Saturday, August 29, 2020

Rishi Vasanth...2Richo Akshare : How do you recharge yourself?

Rishi Vasanth...2Richo Akshare : How do you recharge yourself?: How do you recharge yourself? There Is No Substitute for Hard Work! It's important to know that words don't move mountains. Work, ex...

Rishi Vasanth...2Richo Akshare : love unconditional

Rishi Vasanth...2Richo Akshare : love unconditional: love unconditional As long as duality exists, even ''his'' love too is a bondage, though it is subtlest, like silk t...

Rishi Vasanth...2Richo Akshare : individual is unique identity,

Rishi Vasanth...2Richo Akshare : individual is unique identity,: individual is unique identity, the pure Self is the universal common identity of every one, every creature , Each one is a universe total , ...

Rishi Vasanth...2Richo Akshare : rituraag hides vasant

Rishi Vasanth...2Richo Akshare : rituraag hides vasant: rituraag hides vasant he must wait in the queue, though pleasant sharat, hemant, shishir must have their say in the well scripted n...

Rishi Vasanth...2Richo Akshare : Your choice is your right

Rishi Vasanth...2Richo Akshare : Your choice is your right: Your choice is your right so it's always alright but is it alright to seek others' views on your right? and not care to heed and imp...

Rishi Vasanth...2Richo Akshare : the way of the world, that's it

Rishi Vasanth...2Richo Akshare : the way of the world, that's it: the way of the world, that's it and we go with it what's wrong, will vanish ,  what is strong, will stay in finish. w...

Rishi Vasanth...2Richo Akshare : Karona

Rishi Vasanth...2Richo Akshare : Karona:   Hey Karona ..ab mai kya karoon ? ….Karona kahtha hai Sunlo meri bath . Snaan karona Dhyan karona Jap karona Bhajan karona Keerthan karona ...

Rishi Vasanth...2Richo Akshare : all part of civilization

Rishi Vasanth...2Richo Akshare : all part of civilization: all part of civilization , a child, growing, crawling, rising, falling, faltering, yet ,to stand up and walk, learning a few bruises here...

Friday, August 28, 2020

dhun all

Why is there such a need for meditation in today’s society, in today’s life?
"Best results will follow if learnt from guru and practiced regularly"
"I eagerly wait for a day when media/ movies /ads persons learn to respect female, and stop commercial exploitation of the sacred physiology of female by irrelevant unwanted harmful naked exposures"
"14 lokas are refer to stratums of existence , not the earth or its depths"
"In the ultimate analysis, individual is a miniature universe, yatha pinde thathaa brahmande''universe reacts to individual action'' ----maharishi says''unfathomable is the rane of karma----githa"
"Quite logically, and truthfully it is either god exists or does not exist , not that he exists selectively as per convenience to find excuses or passing the buck .i recall one of the great master rishi prabhakar teaching ssy, teaching a similar frank stand about the one should take total responsibility for success or failures or hold god responsible for everything"
"If you really know and Understand who you are, then god will cease to exist only you alone exist in the universe, and you will know that it is you who is running this universe"
even the CRYING BABY to GET FOOD also not passing the buck and waiting for food to come to it , but taking responsibility and so crying, and succeeding in getting its needs fulfilled, without waiting for god"
"Why to put god lifelong in the unknown cellar somewhere within only, when you yourself are the visible all powerful god in and out every where your sight reaches the stars, that means you did touch the far distant stars and came back at speed of light"
"Individual is the system and the component of the system individual is finite and infinite"
"Its all about feeling responsibility without trying to find escape routes in the name of god or past"
"Every member in the family must feel the full responsibility for the whole family, nay, for the whole universe"
"If God is gracious, then why death is happening, why pain is felt when a hurt or injury happens why his grace does not make individual painless , hurt proof, injury proof?"
"Then is it not logical that every one of us is responsible for our actions and answerable for it? Certainly that is the point even hunger and sleep can be overcome if man takes responsibility and persists, valmiki is the example"
"We bother about God he always does not bother about us., he is just uninvolved witness Do your work. Deal your pain, enjoy your happiness. you are The God residing as you!!!"
"HE does not take care of all his creations. he has delegated all the responsibility to man"
"Since ''God really answers the worship by removing your difficulties .
to build-up real devotion in course of time ‘man has the responsibility of worship and its consequences"
"To know that ''There is order in this world. '' individual is responsible"
"Feeling responsibility for action by individual is godly feature"
"BELIEVING AND NON-BELIEVING ARE DANGEROUS----title is bold, assertion, i fully concur, not based on belief or non belief but on going open ended just to see what it is all about . i do not respect nor do i disrespect either of them , yes, we find men with both traits, so they are in traps life long jignasa , just a curiosity, and an effort to know it helps"
"I understood in my own terms , , a student visiting a nice library as if stumbled upon ,the inner library starts revealing a lot to him, ie, souls functioning, ie, intuition, without a teacher teaching, or without external inputs causing feelings and reactions , nice insight indicates an eg of souls functioning , even this blog itself"

