Saturday, October 19, 2013


Vasanth Rer posted a response on Chana Meddin's blogREMEMBERING THE HOLOCAUST: WHEN GOOD PEOPLE SAY NOTHING

"The message isa first do the home work of earning the inner silence, the state of non action, first priority in life, with guru guidance, b only then you will be able to do your wonders , the silent thundersin think talk act appropriately , successfully fruitfully and silence all the deviants, restore the order in the system without the first step of doing one's home work fully rightly adequately , all shouting crying protesting and revolting, taking to arms even , will be exercise in futility , and foolish the parliament winter session is the examplealll noise , fight but no result no solution, all out in the street"

Sep 09, 2012 at 08:30 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Chana Meddin's blogREMEMBERING THE HOLOCAUST: WHEN GOOD PEOPLE SAY NOTHING

"Acting/ reacting without reforming oneself firsttrying to reform all others has not worked , will never work"

Sep 09, 2012 at 08:34 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Chana Meddin's blogREMEMBERING THE HOLOCAUST: WHEN GOOD PEOPLE SAY NOTHING

"3what is the messagehow to reconcile yes and no"

Sep 09, 2012 at 04:27 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog talk straight---is it possible

"Straightest shortes talk =silence"

Sep 01, 2012 at 01:14 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Col Gurnam Singh's blog We need Humanity, not Religions

"We need Humanity--yes, it is the most cherished aspiration from the beginning of civilization , man wanting to grow as human if not the divine totallyaspiration need not be a distant miragemost simple, not a big dealtrue humanity feasible practical possible wonderful, full, only when man directly reaches the single most vital resource, source of all virtues including humanity that resides within and gets saturated in the divinityand comes out as a human as if from a ganga snaannot the ritual , holy dip , ganges bathwith best of santoor or godrej chandan soaps"

Sep 01, 2012 at 10:32 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog Playing God-God!

"Let us now play God-GodBy being God to each other!what ever it may be or what ever it may meanlet that play be not in illusion nor end in delusion but endure in truth with truth for sooth nothing but truth never only a appearance of truth"

Sep 01, 2012 at 08:35 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog Playing God-God!

"There are distinct two aspects of the god game1 first , fore most, and most vital is to know god really , early , in life, what he is truly, and to know all the rules of the god game fullywithout it , all game becomes silly, willy nilly life ending in living a fools tale, unwittingly"

Sep 01, 2012 at 09:28 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog Playing God-God!

"2only then, ie after seeing and knowing god and his ways clearly as day light, the real game now starts , enchantingly , every moment enjoyably these two steps are elaborated in my blog '' allegory ---what how when''' as follows and see here the distinct steps ---it's very vital to understand clearly what this game s"

Sep 01, 2012 at 09:36 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog Playing God-God!

"What this game is"

Sep 01, 2012 at 09:36 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog Playing God-God!

"1First , direct flight, jet plane super fast, nonstop forward journey to the ultimate destination , without any kind of chain pulling, refueling, accidents, or chakkars in the sky, and reaching the lap of paramathma, in shortest time-----thru guru krupa----and then"

Sep 01, 2012 at 09:46 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog Playing God-God!

"2next, on the return journey --oh, ah, ---what a great wonderous encounters---, pause here, no problem, skip no problemAnd this return journey is the life of real enjoyment --all with body, senses, mind, subtle mind--pl note, without the first fundamental direct flight one never can play , being in entanglements with all seccondary inter stations, never there is end to his confusion, never the freedom the real game is meant to give here all masters stay stuck and stay in confusion and lead the followers too in illusion real master is one who did complete his direct flight non stop, to god supreme he only can lead to light not the lesser what ever may be his expertise in vocabulary and meter, rhyme and rhythm he either is a master or not a master ---depends on whether he did that first flightor he is busy only with flirt , alone or with every one"

Sep 01, 2012 at 09:59 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog Playing God-God!

"Allegory is a device used to present an idea, principle or meaning, which can be presented in literary form, such as a poem or novel, in musical form, such as composition or lyric, or in visual form, such as in painting or drawing. It is also seen in scriptural passage. Allegory communicates its message by means ofsymbolic figures, actions or symbolic representation. Allegory is generally treated as a figure of rhetoric; a rhetorical allegory is a demonstrative form of representation conveying meaning other than the words that are spoken.As a literary device, an allegory in its most general sense is an extended metaphor. As an artistic device, an allegory is a visual symbolic representation. An example of a simple visual allegory is the image of thegrim reaper. Viewers understand that the image of the grim reaper is a symbolic representation of death-----. read on it's the human ingeniousness which invents media to communicate abstract in more perceivable with all kinds of real life icons, images, experiences .spirituality can be taught that way , a saint a seer , a enlightened soul coming down to the earth level, trying to share his findings in known lang and idiom .parabrahma that is why takes a form , like teen moorthis, and creates the world of devi devathas , lokas higher and then lower to communicate own glory in countless ways, to countless levels of the souls highest to the lowest First , direct flight, jet plane super fast, nonstop forward journey to the ultimate destination , without any kind of chain pulling, refueling, accidents, or chakkars in the sky, and reaching the lap of paramathma, in shortest time-----thru guru krupa----and then on the return journey --oh, ah, ---what a great wonderous encounters---, pause here, no problem, skip no problem And this return journey is the life of real enjoyment --all with body, senses, mind, subtle mind--all the grossest to the subtlest creation at every station, every step, every moment , the stop overs are great, enjoyable, all a feast, all a festival Here are the lokas, all the devathas, kinnera kimpurushas, gandharvas, rishis, apsarasas, all singing, dancing, ever care free, talk to them, play with them see their dance listen to their song , acquire their boons enjoy their mahimas Here comes the relevance of allegorya kind of multi media performance, created by the ones who did the direct flight, and who paused at each station on the return journey they created their darshanas, kaavyaas, prabhandas, romantics epics drama poetry song dance even drawings paintings pictures, sculptures, statues , moorthis, temples, gopuras, thheeraths, gardens, brindavans, They all invited the higher beings to stay and live a midst our lives , in our bodies , in our minds , in our souls , in our living, in our cultures customs traditions, literature philosophies episodes , our sayings in our walk in our talk And glorified the mundane into a happy heaven but caution first nonstop direct flight is a must if one stops on the way he lost his track, he lost his opportunity he lost his life.distractions , confusion, chaos, meaninglessness, helplessness.but the same stations , on the return journey is lovely enjoyment , bliss unending, all mastery no thing to worry or care so this point to be noted by all serius souls What when where which priority, dangers, pitfalls, and the greatest possibilities awaiting .choice is unlimited, guru guides , blesses, helps, saves"

Sep 01, 2012 at 09:44 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blogConnoisseur Is Provocateur...

"Fantastic grasp"

Sep 02, 2012 at 03:54 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blogConnoisseur Is Provocateur...

"First divine anubhoothi, experience of nothingnessthen rasanubhoothi, the experience of everything-nessthen again yathaa poorve , divine nothingnesscycle repeats"

Sep 02, 2012 at 03:58 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blogConnoisseur Is Provocateur...

"First divine anubhoothi, experience of nothingnessthen rasanubhoothi, the experience of everything-nessthen again yathaa poorve , divine nothingnesscycle repeats"

Sep 02, 2012 at 03:58 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blogConnoisseur Is Provocateur...

"Only words differ"

Sep 02, 2012 at 07:42 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Manmohan Kumar's blogSleep, Dream Sex and Meditation

"Maharishi in tm , covers full authentic grasp theory and practical, to know and experience what is what"

Sep 05, 2012 at 03:45 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Manmohan Kumar's blogSleep, Dream Sex and Meditation

"Only sleep will not deliver great things possible in the time invested osho also gives useful practical hints to make sleep most productive"

Sep 05, 2012 at 03:48 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Manmohan Kumar's blogSleep, Dream Sex and Meditation

"Not reproductive, but to make it more beneficial for spiritual growth if only one cares, as each moment in life is important in life , not to remain an ever doubting thomas, nor not fall behind as a late latif . i just shared what i knew"

Oct 04, 2012 at 03:26 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Manmohan Kumar's blogSleep, Dream Sex and Meditation

"There are different ways of getting the maximum from sleepi mean maximum spiritual growth and transformation by utilizing the long time we invest like 7/8 hours in 24 also there is an advanced technique for sleep, taught to those who have learned the basic tm coursethis forum must lead all to explore more, to learn more, to discover more, to gain more, to help moreskipping the tendency to be frivolous"

Oct 04, 2012 at 10:04 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Manmohan Kumar's blogSleep, Dream Sex and Meditation

"This advanced technique is just simplest , different from yoganidra,--to be learnt from the qualified teacher for effectiveness"

Oct 04, 2012 at 10:52 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Manmohan Kumar's blogSleep, Dream Sex and Meditation

"1ganapathi sath chithananda gves music for relaxation, while sleeping start the tape, and it just lulls into sleep simultaneously the sound digging deep within the consciousness 2 listening to sam veda recitation in closed eyes, lying and sleeping3 ssy gives a method called music meditation to understand / experience this one has to learn thru coursesdiscussion is only a lead not a full help seven states of consciousness to be understood , in 5th state one can witness one's sleep, can hear his own snoring, yet body fully in deep sleep"

Oct 04, 2012 at 10:59 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"Wah! and ah!Sitar maestro ravishankar mused------------- ''it is so easy for one to get ''wah!'' from all and sundry i look for an ''ah'' from even a single connoisseur.''''ah!'' means awe, awe struck, flabbergastedthe creator of blog must rise to a level to aspire for not wah!, but ah!"

Sep 01, 2012 at 05:24 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"I am for a critical evaluation, irrespective of who said it i see what is saidwhether is it truth , fiction, imagination, hallucination, emotion, word play, logic, super logic, sense, at least common sense, if not a supersense, though doled out in ny brand name like god, supreme, kishan, chrisht, prophet, budha or bruhaspathi brahma"

Sep 02, 2012 at 05:25 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"I do not go by the past laurels won by the person nor by whom the awards rewards given"

Sep 02, 2012 at 05:27 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"I see unbiased, remove all chaff and see what essence at all it contains, or only is it gossip in the name of supreme , a time pass , an escapism,"

Sep 02, 2012 at 05:30 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"When i see with alert awareness, majority of stuff has been just crap worthy to throw into dustbin, or just parrotting , copies of old ancient song and script ,more obsolete , mere uselessi give my critical assessment to the writer to make him know the true worthif he cares, he will improve and comes with a better stuff here i incur anger from the writer but it is worth than an undeserved praise to push substandarduncompromising, we must reach the pinnacle of excellence, the perfection the god then only we are successful really , but not with words of flattery from all and sundry"

Sep 02, 2012 at 05:38 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"How you know ''bhul'' is out of flabbergast or inability to evaluate the diamonds ?the diamonds inside one's own self are just ignored by the ignorant bhul, bhole foolsyasthan na veda kim richa karishyathi?for such a swine , what value are the pearls thrown before so bhool is no badhaai it is the awareness and ability to cognize and express is the badhaayimasters should never be in bhool but remove the ignorance of dhool in them first before hurrying to blog to get praise, flattery, plattitude from back scratch mediocre mindsthink more , think original, independent, by your own internal light do not get deluded even by the best masters"

Sep 02, 2012 at 03:52 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"First divine anubhoothi, experience of nothingnessthen rasanubhoothi, the experience of everything-nessthen again yathaa poorve , divine nothingnesscycle repeats"

Sep 02, 2012 at 03:59 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/faith-and-ri tuals/connoisseur-is-provocateur#"

Sep 01, 2012 at 05:24 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Narayanan P S's blog How to block this 'follower'

"Me irrelevant but just for your kind glance"

Sep 02, 2012 at 01:14 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Narayanan P S's blog How to block this 'follower'

"The truth is athma sthuthicliking like button on himselfhe is admiring his great glories and his glorious creations , himself, seeing in every creation an image of himself and praising his creations, adoring them , worshiping them ,loving them , liking them himself, first, since he alone knows the great value of his creations ,the masterpieces of his best artistic abilities---he will not wait for any approval praise awards from outsidesince he is the artist and creator and he is the best connoisseurand his appreciation about himself and his creative output is genuinereal as that of love of mother to child every mother likes her kidsa human, a bird or a beastgod loves likes his artistic output an evolved human artist, a creative writer loves his output bestbetter than any other critic can see and evaluateone great writer said----when an author talks about his book, he talks about a love affairthis is nothing but self referral, the quality of god manifesting thru manso it is in fact , a manifestation of god himself thru him in this context if you feel like clicking like, do it all pleasure and more it is a prayer in fervorso intelligent writer never writes to please othershe writes to please himself mosthe knows its value himself mosthe enjoys the freedom from expectation of rewards awards appreciations recognitions fans publicity readership viewership he is the best writer he is the beat readerhe is the best critic outsiders are just incidental, may peep into his mind only perchancehe has no penchant for them"

Sep 02, 2012 at 01:13 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer has replied to the thread why the Saffron Robes?

"Robes1 just a commitment to his ideal, god watching his sicerity from his insidegod watching thru the eyes of society, just to keep him in track, without deviating 2 an identification with his co travellers3 simplicity, awareness not spent on trivialities of outside appearances, undistracted by thousands of options 4 easy to clean and maintaincheapest5 help to overcome body consciousness6 in later stages , as the body consciousness gets dropped, one drops the clothes totally akkamahadevi lived barethink more ask more"

Aug 31, 2012 at 07:57 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"You say------- It is only imperfection that complains what is imperfect.This is the this truth?see closely coolly without emotions surging at the audacity if any in this investigation and get at what is the truth that really is"

Aug 31, 2012 at 12:21 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"Let's see this spiritual investigation how it unfolds objectively, uncompromisingly, conclusively , beautifully 1 any complainer will have to have the basis from which he can launch his complaintwhat is the basis here of this ''imperfection'' to complain?since it is imperfection, it's basis also necessarily is imperfection,if his basis is perfect, he no more can be called imperfect"

Aug 31, 2012 at 12:29 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"2 who normally complains?why anna complainswhy baba complainswhy gandhi comlained agaist aliens"

Aug 31, 2012 at 12:32 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"3 he complains because he sees imperfection why others did not complain"because they saw perfection? or are they perfect no they are compromised on the impperfection , accepted the imperfection , they blind , deaf dumb numb dummy , not doing their job, -- they are imperfect so imperfect will not complain"

Aug 31, 2012 at 12:38 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"4 this takes me to emergency daystc in the sleeper coach was allotting the berths to the ones who had boarded the train only with seats, hoping to get berth in case become vacanthe was taking bribes in addition to normal charges, and passengers were helpless, compromised, gave money i saw, said to that fellow ''stop this , how dare you are chesting''he did not respond, continued, i shouted againin the nnnnnext stop, he got down returned with two policemen"

Aug 31, 2012 at 12:47 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"They said '' idiot, if you want to reach home and see your parents, keep your mouth shut''"

Aug 31, 2012 at 12:51 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"''or else, get down and follow us to lock up room''who is the one who complains on imperfectionwho is the one who who does not complain, ,accepting the imperfection"

Aug 31, 2012 at 12:54 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"Is it the imperfection that complainsno no nonow i compromised, i knew how the big leaders were put in jail by indira govti became blind deaf dumg numb --till i reached home"

Aug 31, 2012 at 12:58 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"5 so my say is imperfection does not complain on imperfectionimperfection keeps mum in compromise, happy with flattery, platitude pleasantries, blind cannot complain they have no basis to know what truth can be , and what prevails is less than perfection and accept the imperfection, the another blindblind admiring blind, scratching backs"

Aug 31, 2012 at 01:03 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"So imperfection appreciates imperfectionasura admiring asurathey complain on sura, perfection, not on imperfection , asura"

Aug 31, 2012 at 01:06 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"Converse is trueperfection complains on imperfectionrama complains on ravanperfection admires perfectionram woships lingalinga [[hanuman]]woeships ramthey form not scratch back pair but selfreferral pairconclsionperfection admires perfectiomnperfection complans imperfectionimpefection does not complain imperfectionimperfction does not know perfection only connoisseurs admire perfectiononly connoisseurs criticise imperfect creations oof art music plolitics economics every field , and give valuable feed back feed back to the artist where he can improve towards reaching perfection , telling him what are the imperfections observed by their keen eye"

Aug 31, 2012 at 01:15 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"So what is the truth?all connoisseurs, kindly evaluate my creation here and help me to rise to perfection"

Aug 31, 2012 at 01:17 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"Who is a connoisseur ?think more ask more i hope meena sees this"

Aug 31, 2012 at 01:19 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"Wah! and ah!Sitar maestro ravishankar mused------------- ''it is so easy for one to get ''wah!'' from all and sundry i look for an ''ah'' from even a single connoisseur.''''ah!'' means awe, awe struck, flabbergastedthe creator of blog must rise to a level to aspire for not wah!, but ah!"

