Sunday, September 24, 2017


suddenly i got a flash, telling me that my existence is official in the office of god

Thursday, September 21, 2017

movement and transport--nature's ways

movement and transport--nature's ways 

deep inside, a non moving achal
peep outside, a ever moving halchal

every thing is moving
earth, sun, moon,stars, clouds, winds,
mountains, stones, sand, mud, dust, fumes, vapors
waters--in rain,river, flood, oceans, waterfalls
sound, noise ,echos reach ears.
light from sun and lamps,
fire in kitchen ,flame in forest.

in movement there is transport of things
things move due to force--said newton

how about beings?

every being too is moving
man, animal, bird, bee, butterfly, ant, worm,

trees and plants?

achara, yes!

but tree moves on itself,
growth of branches, spreading out, far and high,
roots ,penetrating more and more deep down and wide--

moves in itself,
water below reaching to the top most leaf keeping it green and fresh

in movement here too there is transport of things

beings move due to what force?--said not newton
any answer !

beings have a thing aspect --physical body-----obeys newton

beings have also a non-thing aspect --nonphysical body-----does not obeys newton

but obeys ''oldton'' --he said long back in olden times, a golden law--beings obey---ahaar nidra bhaya mythunam
--which is the driving force behind movement and transportation of beings since they go asearching for food, seek a shelter to sleep, run out of fear, go after a mate.

deeper than the above four there is the pulse and impulse of the silent transcendental beingwhich causes them and keeps the creation ever continuing , the play never ending

silent transcendental being, the pure being , moving every thing, itself not moving!
how ?
is it possible?

in a rotating wheel , every point on the circumference moves
the point nearer the center move lesser
and the point right at the centre moves not what ever be the speed of the rotation.,
it's existence invisible.

the point farthest from center moves more , works more struggles harder

the points nearer the center move less, work less, struggle less,

and that which is nearest enjoys its existence of life's journey, the rotation, working the least, enjoying the most

god is the hub nonmoving at the center. and those who come nearer the center will enjoy more

those who are at centre fully enjoy mukthi, from rotation,
they need not involve in rotation and moving,

they are the great souls asking us all to be established at the centre of our personality, the transcendental reality and enjoy bliss , while the wheel of life rotating non stop, for ever.

let us be just a point at the center of universe

in fact we are

we must know that we have a point value.

value at its best, the whole universe 's value is compressed in to that point.

point has no dimensions no length width height .
it's infact nothing

at the center of universe we are a point ,

so we are really nothing, nonmoving
but every thing is moving around us

Thursday, June 15, 2017


Maharishi Mahesh Yogi

We know, if we drop a stone in a pond, the ripples begin to move, and they move over the whole pond, reaching all the extremities. One slight stir in any part of the pond stirs the whole pond, influences the entire field of water, and its surroundings. Similarly, by every thought, word and action, every individual is setting forth influence in his surroundings, and that influence is not restricted to any boundaries. It goes on and on and reaches every level of creation. Every individual, by his every thought, word and action, shakes the entire Universe. This is the status of an individual. One is connected with the whole Universe by every little bit of activity. An individual appears to be bound by the boundaries of home and by the boundaries of his own body, but in reality the subtle aspects of the individuality go to make universal existence. An individual is never an isolated individual. He is intimately interrelated with the whole Cosmos. Even more than that, he shares the responsibility for the life of the whole Cosmos. The entire Universe lies in the individual. Cosmic existence lies in the existence of the individual. Cosmic life rests in the individual life, and the individual life extends to cosmic life. The individual and the Cosmos are interdependent. Neither of them is independent of the other. Every move of the individual shakes the Cosmos. The Universe reacts to the individual action. Every individual has this power that shakes the Universe, and shakes and saves the gods and angels in Heaven.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

richo akshare prame

richo akshare prame vyoman 
yasmin deva adhi vishve nishedhuhu 
yasthannaveda kim richa karishyathi 
yayithath vidu stha ime samasathe