"''You may find an individual on
1-- the path of 'doership' more restless due to the effort as compared to the individual, who follows
2 --the path of 'non-doerhip' due to the effotlessness.
1 is the path of man of the world, trying to achieve more and more, struggles day and night, yet he may not succeed, since there is no end upper limit for achievements / for perfection
2 is the path of man of inward type , his efforts reduce and reduce till they reach no effort, in which the ''release'' is experienced"
"''In place of 'emptiness' (shunya) he used Brahman and so on''if 'emptiness' (shunya) is total . it is fullness, just filled with awareness"
"'' we have fear of darkness and also of snake in our memory. ‘we fear darkness due to

1 when we walk / work in darkness, we are unsure, uncertainty/ danger at every move, due to survival instinct, , but if we dare, we will learn how to live darkness wisely too, by feel, by sound, by smell, by touch, then darkness will not frighten any more, it becomes acceptable, comfortable, though it does not stop being risky

2 we fear darkness more due to mental conditioning born out of previous conceptions/ experiences/ interpretation by others and of own 3 in fact the universe is full of darkness beyond stars galaxies sun moon"
"This makes me smile, ultimate ji, ''write a blog on 'darkness''' you mean i must walk in darkness if i start writing, that acts as light, and darkness may vanish, no more darkness will be there to write any thing about it so i or any one will never be able to write anything on darkness still , it is a good suggestion, i shall write in due course , thanks, joy"
"4 also, on the lighted aspect, ,ie by the day light , lamp light etc we are ''accepting it as a perfect light'' mainly due to contrast with darkness, and a little more comfort / convenience we get in light, but this light also is in fact partial darkness, since it does not show a thing in is total clarity as to really what it is
5 whether the darkness or the light of waking state is really not real, since the waking state itself is not totally real , like the ''light''
6 the darkness of night , is like the sleeping state
7 this leads to the necessity of consciousness to really light the life , in all other states , light and darkness
8 enlightened man never afraid of darkness, but he does not walk carelessly and does not walk blindly in darkness and so does not fall into the ditch/ danger

"We need instructions, yes, so that we can reach internal guidance / guru"
"Guidance might come in any form individual experiences may differ but to the question ''whether one found that enlightenment or not '''if answer is yes, one succeeded, what ever may be the path/ approach guru god if not , he requires help"

"Educated intelligent wear pant, full sleeve shirt, coat, tie, shoes, socks , though fully knowing that ours is a topical country , and we gain respectability-------so much patterned

is the villager in the field more wise, just wearing the minimum needed covering?
when all creatures do not wear any dress, why human alone wears and covers, ?"
"Female and male are patterns, one without the other unimaginable but tree has no two patterns how?”
"Desires flow , they are impulses for evolution"
"''He has to transcend first floor'' etc and reach top floor to be able to see infinite sky, but improving self image to reach excellence ''i am a good doctor'', ''i am a great teacher'', ''i am a good professional''
-- is it , ''idiotic''?
Identification/ identity can rise to supreme value in the same pursuits, if one goes non stop forward, raja can become rajarishi to brahma rishi to brahman

human ego is the fountainhead for all progress---said iyn rand , a great author"
"But we cannot live only in turia, nothingness.. all three states are part of whole,"
"Turia my understanding based on my experience of this state is it is just being aware for a moment or so without thoughts, in meditation"
"Turia is kshanika samadhituriatheeth is nithya samadhistate of non doing persisting in all doings"