Sep 01, 2012 at 05:17 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog How to listen to the Supreme Consciousness

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/faith-and-ri tuals/connoisseur-is-provocateur#"

Sep 01, 2012 at 05:23 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLemon Green Chillies Totka and Block the User function in ST

"Manoj, i stopped pm to seekers and masters, if at all, i send only to a very few ----- seers ------not to profiles"

Sep 02, 2012 at 12:32 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLemon Green Chillies Totka and Block the User function in ST

"I see you are a seer, sure, do cast on me a karuna kartaakshaat least do a peep or sneak in to me"

Sep 02, 2012 at 02:55 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLemon Green Chillies Totka and Block the User function in ST

"I do no counting of heads , nor account the weight of headsa look for the contents in the heads what use if i get responses likeom om omlove lightpranamshare krishnachant krisjhnathese responses keep on coming on every blog , indicating that blog was not looked at at allinstead i put my time for my creations in blogs as well as every my responsenow my total blogs are in st alone 1, 500 plus i have i lakh in my scribbles, lined up to postthere are very few gem readers who can see value i am not to waste time in read / reply on flattering platitudes, life less, juice-less routine dry responses"

Sep 02, 2012 at 12:46 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLemon Green Chillies Totka and Block the User function in ST

"The truth is athma sthuthicliking like button on himselfhe is admiring his great glories and his glorious creations , himself, seeing in every creation an image of himself and praising his creations, adoring them , worshiping them ,loving them , liking them himself, first, since he alone knows the great value of his creations ,the masterpieces of his best artistic abilities---he will not wait for any approval praise awards from outsidesince he is the artist and creator and he is the best connoisseurand his appreciation about himself and his creative output is genuinereal as that of love of mother to child every mother likes her kidsa human, a bird or a beastgod loves likes his artistic output an evolved human artist, a creative writer loves his output bestbetter than any other critic can see and evaluateone great writer said----when an author talks about his book, he talks about a love affairthis is nothing but self referral, the quality of god manifesting thru manso it is in fact , a manifestation of god himself thru him in this context if you feel like clicking like, do it all pleasure and more it is a prayer in fervorso intelligent writer never writes to please othershe writes to please himself mosthe knows its value himself mosthe enjoys the freedom from expectation of rewards awards appreciations recognitions fans publicity readership viewership he is the best writer he is the beat readerhe is the best critic outsiders are just incidental, may peep into his mind only perchancehe has no penchant for them"

Sep 02, 2012 at 01:10 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Saha Nathan's blog The Intimate Relationships

"Soul to soul is the nearest surest basis for all relations"

Aug 31, 2012 at 08:14 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article Can We Make Religion Scientific?

"Already made scientificgoogle ---maharishi unified field"

Aug 31, 2012 at 08:12 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ashika Kapoor's blog Almighty God What Difference It makes, If I Die-Naresh Sonee

"There is no death it's a iterative evolutionary processchange every where at all times generating newer and newer expressionsnavo navo bhavathicreation de novo symptom of vibrant lifeso death is vibrant life not stale not stable not ruin no loss"

Aug 30, 2012 at 03:13 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ashika Kapoor's blog Almighty God What Difference It makes, If I Die-Naresh Sonee

"Caution , ajit , is no witty, makes me nuttyi want his precious brain donated to me , in exchange of mine if any , pl tell us if you have any such technology to transfer brains , while alive"

Sep 02, 2012 at 04:13 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ashika Kapoor's blog Almighty God What Difference It makes, If I Die-Naresh Sonee

"Only brilliant educated persons like--- ak-----can solve it .."

Aug 30, 2012 at 08:36 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ashika Kapoor's blog Almighty God What Difference It makes, If I Die-Naresh Sonee

"Universe is my family , in cludng kishan so i love -----------every one's ----------and his ---------antics of donating and stealing"

Aug 30, 2012 at 08:38 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ashika Kapoor's blog Almighty God What Difference It makes, If I Die-Naresh Sonee

"Kishan steals the hearts and mindsmanoharamay be kishan gives better answers to your question paper on on organ donationi hope i am not digressing"

Sep 02, 2012 at 04:16 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ashika Kapoor's blog Almighty God What Difference It makes, If I Die-Naresh Sonee

"All experimentation is towards reaching higher consciousnesssome steps effectiveother waste moveslet the experimentation go on wait for the effects -- good and adverse, then a valid rec can be made"

Aug 30, 2012 at 08:42 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ashika Kapoor's blog Almighty God What Difference It makes, If I Die-Naresh Sonee

"It's a concern between giver and takergood and bad is their assessmentas a seer , i see it just a play of supreme god to bestow life and limbs to the dead and disabledto make them mruthyunjaya, ajeya, deathless, invincible as himself issince all beingsare his kith and kin, he likes them to grow to his staturethru every possible, or seemingly impossible , ever innovative waysi will not wait at only organ give, nor get stuck in the blog , however long and short, but move on to discover yet newer ways , to newer things more valuableto give and takemay be even organs sharinig------pause think here seriously--i mean itx using y's organs, as his own extension y using x's organs, as his own in exchange"

Sep 02, 2012 at 04:32 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ashika Kapoor's blog Almighty God What Difference It makes, If I Die-Naresh Sonee

"Think welldo not jump to give routine reply, boss is delegating to subordinate,using his hands and mind as his own extensionssupreme boss using all the creation as his own organs and tools to carry out his intentionsso i do not get stuck at organ donationthis is small issue , concern of any mundane brainthe bigger issue, my concern is to learn the art and science to live beyond the mundane, beyond the need of give and take, self sufficient , and teach this wisdom to the aspirantsand this wisdom is the thing worthy to give or receive it makes one live a organ freed life bilwamangal '' also known as ''leelaashuka '' with a burning hunger for the higher, fighting against the burning desire lust, the lowerwith burning sticks, burned his charma chakshuto open the burning gnyana chakshu be prefered to live blindseeing the internal glory of kishansang the classic romantic ''sri krishna kanamritham '' his great contribution to open the eyes to give the new vision to donate the gyana chakshu , not to one only but to to millions, the true organ donation this is my domain , not plain plane of humanbut to dwell in the far higher divine"

Sep 02, 2012 at 04:54 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ashika Kapoor's blog Almighty God What Difference It makes, If I Die-Naresh Sonee

"All talk on death is second hand, even from the best masters , present, future ,past so, unreliable, untruth, surmise , just a hazy perception based on seeing hearing readingtruth of death can be authentically known first handonly by the one who experienced death by actually dying since there is none who is alive who has died--who alone knows it,it's impossible to know what death really isso all matters on death are just untruthso death as such is untruthsince it is untruth, it does not existso there is no death"

Aug 30, 2012 at 02:24 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ashika Kapoor's blog Almighty God What Difference It makes, If I Die-Naresh Sonee

"Welcome direct questionfor any questions i have equally valid answers ---yes and noso gifting body organs after death right?yes and nothink more ask more"

Aug 30, 2012 at 08:29 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ashika Kapoor's blog Almighty God What Difference It makes, If I Die-Naresh Sonee

"I make only an expressionneither to impress nor to press but to express in my way wave and swing anywhere where between extremesi unmind where the wind blows where the smoke showswhere the fire ragesyet i swing , i swimi wave i weavei am useful i am useless depends on the receiver to make pearls or vapor out of water drop"

Aug 30, 2012 at 08:52 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ashika Kapoor's blog Almighty God What Difference It makes, If I Die-Naresh Sonee

"I will not make the useful or the uselessit is for others to make what out of my presence, i know its valuethough all devalueor do not value"

Aug 30, 2012 at 08:57 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ashika Kapoor's blog Almighty God What Difference It makes, If I Die-Naresh Sonee

"One has to re-read again and again...not his reply to Ashish Arora jinor any one's reply to any otherbut one's inner book , to know the truth authentic, direct, not any interpretations , noi commentaties, not opinions, not assumptions, not any thing , not any one outside this is no blind rejection of value addition by all the great and small but but a hard reality , you verify yourself and confirm yourself no need to take even my reply as it is"

Oct 18, 2012 at 05:27 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Every one is closing their eyes for a few minutes and more

"For oneclosing the eyes is enlightenmentopening , the entertainmentfor othersclosing and opening is entanglementone knows the knackothers lack"

Aug 30, 2012 at 01:58 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Every one is closing their eyes for a few minutes and more

"For oneclosing the eyes is enlightenmentopening , the entertainmentfor othersclosing and opening is entanglementone knows the knackothers lack"

Aug 30, 2012 at 01:57 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Shefi Arora's blog God wants us to be good all the time !

"73hope is a propfor blind to gropenot sure,in darkness pitchsure he falls into deep ditchyet, his prop is not broken, it's safebut he is now in sane, agape, unsafehe a frog in well searches for a ocean lifelong very wellhe not knowing what the light is , where the switch isdies in suffering, yet his hope undyingto see the light in the next birth ,he in hope crying"

Aug 30, 2012 at 09:00 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Subramanian Kgr's blogTranscendence through meditation

"Every one is closing their eyes for a few minutes and more a few hours including all the bloggers seekers mastersand bkj, you and me but why questions persistwhy all do not get all answers think moreask more"

Aug 30, 2012 at 08:54 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ajit Zutshi's blog hope----anxiety----a different perspective

"73hope is a propfor blind to gropenot sure,in darkness pitchsure he falls into deep ditchyet, his prop is not broken, it's safebut he is now in sane, agape, unsafehe a frog in well searches for a ocean lifelong very wellhe not knowing what the light is , where the switch isdies in suffering, yet his hope undyingto see the light in the next birth ,he in hope crying"

Aug 30, 2012 at 08:59 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Subramanian Kgr's blogEmbracing the emptiness within

"0 is poojyam"

Aug 29, 2012 at 10:48 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Subramanian Kgr's blogTranscendence through meditation

"Did you undergo tm"

Aug 29, 2012 at 10:45 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Subramanian Kgr's blogTamasoma Jyothir Gamaya

"When one drops the ego,............................. nice, but how to drop"

Aug 29, 2012 at 10:40 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"Every one is closing their eyes for a few minutes and more a few hours including all the bloggers seekers mastersand bkj, you and me but why questions persistwhy all do not get all answers think moreask more"

Aug 30, 2012 at 08:51 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"For oneclosing the eyes is enlightenmentopening , the entertainmentfor othersclosing and opening is entanglementone knows the knackothers lack"

Aug 30, 2012 at 02:00 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"Ajit connoisseur"

Sep 03, 2012 at 03:35 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"You did not read my post"

Aug 30, 2012 at 02:35 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"Mix is confusion see each independently, to gain both from st or lose time or opportunity choice yours"

Sep 03, 2012 at 03:34 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog I love to be different , pl tolerate, at any rate

"Ego separates us till it grows to ''infinite one ego''when individual ego grows to big ego, man stays united with the whole universe. even tho he has unique body boundaries of his with defined outlines .kindly read at azit"

Aug 29, 2012 at 01:09 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog I love to be different , pl tolerate, at any rate

"Our words are different, we are one in our graspego less= small ego growing to infintiythere cannot be a case when ego fully disappers always it is with individual in either small ego or big ego fonm timre to time"

Aug 29, 2012 at 01:16 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog I love to be different , pl tolerate, at any rate

"Neti neti shankara sprouting from within azitazit need not read / not readbut what he says ha parallelno praise is meantthis is example of one reading the inner scripturefor me no surprize"

Aug 29, 2012 at 12:46 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog I love to be different , pl tolerate, at any rate

"Seeker cognizes the same level of truths other saints have cognized, by reaching the inner depths"

Aug 29, 2012 at 12:48 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog I love to be different , pl tolerate, at any rate

"I pause , i have tothis a good quiz, let me think and say"

Aug 29, 2012 at 12:51 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog I love to be different , pl tolerate, at any rate

"Oki got ittruth=i=ego=aham=aham brahmasmiso i take you suggestion , it s ok when truth is there, there is only one big aham i am tthatthat eternal truth =qed"

Aug 29, 2012 at 12:54 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog I love to be different , pl tolerate, at any rate

"My body is separate from my brother's tho with same bloodtill this body exists separation existsego is a non physicalit must grow to infinite stature ultimate ly to be one with universal big egoi can not be destroyed aham brahmasmi i=aham"

Aug 29, 2012 at 12:43 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog I love to be different , pl tolerate, at any rate

"Pot with separate waterwhen immersed in ocean pot is therebut separation is not there in water sopossible to live separation and unity in the liberated state of individual ego merged in universal egowhen pot breaks, then body dies and vanishes, so separtion vanishes qed"

Aug 29, 2012 at 01:01 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog I love to be different , pl tolerate, at any rate


Aug 29, 2012 at 02:08 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Achilles Dsylva's blog Live in hope do not die in despair

"I love to be different , pl tolerate, at any rate, i am separatei store these following below in one folder named----not true hope faithbeliefsentimentmiragesurmiseestimateguesspretenseexpectationpromisetomorr owyesterdayextrapolationimaginationfictionmiraclepredictionsand all possible deductions based on above on any subjectask mewhyy?what is the folder with name true?"

Aug 29, 2012 at 09:15 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Achilles Dsylva's blog Live in hope do not die in despair

"Those who are to act are not acting, but just praying god with full hope , belief, faith that kishan will come to save the nation from coal scam ,and all golmal scams,, black money stashers, under their very noseand wasting time looking at sky, up down east and westthough they have full power to take all actions seeing this i also feel now that kishan surely will come with flutei am ready with my video camera and tape recorder i hope to up load in st all the visuals have faith in mebelieve me"

Aug 29, 2012 at 02:47 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Achilles Dsylva's blog Live in hope do not die in despair

"Folder true contains only one entrytruth"

Aug 29, 2012 at 09:23 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Age is just nothing

"“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us“emerson"

Aug 29, 2012 at 07:31 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Age is just nothing

"“What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us“emerson"

Aug 29, 2012 at 08:01 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on R Ramesh Babu's blog OH ! HE IS OLD !….LET’S FORGIVE !…..

"Age is just nothing true growth is spiritual growth one can/cannot be or become a great at any age plenty examplesmilton a late bloomerbeerbal young intelligentprahlad dhruva child saintsall go thru experinces good bad, but some learn lessonsi saw a few graduated engg with distiction in 5years, some took 10 yearsmoulding one's character is one's concern, not others'one sows and reaps"

Aug 29, 2012 at 05:30 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on R Ramesh Babu's blog OH ! HE IS OLD !….LET’S FORGIVE !…..

"Age is just nothing true growth is spiritual growth one can/cannot be or become a great at any age plenty examplesmilton a late bloomerbeerbal young intelligentprahlad dhruva child saintsall go thru experinces good bad, but some learn lessonsi saw a few graduated engg with distiction in 5years, some took 10 yearsmoulding one's character is one's concern, not others'one sows and reaps"

Aug 29, 2012 at 05:31 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on R Ramesh Babu's blog OH ! HE IS OLD !….LET’S FORGIVE !…..

"LET’S FORGIVE…..”-----------you say, you are free to say any thingtruth iswhy any one need that favor orwhy you need to forgiveit's just assuming i am a holy cow i am holier than thoucan any one forgive any one really ?nevernone can forgiveeven god cannot forgivehe says ---mercilessly-------'' sow and reap ''which is to say sob and weepand ignorant says god is mercifulnogod is the most unattached ,beyond raaga dwesha, not loving not hating think original, do not go by books or talk"

Aug 29, 2012 at 08:16 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on R Ramesh Babu's blog OH ! HE IS OLD !….LET’S FORGIVE !…..

"If god is merciful, why not he come and listen to kasab, , be sure he mustbe now praying the allah the merciful in every breath, with namaj 5 times a day why he need a review petition to supremecourtwhy a appeal tp president to save him?why at all noose is hanging over his head, at such young agelaw of karma is working, why did the sins committed in the first place"

Aug 29, 2012 at 08:22 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on R Ramesh Babu's blog OH ! HE IS OLD !….LET’S FORGIVE !…..

"Forgive business is a self deception whether asking or giving ---does not work in the real lifecoming to oldage. asab is not old he committed sintiwari is not young but he did wrong"

Aug 29, 2012 at 08:26 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on R Ramesh Babu's blog OH ! HE IS OLD !….LET’S FORGIVE !…..

"What is the lessonsimply mind your business, learn from all young and old thru their good or bad deedsyou do not do such mistake in your lifeif i am appearing like not forgiving, do not forgive me but promptly and mercilessly press the offensive button or block button or delete button and relax"

Aug 29, 2012 at 08:31 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on R Ramesh Babu's blog OH ! HE IS OLD !….LET’S FORGIVE !…..

"If i am uncivilized in my talk, let me be, even a raw savage, but let me not pretend courtesy and cover myself with a saintly hood and play polite diplomacy , which is really a Hippocracymay be i am digressing, but digressing has its place in the talc"

Aug 29, 2012 at 08:42 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on R Ramesh Babu's blog OH ! HE IS OLD !….LET’S FORGIVE !…..

"Http:// -conference-a-ready-man-andthis is a copy paste , useful for all of usgiving digression , its role too i do normally do digression and happy to pleasantly discover in this that i am right"

Aug 29, 2012 at 08:46 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on R Ramesh Babu's blog OH ! HE IS OLD !….LET’S FORGIVE !…..

"Life is in modules of 60y, hence shashti poorthi, it is the first death, second birthhe becomes a child starts learning the new alphabets ,updates with times , a time for reschooling for a wise one if done wisely , he lives another 60y, cycle repeats and man , i just extrapolate, maybe he may regain youth, the skin the teeth the hair resproutingan may remain a undying for ever , like ancient tree, self regenerating continuously"

Aug 29, 2012 at 05:42 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on R Ramesh Babu's blog OH ! HE IS OLD !….LET’S FORGIVE !…..

"''fools die''----is some novel i am yet to readbut i like to write a new book myself elaborating my above posts"

Aug 29, 2012 at 05:44 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on R Ramesh Babu's blog OH ! HE IS OLD !….LET’S FORGIVE !…..