''richa is situated in akshara. knowledge is structured in consciousness, the non changing transcendental basis of all relative existence in which reside the impulses of creative intelligence responsible for the whole manifest universe. 
he whose awareness is not open to this level of reality,  
what can these eternal expressions of  knowledge accomplish for him? he whose awreness is open to it the field of pure consciousness, the home of all knowledge, is profoundly established in it''--maharishi

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Government Supported by Natural Law: A New Approach

 natural law is the solution to problems. Government can solve problems at their basis through scientifically proven programs to bring every citizen, and the entire nation, into accord with natural law. By accessing the full range of nature’s intelligence and harnessing its power, individuals and nations can govern themselves with the same perfection in administration displayed throughout nature.
The Federal Government is besieged by problems -- and legislation has proven inadequate to eliminate them. The American pandemic of crime, random violence and drug abuse, disintegrating families, poverty, and staggering health costs has not responded to even the toughest legislation. Why?
Recent congressional initiatives to improve the quality of life in America have focused primarily on financial approaches -- for example, shifting fiscal responsibility for the social “safety net” from the Federal Government to the states. But balancing the budget, reforming the tax structure, and addressing economic inequities will not stop Americans from falling ill, abusing drugs, or committing crimes (see our Health and Crime sections).
The debates over these bills have raised questions about the underlying cause of problems. In the search for answers, one theme increasingly heard is that the problem lies within -- that all our problems are symptomatic of a deeper crisis of moral and spiritual values [1]. Yet no clear path to addressing this crisis has emerged.
To strengthen the moral and spiritual fabric of our society, we need to look even deeper than the family structure and address the underlying cause of both family and social breakdown. We need to identify the fundamental cause of our problems and attack the problem at its source. Otherwise, more stringent welfare and child support rules will not by themselves instill stronger family values, eliminate teen pregnancy, restore a thriving work ethic, and encourage charity and volunteerism.
From the deepest perspective, our national problems have one underlying cause -- violation of natural law [2].
Natural law is the orderly principles -- the laws of nature -- that govern the functioning of nature everywhere, from atoms to ecosystems to galaxies. Over the past several centuries, modern science has identified many of these laws governing physical, biological, ecological, and social systems. Natural law is inherently “life-supporting”: it supports the life and evolution of innumerable species [3].
Natural law is not a new idea in American government. Our founding fathers believed that the rights of every American citizen to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are based on immutable laws of nature. They felt that, through knowledge of natural law, both science and government would promote the goals of freedom and happiness of the people [4].
Human behaviors that promote life, liberty, and happiness are in harmony with natural law. When people live in harmony with natural law, they don’t make mistakes -- they spontaneously uphold higher values, and they enjoy naturally good health and a life free from problems [5]. However, the knowledge of natural law uncovered by modern science -- and disseminated through our educational system -- has been insufficient to enable citizens to live and act in accord with the laws of nature. Thus, the whole population is constantly violating natural law, causing problems for themselves and their communities.
“Violation of natural law” is action that fails to take natural advantage of the laws of nature, or that stimulates them in ways that cause negative repercussions. Smoking is an example of behavior that runs counter to the natural laws that support good physical health.
Violation of natural law causes stress. Stress has consequences for both mental and physical health; the majority of disease is said to be stress related [6]. Stress causes a complex psychophysiological chain reaction in the human body. Chronic stress leads to an out-of-balance biochemistry that has also been linked with anxiety, fear, anger, impulsive violent behavior, and substance abuse [7].
Moreover, the combined stress of all the individuals in society builds up and creates a dangerous, criminal atmosphere in the whole community. This epidemic of stress has rent our social fabric and threatens the lives of Americans everywhere.
The government reflects this social disorder. Government is a mirror of the nation. When the country is full of stress and crime, this chaotic atmosphere has a debilitating effect on the performance of government [2].
To deal with all the problems engendered by social stress, government responds with laws, regulations, and costly social programs designed to protect us from ourselves. Most of the activities of our government -- and most of our tax dollars -- are spent compensating for the violations of natural law by the population. Laws and costly programs, however, can’t solve the problems.
We can have a smaller, more efficient and effective government, one that is capable of solving problems. Such a government would function in alliance with natural law.
The best government is “nature’s government” -- natural law, which governs the universe with perfect order and without a problem. Nations can govern themselves with this same perfection in administration.
The most effective way governments can deal with problems is to prevent them in the first place -- by enabling people to stop violating natural law. How? Not through legislation, but through education that brings the life of every citizen, and the nation as a whole, into harmony with natural law.
How does one learn to think and act in accord with natural law? Understanding specific laws of nature (for example, learning about the health risks of smoking) is helpful. But the laws of nature are too vast and complex to be fully comprehended intellectually. And intellectual understanding alone is not enough to guarantee life in accord with natural law. A new kind of education is needed that will enable every citizen to live -- and every government to function -- spontaneously in harmony with natural law.
The most modern and most ancient understandings of natural law describe a universal level of nature’s intelligence underlying all forms and phenomena in the universe, including the human mind and body. Modern physics has glimpsed this unified source of all the laws of nature. The oldest tradition of knowledge of natural law, the Vedic tradition of India, describes this universal level of nature’s intelligence and states that it can be located -- and accessed -- at the deepest level of the human mind, at the level of pure consciousness [2].
For thought and action to be in tune with natural law, it is necessary to experience and develop pure consciousness. This is not the commonly understood idea of “consciousness-raising” -- becoming more sensitive to or knowledgeable about issues. Pure consciousness is the fundamental level of awareness, the basis of all thinking and behavior. It is the deepest level of natural law in the individual, which is identical with the deepest level of natural law that administers the entire universe. Developing consciousness means connecting individual life with this holistic value of natural law -- with nature’s government.
1. To bring the life of individuals into accord with natural law, education must provide a technique to give them direct access to the holistic value of natural law in pure consciousness.
2. To fully address social problems, governments must reduce social stress by bringing the whole society into accord with natural law.
Society as a whole has a “collective consciousness,” which is the sum of the consciousness of all its individual members. Individual consciousness influences collective consciousness, and in turn is influenced by it [2, 13].
If collective consciousness can be brought in tune with natural law, the whole population will cease to violate the laws of nature. Social stress will be reduced, and problems such as crime and violence will automatically decrease.
3. Government should function with the efficiency and effectiveness of nature’s government.
The Natural Law Party promotes a new definition of government: Government should be able to prevent problems. A government without the ability to prevent problems is not a sovereign government. It becomes crisis driven, a victim of situations and circumstances. Moreover, such a government itself becomes an unwieldy and costly problem for the nation.
To fulfill its highest goals, every government should create and maintain a group professionally engaged in creating coherence throughout society. Such a group would quietly bring the support of natural law to national law; solve problems at their basis in individual and collective consciousness; and promote the highest level of efficiency in governmental administration.