"''This is how mind creates maya''good example, i agree, that it is due to my memory ., we coincide , words differ , thanks, you are kind , you have clarified with patience , i am puzzled at the utility of sharing our mind / mayas in a debateis it that i am gripped in maya?but discussion and sharing our views is , i find useful , though it is maya , since we reach at truth nearer and nearer, any way , the idea that mind is maya is making me zero,as what ever i value in life, achievements, knowlede, skills, schooling , higher learning get trivialized with this understanding of mind/mayaso am i becoming a fresh individual with a clean slate of consciousness dominating the mind, pl stop me at any stage , i lik to see your other blogs, you have a unique insight thanks ,"
"I love to differ heresamadhi is turia, no thoughts, rather beyond thoughtsafter enough maturity of tapas Turiatheeth is the state of turia stabilized, in 3 states, 24 hours total awareness, buddhas live in this state.or yogastha, ''when one wants to think he uses his mind otherwise not'' He is the master and mind is the servant. '' jeevanmuktha"
"Consciousness is more pervasive than the Space."
"We need light to dispel the darkness, so we do not see the rope as the snakeand so we do not see the snake only, but see the reality of snake as well, ie shivo jeevo jeevo brahmaika na para"
"Devotion too is mind"
"Beautiful, you have unusually clear graspi may have to think more to be able to get you"
"Nice, ''Think less, feel more ‘or, meditate ?"
"''heart'', is emotional level, is mindis not it sir"
"Saw, i agree, , so, sir is correct, emotion is not thought"
"Nothing exists in reality"
"''Everything exists''-----but seen/ understood differently like ornament, gold, element, molecule etc truly all as you said different manifestations of Energy.thanks"
"Either all is important or nothing is important the point iswe must be able to penetrate the reality ultimate level and , and that enables one to live a life in mastery of all kosshas , all mysteries"
"He lives in mind (unconscious)rather partial conscious"
"% may vary dull, intelligent, genius, pandit, expert, literate , illiterate, widely travelled knows america, since visited other knows america by map, / reading about america, and seeing photos tv can we say 1% conscious to 99% consciousbudha is 100 %"
"Why only MIND IS 'MAYA'every thing that is manifest is maya,"
"All manifestations have layers of existence , / levels of existencei am this bodyi am blood , irony am skeleton, bone / calceumbut all matter is elements compounds mixtures, molecules , atoms electrons nuetrons finer particles -----all can be distilled into final consciousness the final ,truth"
"While i agree '' is interpretation of mind, hence only mind i maya'', i also see the role and importance of mind/maya , which is useful/ necessary in systematizing the ''knowledge'' of this visible universe as various branches of science etc, like chemistry, physics, maths,and making man to gain control and becoming master of the universe, with inventions discoveries,also creating art, forms literature, epics, even possibility of internet interactions and making the life meaningful, enjoyable, comfortable , worthwhile in the assumption / or even with the truth that mind is only maya, we cannot ignore its play, though normal human being stays ignorant without consciousnessin essence, all have roles to play,"