"Basically why we die?WE ARE FOOLS wE ARE IGNORANT OF THE SCIENCE AND ART OF LIFEa day may come, some one discovers the fullest knowledge , exact sccience, to lead in swadharma, absolutely unviolatng , fully in acc with all the laws of nature"

Aug 29, 2012 at 05:48 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on R Ramesh Babu's blog OH ! HE IS OLD !….LET’S FORGIVE !…..

"Then there will not be any more deaths on earth, one learns to stay alive and kicking till he wishes himself to dietill then every one of us take a resolve not to be or become old, and do all the necessary sadhana inputs to be in the ways of nature as close as possible"

Aug 29, 2012 at 05:53 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on R Ramesh Babu's blog OH ! HE IS OLD !….LET’S FORGIVE !…..

"Osho says, human child is the weakest of all species, if uncared diesthis is due to wrong culturization versus needed tropicalization which other species undergo."

Aug 29, 2012 at 05:56 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on R Ramesh Babu's blog OH ! HE IS OLD !….LET’S FORGIVE !…..

"Why , man lives distancing away from natureeg no animal with footware umbrella bedding tooth brush paste cloths yet continues lifeanimals swim without a learning.time to think fresh?"

Aug 29, 2012 at 06:00 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on R Ramesh Babu's blog OH ! HE IS OLD !….LET’S FORGIVE !…..

"Why for got to fly , we lost wingswhy ignored sea ,we drown"

Aug 29, 2012 at 06:31 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on R Ramesh Babu's blog OH ! HE IS OLD !….LET’S FORGIVE !…..

"We compromised with life , fell for a cheap bargain, purhased death"

Aug 29, 2012 at 06:33 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on R Ramesh Babu's blog OH ! HE IS OLD !….LET’S FORGIVE !…..

"If lubricated, parts wear less, if not oveloaded they wont break ,lost longerwhy man ages wears he does not know how to lubricate his system how not to overload how not to misuse, how to rejuvenatethe lesson is to lead an intellient life"

Aug 29, 2012 at 06:42 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog One st blogger said that i am stone, though not directly

"I am stunnedyou are making my stone heart to melt"

Aug 29, 2012 at 03:01 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog One st blogger said that i am stone, though not directly

"Thanks for your kind advice, yes i regained the paradise"

Aug 29, 2012 at 03:43 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog One st blogger said that i am stone, though not directly

"My reach is right deep down inside inside the statuebeyond the formbeyond the material, silicabeyond the atomsbeyond the finer particleselectron proton neutron mason boson god particlesand all the goddamn still finest particles or any goddamn articles on itto the unseen hewto the store house of many a virtueTo the ''nijaanthargatham''in which the universe sees its own imageVishvam darpana drushyamaana nagaree thulyam nijaanthargatham"

Aug 28, 2012 at 08:28 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog One st blogger said that i am stone, though not directly

"Blessed are the ones who can understand what a treasure the stone has in it i present below one such a sensitive poet, ----my copy paste, may not be a waste , in hasteStoneBY CHARLES SIMICGo inside a stoneThat would be my way.Let somebody else become a doveOr gnash with a tiger's tooth.I am happy to be a stone.From the outside the stone is a riddle:No one knows how to answer it.Yet within, it must be cool and quietEven though a cow steps on it full weight,Even though a child throws it in a river;The stone sinks, slow, unperturbedTo the river bottomWhere the fishes come to knock on itAnd listen.I have seen sparks fly outWhen two stones are rubbed,So perhaps it is not dark inside after all;Perhaps there is a moon shiningFrom somewhere, as though behind a hill—Just enough light to make outThe strange writings, the star-chartsOn the inner walls."

Aug 29, 2012 at 03:22 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog One st blogger said that i am stone, though not directly

"My reach is right deep down inside inside the statuebeyond the formbeyond the material, silicabeyond the atomsbeyond the finer particleselectron proton neutron mason boson god particlesand all the goddamn still finest particles or any goddamn articles on itto the unseen hewto the store house of many a virtue"

Aug 28, 2012 at 08:25 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog One st blogger said that i am stone, though not directly

"To the ''nijaanthargatham''in which the universe sees its own imageVishvam darpana drushyamaana nagaree thulyam nijaanthargatham"

Aug 28, 2012 at 08:28 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Col Gurnam Singh's blog Love is a Vital & Living Force

"Love is godlove realized if god realizedgod realized in the deepest samadhi reached thru meditation coming out of meditation, one is totally a different person, experencing love to all in the universe from the nearest kith kin to all the creatures in the vicinity, and far universe,wanting to share his new found feeling of--all of you and all this are/is mine and me, none other, this feelng goes beyond all barries and biases of every label, truly bringing all in to one's heart .this is a matter of direct experience, no description can transmit the experience to the reader/listener. if you really want to live in in the luxury of plenty, inexhaustible, unconditional lovethen take this key, and open the door of the supreme reserve bank,become the owner of it , and overwhelm all in its great experience,"

Aug 28, 2012 at 02:29 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Col Gurnam Singh's blog Love is a Vital & Living Force

"Since child is godlalitamba is nascent , hence pure at it its origin so full of lovesoreach again to the nascent-ness the just born state the innocent child statevataathrashayee, and love bubbles outoverflows the key is to gain original purity , in the body mind nervous system by contacting regularly with the unmanifest pure consciousness within simplest way is meditation for a few minutes ,added to the daily scedule---no big dealno secrete, no wait , nothing preparation nor prerequisite"

Aug 28, 2012 at 08:42 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Col Gurnam Singh's blog Love is a Vital & Living Force

"Grew grew à°Žà°¦ిà°—ి à°Žà°¦ిà°—ిà°Žà°¦ిà°—ి à°Žà°¦ిà°—ి à°ªెà°¦్à°¦ à°µాà°¡ిà°¨ి à°•ాà°²ేà°¦ుపసి à°•ంà°¦ు నయ్à°¯ాà°¨ువటపత్à°° à°¶ాà°¯ి నయ్à°¯ాà°¨ు i grew and grew, not into elderi became a child tenderi became vata patra shayispiritual growth is true growth all the rest is mere frothas spititual growth happens,one is born again, as a child, with a slate clean, with a mind a mirrornavo navo bhavathi is the nature of creative intelligencerenders one grow in the ability of finding new ways, new perceptions, more play, burden of experiences off-loaded instantly as if a line drawn on water, gets deleted, automatically"

Aug 28, 2012 at 08:48 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Col Gurnam Singh's blog Love is a Vital & Living Force

"Love is myness, unlimited, unconditioanal. nonselective, non exclusive, universal , experience, being livingif not -------------it's------ pretense, mask, lust, attraction, base instinct for sensual pleasre,selfishness, sentiment, fleeting play of mind"

Aug 28, 2012 at 02:24 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Col Gurnam Singh's blog Love is a Vital & Living Force

"A passing first glimpse is the beginning of a true love story, the mind falling for the love at first vision,and craving to have the darshan, sparshan ,of man mohan, searching and waiting for the eternally charming absolute, a radha after shyam and shyam luring yet eluding, playing flute—-it's a life long romance for a few, in their inner yaan,an eternal inspiration for others to sing the glory of himin bhajan, keerthan, gungaan, a worthy theme for few others, to create romantic poetryweaving as web and warps,the transient reality and mysterycreating lokas and romantic characters in upakhyanas, is the first level of the aspirant, most stay stuck here, eternally searching, having had the vision, and not knowing a sure way to move forward, compromising into thinking that their search it self as the goal , they are fortunate yet unfortunate."

Aug 28, 2012 at 02:18 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Col Gurnam Singh's blog Love is a Vital & Living Force

"Only with the light of absolute, ignorance goes, love dawnsand the lover and loved unite in trancetheir duet is solo danceaisee lagee lagan, meera hogai magan vo tho gali gali gali gali gaathe challe"

Aug 28, 2012 at 02:12 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"Need of a mechanic?i struggled a lot, passed thru all exams, graduated, got a job, earned money, bought the best model bike,, with full petrol, tyres nicely full, along with colorful manual, neat good looking, ---early in the morning, i wanted to drive autostart it is, i pushed the button, did not start, tried and tried it refused.. at least by kick starting, no , tried several attempts. no it does not start.of course, mechanic can help,''but all auto mechanics are cheats fake, they swindle money, better avoid, and you depend on your own''---is the repeated advice given by all the wise. when majority is of ths opinion, i thought it must be true so i did not like to take that lineinstead i asked my friends, all st souls, nicely blogging, and sharing all wisdom a to z absolutely freei received abundant wise advice, promptly and generously , readily, they are all good soulsi picked the best of responses-------'' you tilt the bike , and kick it ----even pilots do this, when plane does not start'''' you repeat god name 108 times, god will come and help you, '''' your aim is to move forward but you must put effort, and repeated efforts, arise awake stop not till it starts'' ''you should show love and kindness to all in the universe, bike is a soul, you should not kick it , instead you give gentle kiss and a close hug'''' give a good bath, and do a puja, with flowers, coconut, kela, agarbathi. and then only you press the start button''''with faith you can move the mountains . have faith in you . it is sure to start ''''mechanics rob the public, display their tools and wear funny dress, wear rags, but they lead luxurios life. be careful''''be happy whether it starts or does not, what we need is ultimately happiness''''all mechanics are fake, they attract by tricks. in fact they copy their knowledge from manuals'''' read bhagavath geetha, it contains solutions to every problem'''' simplest, if mountain does not come, you go to mountain. you push it till you reach your office'''' seva is paramount , you do service to all, carry that poor thing on your shoulders daily to and from office in the sravankumar way, you will attain moksha''''analyse the problem, see it with microscope and see if any bacterial attack''''read manuals learn by heart every word of it and repeat it with eyes closed''consensus seems to be ''mechanics are cheats and fake. avoid them''i respect all the views, but none worked, but time is up , if i do not reach office, i will be sackedso helpless, went to the mechanic, he openned the cover, located one disconnection in the wire, made the joint, pressed the button, started in 4 minutes, said ''rupees 10''i gave 100 happily. he smiledi said ''why don't you join st and write blogs and replies''he said '' no thanks'' and busied himself with another customer immediatelyi reached office just in time , thanking god, that he has created mechanics, who, make the bike run, on payment, i do not bother whether they are cheats or fakebut flabbergasted, i am at the wisdom in st the great souls display"

Aug 28, 2012 at 01:25 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"This essay copied from google search, is a good inspiration for all of us "Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man and writing an exact man" (Bacon).What influence do you think reading, conversation and writing have in making you a citizen of the world ?The major aim is to become and be a citizen of the world. One may be a citizen of a town or city or country. That is easy because the spirit of the place grows into one's own blood as it were. Thus one can be easily a Malaysian, an American and so on. But to be a citizen of the world it calls for a much more broad outlook, deep understanding and a judicious appreciation of other cultures. Very few people could claim to be a citizen of the world. But there have been and there are people who have reached that height. If we analyze and study their lives we could see how their education, interactions with others and writings have made them citizens of the world. So let us see the role played by reading, interactions and writing in the make up of the citizen of the world. First of all take the case of reading. One reads for pleasure or for understanding or for improving his stock for knowledge. What we read in the school or college or professional institutions is only the beginning and they show and guide what and where to look for. For example specialists like doctors, lawyers or engineers cannot be content with what they have studied in their colleges. Unless they study professional publications later they cannot be up to date. Thus a lawyer may study law reports; a doctor may study professional magazines and monographs. For pleasure we read a lot in our own mother tongue and in other languages as well. The companionship of books is the best that one could look for. Books may please you but never offend you. The reading may be light as a weekend magazine or it may be a master piece. One may read materials pertaining to his profession or personal interest; he may also read books on other areas for fun. Thus one may read books on dozens of different interests and this reading surely goes to make him a full or an all-round man. Such people of wide knowledge are really useful. Very few people are good conversationalists though there are many well read men. To be a good conversationalist one requires certain qualities. Basically one must be a good mixer; in other words one should like to socialize and have the gift of the gab. He must be a good conversationalist and listener and must never be offensive or must not wound the feelings of the other. At a higher level when a man meets others in conference he learns a lot from them. To be a success at a conference one must have the ability to put forth his arguments forcibly and logically and convincingly. He must have the patience to hear the other man. He must grasp the other man's point of view quickly and reply. This makes one a ready man. Coming to writing, we write when we cannot directly converse or talk to. In writing words are recorded and once the writing goes out of one's hand and reaches the other person it becomes a record. The right word in the right place shows the depth of knowledge of the writer and his penmanship. One may write simple, loving family letters, serious stories, poems, dramas, business letters and short articles. What ever is written the flow of words shows the man. You must write what you want to express in plain, straight forward language avoiding redundancy. In conversation one may be wandering; digressions are permissible but in writing each word or sentence must take you forward. We can see this in the great essays of master writers. The power of the written word has been proved in the great books of the world. From the Bible to the Communist Manifesto we find the effect of the written word. The compactness, the exactness, the sequence of logic, all these make good writing. The more one writes the more chastened he becomes like the polishing of a precious stone. So to be a good citizen of the world one must read a lot, one must learn from companions and one must write. Then can he become a full, ready and exact man. monograph a long article or a short book on a particular subjectthe gift of the gab the ability to speak easily and confidently in a way that makes people want to listen to you and believe youdigression to move away from the main subject you are writing or talking about and to write or talk about something else"

Aug 28, 2012 at 01:22 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"My time is gold,i am cold i look for the best, skip the rest pm to me is a wastefrom me not in haste i look for few connoisseursi overlook the crowd of commoners i feel i am the best writeri am the best readerso i write for myselfi read only myself i have spot at blog spoti press my words at word pressi am on the internet every wherei am with my innernet anywhere"

Aug 28, 2012 at 01:06 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"Arjun, know this truthi have no death none can abuse menor can confuse mesword can not cut mefire cannot burn mewater cannot wet me air cannot dry meas per need i come again and againwith ten profiles with n nick namesyet none can truly know meaham brahmasmi"

Aug 28, 2012 at 01:04 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Azit, you are my star in st, welcome

"To me srisri is one of many , to give inspiration,though may be may not be lit / unlit"

Aug 28, 2012 at 01:00 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Azit, you are my star in st, welcome

"Due to one fact that he came near maharishi"

Aug 28, 2012 at 01:02 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Azit, you are my star in st, welcome

"He learnt tm"

Aug 28, 2012 at 01:17 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"I will not let go this i am not a guru , but i have basketful of answersflowers, some with thorns, some leaves, twigs. some strawi claim now i am an expert loger, blogger dialoger, with knack to be at loggerhead with you to give you the experience of navarasas here"

Aug 27, 2012 at 07:41 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"67One st blogger said that i am stone, though not directly , by putting this question----''A person who has no emotions and stay in his own hullicinated world is stone... what is ur take ? ''i repliedYes, he is a stonenot closely seen by any oneit may be avery very rare one , there up the hillnot run of the millwhich is nicely flattened, rubbed, brushed ,polished ,fine ground, honed, micro-finished to ultimate smoothnessso smooth , more than mirror/s finish absolute, wth no cover, not of any shade,without a blemish, scar, or scratch, patch, with no matchit is just is innocenceit has nothing its own it just reflects all , what comes to itreturns in full in tact A stone sees him a stonea man sees him a mana tree sees him a treea animal sees an animala bird sees a birda child sees him a childyet it is stone, not man, not tree, not animal , not bird, not childa mad sees mada sad sees sada wise sees wisea god sees godhe is helplesshe does not do any thingwith him a man can make own head cleana man can break own head down by his own effortsor redoubled effortsbut stone does not resist nor assist, it just exists Vishvam darpana drushyamaana nagaree thulyam nijaanthargatham [dakshnamutrthi sthothram, shankara]-----------i am yet to get reply on this from that soulfor me any abuse label simply is a gifti converted them into poem or blog i did get many such gifts from bloggers, i am happy"

Aug 28, 2012 at 12:54 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"Do not run awaydo not turn awaydo not turn offdo not burn up be one upthough without any stuffpoke your nose, it mattersfish in the troubled watersdo not turn down heaven is not falling down"

Aug 27, 2012 at 07:46 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"You mean to saywhat ever sins i planned to commit in my rest of life, lesurelyi must do them all fast ,before your dead linei mean this death lineyes, i now am enlightened better let me hurry up"

Aug 28, 2012 at 12:45 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"PAAPI CHIRAAYU !!!.------jagadish , you found a noble solution worth a nobel prizea surprizeiyyar saar, be happy to day is the day to celebrate the success of your death blog2012at last here is the solution to push 2012 to at least 3012so if jagadish, you and me commit sins fast , we can prevent disasterand save all humanity!!!come and join all readers join our team great bargain , have your day"

Aug 28, 2012 at 02:05 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"Noble thoughts thiru subramanyan avaragal roba nanandriyellam sundaram pesi neengala great thing you are saying ''. I am with u on this mission to save Humanity even it means committing sins''."

