Sunday, August 25, 2013

2.3 Klaibyam maa sma gamah paartha - thegeethafanclub's blog

2.3 Klaibyam maa sma gamah paartha - thegeethafanclub's blog

2.3 Klaibyam maa sma gamah paartha

2.3 क्लैब्यं मा स्म गमः पार्था नैतत्त्वय्युपपद्यते
श्रुद्रं ह्रुदयदौर्बल्यं त्यत्तवोत्तिष्ट परन्तप!!

2.3 Klaibyam maa sma gamah paartha naitat twayyupapadyate;
Kshudram hridaya daurbalyam tyaktwottishtha parantapa.

क्लैब्यं klaibyam — impotence;
मा स्म maasma — do not;
गमः gamah — take to;
पार्था paartha– o son of Prithaa;
न na — never;
एतत् etat — this;
त्वयि tvayi — unto you;
उपपद्यते upadyate — is befitting;
श्रुद्रं kshudram — petty;
ह्रुदय hridaya — of the heart;
दौर्बल्यं daurbalyam — weakness;
त्यक्त्वा tyaktvaa — giving up;
उत्तिष्ट uttishthha — get up;
परन्तप param-tapa — o chastiser of the enemies.

Meaning: Yield not to impotence, O Arjuna, son of Pritha! It does not befit thee. Cast off this mean weakness of the heart. Stand up, O scorcher of foes!

This sloka is one of the jewels of the Gita. It preaches fearlessness. The weakness of heart when face with Herculean tasks is said to be "mean" (kshudram) and the urgency with which one has to get rid of such fear is stated by "Leave it and Get up" (tyaka + vuthistha)!!

Arjuna is called parantapa, the chastiser of the enemies, to remind him of his potential in his moments of self-doubt.

Krishna made the correct diagnosis and prescribed apt medicine for him. Swamy Vivekananda prescribed this sloka as quintessence of Gita. A careful selection of a word conveys the meaning more clearly than any other word. Take the first and last words - Klaibyam - Paranthapa. A person who can frighten his enemies is frightened. A person who can live in the hearts of others is losing heart. A person who can drive the enemies away from the battlefield wants to run away from the battlefield. It doesn't befit him !

We should laminate this sloka and keep it for our guidance, for our motivation. This is Vivekananda's pet sloka. He himself experienced such a fear during his wandering days.

Life is not a bed of roses. It is not a smooth sail on a calm river in a fine weather. It is a difficult voyage across the ocean in a rough weather. We have to fight all through - fight against our enemies, fight against our vices, fight against our fears that pull us back. There is always an internal Mahabharat Sangram within our body. If we wish to put three steps forward, our fears pull us six steps backwards. We should not yield to this. If we yield we will develop many phobias in our life. We will be scared of water, heights, depths, darkness, our own people and under estimate ourselves.

'Utsaham, Sahasam, Dhairyam, Buddi, Shakti, Parakrama Shadete yatra tistanti tatra devopi tistati.'
Enthusiasm, adventurous spirit, courage, intelligence, energy and boldness wherever these qualities are prevalent, God is sure to be present there.

Vivekananda highlighted the essence of courage thus -
'Be not afraid of anything. You will do marvellous work. The moment, you fear, you are nobody. It is fear that is the great cause of misery in the world.

Arise, Awake!!

Stop not till the goal is reached.'

Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Maharishi Vedic Approach to Health - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The full range of the Maharishi Ayur-Veda program 'for creating healthy individuals and a disease free society' has 20 components: development of higher states of consciousness through advanced meditation techniques, use of primordial sounds, correction of the "mistake of the intellect', strengthening of the emotions, vedic structuring of language, music therapy, enlivening of the senses, pulse diagnosis, psychophysiological integration, neuromuscular integration, neurorespiratory integration, purification (to remove 'impurities due to faulty diet or behavioral patterns'), dietary measures, herbal food supplements, other herbal preparations, daily behavioral routines, prediction of future imbalances , religious ceremonies, nourishing the environment and promoting world health and peace. Most of these cost several hundred dollars but some cost thousands and require the service of an ayurvedic practitioner.[14]

Friday, August 23, 2013

What is Maharishi Jyotish? | Maharishi Vedic Foundation

What is Maharishi Jyotish? | Maharishi Vedic Foundation

Maharishi Vedic Astrology programs—A science and technology to know past, present, and future

Throughout the long history of time there have been great sages who have cognized the deepest reality of life, the Unity that underlies and connects the individual with all of creation. This experience is expressed in the Vedic literature as Aham Brahmasmi—“I am Brahman—I am totality—I am cosmic” We are fortunate that in our generation His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi has organized the timeless Vedic Literature into a complete science of life, Maharishi Vedic ScienceSM, for its full theoretical and practical value.
The Maharishi Jyotish program is one of the 40 precious disciplines of Maharishi Vedic Science. As a science, the Maharishi Jyotish program is a highly mathematical approach which contains the knowledge of the cycles of time which bring about all transformations, and explains how the Laws of Nature are responsible for all changes and developments experienced in life, for example: the manner in which life unfolds sequentially through the steps of evolution from the moment of birth.
The Maharishi Jyotish program is the knowledge of the entire range of life. Its application encompasses all aspects of individual and collective life. The Maharishi Jyotish program reveals the relationship of individual life with cosmic life and enlivens their fundamental basis in consciousness. It is a practical program which helps one to “avert the danger that has not yet come” and to take maximum advantage of the fortunate periods coming in one’s life.
According to this traditional knowledge, prediction of future events is possible because the same orderly and sequential Laws of Nature which govern the evolution of the universe also govern the life of the individual. Knowing any one point in the sequence, such as the time and place of birth, an expert can mathematically calculate forwards and backwards in time. In this way the Maharishi Jyotish program offers valuable predictive insights concerning tendencies in all areas of life—health, partnerships, finances, education, career, and family relationships.
As a technology of prediction, it can help bring to light the entire profile of an individual’s past, present, and future, thus providing the full understanding of any future trend, whether good or bad, as well as identifying any specific periods that might need extra attention in order to ensure continuation of life in tune with Natural Law.