Platform -- Government Supported by Natural Law: A New Approach to National Administration

Sunday, March 5, 2017

natures govt

           natures govt

quote.......Human behaviors that promote life, liberty, and happiness are in harmony with natural law.  
When people live in harmony with natural law, they don’t make mistakes -- they spontaneously uphold higher values, and they enjoy naturally good health and a life free from problems. However, the knowledge of natural law uncovered by modern science -- and disseminated through our educational system -- has been insufficient to enable citizens to live and act in accord with the laws of nature. Thus, the whole population is constantly violating natural law, causing problems for themselves and their communities.
“Violation of natural law” is action that fails to take natural advantage of the laws of nature, or that stimulates them in ways that cause negative repercussions. Smoking is an example of behavior that runs counter to the natural laws that support good physical health. 
Violation of natural law causes stress. Stress has consequences for both mental and physical health; the majority of disease is said to be stress related .Stress causes a complex psychophysiological chain reaction in the human body. Chronic stress leads to an out-of-balance biochemistry that has also been linked with anxiety, fear, anger, impulsive violent behavior, and substance abuse  Moreover, the combined stress of all the individuals in society builds up and creates a dangerous, criminal atmosphere in the whole community. This epidemic of stress has rent our social fabric and threatens the lives of Americans everywhere.
The government reflects this social disorderGovernment is a mirror of the nation. When the country is full of stress and crime, this chaotic atmosphere has a debilitating effect on the performance of government  To deal with all the problems engendered by social stress, government responds with laws, regulations, and costly social programs designed to protect us from ourselves. Most of the activities of our government -- and most of our tax money are spent compensating for the violations of natural law by the population. Laws and costly programs, however, can’t solve the problems.  
We can have a smaller, more efficient and effective government, one that is capable of solving problems. Such a government would function in alliance with natural law. 
The best government is “nature’s government” -- natural law, which governs the universe with perfect order and without a problem. Nations can govern themselves with this same perfection in administration.
The most effective way governments can deal with problems is to prevent them in the first place -- by enabling people to stop violating natural law.