Aug 28, 2012 at 06:04 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"'''romba nandri ''ooops typo = my lame excuse to hide my laziness"

Aug 28, 2012 at 06:38 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"I thought i am jokingsorry sorry saaaari never expected the divinity's coming alive , in this way amidst us in our casual talks"

Aug 28, 2012 at 06:07 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"What you spoke is nothing but geetha to a sleeping , shying away cowardly arjun, awakening him to the call of duty to ''commit the sin '' of killing, punishing the wicked in the task of saving the humanity on the verge of imminent destruction due to mounting wrong doings by the wickedscam, after scam, ruining the lives of common man, pushing him to the untold sufferings of every sort by the insensitivity and debility making arjun just to pass time , playing playing fiddle, i mean the second fiddle"

Aug 28, 2012 at 06:15 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"Yes i now come to my senses by your alert, i stand erect ,and walk fast , stopping not stooping not yes osama was killed, it's a sin but an inevitably necessitated act caused by his wrong doings, lifelong"

Aug 28, 2012 at 06:20 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"This i call is the right message of your 2012i feel now i experience it's celebration , truly with your illuminating digression to the sacred text geetha, as if it'sa divinity's miracle my pranams to you and our friend jagadish"

Aug 28, 2012 at 06:25 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"Now sir jagadishthis is an example of how my own slight negativity makes me to miss the enormity of positivity in the peolple and in their replies"

Aug 28, 2012 at 06:42 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"And iyyar's reply worked on me like the sprinkling of water with saying the sloka ''apavithra pavithrova---------''and instantly made me ''shuchi''like i took a instant bath in the river ganga"

Aug 28, 2012 at 06:47 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"And removed the dust in my perceptiontoo see the ever present holiness every where in every one"

Aug 28, 2012 at 06:49 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"This is a typical effect in the interactions in st, the most important aspectin the context of blogs dialogswe may not agree with all but we start coming closerlove is the outcome that is awakened much more than the knowledge, information, erudition and to day i got a lot , my respect to st and seekers took a quantum jumpand your blog served as a unseen guru guiding us all from cloudsand i feel like saying krushnam vande jagad gurum"

Aug 28, 2012 at 06:56 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"I am an ancient blogger may be before christ, after christeven earlier to krishnmay be i shall be blogging after my death, in my gravei wiill be reborn only to blog , i am so brave"

Aug 27, 2012 at 07:49 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"To every seeker i send pm, from am to pm , even t o office of our pmall must read my blogs , i demand i stand with cane in my hand if any one says i am wrong, i catch him red handhand over to st to reprimandbetter give me a word of praise receive in turn my ''wise spiritual'' prize"

Aug 27, 2012 at 07:57 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"Jagadeeshi like your sweet dishtell be how is my fishi hope it is not foul , but fresh for you my best wishes your blog is precious"

Aug 27, 2012 at 08:02 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"Amul baby"

Aug 28, 2012 at 01:13 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog 19 - My Blogging Queries !!!...

"I meant no punmilk is baby foodso those who are lacto are babies---perfect logic till you grow to take some annam, pappu and inform me that you became boytill then sleep and enjoy some lullabies"

Aug 28, 2012 at 06:34 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer commented on Sadyojat Shankarashram Swamiji'sphoto

"Most easy guru helps"

Aug 27, 2012 at 07:26 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog a straw gains value by falling in to the stream of consciou

"The message is become first the chethana, this happens in samadhian this experience sustains as a flow, chethana sravanthithe sream of consciousnessthen all virtues blossom including the humilitynot before that humility is not the way to reach godany pretence is a distencebutonly reaching god , makes the truth of humility to be lived one gains ability/virtue to see / and use ---the great value in every insignificant dust particle, stone or straw"

Aug 26, 2012 at 03:03 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog a straw gains value by falling in to the stream of consciou

"Poetry is the expression of of silence experienced"

Aug 26, 2012 at 03:05 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sunita Gupta's blogSUCCESS OF MARRIAGE ---DEPENDS ON LOVE OR SEX

"That's itproceed now ''how to '' of ''soul to soul''focus only on this one vital essential leaving behind all trivial innumerables"

Aug 29, 2012 at 03:40 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sunita Gupta's blogSUCCESS OF MARRIAGE ---DEPENDS ON LOVE OR SEX

"Think more ask more"

Aug 29, 2012 at 03:41 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Saroj Das's blog "The Seeker".

"He becomes AWAREnesseasiest with guru guidance"

Aug 18, 2012 at 04:41 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Saroj Das's blog "The Seeker".

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/mysticism/my -scribbles-87187"

Aug 19, 2012 at 03:47 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Saroj Das's blog "The Seeker".

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/meditation/i -am-87333"

Aug 19, 2012 at 03:50 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Shekhar Bindu Ray's blogGOD FOUND

"Fantastic but, there afterafter finding, rule the universe, as you wish, if you want, no more search all is within in the reachyou doing nothing, yet things getting done as per your commands"

Aug 16, 2012 at 11:35 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Truth has infinite dimensions..

"Tnx for your sacred attention"

Aug 16, 2012 at 08:49 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Truth has infinite dimensions..

"Ekam sathbut vipraa bahudaa vadanthi whywhere is the need for bahudaathink more"

Aug 14, 2012 at 10:09 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rati Hegde's blog Why the Cow is considered Divine

"How about, otherbird, reptiles, animals, thingsrama chiluka,khagendra,nagendragajendra, bhrungilist endless then what is not holy think respond, a little more"

Aug 10, 2012 at 06:34 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rati Hegde's blog Why the Cow is considered Divine

"Is holiness has a gradation, how on what basis, man is considred more evolved than animals, then a theif, a cheat is holier than cow?blog is leading me to the unending enigma on holinessand what is holiness first of allhope i am not digressing"

Aug 10, 2012 at 06:39 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rati Hegde's blog Why the Cow is considered Divine

"Why only to a cowto any other can i not bowi am a learneri can learn from any a to z, and be ever a earnerfrom holy cross roads or from a holy crossevery thing subtle or gross, for me nothing is dross"

Aug 10, 2012 at 11:52 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rati Hegde's blog Why the Cow is considered Divine

"How aboutmathsya, koorma, varahaha, nara sinha, hence simha, udutha, mushika, vrukshika, karkataka, haya vadana hence haya, vanarendra,hence narendra, parvathi hence parvatha, chandra shekhara, hence chandra, tharanath, hence thara, why leave vayu puthra, hence vayu, why not bhoomathavaruna, agni, and hence all pancha thathvapankajaksha, hence pankaja, and so also even panka itself"

Aug 10, 2012 at 06:53 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rati Hegde's blog Why the Cow is considered Divine

"Thabula, narikela, bettle nuts, ashitham, theertham, and prasadamis this all not holy, my kliking in the st and why leave alone any tree , even the speakig tree,vruksharaja, hence kalpa vruksha, hence kalpa, or any sankalpa, so the manas, chitha,"

Aug 10, 2012 at 06:58 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rati Hegde's blog Why the Cow is considered Divine

"Veena pani, hence veenavenumadhav, hence venukadgapani hence khadgadhanurdhari hence dhanus pl search where holiness is not present if you locate it, please do inform this impudent self styled rishi"

Aug 10, 2012 at 07:07 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rati Hegde's blog Why the Cow is considered Divine

"[ i like to do a tharka,that happens between rishis, here rishi vasanth and rishika rati not a vithanda vaada, not a arguement ,to win, but a non compromising go at the truth,you may skip at any stage, if i strech beyond a limit. ]you mean to say cow has realizedthe divinity?if yes, what did she doto do that if nois cows divinity is more than ordinary man's--he too is creaturewhat is the criteria to judge a thing or being as holy or ls holy when can you say a being has attained full holinessshould a dog come in the janma of manava, or can he becme holy as it is, if he is not holy take time to reply , may be 2/3 days or more , or if you need direct answers, i can provide"

Aug 10, 2012 at 01:45 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rati Hegde's blog Why the Cow is considered Divine

"It's captive and man exploits cow, it has horns to react as per need any animal in captivity behaves helplessly as if helping you it has less level of intelligence to escape/oppose exploitation hence it is less divine than man, since man can take care of his interests by more intelligence , hence he is more intelligence self interest is supreme , one to become master of universe viswanatha ultimately man is moving faster than animals in this direction man thru his sadhana can realize ultimateanimal can never rise fom its basic instindcts, or at least slow in pace in spirituality surmises assumptions, faith, beliefs blindthe man and systems one has to look for truth nothing less than truth even beyond all scriptures andd should grow even to heights to update them cow holy is limited perspectiveall hly is ultimate perspectivebetween this, the rationalityprovides a balanced values seeing the nature around, we see differentlevels of evolution hence diffrent levels of holinessso holiness is amatter of degreeof evolution, ie degree of intelligence th beings possessand the degree of freedom and command they possess"

Aug 11, 2012 at 03:08 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Even on an insignificant straw,

"No two people live in the same world! each has ''his'' universethanks"

Aug 09, 2012 at 07:06 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article Krishna And The Bathing Beauties

"Even on an insignificant straw, seer sees many layers of truth, and gives his expression to it in many wayseach seeing has its own validity at that sees its greenother its sheenother sees its length, thickness, widthyet others unquely see various aspectslike, its construction, design growth, its material, its chemical , physical propertises,its molecular weight, its atomic number, its nuclear structure andits empty spaces withinits life its growth decay its utility, its price, its shelf lifeits nutritional valueits nuisance value whrere what how much what purpose why when of its existence, its pain its pleasure its talk, ts movement yes , it has infinite aspects every aspect is significantthough straw it self is insignificant but , for one what is its importance"

Aug 09, 2012 at 03:25 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article Krishna And The Bathing Beauties

"Even on an insignificant straw, seer sees many layers of truth, and gives his expression to it in many wayseach seeing has its own validity at that sees its greenother its sheenother sees its length, thickness, widthyet others unquely see various aspectslike, its construction, design growth, its material, its chemical , physical propertises,its molecular weight, its atomic number,its nuclear structure andits empty spaces withinits life its growth decay its utility, its price, its shelf lifeits nutritional valueits nuisance value whrere what how much what purpose why when of its existence, its pain its pleasure its talk, ts movement yes , it has infinite aspects every aspect is significantthough straw it self is insignificant but , for one what is its importance"

Aug 09, 2012 at 03:26 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article Krishna And The Bathing Beauties

"Even on an insignificant straw, seer sees many layers of truth, and gives his expression to it in many wayseach seeing has its own validity at that sees its greenother its sheenother sees its length, thickness, widthyet others unquely see various aspectslike, its construction, design growth, its material, its chemical , physical propertises,its molecular weight, its atomic number,its nuclear structure andits empty spaces withinits life its growth decay its utility, its price, its shelf lifeits nutritional valueits nuisance value whrere what how much what purpose why when of its existence, its pain its pleasure its talk, ts movement yes , it has infinite aspects every aspect is significantthough straw it self is insignificant but , for one what is its importance"

Aug 09, 2012 at 03:26 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog I am giving this spiritual solution to the problems in

"For me any thing ok, including fasting"

Aug 08, 2012 at 05:20 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog I am giving this spiritual solution to the problems in

"With divine nectar, dhyan"

Aug 08, 2012 at 09:17 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog I am no poet, yet

"Gulshan phoolonki, guldasthoki na bhooliyegaaaurmeeti bolikikhati bathoki bhi kam nahee meree jindagee ke liyechain mil jaaaye do ghadi ke liye"

Aug 08, 2012 at 05:26 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer has replied to the thread ... how to restore ; replace & renovate the unseen loss ...


Aug 09, 2012 at 01:10 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer has replied to the thread ... how to restore ; replace & renovate the unseen loss ...

"Oh i on this word i only have a ''patent'' how come others are imfringing on my ''talent''"

Aug 09, 2012 at 01:14 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Anil Madan's blog MY BLOG ANNIVERSARY AT SPEAKING TREE

""Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man and writing an exact man" (Bacon).see more full-man-conference-a-ready-man-andYour openness to learn , is itself your teaching"

Aug 04, 2012 at 02:20 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article Beauty Is Value

"Http:// l-blogs/seekers/faith-and-rituals/b eauty-of-geometry-rishi-sees"

Aug 04, 2012 at 10:54 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article Beauty Is Value

"Http:// l-blogs/seekers/faith-and-rituals/b eauty-of-geometry-rishi-sees"

Aug 04, 2012 at 10:54 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article Beauty Is Value

"Http:// l-blogs/seekers/faith-and-rituals/b eauty-of-geometry-rishi-sees"

Aug 04, 2012 at 10:54 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer has replied to the thread What is Peace?

"No big deal, just a few minutes meditate"

Aug 30, 2012 at 08:43 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blogBhagavathi Chethana what How Why When...

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/faith-and-ri tuals/richoakshare-i-see"

Aug 03, 2012 at 10:57 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blogBhagavathi Chethana what How Why When...

"Thuria,to be experienced for a few miniutes in the beginning, can be repeated under guru guidance suitably , to reach thuriyatheeth it takes time to reach stability , hece regularity is needed like a tree grows at its speed"

Aug 03, 2012 at 07:32 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blogBhagavathi Chethana what How Why When...

"Mukthi , ultimate, freedom , nirvana is the goal, path can be any thing meditation the easiest as per my experience"

Aug 04, 2012 at 10:57 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blogBhagavathi Chethana what How Why When...

"Sadhana continues, alternating silence and activity , nervous system gradually gets refined and retains the silence while in activity leading to the 5th state, -----thuriyatheeth----also called cosmic consciousness --or --vishva chethanaexperience is karma sukaushalam=easiness in businesspetals of gnan sprout, gyana prasoonaamba blessing, identification of himself with the univesre as oneHuman body is born with best of purity, perfection, yet, if you believe in rebirth, it has remnants of impurities---remnants of karma day to day done, like metal gets work hardened if bent and unbent a number of times ---it will be annealed to regain its original malleability ductility ---in the same way --this personality has to undergo repeated purification, for body we take bath --for mind ---for intellect some good book/lecture/satsng.---for feeling level ,fine arts, music dance, bhakthi on a istha devatha,---for yet deeper levels meditation etc are the ways"

Aug 03, 2012 at 10:52 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blogBhagavathi Chethana what How Why When...

"Yes yes"

Aug 04, 2012 at 10:58 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blogBhagavathi Chethana what How Why When...

"Nice , i have no words .just read the blog slowly again and post your further wisdom , for my benefit"

Aug 03, 2012 at 12:23 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blogBhagavathi Chethana what How Why When...

"Since it has infinite dimensions"

Aug 04, 2012 at 10:58 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blogBhagavathi Chethana what How Why When...

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/philosophy/t ruth-has-infinite-dimensions-90311"

Aug 04, 2012 at 10:59 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blogBhagavathi Chethana what How Why When...

"Read this , and see why / how truth is beyond words"

Aug 04, 2012 at 11:11 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blogBhagavathi Chethana what How Why When...

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/philosophy/w e-cannot-know-truth-without-becomin g-truthourselves"

Aug 04, 2012 at 11:13 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Doubtingtom Thomas's blogUnconscious vs Subconscious

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/faith-and-ri tuals/bhagavathi-chethana-what-how- why-when"

Aug 02, 2012 at 01:02 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article Invite A Moment Of Calm

"None can forgive any oneeven god cannotone reaps infallible effect of every action"

Aug 02, 2012 at 12:44 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog maharishi guru pooja

"This is given to us by well trained tm our teachers, i follow this in tm traditionalso a very slight different version was given by our well trained ssy teachers--i follow this in ssy tradition they have reasons to adopt their preferences , i welcome all, including the original as suggested by you"

Aug 04, 2012 at 05:55 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog maharishi guru pooja

"I value your and dilip responsesbecause connoisseur-is-provocateur"

Aug 04, 2012 at 11:20 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog maharishi guru pooja

"I did ssy, trained as a teacher for childrenssy, cssy, taught children, also volunteered and assisted my great ssy teachers, rp liked me rp is from the tradition of tm, later started a unique his own, ie, ssy, with fantastic originality, depth of experience, i likeboth tm, ssy i did aol , great in itself in every wayi do some divya yog of baba ramdev , wonderful"

Aug 04, 2012 at 11:07 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog maharishi guru pooja

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/meditation/g uruji-rishi-prabhakar"

Aug 04, 2012 at 11:09 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sathya Lakshman's blog Is abstinence totally irrelevant to spiritual growth?

"Abstinence is the result of senses getting inward to be in union with brahmanas a result of a long, sustained practice of turning the awareness inward this is brahmachrya, moving in the state of brhman in this state all the senses , ---all the senses---will be experiencing a superior joy , which will not be obtainable only with sensory it is the effect of spiritual progress, not the cause nor the requirment i learnt this new angle from satya only"

Sep 09, 2012 at 12:21 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog rishi maharishi means

"Haardik pranams"

Aug 01, 2012 at 12:14 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog rishi maharishi means

"Just as an engineering student is called engineer soon after joining the engg coll,i acquired the title to grow into maharishi ,it is an ideal, it's an idea, it's a seed,but it did sprout ,soon becomes the plant ,and in due course it expands,flourishes with full of flowers, fruits, leavesand plenty of leaves, giving cool shade,taking in abundant showers of guru grace"

Aug 01, 2012 at 12:13 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog rishi maharishi means

"I owe a reply to you sir, i will i will surely answer and can answer ... just after a while"

Oct 14, 2012 at 04:21 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog rishi maharishi means

"I go by my inner directions. not in hurry to answer any query"

Aug 01, 2012 at 12:17 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog rishi maharishi means

"I took wiki help"

Oct 14, 2012 at 04:19 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog rishi maharishi means

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/faith-and-ri tuals/bhagavathi-chethana-what-how- why-when"

Aug 02, 2012 at 01:01 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Life manifests from unmanifest to manifest

"I like to give detailed responses, later, surely , kindly glance by other blogs . i need your kind helpmy net is not working, this is from browese center"

Aug 01, 2012 at 12:30 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Life manifests from unmanifest to manifest

"You have experienced brahman?''--happy to say yes, there are 7 seven statesi am at a stage after 4, but moving aheadlink below gives more"

Aug 02, 2012 at 12:57 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Life manifests from unmanifest to manifest

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/faith-and-ri tuals/bhagavathi-chethana-what-how- why-when"

Aug 02, 2012 at 12:51 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ca Subramanian Iyer's blogInfant Child dies for not paying Rs 200.00 to hospital !!!!