"Reality has layers of existence seen ornament is a beautiful ornament if one sees its beautiful shape size design, intricate carving , polish , from aesthetic angle if one sees beyond shape etc one sees the exact material that is made of , ie gold,and its market priceif one sees gold more , he may get its physical chemical properties, utility valuefurther probing reveals that it is an element , au, and further it is molecules, atoms, atom again can be seen thru as sub atomic particles then to finer particles to force field matter filed to finally to the consciousness, para brahma so you can say these are different veils varying in thickness, ie from gross to subtle but all are truths at their own level , the ultimate being the para brahma"
"Nice, agreed, you mean fact is rutham, contextual truth is sathyam ,absolute"
"Little more am adding Sathyam=what is truthrutham=what is right [in the context]Both sathyam and rutham have there placehence the saying1 sathyam vadishyami2 rutham vadishyamisathyam is absolute truth, eternal, universal , unearthly , the basisrutham is contextual truth , changes. expressed as per need, earthly, the modifications of the absolute truth, nearest or farthest from it , but not exactdharma raj saying”aswathama hatha” loudly and [kunjara] in whisper —is actually truth modified ie lie, but it is needed at the context , so it is right, ie ruthamFor question–who are you, the true answer is ” aham brahmasmi” since it is the truth, sathyambut for the same question, the right answers are/ can be depending on the context , who is asking, what for the answer ,i am son of xi am engineer  am so and so name i am Indian, am a seeker but lies arei am doctor, [ which i am not ]i am chinese, [ which i am not ]ruthm , the right answers, and lies [anrutham] are modifications or distortions of the original, sathyam, aham brahmasmi , but expressed knowingly, unknowingly, wisely , foolishly , ignorantly, innocently, and wantedly,''i hope my understanding is right , in line with your explain on ''facts and truth''"
"''Maya can be taken as veil.''maya is a reality at different levels of reality"
"It is vital that we should not apply reality of a thing in one plane to the reality of the same thing in some other plane those who pray and worship snake as god, cannot afford to make friendship with it and ignore the danger snake is god -is a realitysnake is poisonous is also a reality"
mind works in different modes, moods
–cannot be understood,
this is unique in perception and values in life
one sees good other sees bad in the same situation
one sees a poetry, becomes poet
one sees glimpse of higher truth, becomes a philosopher
one sees god, becomes a devotee
one sees a love, becomes a lover
one sees no sense, becomes a lunatic
snake is one at the same time it is many
it’s god, it’s poisonous, it’s a nag of nagbhushan,
it’s just a reptile, it’s to be killed,
it’s to be fed with milk ,
it’s a belt for ganapathi, a kundaliny,
it’s a bed for seshashayan,
it’s a kaala sarp, ananta nag,
it is a music lover, it’s a dancer, naagin ,
it’s a bread winner
at any rate it is our brother in the journey of evolution,
an inspiration, an awe,a dread.
to me just a wonder like myself i am"
"Depends also on the ability of expression of what is seen"

