and whose leaves are the Vedic hymns. One who knows this tree is the knower of the vedas.,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,this not a big secret, not to search for this any where,,,,,,,,right here, every human is that tree,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, he is the inverted standing tree, ,,,,,,,,,,,,root system is the head, brain, mind, all levels of mind,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and shoot system is the body/trunk, branches are limbs, twigs are fingers, leaves are his expressions ,



"To a person who is spiritually evolved, there is no question of taking responsibility, .
or evading or passing the buck ,even on to god, as he or she fully knows that all acts are done by God,
and since he has realized god, he knows that himself is that god and he or she.... is ... the doer, truly .. not just a vehicle for the divine.that exists some where unseen It is this teaching that Lord Krishna gave Ajruna on the battlefield, through the Bhagwad Geeta, that you are a non-doer, since you are doing in the state of nondoing, naishkarmyam, and hence you are fully responsible for what you do. , not krishna or some distant god,
This hold true for both the good and bad deeds that we do. We can never relinquish responsibility , since truly we are the god in the realized state so we must be utmost concerned on the results of our every action we should not ignore or be reckless on the consequences in the assumption that we are giving up doer-ship totally, god ' spirituality is not an escape route on the other hand, enlightened person grows to a level that he takes the responsibility for the smooth running of the whole universe one guru taught thishe in fact administered an oath for us all, it is we took an oath '' i am responsible for the whole universei am the matha pita bandhu sakha for the whole universe''his saying is ''if we take responsibility power comes to us''all spirituality is a training for living a totally responsible life , by realizing that one is himself is the god that is running the universe"

speaking tree –a rishi parishath?

speaking tree –a rishi parishath?


cognized that every one is a rishi of some level, 
knowing an aspect of truth , partially, 
full truth known to highest level brahmarishi, who lives brahman.
my understanding of rishi includes, all beings which are conscious , though in ever small measure . 
thus all pranies are rishis
in the process of sharing cognitions among all rishis, the truth gets revealed in fuller and comprehensive manner.
so every one has a contribution to my knowing, 
so are all baba/yogi/godmen/guruand ordinary men
/ and animals/birds/insects.

so i thank every one with all respect ,keeping in mind their being a member of my infinite rishi parishath, the universe is, 
and revel in exchanging partial truths 
and getting back a fuller and fuller truth.
special thanks to reader , you a rishi, 
for sharing your point of view 

and my truth is enriched there by to that extent 

death why?……

 death why?……………… a tree lived for .3,500 years until it was burnt down

1 if deerghaayushya is possible, amruthathva also is possible as a corollary
jathasya maranam dhruvam …….need not be true always , can be defied
one need not die, death is not inevitable,
2 then how man dies??
man dies because, ”wages of sin is death ”
if sin not done, then death wont be
3 why / how sinning happens??
man sins due to ignorance
4 what is sin??
sin is to violate the swadharma, by own doing [ or others causing it, ] knowingly / unknowingly , manly due to not knowing how to be sinless, due to not knowing how to overcome the effect of sin, …paapa parihaara
5 why man remains ignorant??
he does not know the value of life,
so does not find ways and means to preserve/protect life of self and life of others
due to negligence, will fully or forcibly he yields to death

pradakshina is

 pradakshina is one of the ways to ”come back to home” to bring the out going awareness gradually to one’s nearness finally on to oneself to one’s own self , the enabling atma to reach paramathma inside

by gradually closing down the infinite ways/ options for awareness to go after and fritter away the energies/ time
1 man by entering into temple, he has come away from the market place of life-activities
2 distance is reduced, from miles to a few yards
3 straight travel is reduced to circular
4 direction is set ie dakshina , clock wise
5 number is set , 5 , or 11, or, or 21, or 108
so that mind is engaged in counting the number
6 speed is set, no hurry , no stopping, but uniform speed
7 vision ‘ eyes is not going out towards see any number of objects or scenes outside
8 attention is on the walk,
9 at each step, one is made to see the one’s mind thoughts, body moves,
10 variety is reduced, one circle is enough to know every thing on how the walk is, it is just routine, vairagya sets in
11 next circle, man is looking for some thing unknown, vairagya increases
11 each subsequent circle man is going away and away from samsara and becoming loner and loner
12 at the end of the set number of circles, what he found is ”nothing” …”all this is nothing ”..and now man is totally new , fresh in the mind, relaxed in the body, clear in thoughts, ready to jump into activity with superior wisdom , enhanced energy , as if got charged , the time spent in pradakshina is just in the company of himself, which is so precious, ..for one’s own discoveries
13 this is like writing rama koti, or nama smarana, chanting manthras …………..these are subtler processes , but pradakshina is a grosser process, , simple any ne can just do and get the taste of a different world, superior lokas , an opportunity to have just a peep even for a beginner

The scientist in us

The scientist in us
after reaching the goal truth, [vedanta ] , ie sathyam awakens the artist in us, who starts creating sub-truths,ie ,the veda / vedic richas,
ie the retail packages of knowledge ,and contextual creations,
ie upanishads, upakhyanas, kaavyaas , ,udanthas, puranas,
prabandhas, epics, dramas, stories, novels, essays, literature,
sculpture, paintings,
,gods, temples, structures, customs, systems, traditions,
along with goodies, necessities, comforts luxuries
—all to bring heavenly existence on earth , in detail,
purposeful, useful, need based, result oriented,
creates a new civilization , obsoleting the worn out ,

updating the times to the present moment 

i do not know what i may be

 i do not know what i may be 

i do not know what my relation may be with any one 
may be matha, pitha, bandhu,, sakha,
may be soulmate, fb-classmate, st-playmate
may be the trio ”friend-philosopher-guide”,
may be the duo guru-shishya,
may be the inseparable bhaktha -bhagavan
may be the.celestial sun-earth., earth-moon
may be the earthly ocean-wave
may be genius or fool