"Ignore, 200 or 2 million whart difference? this is one of usual news, i mean oldsblogs are borebetter sleep, snoreyou can not alter the course, even with sincerest responses exceeding all records"

Jul 31, 2012 at 02:10 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ca Subramanian Iyer's blogInfant Child dies for not paying Rs 200.00 to hospital !!!!

"Why it happened?think from the view of other person what made him not to"

Aug 05, 2012 at 03:14 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ca Subramanian Iyer's blogInfant Child dies for not paying Rs 200.00 to hospital !!!!

"Vadhier avaragal, nallamaa"

Aug 01, 2012 at 12:24 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ca Subramanian Iyer's blogInfant Child dies for not paying Rs 200.00 to hospital !!!!

"Nellore train, assam murders, bomb attacks in neighbor countries----what more we needgrid failure, fast unto death will result in to death no fast results 2012 train is running fast"

Aug 01, 2012 at 12:21 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ca Subramanian Iyer's blogInfant Child dies for not paying Rs 200.00 to hospital !!!!

"Nalla shaidigal daa venumketta shaidigaj oru vendaum"

Aug 02, 2012 at 12:46 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog God comes before us as critics, connoisseurs.

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/wellness/nee d-of-a-mechanic-90548"

Jul 31, 2012 at 02:00 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Thank you , dear friends my internet and powercut

"Now, my net is out throwing me out"

Jul 29, 2012 at 01:22 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer commented on The Tides Of Life's video Madari


"Noted for seeing when my net is ok"

Jul 29, 2012 at 01:27 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog oh null, are you nil?.

"Welcome, i feel lucky, ,you seeni have an infinity of mixtures, ranging from the best to the trivialest all rich with god content invariably .i shall be sharing gradually ."

Jul 29, 2012 at 01:16 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog oh null, are you nil?.

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/th ank-you-dear-friends-my-internet-an d-powercut"

Jul 29, 2012 at 01:20 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Nidhi Chadha's blog A........real speaking tree???

"This is the help st extends to all souls, sane advice, and some truth about one's deficiencies , for self improvement i may not know my deficiencies but others only can see and say feedback is valuable, not all can give true feed backflattery misleads, harms, impedes progress"

Oct 14, 2012 at 06:13 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog India's Power Women

"Heartless, i too seen, one after marriage, sent out mother and two sister, ''said go, i do not care where you go''"

Jul 27, 2012 at 06:06 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog oh null, are you nil?.


Jul 27, 2012 at 06:09 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Nidhi Chadha's blog A........real speaking tree???

"Is she leaving"

Oct 14, 2012 at 06:18 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog maharishi on om manthra..

"Tnx for sharing your clarification with authentic experience. its a value"

Jul 26, 2012 at 07:41 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on The Tides Of Life's blog Check points of Life

"The Universe is error proof it is a proof of a Higher Intelligence"

Jul 26, 2012 at 06:14 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on The Tides Of Life's blog All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten

"True growth is to be a child"

Jul 26, 2012 at 06:11 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on The Tides Of Life's blog All I Really Need To Know I Learned In Kindergarten


Jul 26, 2012 at 07:42 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on The Tides Of Life's blog A dedication to the teachers

"Teacher is needed to bridge the gap between the written word and the experience.'''"

Jul 26, 2012 at 06:08 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on The Tides Of Life's blog Miss Jane

"I feel I am meeting an extraordinary person, .name sara me ikde basu ka?"

Jul 26, 2012 at 06:06 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on The Tides Of Life's blog Miss Jane

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/go d-comes-before-us-as-critics-connoi sseurs-87407"

Jul 26, 2012 at 07:45 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog The major religions on the Earth contradict each other

"Change for better, perfectly said, tnx"

Jul 26, 2012 at 05:58 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Col Gurnam Singh's blogSurvivability Depends upon Adaptability

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/there-is-no-thing-as-co mmon-sense-87882#"

Jul 26, 2012 at 05:03 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Nagaraja Mandalgeri's blogManku Timmana Kagga(wisdom unfolded to common man)

"Raayare, kelavu kannada dalli post maadirii heard just the name of manku and dr"

Jul 25, 2012 at 07:30 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Nagaraja Mandalgeri's blogManku Timmana Kagga(wisdom unfolded to common man)

"Welcomethere are enough saints in kannada with great wisdom, let's explorei posted my telugu poems with english translations"

Jul 26, 2012 at 08:04 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog maharishi on om manthra..

"Namaskara nm avareit's great valuable contribution your post, i am grateful to yui will not say any thing on this , i am no expert. but i raise queries to seek the knowledge from all pl help me 1 is om anaahath? if yes, does it have frequency, audible range?2if perceptible by only nstruments, then utterence of om by voice is it incldes what frequency audio radio or mix of both3if it has any perceptible frequencty by any means, then it is not parabrahma if mental utterance is done, what frquency it conforms to 4 how it can be said powerful, how that power manifests"

Jul 25, 2012 at 07:40 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog maharishi on om manthra..

"Thanks for your help.i am open for truth, let's see what qualified masters say more on this puzzle , i hope readers like you will enlighten me"

Jul 24, 2012 at 08:26 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Col Gurnam Singh's blogSurvivability Depends upon Adaptability

"I asked simple quiz, based on your blog, not on my commonsense. life can be surd or absurdit is your adaptibility that keeps you surviving , as you said if you can think , it is enough let it be positve or negative if you cannot express it is ok but do not block your thinking, try as a child play even, to solve my simple quizif you cannot , i will help you"

Jul 24, 2012 at 08:21 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer has replied to the thread What is Peace?

"Expect and achieve all , much more than god"

Aug 30, 2012 at 08:44 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog maharishi on om manthra..

"Sk madam, tnx or limited purpose to post this is just to high light --- --the need of precise knowledge, validated by a live tradition of guru parampara to impart initiation to the aspirant, for positive and effective results.and one should not pick any sound from any book or persons, nor learn by imitation.i am not a qualified teacher to say any further on this.if i get across some valid clarification i shall surely post. arya samaji, i have great regard, they may or may not have better knowledge, i may have to check up further with their preceptors on the basis of their practice .kindly see my reply to rati madam .i reiterate that any thing in our tradition has great basis , and we must know the basis precisely , like in science , not believe or faith blindly after all we are for truth and truthful living, not on surmises"

Jul 24, 2012 at 11:13 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog maharishi on om manthra..

"I posted link of this to the attention of our beloved master meenaom ji. i hope she may help more"

Jul 24, 2012 at 11:17 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog maharishi on om manthra..

"Http:// same point in light humor"

Jul 24, 2012 at 11:27 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog maharishi on om manthra..

"Tnx , what i was told in tm course is--manthra shashthra is a subtle science.the tm teachers are given the right knowledge to select the right one suited to each concern is that our sanathan dharma is not a casual subject , and precise knowledge , maharishi calls it the ''purity of teaching'' --and it decides the effectiveness in practice, for practical results. one does not have the authority on the subject can never understand nor can never teach or preach usefully, without causing the damage to the individual and to the traditions"

Jul 24, 2012 at 10:46 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog maharishi on om manthra..

"And due to the purity having lost, the deterioration in the lives of individuals and society sets in , ending with suffering as we see in our country, values getting detriorated, leaving all in confusion on what is right, thogh elaborate discussions do take place, sometimes with arguments . i emphasize at every ocaasion, the absolute need of a qualified master, not any one less"

Jul 24, 2012 at 10:51 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog maharishi on om manthra..


Jul 24, 2012 at 11:26 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog All are like that every one has his own.

"Human--but of different degrees from best to worstwhat is common is the parabrahma inside all"

Jul 24, 2012 at 03:44 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog yugas 4 now rishi sees yes! yes!

"The degree of purity gained in the system reflects in life in the form of experiencing the appropriate this so called kali, it is possible that a few may be experiencing kruth, some may be in thretha, many will be in dwapar, majority in kali ---hence it is kali.if majority raises in purity, dwapar sets in and so on .point is, despite any prevalent yuga, due to degree of ignorance of majority, it is possible for an individual to live higher yuga of his choice , by increasing the level of his purity, without waiting for times to change, without waiting for others to raise in purity chal akela ahal akela and reach the goal"

Jul 24, 2012 at 04:37 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog All are like that every one has his own.

"Yours?or mine?or you are taking me out of my delusion?oh this reply sent me into silenceis this my atma or only maya?but surely , the degree of delusion may not be same!! ??--not sure, you pulled the carpet under my feet i will think and come back"

Jul 24, 2012 at 04:01 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog All are like that every one has his own.

"See at vv and my reply"

Jul 24, 2012 at 04:05 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer has replied to the thread LIFE AFTER DEATH ?

"Tree continues, leaves fallseed continues , trees fallwhat is permanent is sap, inside, it continues, to exist , taking rebirth , renewing endlessany visible aspects change, never repeat, visible existence is momentary phenomenainvisible existence is eternal phenomena is my reply from heart?does it sound as scripture?"

Jul 24, 2012 at 04:20 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishikesh Karpe's blogNegation Does Not Always Work

"By The word "only" , he means , travel inwards only ----routes are plenty, vehicles are different, krishna is symbolic to indicate all routes all vehicles .my preference is jet plane direct flight, fastest easiest cheapest-----meditation leading to samadhi , no less"

Jul 24, 2012 at 04:47 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishikesh Karpe's blogNegation Does Not Always Work

"Deeper than rishi ''atma''?, i doubt"

Jul 24, 2012 at 04:13 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishikesh Karpe's blogNegation Does Not Always Work

"Deeper than rishi ''atma''?, i doubt"

Jul 24, 2012 at 04:12 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishikesh Karpe's blogNegation Does Not Always Work

"This blog by vidya i liked piritual-blogs/seekers/philosophy/a llegory-is-what-how-why-when"

Jul 24, 2012 at 04:53 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishikesh Karpe's blogNegation Does Not Always Work

"In the upward journey one has to transcend all the mental activity including bhakthi, the finest emotional level , cross all the visible forms and descriptions of the ista devatha,and reach the parabrahma that ista represents as a icon, the travel should be free , direct, without any bindins.if the aspirant is not aware he stays stuck in the particulr intermediate stations, however nearest to the final, but not reaching the goal"

Jul 24, 2012 at 04:58 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishikesh Karpe's blogNegation Does Not Always Work

"Paths and means can be any, but proof of pudding , the experience, should not be missed.once this gained , on the return journey, one can stay in any loka and enjoy all the glories that loka offers, all the mahima that irsta grants --that will be a great enjoyment , the enjoyment of relative life while one does not lose sight of absolute in its pursuit"

Jul 24, 2012 at 05:03 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog Five elements in me.....

"Http:// pl see"

Jul 24, 2012 at 08:45 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog Five elements in me.....

"Http:// pl see"

Jul 24, 2012 at 08:45 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog All blah on god, geetha, scriptures, philosophy is to be

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/faith-and-ri tuals/for-a-spiritual-blog#"

Jul 23, 2012 at 09:13 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog All are like that every one has his own.

"I did not anticipate that any one will agree with me , i see so many fierce battles in st .why dont any one fight with me ?see at ar and my reply"

Jul 24, 2012 at 04:04 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog A Brief Sketch of Temple at my Native Place-BINDIGANAVILE !

"Ello hudikide illada devarakallu mannigala gudiyolage"

Jul 24, 2012 at 05:05 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on B.k. Jagadish's blog A Brief Sketch of Temple at my Native Place-BINDIGANAVILE !

"Naa dehame devaalayam"

Jul 24, 2012 at 01:00 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Shiku Sharma's blog Why We HAVE to do something.!!!!

"Growall growth is to find you are doing all ok alwaysincluding the regret that it is not ok"

Jul 23, 2012 at 04:27 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Shiku Sharma's blogMediocrity Rules

"To see special in mediocrity you should make yourself special from mediocrity"

Jul 23, 2012 at 04:00 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Shiku Sharma's blogMediocrity Rules

"See how mediocrity becomes special value-by-falling-in-to-the-stream-of-consciou#"

Jul 23, 2012 at 04:18 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Shiku Sharma's blogMediocrity Rules

"Http:// -seesseeing mattersyour seeing matters to me since you are special"

Jul 23, 2012 at 04:03 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog rishi maharishi means

"Just as an engineering student is called engineer soon after joining the engg coll, i acquired the title to grow into maharishi , it is an ideal, it's an idea, it's a seed, but it did sprout , soon becomes the plant , and in due course it expands, flourishes with full of flowers, fruits, leaves and plenty of leaves, giving cool shade, taking in abunndant showers of guru grace"

Jul 23, 2012 at 11:41 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Life manifests from unmanifest to manifest

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/rishi-maharishi-means"

Jul 23, 2012 at 08:54 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Life manifests from unmanifest to manifest


Jul 23, 2012 at 02:03 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Life manifests from unmanifest to manifest

"It's now not a big deal, no more a puzzle .one can have the experience of brahman instantlyand get answers for all such questions from within, directly, completely but one has to learn under a qualified guide"

Jul 22, 2012 at 08:54 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Life manifests from unmanifest to manifest

"T's now not a big deal, no more a puzzle .one can have the experience of brahman instantlyand get answers for all such questions from within, directly, completely but one has to learn under a qualified guide"

Jul 22, 2012 at 08:54 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:05 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:05 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:05 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:06 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:06 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:06 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:06 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:06 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:06 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:07 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Batu Ram Nayak's blog On Being Human

"God is one originalbut comes in 10 unoriginalThere is no fake your right sight sees all real"

Jul 22, 2012 at 12:01 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Batu Ram Nayak's blog On Being Human

"There are no only right or wrong, two sidesthere are infinite sides, neither right nor right"

Jul 22, 2012 at 12:08 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Batu Ram Nayak's blog On Being Human

"Spirituality is the science and technology of ''seeing'', it is ''rishiing''it is all seeing and seeing-----what, how, how much, where, why , from where to where and so on till one gets the right complete picture .not all can see all each sees an aspectfrom own standwith own glassessee further on why a seeing should be a complete seeing in this link 0311"

Jul 22, 2012 at 03:51 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Batu Ram Nayak's blog On Being Human

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/go d-comes-before-us-as-critics-connoi sseurs-87407"

Jul 22, 2012 at 12:03 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Batu Ram Nayak's blog On Being Human

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/go d-causes-man-to-cheat-murder-pain-o thers"

Jul 22, 2012 at 12:05 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Batu Ram Nayak's blog On Being Human

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/ki shans-mission-is#"

Jul 22, 2012 at 12:14 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:07 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:07 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog Help the Deserving

"Help the Deserving----nothing great, if they are really deserving,they surely get help, whether you help/unhelpHelp the unDeserving-----here is the test for the magnanimity of the great giverhe is verily the god , a bholanath, a shivagranting boons to bhasmasurawho came to test shiva passed the test, without resistshiva did not lose his charisma but asura got reduced to bhasmabe a shiva tolerating, rather loving. all and sundry bhooth preth pishachi, unmindful worthy unworthytake them to your himalayto your kailash, in the akashit is a great avakashin the way of avinashyou are avinash come haalahal, come hell, come god of death, yama you will stand mruthyunjaya"

Jul 22, 2012 at 10:56 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog Help the Deserving

"God comes before us as critics, connoisseurs, admirers, fans, enemies, competitors, hecklers, jokers , pokers idiots and fools ... all to inspire us to reach higher levels of performance Stay focused and do not ignore the valuable attractions or useless distractions, they are all gods signals for trekking right by teaching you, by preaching you by teasing you, by ragging you, by dragging you by breaking you ,by braking you ,by raking you god plays fun , he is not funny and i am god, you too are god"

Jul 22, 2012 at 10:36 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog Help the Deserving

"HELP THOSE WHO WANT TO USE OR TEST YOU----------------these people need the help most and help yourself , by showing love, light on them too they are god's children too, your brothers sisterswhy to shy away from themwhy to shun them why to be afraid of them why to hate them may be supreme is testing you may be he wants you to evolve a step moreto raise yourself in true acceptance of the ways of gods to know his infinite ways of manifestation though looking out of the way arrogant, obstinate, uncouthmay be it's all mirror to correct yourself if they appear sotill the god appears shining in them also in the creation of supreme can any thing be bad?"

Jul 22, 2012 at 10:11 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:07 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Saroj Das's blog "Maya causes double trouble".

"Tume kipari acha?Mu bhal achhi.all maya is ok how?"

Jul 22, 2012 at 08:51 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Saroj Das's blog "Maya causes double trouble".

"Why maya is createdwhat is mayais it necessary to fear maya?can you be happy in maya?think , but i am my giving answers"

Jul 22, 2012 at 09:02 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Saroj Das's blog "Maya causes double trouble".