Not through legislation, but through education that brings the life of every citizen, and the nation as a whole, into harmony with natural law. 

How does one learn to think and act in accord with natural law? Understanding specific laws of nature (for example, learning abut the health risks of smoking) is helpful. But the laws of nature are too vast and complex to be fully comprehended intellectually. And intellectual understanding alone is not enough to guarantee life in accord with natural law. 

A new kind of education is needed that will enable every citizen to live -- and every government to function -- spontaneously in harmony with natural law.

The most modern and most ancient understandings of natural law describe a universal level of nature’s intelligence underlying all forms and phenomena in the universe, including the human mind and body. Modern physics has glimpsed this unified source of all the laws of nature. The oldest tradition of knowledge of natural law, the Vedic tradition of India, describes this universal level of nature’s intelligence and states that it can be located -- and accessed -- at the deepest level of the human mind, at the level of pure consciousness  For thought and action to be in tune with natural law, it is necessary to experience and develop pure consciousness. . ...unquote

Thursday, February 23, 2017

My Comments

My Comments

Anthariksh V    D
Anthariksh V D posted a response on Ramesh Bijlani's blog What is Culture?
"Not that other cultures neglect spirituality, but it is only the Indian culture in which spirituality permeates life, in which spirituality is the pivot around which all other activities revolve.---------but i find contemporary events unfolding deteriorated values in practice, indicative of the very thin spirituality, nominal or non existent During its glorious period, India produced great religion, great philosophies, great literature, art and poetry, great science and medicine, and has also been great in its organization, politics, trade and commerce. But all these activities stretched beyond the mental level, and reflected the vital contact that the Indian mind has always had with the spirit. -----this light of self realization is now missing This has often been misunderstood, and our ‘other-worldliness’ has been blamed for many of our problems. The peculiarity of the Indian culture is that it has not placed worldly life and spirituality in two neat compartments, but has sought to spiritualize worldly activities. The ideal of Indian culture has been a balanced pursuit of kama (desire), artha (the means to fulfill desire), dharma (right conduct, within the framework of which kama and artha have to be pursued) and moksha (liberation), which is the ultimate aim of life, for which worldly life is a vehicle and an aid. It was also understood that the emphasis on different aspects of this quartet would vary at different stages of life.----due to absence of the light of self realization, all misinterpretations and misunderstanding is now prevailing"
Mar 23, 2014 at 10:53 am

Mar 11, 2014 at 02:43 pm
Anthariksh V    D
Feb 24, 2014 at 11:45 am
Anthariksh V    D