"May i come in uc and ks ''What is it that makes the rope appear to be a snake or the moon as an ornamental orb in the night sky when in fact they are really not so.'This happens ---not --because of interpretation by mind., but because of the level /ability of seeing"
"Mind is a tool , to be used properly, it is like the mouse+key board of the desk topdesk top is like consciousness mind can create images as desired ,"
"Beautiful, thanks , i understood the great importance of being conscious''mind uses him as a tool''-----so he is neck deep in maya,"
"Things perceived Depend also on the ability of expression of what is seenfor a poet moon inspires great poetry , he can go on on to praise its beautyfor a scientist it is a planetfor astronaut who stepped on moon , it is full of crates and very cold"

"Mind gives that stimulus its own meaning (interpretation) and expresses this meaning thru language.''----------agreed, nice"
"Pitch, Loudness and Quality of Musical Notes A musical note has three characteristics.PitchLoudnessQuality (or tone) timbrePitchPitch is a term used to describe how high or low a note a being played by a musical instrument or sung seems to be.The pitch of a note depends on the frequency of the source of the sound.Frequency is measured in Hertz (Hz), with one vibration per second being equal to one hertz (1 Hz).A high frequency produces a high pitched note and a low frequency produces a low pitched note.LoudnessLoudness depends on the amplitude of the sound wave.The larger the amplitude the more energy the sound wave contains therefore the louder the sound.QualityThis is used to describe the quality of the waveform as it appears to the listener. Therefore the quality of a note depends upon the waveform.Two notes of the same pitch and loudness, played from different instruments do not sound the same because the waveforms are different and therefore differ in quality or tone.The same note from different instruments has different qualities because the sounds from instruments are never pure notes, i.e. of one frequency, the only exception being a tuning fork. Rather they consist of one main note which is predominant and other smaller notes called overtones. The main note or fundamental note is also referred to as the first harmonic and if it has a frequency f, the overtone with frequency 2f is called the second harmonic and the overtone with frequency 3f is called the third harmonic and so on. The sum of all the harmonics is the waveform and determines the quality of the sound."
"You might be knowing hindusthani shastriya sangeeth"
"The lines of the palmnanhe munhe bachche theri mutti me kyaa haimutti me hai thakdheer tumari"
"Whistle: How do we understand the voice of the whilstle blower?best way is to turn a deaf ear, let him blow whistles or sirens, allow him to get exhausted, he will become silent and falls dead"
"Timbre1. the characteristic quality of a sound, independent of pitch and loudness, depending on the number and relative strengths of its component frequencies, as determined by resonance.2. the characteristic quality of sound produced by a particular instrument or voice; tone color"
"In music timbre is the characteristic specific to individual /instrument"
"By the way, can you list down for pm post what are the 1 qualifications2 experience3 age4 nationality5 job specs, other than just signing papers and reading the scripted paper i like to apply , it appears any one can become pm,"
"Yours awesome vision, saboo ji i feel sandesh saboo must become the pmhe can teach modi how to be the best pm ,"
"Any bindaas is ok compared to the present blindass"
"In the worst if a gandhi is a must , priyanka is better"
"Picture is great , sums up life is beautiful"
"I got it, i must say, yes i think this is a great explanation, practical, newnever has any one given such a good clarity"
"In the union with divinity the feel of love vanishes"
"On ultimate zoom level every new theory is a step towards better life but the followers will not grasp its full import and track gets blurred or misdirected, and results in suffering"
"Gandhi did intense internal home work, and emerged the strongest thru soul power"
"Aham=i twam=thouthath=thatgachami=gomasa=monthdina=dayseveral exist, root original is sanskrit nehru commented this in discovery of indiawe might reach a stage sanskrit becoming the world lang unifyinf all nations, all langs finding their mother"
"One to be fully aware of the pearls and pebble with highest discretion, and accepting the inevitability of different levels of existence, ignoring may spell doom"
"How to shift"
"How to cultivate loyalty in an environ of money"
"One's own grace that can create situations of no problems, a life in bliss none other than oneself is responsible for what ever may happen"
"I am always being,hence i am always becoming"
"Silence yes, then sadness will be felt on surface, one smiles on why one is weeping"
"You gave a answer on my quiz on this issue of why women doing puja etc more than men but i feel , jayadev, chaithanya also like meera"

Thursday, August 27, 2020

guru shows the easiest route

guru shows the easiest route

makes us skip long circutous pursuit

not to waste life in endless explore, 
but to reach inside and search for more

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: for diamonds in st.

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: for diamonds in st.: for diamonds in st. for diamonds in st My admiration heightens , not in surprise , but in ample praise. diamond shines wherever it prevails ...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: guru shows the easiest route | Meditation Blog on ...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: guru shows the easiest route | Meditation Blog on ...:   guru shows the easiest route makes us skip long circutous pursuit not to waste life in endless explore, but to reach inside and search f...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: Truth come out as countless lies

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: Truth come out as countless lies: Truth come out as countless lies for practical context has relevance, reason Sathyam=what is truth   rutham=what is right [in the context] B...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: Pradakshina

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: Pradakshina: ''everything here in the universe does Pradakshina'' is it really so? .but light rays go straight That is the reason why it...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: Arjun i said 'I will come back'

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: Arjun i said 'I will come back': sri writes... Arjun  i said 'I will come back' but i came back, long back i am here, now , at this moment  you are not able to see ...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: my true external gurus

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: my true external gurus: A true guru is Superb human my true external gurus and true internal gurus A true guru does very much belong to any class or caste. A true v...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: all ancient and modern

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: all ancient and modern: A true guru is Superb human all ancient and modern, present and future oriental and western, in human form, and other forms, living and dead...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: human appears to be more powerful

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: human appears to be more powerful: Col Gurnam Singh 6 hrs ago Gold: 7191 If you are not happy about a service that you have received it would be better to complaint....