"Read this st blog i liked, answers these q well#"

Jul 22, 2012 at 09:16 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:07 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"I answered in link"

Jul 25, 2012 at 12:27 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:07 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:07 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:08 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:08 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:08 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:08 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:08 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article What Came First, Chicken Or Egg?

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/science-of-s pirituality/life-manifests-from-unm anifest-to-manifest"

Jul 22, 2012 at 07:08 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Any point of view is welcome, has its worth, relative merit

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/faith-and-ri tuals/truth-has-infinite-dimensions -75783"

Jul 22, 2012 at 06:16 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Saroj Das's blog Few things about the science of mind.

"Tume kemiti soilla?"

Jul 22, 2012 at 08:58 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Saroj Das's blog Few things about the science of mind.

"Ksamaa karantu)mi maratinaaku telugu baagaa telusu"

Jul 22, 2012 at 08:57 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Saroj Das's blog Few things about the science of mind.

"Yes, itis getting transformed into body heat, sight, speech, heart beat, resulting in flow of blood and all the intricate functions , of the brain ,nervous sysyetm"

Jul 23, 2012 at 02:24 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Saroj Das's blog Few things about the science of mind.

"It can be neither created nor destroyed..---yes, but it is a flow, after doing work we get tired, since it manifests as output , and needs to be recharged by food air, etc ---for the bodymind can be recharged with consciousness in samadhi , regularly otherwise it gets ''rusted''"

Jul 23, 2012 at 02:23 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Saroj Das's blog Few things about the science of mind.

"Ebbs and tides...very much, even emotions, nava rasas, indicative of that energy flowing in different channels, selectively .so also the bliss permiates in the body mind nervous system, as a result of repeated chrging of mind with pure consciousness in samadhi . also sath chith ananda overflow to environ, as divine love in the ''myness'' , mamatha, towards the universeand yes, it intensity varies from time to time and person to person"

Jul 23, 2012 at 02:22 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Saroj Das's blog Few things about the science of mind.

"Watts, newton are great in seeing some thing more drawing great utility in the ordinary steam, apple fall .tnx for transferring/sharing your spiritual energy with st , and exciting some thoughts in me, to flow out to others, manifesting the truth of your premise"

Jul 23, 2012 at 02:20 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Nidhi Chadha's blog A........real speaking tree???

"Excellent , wisdom"

Oct 14, 2012 at 06:17 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Nidhi Chadha's blog A........real speaking tree???

"Children some times play pranksshould we encourage or suppress"

Oct 14, 2012 at 06:16 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ashish Sharma's blog Be Selfish – Reclaim Your Missing Pieces ......

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/self-improve ment/i-acquire-all-knowledge-to-acc umulate-all-wealth"

Jul 20, 2012 at 04:21 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog i have no time to think on time

"Vyatha pinde thathaa brahmande"

Jul 20, 2012 at 04:16 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sumita Kataria's blog Money has made us poor

"Wisdom blog thank you us get rich quick should be our real concern in life true richness is the grace of lakshmi"

Jul 19, 2012 at 04:49 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rati Hegde's blogDISTINCTION BETWEEN SPIRITUALITY and SCIENCE

"Perfectly said, beauty thank you this is---- the -----one point,all seekers, to be alert about their effortsreminds megabheere kasaare ghora vipine vishathi vijanevishale shaileshu bhramathi kusumartham jadamathi----------------------------iha na jaanaathi kim aho!!??shankara was thus flabbergasted at the ways of the jadamathi,s, moodhamathisand i found nearest sure way to my deepest one single well,inside thru maharishi , earliest, 1973? i for gotmy initiator sri balagopal, is a balagopal blessed i am , believe it or noti found adi shankara in azit shankara, in this beta version to update the ancient in the modern idiom, in the contemporary medium thanks for scintillating wisdom from the star in the internet st sky"

Aug 28, 2012 at 09:38 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rati Hegde's blogDISTINCTION BETWEEN SPIRITUALITY and SCIENCE

"See here, one of my vikruthi, manifested at some poor soul who dared , who snared at me If surgery is the need, the learned surgeon like me to keep quiet?no, it is my profession to work with knife and scissor, to cut him in to pieces, to tear him into ragsand, definitely, to cause some pain in the patient,who is in self anesthesia,who is like a stone that is dead .sure he will wake up to life, his crying and screamingfuming and foaming, fomenting and lamenting, blogging and commenting is the proof of my operation success , ok, he has not died , despite my sincere efforts .next time beter luck, in the meanwhile i pray lord chana basava [ google ]to grant me more powers to do the execution guaranteedly"

Aug 28, 2012 at 08:29 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rati Hegde's blogDISTINCTION BETWEEN SPIRITUALITY and SCIENCE

"Durga, kaali, ugra narasimha, vaman, parasuram, ram, kishan, ---all are they kind, tolerant, patient, forgiving, everyoone, good and wicked?are they deaf dumb blind and numb?did they keep quiet when scam after scam ruining the common man?or rose like a mahathma, in righteous indignation?or shouted hounded the cheats in avathars of anna , baba, a kabir bedi, a kejriwalarjun, cowardice does not befit youarise awake stop not till the goal is reacheddharma gets established again and again it's marma is known only to only seers with higher vision kimkarthavyatha vimoodhadoes not have arhathato rule, he is a fool to fool to do fooling around"

Aug 28, 2012 at 08:47 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Avinash Pamnani's blogRetreat Hell

"Guru guidance a must"

Jul 15, 2012 at 05:14 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Avinash Pamnani's blogRetreat Hell

"I find/found many real gurus."

Jul 15, 2012 at 09:03 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Avinash Pamnani's blogRetreat Hell

"Meditation the best motivator towards heaven, simplest, no effortsno do dontsno need of counselno need of props crutches no need of blogs dialogs"

Jul 15, 2012 at 05:12 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Avinash Pamnani's blogRetreat Hell

"Yesi learnt, practicing"

Jul 15, 2012 at 09:05 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Avinash Pamnani's blogRetreat Hell

"Approach your guru, get it checked.if doing independently, realize that it will lead you no whereso find a good guru and learn , this is critically important . tremendous possibilities are just ahead."

Jul 16, 2012 at 06:41 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Avinash Pamnani's blogRetreat Hell

"Aol is fantastic, just practice it in every pranayam / bhajans process here you will get the best of experience of heightened awareness, just be in touch with local centre, and talk to your guruji thereparticipate in get togethers where you will have chance to do group meditation .pl take my suggestions as just friend, i am not qualified to advice .yet enthused to share just"

Jul 16, 2012 at 04:02 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Avinash Pamnani's blogRetreat Hell

"Http:// on-ep-part-iipl see my responses"

Jul 16, 2012 at 06:42 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sanskruti Sethi's blog Why sex is a dirty word in India

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/self-improve ment/the-god-designed-system-of-pro creation"

Jul 14, 2012 at 08:41 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Chana Meddin's blog HOW ST IS SAVING ME FROM MY OWN WORST ENEMY: MYSELF!

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/self-improve ment/how-you-receive-matters-87985"

Jul 13, 2012 at 05:56 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Chana Meddin's blog HOW ST IS SAVING ME FROM MY OWN WORST ENEMY: MYSELF!

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/faith-and-ri tuals/alo-kaalai-vanakkam-vaazhga-e ppati-irukkinga-romba-nandr#"

Jul 13, 2012 at 05:49 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Thank you , dear friendsmy internet and powercut are hand in hand cut throats, cutting mu throat, cutting my posts in bits and pieces yet i lose no peacein perfect composei go on doing my compose no reposenor just pose and all roses to you all"

Jul 13, 2012 at 11:11 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Simply turn you mind off and say God did it.-----they are helpless children, forgive them , they really want to say i do not knowdo not have the courage hence find this easy outlet"

Jul 13, 2012 at 11:06 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"God for most is where one sweeps away all the mysteries of the world,------------for ignorant all is miracle oracle, mystery for the enlightened it is just mastery"

Jul 13, 2012 at 11:04 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"For believers its easy. Anything you don't understand, you attribute to God----------it's an escape route to the timid , not willing to do tapasya and know and thus be bold to know what is really what"

Jul 13, 2012 at 11:03 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Why should God be so clear in the scriptures-----because it is written by qualified professors and can be understood by one similarly qualified and so obscure in the world?----in the world not many are qualified hence it is obscure for them"

Jul 13, 2012 at 11:01 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Why should God manifest himself in such a debatable way when he can make his presence completely unambiguous?his presence is completely unambiguous -- to the one who did experience thru gurukripa.thermodynamics cannot be unambiguous to 8th class boy, unless he graduates to engg knowledge"

Jul 13, 2012 at 10:58 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Faster than light.' ---is the light of transcendent , whose rays are infinitude with intelligence and energy which can stravel stright and in all possible curves circles zigzag"

Jul 13, 2012 at 10:55 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"'There are no privileged frames of reference'? one frame , that is frameless transcendent , is the basis of all privileged not privileged"

Jul 13, 2012 at 10:52 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Earth weighs so much ------even this can be no precise"

Jul 13, 2012 at 10:51 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"William Blake said ‘What is Grand is necessarily obscure to Weak men. That which can be made Explicit to the idiot is not worth my care. The Wisest of the Ancients considered what is not too explicit as the fittest for instruction because it rouses the faculties to act.’"

Jul 13, 2012 at 10:49 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Why do scriptures not contain statements like 'A body in motion tends to remain in motion.-----here i quote William Blake who said"

Jul 13, 2012 at 10:44 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"They admit lots of possible interpretations-------they know more than me if not all, hence open to all interpretations or interruptionit's not at all a corruption"

Jul 13, 2012 at 10:42 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Kele tapasya viswamithragele menaka maaghe kuthra"

Jul 13, 2012 at 09:02 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Most of the religious prophecies are vague, ambiguous, imprecise, open to fraud. They admit lots of possible interpretations-human frailtyignore with frugalityfrailty thy name is human omnipresent, none is excluded \even vishva mithra"

Jul 13, 2012 at 09:01 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"In the scientific line of work, they're called hypotheses, not inspiration and not revelation.----unless they are inspired, enthused, excited, they cannot reach and perceive the revelations of their logic, their rationality , their research, their investigation it is just being prosaic, cold , alert, open, no illusions , no delusions, that is how illumination dawnsbut some flow in to poetry allegory, imagery, idolatry, bigotry, superstition, sentiment, belief faith, getting shadowed under .one must shrug off some are fast some are fastidioussome are slow some slovenall to give best lesson we to take the best message and forget the idiom and medium of lessonpick the grain, from chaff"

Jul 13, 2012 at 08:58 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Be skeptical.-----yes,that is why i went to guru, found out , what is truth, with my direct, experience, authentifying my gurus version of truth"

Jul 13, 2012 at 08:48 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"You must care about the truth.----how much truth ?tell me your truth , i shall check with mine and take care to updatethere is no final date at any rate"

Jul 13, 2012 at 08:46 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"What if all are wrong?---------great, i wanted to say this .but , you said it i parrot --all are wrongnever can any human find the ultimatehe gets checkmatedhe gets limited, tho uninhibited, by his inability, of perception, his comprehension,safely for our mental health, we can amuse ourselves with a muse that none is right and ourselves try to find the unexplored to the best of our ability, not relying on any one , ignorant or enlightenedthe ground is open and vast ,fortunately, for my solo play and i continue my play there is no end , i mold my dolls with my clay"

Jul 13, 2012 at 08:40 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"The major religions on the Earth contradict each otherearth looks flat if you see the floor under the carpet in your flat-------correct earth looks curvy if you see from a jet plane window at far distant high----also correctearth looks round if you see from moon------and this is correct , and correctearth looks a dot if you see from far higher galaxies -----yes , fortunately this too is correcti can join any party, and utter that truth of that party but i do not get stuck their i aayaramm gayaa ram, so i change my party . and my flat, i grow and stay in a bungalowi stand to gain even if votes do not rain"

Jul 13, 2012 at 08:27 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Either the universe is a certain number of years old or it's infinitely old. ---your challenge is bold , fact cold, of value goldmy answer is , political, i mean poetical, or more hypocritical i want to capture all the votes,i have no currency notesso i give my nod to any opinionon this i have no pain, have all gaini , so say , 1 universe is just now is born, at this moment2 universe was born a exactly a few years exactly 3 universe is eternal unborn mine is united parties alliance , [pun. fun ]and i argue and prove with each of the voter that is the king, most knowledgeable, a know alland i teach tolerance , and give instant deliverance what do i lose, if my verbosity is let loose"

Jul 13, 2012 at 08:19 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Now they can't both be right.----you are very rightthey have revealed what they found as rightit is right ,it is their right ,no fightafter enough evolution, probably the fuse in one right but they all need the lightof the transcendental consciousness, the ultimate right, light, bright otherwise they can never reach the harmonyeven if they waste a lot of time , time is money"

Jul 13, 2012 at 08:06 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"With an infinite number of subsidiary creations and destructions along the way. ------------oh, forget brahma, vishnu. maheshwar, seen/heard in temples, movies, stories scriptures,videos, tv serials for a moment see your skin that is the home and play of the trio carrying out the creation, maintenance, destruction the cells , your cells, my cells, cells of every living being from amoeba to manava , it is their live on line existence and performance, does not need a biologistor a zoologist to know its gist"

Jul 13, 2012 at 08:00 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"The Hindus think that the universe is infinitely old---let them also thinksimilarly , as they evolve they will update probably to assert that the universe has just born at this moment.we shall wait for the right answer till eternity,--if possible"

Jul 13, 2012 at 07:52 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Christians think universe is only six thousand years old.-----let them think, may be they are on the way towards exact figuremay come out a newer testamentmore updated than the previousand more updates follow as human evolves nothing is final, at least not yet"

Jul 13, 2012 at 07:49 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Contending opinions.------------yes, truth /god/reality has infinite dimensionsno single human can deliver all the views, every human has his angle and so a unique vision so a different opinion so they are contending, yet tending towards truth , not yet reaching for soothtruth being unfathomablethis process continues for ever, has been since time immemorial"

Jul 13, 2012 at 07:46 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Good, for me this blog is a feast i turn to eastto learn god bestand take gurus help mosthere i flow with his gracecome run , join in my race"

Jul 13, 2012 at 07:41 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Shiva Shunya's blog Morality - Religion - Spiritualism

"First Enter into MEditation"

Jul 12, 2012 at 01:13 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Enlightened person does not fit into any scale

"Politician??but i can see thru his game and skip him, in the next election or even by election , and catapult him to the right place the dust bin in contrast , never i can know the depth of enlightened person, i can continue to adore him, life long, even in future births"

Jul 09, 2012 at 11:48 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Enlightened person does not fit into any scale

"Yes sir , no other can you said truly thank you"

Jul 09, 2012 at 11:50 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Enlightened person does not fit into any scale

"This will be known , only after getting the enlightenment, otherwise we are in delusion that we know all"

Jul 09, 2012 at 11:53 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog god has been writing books infinite.

"Priya mithrah ayam thava vachanam sathyamasthudhanyosmi,"

Jul 08, 2012 at 12:24 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Dear all why not help me to sing better , see my rants here, if you have time to waste"

Jul 13, 2012 at 08:42 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog God comes before us as critics, connoisseurs.

"देते हमें दर्शन , कैसे कैसे"

Jul 06, 2012 at 03:23 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"There is a hidden wisdom which we need to pick up from...'''------------------------t his is generally missed hence controversyto evolve to the next truth or a better level, the means are different.''-------------------this is the point"

Jul 26, 2012 at 05:43 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"No surprise i feel like the same , occasionally i stumbled up on a few in st let's have this forum , even small .i am likely to send a few blog links for your kind look, pl feel free to read/skip/delay"

Jul 26, 2012 at 07:50 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"No, so i say, do respect everyone, but do not listen to everyone, neither argue, nor disputeit's waste of time justlisten to the few bestprioritization a must be bold ,time is golduse your intellect do not stop at its limited dialectgo beyond its realm there are worlds that overwhelm"

Jul 26, 2012 at 05:31 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Wait on, do not through the mask of humility, on this most impudent i am not ready yet for any pretensei am a spiritual scientist and technologist, ''seeing'' is my specialization .when i say worlds that overwhelm, i mean it, --not a belief/ hope / faith --but in reality in true sense"

Jul 26, 2012 at 07:56 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"De novo= navo navo bhavathihence, a) forced c) invoked by the outer circumstances and adaptation to natured) all of the aboveand more creativity is the cause of change , present every where at all times , when active, it generates new expressions enriching to life progressive and evolutionary in nature ----maharishi"

Jul 26, 2012 at 05:55 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Yes and no"

Jul 26, 2012 at 05:55 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Vivek Soley's blog Illusive god

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/faith-and-ri tuals/robot-am-i-or-not-60918"

Jul 26, 2012 at 07:58 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blog let's learn abcd à°… à°† à°²ు à°¨ేà°°్à°šుà°•ుంà°¦ాం

"Take punctuation marks"

Jul 05, 2012 at 01:10 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blog let's learn abcd à°… à°† à°²ు à°¨ేà°°్à°šుà°•ుంà°¦ాం

"Oh, i am getting an idea, why not i try a poem on thesehere i put full stopbut you be non stop"

Jul 05, 2012 at 01:13 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog God comes before us as critics, connoisseurs.

"My ticking like is = vvv, tnx for glance and kind words"

Jul 05, 2012 at 01:19 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog God comes before us as critics, connoisseurs.