Jan 08, 2014 at 09:47 am
Anthariksh V    D

Anthariksh V    D

Anthariksh V    D

Anthariksh V    D
Anthariksh V D has replied to the thread Nothingness
Oct 28, 2013 at 07:17 pm
Anthariksh V    D
Anthariksh V D posted a response on Shekhar Bindu Ray's blog A Song of Devotion
"Wonderful. i am glad that you found one road which is leading to shiva thru bk, be blessed, enjoy i found countless roads leading to shiva , if time available, i will explore bk road as well, not out of necessity, but just for fun , since i knew the shiva thru other routes . nothing moreand since i found many routes, i am sure you too will find other routes, and will come to know that there exist infinite ways to the infinite shivaand as shekharji found, you will find shiva every where, no need of any road no need of any journey, no need of any system or tradition or guru or ritual , as the theme of this great blog implies it's a matter of time, continue your march forwards and upwards, taking care that you will not be circling the grove , but to be spiralling up to the apex as for as my comment on sun moon stars universe being a changeble vanishing phenomena, pl do not take my word for granted, kindly do query your master and get the right answer.and definitely they will give the same reply as mine visible universe is myth, changeable perishable, only the pure attributeless shiva thatva is permanent , not even his form and name and that is your pure self you are shiva in your deepest core of shivaloka every thing is shivas dance i think we discussed enough, , the communication gap can be bridged if you truly experience the pure shivathathva, in which you will get all answers directly , even to those which masters cannot answer so i leave the task to yourself to get the right answers from within yourself, means or roads can be any i have no questions, i cannot convince you since the understanding requires the experience of pure shivathathva, i will wait for a day when you will come and say -----''yes, yes what you said is right '' om namashivaya you are welcome to discuss further with the above limitation in the mean while"
Oct 28, 2013 at 03:39 pm
Anthariksh V    D
Anthariksh V D posted a response on Shekhar Bindu Ray's blog A Song of Devotion
Oct 27, 2013 at 09:16 am
Anthariksh V    D
Anthariksh V D posted a response on Shekhar Bindu Ray's blog A Song of Devotion
"''I also intended to say that there may not be any ready made path for spiritual progress. It is always self made and unique''since human life is only 100years minussing every moment, it is vital that we must get the best help available, if not it is life long search, not sure of reaching goali consider spirituality is more like learning engg become engineer ., one must get into a university , learn and undergo all the necessary studies and exercises, and come out as graduate to be able to serve and benefit from the efforts, to learn and become the professions it is unwise to eternally search and read books on engg in the best of libraries and magazines, rather than join the university, and do it fast and be done with tv is only intro, any system has its teory and practicals, which will not be possible thru tv, one must get into the course, not go by just a few lectures on tv, nor by hear say, or by others recommendation or salesmanship the real feel and excitement is there in many systems, if only we go thru them , be with them,.pursue, and learn intensive practices and advanced coursesi did it , i feel excited on many systems , finding wonderful things unimagined beforeone system was crticised by media, but i find media was wrong, when i underwent that courseif time is available, i would like to undergo courses on bk, and rekhi, and others, which i am yet to know directly i developed liking for quran , bible, though i am not muslim or christian, since i find they have the glimpses of truths found by vedic saints"
Oct 27, 2013 at 09:44 am
Anthariksh V    D
Anthariksh V D posted a response on Shekhar Bindu Ray's blog A Song of Devotion
Oct 27, 2013 at 10:42 am
Anthariksh V    D
365 days ago
Anthariksh V    D
Anthariksh V D posted a response on the blog I know who i am
Aug 05, 2013 at 05:57 am
Anthariksh V    D
Anthariksh V D posted a response on the blog I know who i am
Aug 05, 2013 at 05:34 am
Anthariksh V    D
Aug 02, 2013 at 09:51 pm
Anthariksh V    D
Anthariksh V D posted a response on Ramesh Nsw's blog * Past Romance Resume
Aug 02, 2013 at 09:42 pm
Anthariksh V    D
Anthariksh V D posted a response on Aruna Johri's blog attitude and success
Aug 02, 2013 at 07:36 pm
Anthariksh V    D
Anthariksh V D posted a response on Vinay Thakur's blog Where or What is God?
Aug 02, 2013 at 07:34 pm
Anthariksh V    D
Aug 02, 2013 at 07:33 pm
Anthariksh V    D
Aug 02, 2013 at 07:30 pm
Anthariksh V    D
Anthariksh V D posted a response on Seema Burman's blog Big Boss is watching
Aug 02, 2013 at 05:35 pm
Anthariksh V    D
Aug 02, 2013 at 09:20 pm
Anthariksh V    D
Aug 02, 2013 at 09:21 pm
Anthariksh V    D
Aug 02, 2013 at 09:21 pm
Anthariksh V    D
Aug 02, 2013 at 09:30 pm