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: puja koti samam stotram | Faith And Rituals Blog o...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: puja koti samam stotram | Faith And Rituals Blog o...: puja koti samam stotram | Faith And Rituals Blog on puja koti samam stotram stotra koti samo japah japa koti samam dhyaanam ...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: This train is not going

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: This train is not going: This train is not going This train is not going! nothing is moving you are where you are you live as you live you are at the destination  it...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: Creativity and intelligence | Faith And Rituals Bl...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: Creativity and intelligence | Faith And Rituals Bl...: Creativity and intelligence | Faith And Rituals Blog on Creativity and intelligence Though we  may seem to be overflowing wi...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: Purnamadah purnamidam | Faith And Rituals Blog on ...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: Purnamadah purnamidam | Faith And Rituals Blog on ...: Purnamadah purnamidam | Faith And Rituals Blog on Purnamadah purnamidam ----hence is the conclusion-- that there is no imper...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: Arjuna any act , ''take or mistake'' | Philosophy ...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: Arjuna any act , ''take or mistake'' | Philosophy ...: Arjuna any act , ''take or mistake'' | Philosophy Blog on Arjuna any act , ''take or mistake'&#3...

a leaf

a leaf

a leaf even dry, dropped,
has no independent existence for its birth growth decay .

it's finally a part of the infinite universe,
if it drops where can it go? , except to the earth 

where is the earth, ? it's not independent of galaxy,
which is again not independent of the sky, 

we feel sun and stars are remote as if of no concern,
but they are a part of the whole ,

without them , i cannot imagine my existence ,
my birth even 

why to look my house is only the four walls,
when the city is mine,

when the country, when the earth,
when the universe is really is mine?

it's really my universe,
like my body and limbs

my whole personality is not limited to some feet height,
it is far , far , it is all

every one of us is really parts of one another ,
no separate
i am there , since you are all there ,
since the whole universe is there

i am alive since the universe is alive 
leaf is alive, since the tree is alive
there is no need for leaf thinking that it is leaf 
where is it's beginning and end ?

even earth holding the tree is a part of tree, part of leaf
every dust particle is part of infinity
it's existing since universe is existing 
so dust particle can claim ''i am the universe''

Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: why truth eludes? | Philosophy Blog on Speakingtre...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: why truth eludes? | Philosophy Blog on Speakingtre...: why truth eludes? | Philosophy Blog on Why truth eludes? where is the need for it to hide? since it is truth, why only a Sin...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: Life is a lie,

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: Life is a lie,: Life is a lie,  of different degrees,  in different layers,  covering, hiding the truth . none can really tell truth none knows truth none c...

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: nuts??

Rishi Vasanth...1Richo Akshare: nuts??: nuts??... they are just peanuts .do not worry , not cashew nuts ..not chestnuts, not bette nuts, nor hard headed coconuts ...........nor a...