"Thankyou sir ji"

Jul 05, 2012 at 01:18 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog God comes before us as critics, connoisseurs.

"Pranams swamiji, profound is your wisdom"

Jul 05, 2012 at 01:17 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog God comes before us as critics, connoisseurs.

"Nice, you cared to see, tnx"

Jul 05, 2012 at 01:15 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ruchika Singhal's blogEvidence of God Particle Found !

"This point to be noted by all. it is just a iconic name, not god in rality god is the unified field , aikya kshethra, kaivalya kshethra from which all finest impulses of it develop into force field, matter fields, fine particles, -----now getting discovered as scientist evolves"

Jul 08, 2012 at 06:07 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ruchika Singhal's blogEvidence of God Particle Found !

"This field comes to be experienced in the state of samadhi, in the meditation--now not a big deal, every one can have this experience in courses offered like, tm, aol, ssy, dy in matter of weeks , months and instantly know a lot of spirituality without reading big/old books"

Jul 08, 2012 at 06:10 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ruchika Singhal's blogEvidence of God Particle Found !

"As the practice matres all the mysteries o parabrahman, devi devathas get unfolded , one getting the benifit of what gods can give ----i repeat, not at all difficult, as easy as one breaths or drinks water"

Jul 08, 2012 at 06:13 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ruchika Singhal's blogEvidence of God Particle Found !

"And science unravells in its own lang and idiom, it is all welcome, physics is the one which is now most advanced than other branches .they are able to unify all the sciences to the field of consciousness----not a big deal i repeat , this was done under maharishi guidance with great scientists doing tm and comprehending their fidings in the right perspective"

Jul 08, 2012 at 06:16 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ruchika Singhal's blogEvidence of God Particle Found !

"Google ''maharishi'' you can open yourself to a glimpse of what is happenning in this field"

Jul 08, 2012 at 06:17 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ruchika Singhal's blogEvidence of God Particle Found !

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/meditation/t ransformations-within-the-gap-86149"

Jul 08, 2012 at 06:36 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ruchika Singhal's blogEvidence of God Particle Found !

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/meditation/g od-particle-is-intermediate-stage-n ot-the-final"

Jul 08, 2012 at 06:37 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ruchika Singhal's blogEvidence of God Particle Found !

"Now in tm, excellent scientific experimentation has been done, with advanced instrumentation , no more mysteries science is evolving to find deeper spiritual truths but it is in their mediums in their idiomseveral info is there google and find ask me i will give links not a bigdeal"

Jul 08, 2012 at 06:27 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ruchika Singhal's blogEvidence of God Particle Found !

"Dialog is scholarly naman to all every thing gets into the grip --kara thala aamalakam, just meditate experience samadhi, million words/talk become superfluous, superficial ."

Jul 08, 2012 at 06:22 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ruchika Singhal's blogEvidence of God Particle Found !


Jul 08, 2012 at 06:18 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ruchika Singhal's blogEvidence of God Particle Found !

"See what is happening in the field of edu, those who want avail for their children can get admiission -not a big deal"

Jul 08, 2012 at 06:20 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Achilles Dsylva's blog Does being happy means everything is perfect

"Http:// 96#see things in perspective"

Jul 04, 2012 at 05:40 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Achilles Dsylva's blog Does being happy means everything is perfect

"See the science of happiness ate-of-no-thought"

Jul 04, 2012 at 05:31 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Achilles Dsylva's blog Does being happy means everything is perfect

"I am happy"

Jul 04, 2012 at 05:26 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Achilles Dsylva's blog Does being happy means everything is perfect

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/meditation/i -am-87333"

Jul 04, 2012 at 05:29 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Achilles Dsylva's blog Does being happy means everything is perfect

"Every thing is perfect"

Jul 04, 2012 at 05:26 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Achilles Dsylva's blog Does being happy means everything is perfect

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/self-improve ment/there-is-no-enemy-to-fight-871 83#"

Jul 04, 2012 at 05:28 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/go d-comes-before-us-as-critics-connoi sseurs-87407#"

Jul 04, 2012 at 07:45 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/go d-comes-before-us-as-critics-connoi sseurs-87407#"

Jul 04, 2012 at 07:45 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/go d-comes-before-us-as-critics-connoi sseurs-87407#"

Jul 04, 2012 at 07:45 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/go d-comes-before-us-as-critics-connoi sseurs-87407#"

Jul 04, 2012 at 07:44 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/go d-comes-before-us-as-critics-connoi sseurs-87407#"

Jul 04, 2012 at 07:44 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/go d-comes-before-us-as-critics-connoi sseurs-87407#"

Jul 04, 2012 at 07:44 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/go d-comes-before-us-as-critics-connoi sseurs-87407#"

Jul 04, 2012 at 07:44 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/go d-comes-before-us-as-critics-connoi sseurs-87407#"

Jul 04, 2012 at 07:44 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/go d-comes-before-us-as-critics-connoi sseurs-87407#"

Jul 04, 2012 at 07:44 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/go d-comes-before-us-as-critics-connoi sseurs-87407#"

Jul 04, 2012 at 07:43 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog experience of the state of '' no Thought''

"Humbly pranams,humanity has been / will be ---ever asearching this state, blessed are those who glimpsed it a moment once"

Jul 04, 2012 at 08:18 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/go d-comes-before-us-as-critics-connoi sseurs-87407#"

Jul 04, 2012 at 07:43 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/go d-comes-before-us-as-critics-connoi sseurs-87407#"

Jul 04, 2012 at 07:43 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"I live to get a certificate from allso i strive to get certificate from god"

Jul 04, 2012 at 07:49 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the article Life Is Absurd

"Life is surd and absurdSurd Meaning and Definition1.(a.) Unheard.2.(a.) Not having the sense of hearing; deaf.3.(a.) Involving surds; not capable of being expressed in rational numbers; radical; irrational; as, a surd expression or quantity; a surd number.4.(n.) A surd element of speech. See Surd, a., 4.5.(a.) Uttered, as an element of speech, without tone, or proper vocal sound; voiceless; unintonated; nonvocal; atonic; whispered; aspirated; sharp; hard, as f, p, s, etc.; -- opposed to sonant. (n.) A quantity which can not be expressed by rational numbers; thus, Ã2 is a surd."

Jul 04, 2012 at 07:47 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"Truly happy-- is the requirement"

Jul 04, 2012 at 08:06 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/god-and-i/go d-comes-before-us-as-critics-connoi sseurs-87407#"

Jul 04, 2012 at 07:41 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"Sacred ego deserves all adoration from one and all and sundry, hence craves fir certification no wrong"

Jul 04, 2012 at 08:06 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"If you ignore out side certification you are missing a lot a factory may be best in quality yet iso /bsicertification raises its stature"

Jul 04, 2012 at 07:35 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogLead a Happy Life, No need of Report Card from Others.....

"Weigh, evaluate, test, and rate their products with the best standards, without parallax errors , and award your authentic certificate truthfully, with best intentions, without malice, and let them know the carrots 24, or 22, or plated gold, or just iron, even pig iron , tho coming in the best of packages well show cased, and with excellent sale talk with ads then they come to know the true market value and go back to do some quality improvements and bring better products next timein no case give an empty praise or undeserved flattery in the name of good relations"

Jul 04, 2012 at 11:56 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog experience of the state of '' no Thought''

"Yes, guru shows"

Jul 04, 2012 at 08:09 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog experience of the state of '' no Thought''

"You read the gaps between,,---- hats off"

Jul 04, 2012 at 08:10 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Raj Gupta's blog How to remove stress

"Excellent here is how we must go to the level of no thots, and be in a state ready to cognize the birth of a thot in its nascent state, lalithya, and it materializes immediately as if a miracle, with nature cooperating in accomplishing such wishit is the exact technique, tm-sidhi is but basis is no thought state, without reaching it it is impossible it grows only to chinta"

Jul 04, 2012 at 06:37 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog God causes man to cheat, murder, pain others

"If viewed in extreme zoom out , there is only one who is behind every thing if viewed in zoom in it is individual causewe are true , since our views are from different zoom levels"

Jul 04, 2012 at 06:11 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rajendran Puthenkattil Koru's blog Is Gate way of India, an Indian Pride?

"Why should the Congress party be hitched to the Nehru-Gandhi family like train compartments to the engine, that was how the late P V Narasimha Rao reacted to the suggestion that Sonia Gandhi be made the Congress chief after the assassination of her husband Rajiv Gandhi in May, 1991.This has been stated by veteran Congressman Arjun Singh in his soon-to-be-released posthumous autobiography, 'A Grain of Sand in the Hourglass of Time'."

Jul 03, 2012 at 05:20 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogA Thought which has the potential to make Life Meaningful!!!

"I love to differ experience of the state of '' no Thought '' has the potential to make Life Meaningful!!!and no other thoughts have this potential, this has been my experience, all guru krupa"

Jul 03, 2012 at 08:36 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogA Thought which has the potential to make Life Meaningful!!!

"Thomas Edison had 1200 by dwelling on the surface,surfing?floating on the waves of thots up down, hither thither?by rotating in the whirlpool?orby diving deep to the bottom of the bottomless ocean of creativity?you cannot fathom the depth level of genius, unless you are one who has fathomed your own in your '', the true source of all ,-------thotlessness''"

Jul 04, 2012 at 06:07 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogA Thought which has the potential to make Life Meaningful!!!

"This link reinforces my line of thinking thank you commented"

Jul 04, 2012 at 06:38 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogA Thought which has the potential to make Life Meaningful!!!

"This what the example of nature cooperation to my thots from no thot state, helping me , as if a help from no where., just to strengten me , just to prove my premice is rightritham vadishyaamisathyam vadishyaami"

Jul 04, 2012 at 06:44 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogA Thought which has the potential to make Life Meaningful!!!

"We must understand the immense power of nascent thought, the power of lalithamba, reborn with laalithya to acquire immense powers to end bhandaasura"

Jul 04, 2012 at 06:46 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogA Thought which has the potential to make Life Meaningful!!!

"Just at the formation , the power is more , in the nascent stage, ---chemistry is helping here for spirituality to explain the reaching of subtler states to be imbibed with power"

Jul 04, 2012 at 06:49 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogA Thought which has the potential to make Life Meaningful!!!

"If thots had the potential, every thinking person would have been genius, and society and the world would have been a heaven with absolutely no problems and all with joy over flowing."

Jul 03, 2012 at 04:04 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogA Thought which has the potential to make Life Meaningful!!!

"Only those very very few blessed souls who did experience the state of no thought---which is beyond the realm of the entire thinking range of the mind ---only have been able to actualize all the potentialities of body mind and thus have been able to provide the light in -the environment"

Jul 03, 2012 at 04:17 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogA Thought which has the potential to make Life Meaningful!!!

"And they inspired the humanity as the ideal, from time to time , in the same world of problems and suffering, but they remained untouched , unperturbed with any challenges of the time and geo , leading a life in righteousness, beyond the power of 6 instincts,"

Jul 03, 2012 at 04:47 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogA Thought which has the potential to make Life Meaningful!!!

"In contrast , the best minds intellectual emotional, ended up in gratifying their baser instincts for money, power, lust, name, fame, popularity, by hook or crook ended up in bp, landed up in jail caught redhanded"

Jul 03, 2012 at 04:51 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogA Thought which has the potential to make Life Meaningful!!!

"Osama tried to actualize his thought, expertly , precision, devotion skill, technology, and was a ''success'' in realizing his powers to detroy wtc and creating human bombs . definitely he had the most powerful thought what was missing day and night he was with his thots, having no opportunity to experience at least once the state of no thot ."

Jul 03, 2012 at 04:54 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogA Thought which has the potential to make Life Meaningful!!!

"And best intellectuals with most powerful thots are creating movies with obscene vulgarity, profane double meaning dialogs, spoiling young innocents bombarding day ad night with such trivia glorifying all kinds of lower taste, just for earning money , using the sacred woman hood for commercial advantage i do not underestimate their powerful thots , but use is it to them and society"

Jul 03, 2012 at 04:58 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogA Thought which has the potential to make Life Meaningful!!!

"And some intellectuals with powerful thots are engaged in arguments and fights to prove their ''superiority over others on every opportunity, and draw extra mileage what is the result"

Jul 03, 2012 at 05:01 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogA Thought which has the potential to make Life Meaningful!!!

"Poor are those who did not get that opportunity to really enrich their life, they cannot say dhanyosmi, in what ever small little here and there achievements, since they did not achieve what really they are born for achieving, waste is such a life"

Jul 03, 2012 at 05:04 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogA Thought which has the potential to make Life Meaningful!!!

"Not yet samaan, but am a 'would be'"

Jul 04, 2012 at 08:12 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogA Thought which has the potential to make Life Meaningful!!!


Jul 04, 2012 at 08:24 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Lifelong learning means you learn from

"Sid VarmaJun 17, 2012 at 10:31 amGreat thoughts!!Don't limit your knowledge by just keeping it to yourself... But also spread it to others... This will enhance speaker's learning and revise yours as well !! Ultimately, you are doubling your knowledge!"

Jul 03, 2012 at 08:19 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog sathguru.

"Every move ,every moment, a prayercm is saying what adi shankara says, poor she does not know, like bala kishan,utters but all truths utteryad yad karma karomi thath thath sarvam akhilam, shambho thava aaraadhanamwhat ever i do total all is , oh lord is thy worshipeven this post of cm here is a prayer, most humbleto me it humbles"

Jul 03, 2012 at 08:31 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog sathguru.

"Http:// utterances are flowing out as scriptures, vedic truths, by themselves, unaware, in the state of heightened awareness thru guru grace ."

Jul 03, 2012 at 08:56 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blog Friends, we are all, after all.

"Shiku may be knowing, expert in monkey play"

Jul 02, 2012 at 06:20 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blog Friends, we are all, after all.

"Mischief's of silence---------------yeshe is no great than us.., he is a part of us, we are all parts of him , of silence broken in to pieces"

Jul 02, 2012 at 06:18 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Exact meaning of ''nothingness is to be grasped precisely

"Right sir, you have that experience, and grasp it's unique possession"

Jul 01, 2012 at 10:29 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Batu Ram Nayak's blog How important is The Other-Man?

"Any relation requires soul contact soul contact of one's own makes one to overflow with love love , divine is the basis for humans to get connected with any one any thing in the unverse rather to get connected with the whole universe in the most profound, meaningful, mutually rewarding waywhat is the mutual reward, basically it is joy , but it is really joy+all , any thing you can add"

Jul 01, 2012 at 08:26 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Batu Ram Nayak's blog How important is The Other-Man?

"What is love"

Jul 01, 2012 at 08:27 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blog Rishi attends programs? yes conducts the programs? no.

"No mystery. kavitva rv is kavitva rishi vasanth"

Jul 01, 2012 at 08:21 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blog Rishi attends programs? yes conducts the programs? no.

"My exclusive id for poetry .find some more rv's must be there?!"

Jul 01, 2012 at 08:22 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blog Rishi attends programs? yes conducts the programs? no.

"[ ok , i am getting cornered by these ''lie detectors''i now press escape button, by saying, ] ar, i am export in inglis, misunderstood, stood only under it, not above it '' rv fearing'' means rv is afraid of ar, [ where has gone my original friend ,ar, the gem, vvv stolen him away from me,? i think i entered a jungle, facing this new ar, the tiger]"

Jul 02, 2012 at 06:11 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blog Rishi attends programs? yes conducts the programs? no.

"Ar gave early promotion [ to the most undeserving fellow rv ....] as omni rv , to be present everywhere at all times, but how that fellow can do that duty, he hardly 6 feet tall?"

Jul 01, 2012 at 06:25 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blog Rishi attends programs? yes conducts the programs? no.

"No, kavitva, in st all are excellent souls [except one], they are planning to go to moon to find what i do not know , you wrongly understood"

Jul 01, 2012 at 06:31 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blog Rishi attends programs? yes conducts the programs? no.

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/faith-and-ri tuals/be-shanth-prashant-its-omni-v asanth#"

Jul 02, 2012 at 06:24 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blog Rishi attends programs? yes conducts the programs? no.

"How many rv's are there , i forgot, i need your not tell ar."

Jul 01, 2012 at 03:39 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blog Rishi attends programs? yes conducts the programs? no.

"No claims, i have 1 lakh plus blogs scribbled in decades, and countless are flooding in the mind , the fountain head , on countless subjects ."

Jul 01, 2012 at 08:31 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blog Rishi attends programs? yes conducts the programs? no.

"Blog is self referral 1 with guru2 with oneself3 with one's istadevatha4 with one's lover [ not ''i love'' you type ]5 with reader to writer/ writer to reader6 with artists to connoisseurthis makes one dive into oneself, explore and discoveries, and bring out to share , in joy"

Jul 01, 2012 at 08:36 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blog Rishi attends programs? yes conducts the programs? no.

"I feel this with a pen and paper , both again are self referral--, joking, now i feel this with computer and menow i feel this with st in blogging reading now i feel, with not all, but with a rare few in st and i go on streaming and when i look at these, i feel they can give rise to further ideas, so feel like preserving , posting as blogs and every dilog i make is to preserve it as a blog when that intention is there, my mind looks for such valuable triggers , and i get set , and quantity oh"

Jul 01, 2012 at 08:42 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blog Rishi attends programs? yes conducts the programs? no.

