Unmanfest spirit is the system Blog by Rishi VasanthUnmanfest spirit is the system , the ocean, the reservoir of water----adorable-----but beyond the reach to do worship, enlightened alone can grasp
manifest entities are the visible components of system------parts of the system----adorable too------within the reach hence unenlighttened worship these,
in the process a day will come in the life of unenlightened to find the meaning of the meaningless and propel him to find the truth finally"
The wholeness is =system +components of system =unmanifest+manifest"
Unmanifest infinite wholeness collapses into itself-------the huge whole tree hiding itself in the tiny seed back
the manifest finite , a part of wholeness, the limited individuality takes birth------the tiny limited seed sprouts
to reach its original fully blossomed wholeness , --yathaa poorve------as was the original
cycle repeats
the processes of contraction, expansion
and contraction and then expansion ----this goes on no end of story
but every episode is i's own glory