Saturday, August 22, 2020

swachch in the process of ”cleaning”

in the process of ”cleaning” is it justified to kill all the pranis ,
by man using using detergents pesticides,
so many insects, germs mosquitos, snakes, scorpions, rats, weeds, grass,getting cleared .
are being displaced, rendered homeless, killed destroyed
for no fault of theirs.
. then why these are created by god??
is man so great that he only must live happily and survive survive??
at the cost of other pranis??
…….how much cleanliness man really needs??
is there no solution??
then what is the meaning of loka samastha sukhino bhava…..
.let all levels of life be happy ??
is it only a slogan??
no practical possibility??

kali is now

kali is now ……….human is waiting and watching with 100 % interest and curiosity for latest updates on tv, on Indrani episode, ……… if it is new, ………as if he becomes wiser by watching, …….,why……………………..single reason is ………………………………………………… light of self , ”atma jyoti ” is covered beyond a limit, man is in darkness, blind walk , global thinking is absent, local action predominates, great efforts but in wrong direction, so wrong actions and , chain of wrong reactions , fatally in ”fetters though of gold”, like a bull circling in the groove around the mill in as a helpless prisoner, he a millioneer or poor, ….be he a powerful prime minister or office peon , unable to attend to the silent call of consciousness amidst the din of activity ,hurry for no cause

i see simply that i do not fall sick

i see simply that i do not fall sick, and be a pathi of myself,
not needing any other pathis , allo, homeo, naturo,ayuro
nor needing from any one sympathy , empathy
by being in the god's anubhuthi,
bliss of his vibhuthi
with abundance of bhakthi
with all my shakthi
striving to be in mukthi
before i am out from rakthi

with inevitable death , vimukthi

Nature’s Packaging

Nature’s Packaging
expert was speaking on matrials, methods, preservatives, shatter-proofing,
labelling and a lot more details, of packaging technology, himself in well-dressed,
rather well- packaged with suited booted coated and tied tight at the neck,
…it was a sulky and sweatting day though.
presentation was nice, he was sincerely teaching what he was told to, by his
ok, i was listening and learning.
just a wind blew, some noice from moving branches of trees, distracted me i
looked outside thru the window of lecture hall
—now i thought that lecture halls must have windows, to allow fresh breeze
and fresh view, new windows of learning.
one look at the coconut tree took me away from lecture, due apology to the
faculty, and i was dwelling on the package of coconut by the tree, tender,
waterfilled, core, with space, may be its own preservative, a hard shell,
covered with resilient fibre, with a green skin, hanging on the tree as a
bunch, as if a marketting attracting the users, at the unreacheable height
at appropriate time delivering to the earth, its unique and single customer,
drop testing, proving that the product is safely packed, and handing over, for
distributing to the customer in original sealed pack, for use at his own wish
now or later after 6 months–but in impeccable purity and freshness–of course,
with a limit of shelf life.
mind came back to lecture, teacher was winding up , thanking us all for a
patient listening.
i felt i learnt some lessons
thoughts continued, on orange ,mosambi, anar, with mini sachets, packed in to
sphere nicely divided by cells, overall with thick skin, with attractive colors.
i dwelled on rice, maize, sugarcane …endless variety, appropriate technology,
nature implementing without a lecture from a institute faculty

Maturity, wisdom

Maturity, wisdom
Mostly popular understanding is
”experience life in all possible ways; good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. Experience all dualities. Don’t be afraid of experience, because the more experience you have, the more mature you become.”
right understanding is
…….maturity does not dawn by experiencing , only mistakes get repeated leading to suffering , disease, death
maturity dawns only when one goes beyond the field of all experiences, beyond mind
Maturity did not come by analysis of the experiences ,their cause and effect, history of crime and suffering is repeating ,all over world
and history will repeat , unless the individual learns to go beyond the level of intellect,
like the criminal ratnakar , who was– not –transformed into valmiki ,by only ”experiencing life in all possible ways; good-bad, bitter-sweet, dark-light, summer-winter. nor by Experiencing all dualities. without being afraid of experiences, or consequences’’.
since, the more experience he had, , the more criminal he remained without maturity
he was transformed- not -by .”analysis of the experiences ,their cause and effect, but by learning one simple thing of going beyond the field of mind , by which he became a mature wise person