"Self referral 1 with self to self in meditation, to be precise , in samadhi, with infinite scope 2 with one self in out of meditation,doing any work, alone, talking to himself, thinking and seeing/getting ideas, thoughts , ---this happens more intensely as the sadhana matures, manifests in creativity overflowing in unexpected channels, in unimaginable new ways, one is multiprocessing ability, asthaavadhaana, shathaavadhaana, ie one becomes so skilled in accessing his deeper self, and manipulating and processing the faculties of mind in so many ways,-----without confusion---without anxiety stress, just as play ,"

Jul 01, 2012 at 08:55 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Rishi Vasanth's blog Rishi attends programs? yes conducts the programs? no.

"In the 1 case , deepest , concentrated, universl truths are cognized, vedic richas, their significance their essencenot necessarily in vedic sanskrit, not in words, but in the form of ----what??----shall i say chunks of truths , precepts, concepts----beyond language and idiom"

Jul 01, 2012 at 08:59 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Exact meaning of ''nothingness is to be grasped precisely

"Guru krupa... pranams"

Jul 01, 2012 at 08:18 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog So they think they know about the God Particle!!!! Part -2

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/meditation/e xact-meaning-of-nothingness-is-to-b e-grasped-precisely"

Jul 01, 2012 at 08:14 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Kanika Aggarwal's blogEDUCATION becomes a Question............

"Meditate, become gyana moorthi, without questions, but with all answers"

Jul 01, 2012 at 02:37 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog So they think they know about the God Particle!!!! Part -2

"God particle is intermediate stage, not the final, the final being the pure consciousness, parabrahma , supreme , not to search in the labs nor in the minds of x y z but in ones own deepest self Now scientists started to learn and practice meditation, and are able to proceed ahead without the limitation of mind , they have discovered the unified field, the aikya kshetra, the kaivalya, the unifying the spirituality with modern sciences. and it it is high time spiritual souls like you get familiar with the great strides the sciences have made towards identifying god's existence, the pure consciousness, not a big deal see google , maharish' see it in a few glances if you need i shall give links .in any case none need to stay in frogwell, things are going wonderfully well i both spirituality and science, lifting of the partition of mind separating them so far pl comment, sp"

Jul 01, 2012 at 02:34 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog So they think they know about the God Particle!!!! Part -2

"I agree"

Jul 01, 2012 at 02:32 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sumita Kataria's blog Selfless teachings

"Sweet melodious"

Jun 30, 2012 at 07:13 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Somnath Banerjee's blogWAITING TO DIE

"Enjoy the present pain and pleasure.--so easily said.pain and pleasure.------only can be known by the man on the death bed.not the one looking at him and advising thus"

Jun 30, 2012 at 06:25 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Somnath Banerjee's blogWAITING TO DIE

"So evolve to the real of rk, then yesbut in unevolved state pain is painfulmukthananda did not accept anesthesia when undergone some surgery we cannot imitate them pain is indication that swadhrma is violated ,it is a caution to avoid crossing limits we need not agree"

Jul 04, 2012 at 06:16 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Somnath Banerjee's blogWAITING TO DIE

"Sirswadharma is tolerance limits, each of us has capacity within limits cool weather ok, cool eater is ok extreme cold we cannot bear, ice we cannot touch warmth ok, but hot sun is no comfort , fire burns eating a plate meal ok, two/three is not acceptable, fasting for a couple of days ok but fasting for a week/month makes us weak and die"

Mar 08, 2013 at 03:55 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Somnath Banerjee's blogWAITING TO DIE

"It's warning, caution, and it's consequence if warning is not heeded"

Jul 05, 2012 at 01:08 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Somnath Banerjee's blogWAITING TO DIE

"Shiva took garala, devas terrified why shiva has greater powersugar is good for all but a for sugar patient ?"

Jul 04, 2012 at 06:18 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Somnath Banerjee's blogWAITING TO DIE


Jul 05, 2012 at 01:08 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Somnath Banerjee's blogWAITING TO DIE

"Our behaviour under pain will not decide our character, ---it indicates the level our characteryour threshold to withstand pain and suffering increases when you realize god, when you glimpse tha absolute,suffering will not make you a better man.wisdom gained as a result of that glimpse only makes one significantly a better man, not mere marginally . marginal improvements can be got by any of infinite surface treatments .what requires is the transformation in the core that is possible thru only that glimpse, ---can be gained with the guidance from expert master"

Jul 05, 2012 at 10:31 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Somnath Banerjee's blogWAITING TO DIE

"Army training, excellence in sport and so many ways are themselves the different ways of realization of god in different, though are less effective , but surely increase the limits marginally but not absolutely but effective way to realise God and intense practice expands the human capacity to a great extent to increase threshold of i gave example of mukthananda small pain is ok but intense pain is a suffering ,we like to avoid as far as possible let's be casual in replies , delay no matter , we are playing"

Mar 08, 2013 at 04:08 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Somnath Banerjee's blogWAITING TO DIE

"Generate the hormone in your brain and see no pain.----excellent novel idea for pain relief , we must learn how to, thanks"

Mar 11, 2013 at 05:55 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Somnath Banerjee's blogWAITING TO DIE

"Pain is due to ignorant actionpain is a punishment ,a lesson, pain cannot be enjoyedpain is not to be allowed to come by wise actions, not erring anywhereonce pain happens, mitigate it with best efforts earliest .pain hampers life, hampers growth , not a welcome thing it is ignorant that to say realize god thru pain god realization is a path of inceasing happiness decreasing suffering, pain , it is never thru pain , who ever great soul has extoled the glory of pain pain is a dreaded thing , to be averted."

Jul 05, 2012 at 01:13 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Somnath Banerjee's blogWAITING TO DIE

"This blog here in st by one dkn, may be seen"

Jul 06, 2012 at 03:28 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Somnath Banerjee's blogWAITING TO DIE

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/faith-and-ri tuals/pain-and-gain"

Jul 06, 2012 at 03:26 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Somnath Banerjee's blogWAITING TO DIE


Jul 05, 2012 at 10:33 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Somnath Banerjee's blogWAITING TO DIE

"Bhalobhas is only pleasure no pain at all , it is a pain reliever dhonyobad"

Jul 05, 2012 at 01:14 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogHow to use the Antahkarana to have Atma Darshana??

"''To discipline the Mind the Intellect can use either Nama Japa, or indulging the Mind in Attentive Work, or provide Self-Knowledge to the Mind.''i love to differthe above processes are activities of the mind , will not allow the mind to reach the state of rest which is the necessary condition to go beyond the mind, to experience the pure awareness, which is not possible as long as the mind is engaged in activity of any sortpl comment"

Jun 30, 2012 at 04:26 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sumita Kataria's blog Give and be contented

"Giving happens really, joyfully, abundantly, when one is overflowing in love., how it happens, and how service happens without feeling stingy or pinch?for this we must know correctly what love is i could get this rare definition of love and the way to experience in this linkpl spare a moment"

Jun 30, 2012 at 04:18 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sumita Kataria's blog Give and be contented

"Take it easy , go slow is my slogannothing lost in spirituality slowest is fasteststandstill is best"

Jul 15, 2012 at 03:42 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog sathguru.

"Thanks fr graceful glance"

Jun 30, 2012 at 03:56 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sumita Kataria's blog Selfless teachings

"These words send me into silence"

Jun 30, 2012 at 03:09 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sumita Kataria's blog Selfless teachings

"Http:// like to present my prayer"

Jun 30, 2012 at 03:16 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sumita Kataria's blog Selfless teachings

"All his"

Jul 03, 2012 at 08:34 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sumita Kataria's blog Selfless teachings

"Http:// g for your kind approval"

Jul 03, 2012 at 08:45 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog So they think they know about the God Particle!!!! Part -2

"Pl see my reply at shiva"

Jul 01, 2012 at 02:32 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog So they think they know about the God Particle!!!! Part -2

"I concur"

Jul 01, 2012 at 03:37 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog So they think they know about the God Particle!!!! Part -2

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/meditation/e xact-meaning-of-nothingness-is-to-b e-grasped-precisely"

Jul 01, 2012 at 08:14 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog So they think they know about the God Particle!!!! Part -2

"God particle is intermediate stage, not the final, the final being the pure consciousness, parabrahma , supreme , not to search in the labs nor in the minds of x y z but in ones own deepest self Now scientists started to learn and practice meditation, and are able to proceed ahead without the limitation of mind , they have discovered the unified field, the aikya kshetra, the kaivalya, the unifying the spirituality with modern sciences. and it it is high time spiritual souls like you get familiar with the great strides the sciences have made towards identifying god's existence, the pure consciousness, not a big deal see google , maharish' see it in a few glances if you need i shall give links .in any case none need to stay in frogwell, things are going wonderfully well i both spirituality and science, lifting of the partition of mind separating them so far pl comment, sp"

Jul 01, 2012 at 02:31 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Srila Bv Narayana Gosvami Maharaja's blog Is God Bad?

"Is God Bad?god is all"

Jun 29, 2012 at 08:51 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Nidhi Chadha's blogmom...............which colour saree???

"Recently , i made fresh attempt to walk with gurnam, i happened to do some 100 plus nice post on one of his blog, and all was received well, as it was adding huge head count , but i could not establish a rapport i gave diamonds and he received them as coalin disgust i deleted every my post there and felt satisfied that i did a thourough interaction , insted of concluding in haste about the nature of a st soul"

Oct 14, 2012 at 06:28 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogEgo is O.K, but separate Ego & Self to snub Egoistic Self..!

"Separate the ego from the Self-- not feasibleego=self"

Jun 18, 2012 at 11:36 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogIt is all happening only due to Karma ………………….!

"Ok, it is known even child knows if he puts finger in the fire, it burns then what should we do"

Jun 15, 2012 at 12:51 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sreeram Manoj Kumar's blogIt is all happening only due to Karma ………………….!


Jun 17, 2012 at 09:49 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Meena Om's blog The solution to the problems of the world....

"Be a good human being very good advice, all the great souls are saying the same thing again and again, since ages, till this moment, and the trend is that they will continue to say it for agesbut problems are persisting , may be, will persist ever.that means man does not know how to be goodor does not want to be good but how to be a good human being here masters shy away from this question i don not know why they do not know the answer?or do not want to reveal?"

Jun 15, 2012 at 12:46 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sanjay Namdev Gite's blogquestion in mind

"Tm is great, i would like to share a good lot of things that are happening with me .you can become superintensify the practice, group meditation, retreats, advanced residential courses in tm, things will start happenning tm sidhi , science of creative intelligence courses,get meditation check once a while with teacher"

Aug 03, 2012 at 05:06 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sanjay Namdev Gite's blogquestion in mind

"The above is for sng"

Aug 03, 2012 at 05:07 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sanjay Namdev Gite's blogquestion in mind

"With tm sidhi , you can see miracles start happenning , just by nature cooperation , unexpectedly the wishes getting fulfilled just by wishing , knowledge starts blossoming in iunified way my blogs is a ready proof"

Aug 03, 2012 at 05:09 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sanjay Namdev Gite's blogquestion in mind

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/self-improve ment/a-straw-gains-value-by-falling -in-to-the-stream-of-consciou"

Aug 03, 2012 at 05:10 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sanjay Namdev Gite's blogquestion in mind

"Http:// piritual-blogs/seekers/philosophy/e xperience-of-the-state-of-no-though t"

Aug 03, 2012 at 05:13 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Infinite Arrogance is Wisdom

"Rrb, sg, thank you here in st heart reverberates with truth, longs for infinite freedom, uninhibitted, unconditioned, exploring and discovering new worlds, new heavens, a jonathan seagull, regardless"

Jun 06, 2012 at 02:45 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog Infinite Arrogance is Wisdom

"Mohe aayi na jug se laajMain itna zor se naachi aaj, ki ghungroo toot gayeMohe aayi na jug se laajMain itna zor se naachi aaj, ki ghungroo toot gayeKi ghungroo toot gaye, ki ghungroo toot gaye, ki ghungroo toot gayeKuch mujh pe naya joban bhi thaKuch pyaar ka paagalpan bhi thaEk palak meri teer baniEk zulf meri zanzeer baniLiya dil saajan ka jeetLiya dil saajan ka jeetVo chede payaliya ne geetKi ghungroo toot gaye, ki ghungroo toot gaye, ki ghungroo toot gaye,ki ghungroo toot gayeMain basi thi jiske sapnon meinVo ginega aub mujhe apnon meinKehti hai meri har ungdayiMain piya ki need chura layiMain ban ke gayi thi chorMain ban ke gayi thi chorKi meri paayal thi kamzorKi ghungroo toot gaye, ki ghungroo toot gaye, ki ghungroo toot gaye,ki ghungroo toot gayeDharti pe na mere pair lageBin piya mujhe sub gair lageMujhe ang mile armanon keMujhe pankh mile parvanon keJub mila piya ka gaonJub mila piya ka gaonTo aisa latchka mera paonKi ghungroo toot gaye, ki ghungroo toot gaye, ki ghungroo toot gaye,ki ghungroo toot gayeMohe aayi na jug se laajMain itna zor se naachi aaj, ki ghungroo toot gayeKi ghungroo toot gaye, ki ghungroo toot gaye, ki ghungroo toot gaye,ki ghungroo toot gaye"

Jun 06, 2012 at 02:50 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on the blog I gave my feel, what i felt

"Thank you and pranams"

Jun 05, 2012 at 11:07 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Shivank Mehra's blog Faith vs Science

"Explore great advancements that have taken place , especially in unified field theory linking science, with consciousness, thus one gets the passage to reality thru modern science"

Jun 03, 2012 at 08:39 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Karan Chowdhary's blogRESPECT is EARNED and is never Expected...

"Respect is godly aspectone wants respect for his divinity inside the beggar is innocent king is ignorant both must meditate and raise themselves to a level when respect comes running to both"

Jun 08, 2012 at 08:15 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sugandha Sharma's blogPrayer, How to Re-Connect to God.

"See positive, ignore negativeall are mix of plus and minus you be plus, tho i may be minus it will improve health of both it will improve hygiene of st"

Jun 02, 2012 at 11:56 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Ashika Kapoor's blog Almighty - Human VS Holy Cow : Naresh Sonee

"''Now to whom I go for appeal?'' is a question that none can answer , it is supreme who has to help but he seems to be incapable, unable to do justice , i too wonder why supreme should behave like insensitive, when so much cruelty to cow and animals is going on, if he is all powerful. why he cannot get up from his seat and start taking appropriate action and man will continue, since man feels that god does not know, cannot do any thing , he may be sleeping in such a case where is the solution"

May 29, 2012 at 02:07 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sid Varma's blog Arrogance Kills Wisdom

"May i have your sacred glance on my posts here"

Jun 25, 2012 at 11:35 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Success Coach Ajit Varwandkar's blog Is your runaround result oriented?

"I reform to make people to reform and reform performance is the end result"

May 29, 2012 at 02:16 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Success Coach Ajit Varwandkar's blog Is your runaround result oriented?

"Water the root to enjoy the fruit----maharishi"

May 30, 2012 at 08:30 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Dr Ashoke Kumar Chatterjee's blog Which is true knowledge?

"I am the devotee and You are God is first stage knowledge.i am god is second all is god is third i am all is fourth"

May 28, 2012 at 09:10 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Subramanian Kgr's blog Is there a free will?

"Free will is there and is not there"

Aug 29, 2012 at 10:44 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Saroj Das's blog "Maya causes double trouble".

"Great words seema ji, to live the truths--it's so easy to do it on real time , down to earth, on line, now here, perhaps more easy than reading / writing a boring commentary, on glories of gods, and eulogizing the hoary past with verbose unlimitedsurmises uninhibittedall postponing the reality of experience to the ''after wards'' of tomorrows , future, and next birth it's so pitiable, no compliment to great gods, asking them to come later , being busy in searching for them great masters must realize this and do the necessary thing to get the gods in our midst"

Jul 22, 2012 at 09:57 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Saroj Das's blog "Maya causes double trouble".

"All blah on god, geetha, scriptures, philosophy is to be understood in present lang and idiom, we must be with gods , like we meet , move and talk our kith ,kin, friends, in our homes, in our parties, in our work places .in the gardens, in the parks, even in the parking places why to drive them all into obscurity building an aura around them with the brush of our ignorance, and send them away far, high into the sky, and we again searching for them , waiting for them , like a drizzle of rain, in season, out of season is it not really possible?how long this separation unbearable?should we be content with seeing our dear ones seeing them only in the photos videosreading about them in books and mags?no no noit should be possible it is possible , to just catch them by the collar and start playing with them boldly , more wildly , vividlyhow ?simple it is really"

Jul 22, 2012 at 09:42 am


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on John Kant's blogPhilosophical significance of virginity

"Virginity is a icon to mental puritya pure mind is virgin, gives birth to godly beautyexpressionsmental promiscuity'' -your blog refers"

Jun 29, 2012 at 10:54 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Sathya Lakshman's blog God is the light and darkness

"Oh! seerin black ,you saw whitein darkness, the lightin gloom, the delightin twilight, the sun's mightyou came, you saw, you conquered my heartyou are now my partit's brilliant!so bright!you are a seer ,very right"

Sep 09, 2012 at 12:04 pm


Vasanth Rer

Vasanth Rer posted a response on Atmamaya Raja's blog Mother and Children

"This blog is great colossus,thanks for the sensitive vision"

Jul 24, 2012 at 05:09 am


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