sadguru is one

sadguru is one
in every guru, god, god-man,
man, animal, bird,
tree, insect, stone, water, air,
and in every being and in every thing
and in every phenomena in the universe
I am learning the maximum from the least insignificant encounters,
with any one or any thing
or any message heard or not heard
i am 100% sure i will not find even one false guru
any where on earth, oceans, sky, or in any of higher worlds
Now my guru is helping me to pray for every guru,
i am learning a lot from him to go into the depths of every guru
the word guru itself is sadguru
What a great word guru is !
i am guru
you are guru
every one is guru
i am shishya
you are shishya
every one is shishya

my internet and powercut

my internet and powercut
are hand in hand cut throats,
cutting my throat,
cutting my posts
into bits and pieces
yet i lose no peace
in perfect compose
i go on doing my compose
no repose
nor just pose
and all roses
to you all

all roads lead to goal.

all roads lead to goal.
……it is all a walk on a pathless path
…. to a goalless goal
.jk, ramana, and many similar others are similar with ” just a little higher perception ”
.. but trying to convey that experience of awareness thru words that can never fully convey
….so interesting to read and enjoy their words
, …but they cannot guide the seekers to a systematic direct experience of that state of pure awareness
……and seeker just stays strayed wondering at what to do ”be’
‘..this is the limitation of these saints which are not guided thru a systemstic pure guru parampara
..such talks remain talks , endless,
…..since i have seen vast difference that makes
….if with guru and ,if without guru
…….hence i feel always gratitude in praise of guru and gutu parampara, for showing me a most easy way, …jai guru dev



though almighty is ”all mighty… infinite” ……..power and the voltage levels flowing thru the individual is proportional to the degree of purity one gains thru intense sadhana……higher the purity higher is the influence one sreads …for a few chsen ones, …aura .. will be enormous, and can be felt/ seen around them, and divinity radiates thru their senses and limbs… such a person’s presence is natures gift

World is getting better or is it getting worse?

World is getting better
or is it getting worse?
yes and no,
it’s better to know
it’s to know better,
just to nod is no better
it’s a flow, a fall, a flood, a stillness,
an overflow, a splash,
a spill, a sea , an ocean ,it’s a seepage,
a sink, a sump, a stink, a drainage,
a surf ,a wave, it’s an undercurrent,
a moisture, a vapor, a rise, a collection ,
a cloud, a random run,
a tandem rain,
a torrent, a drizzle, a shower,
a drop, an ice, a himalay,
a mist , a fog, a snow
it is shiv ling, it’s h2o,
it’s molecule , atoms, electrons, nucleus,
the designer of it all a genius
be serious, yet do not be furious
it is curious, hilarious, marvelous
creating a Marcus Aurelius
a kali das,
a scientist, an artist,
a saint a cheat
a farmer a metal former
an informer, a transformer
it’s a mix, it’s adulteration,
it’s separation it’s purification
see it, but see it all
its up down, top bottom in out in all
then conclude yes or no
conclude yes but no, or, no but yes ,
neither no nor yes
or either or both,
to me all your answers — all yes
i am nonplussed , for me no fuss

Chithshakthi vilas

Chithshakthi vilas
In sitar/veena strings are excited by one hand …ie energy is applied
Strings are pressed in particular mode/sequence, in required degrees to manipulate the sound so that raga is produced… intelligence is applied
In scooter engine runs, accelerator is operated…
Driver controls the direction by steering and brake…intelligence
In painting a picture color is applied……
That paint is spread in to produce shades………and shapes…intelligence
In sculpture hammer is striking the chisel ……energy
It is applied in an order to cut the stone as desired ….intelligence
In speech we produce audible sound…….energy
The tongue and lips work to produce a talk ……..intelligence

sama drushti

sama drushti
if one rises to the state of
1 ”aham brahmasmi…i am god”, then that vision sees..
2 ”thath thvam asi……you are god”, and
3 ”sarvam khalvidam brahma……all is god”, and
4 ”ayam athma brahma……. The individual soul is god ”
Then in that vision
there is no ‘’holier than thou’’, no big, no small
all are His Holiness
all are worthy of worship,
the self of all is seen as the self of one’s self
shankara seeing divinity in chandala
it is sama drushti, seeing the equality