Principles of the Maharishi Jyotish Program

The Maharishi Jyotish program explains how the Laws of Nature are responsible for all changes and developments experienced in life, and how life unfolds sequentially through the steps of evolution from the very moment of birth. This vast range of unfoldment of life can be easily calculated through the mathematics of the Maharishi Jyotish program, because it is capable of describing the complex functioning of Natural Law in a simplified way through the relationship of the:
9 Grahas (planets)
12 Rashis (signs)
27 Nakshatras (lunar mansions)
To request a Maharishi Jyotish consultation, please see the instructions on theApply for Services tab. For a more complete introduction to the fundamental principles of the Maharishi Jyotish program, please click on the links that follow.

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Hindus :Religiously & spiritually what are the reasons for not consuming onion & garlic in Hinduism/Jainism? - Yahoo! Answers India

Hindus :Religiously & spiritually what are the reasons for not consuming onion & garlic in Hinduism/Jainism? - Yahoo! Answers India

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker

Dear Friend

Let us go through the question
Religiously and spiritually what are the reasons for not consuming onion and Garlic in Hinduism and Jainism.
Obviously the question is not from the angle of health or from any other angle

Garlic and onion both have many health benefits but that is not the point the questioner wanted; he wants only spiritual reasons for avoiding garlic and onion.
I am not going to quote references from Scriptures and Puranas as it has been elaborately given by other knowledgeable members.

I am going to support my answer from practical view point only.

About Jains not eating Garlic and onion
Jains do not eat Garlic or onion, that is a part of their religion;
The Jains have very strict dietary rules; Not only they are vegetarian, but they do not eat anything with seeds (this would prevent the plant from renewing its life) or any bulb for the same reason. They also believe that eating Garlic and onion increases the sexual desires.
Jains (a sect of Hindus in India) in their efforts to eat with the least amount of violence won’t eat plants that grow underground, including potatoes, because animals may be harmed in their harvest.

Now coming to some Hindu spiritual aspirants not eating Garlic and onion.

One possible reason is that as onions, ginger, or garlic, give off a strong odor and when a group seven or eight Sadhus/ Rishis meditate in forests or in a caves in a circle and if somebody ate those things, it would produce a strong, pungent odor that would affect other people meditation and their ability to become still inside, so it would seriously interfere with other people practice; That why they considered those foods taboo and made them off limits.

It is not that all Hindus avoid eating Garlic and onion, only those who are in the process of spiritual ascendance avoid eating Garlic. The goal of all spiritual sadhana, is actually to cleanse oneself of all the internal impurities. Kama, Krodha, Lobha, Moha, Mada, and all other impurities should be completely annihilated. Two very important niyamas are a must for this sadhaka to achieve moksha. Observance of celibacy is the first. This can be acquired gradually. Avoidance of onion and garlic, which are rajasic foods, is the second.' A Sadhaka should observe perfect discipline. He must be civil, polite, courteous, gentle, noble and gracious in his behavior
He must have perseverance, adamantine will, asinine patience and leech-like tenacity
in Sadhana. He must be perfectly self-controlled, pure and devoted to
the Guru.
Food plays a prominent place in Yoga-Sadhana. Food plays a prominent place in Yoga-Sadhana. An aspirant should be very careful in the selection of articles of Sattvic nature especially in the beginning of his Sadhana period. Later on when Siddhi is attained, drastic dietetic restrictions can be removed. Purity of food leads to purity of mind.

The discipline of food is very necessary for Yogic Sadhana. If the
tongue is controlled, all the other Indriyas are controlled.

Garlic and onion is a catalyst to reproduce the sex desire in us.
It should be pointed out that Garlic and onion are avoided by spiritual adherents because they stimulate the central nervous system, and can disturb vows of celibacy.
As well as producing offensive breath and body odor, these (alliaceous) plants induce aggravation, agitation, anxiety and aggression which a Spiritual Sadhaka must avoid.
For meditation, one needs to concentrate.

If there is blaring mike sound or strong odor both will disturb the mind, and concentration becomes very difficult.

Food items prepared mixing with Garlic and onion give off profound smell that would impair Deity worship, effectively disturb the sadhaka from performing his rituals.

Many Hindu homes avoid using Garlic and onion on in their food item on Ekadasi/ Dwadasi and other pooja days. Imagine that you are doing a daily prayer and if the neighbor cooks Karuvadu (dry fish) mixed with garlic and onion, the odor coming out from cooking would become unbearable for you to concentrate on your daily prayer.

Temple Prasadams never contain Garlic or onion.
In the temples where there is a crowd, some bad smell may emanate from someone; this will surely disturb meditating on the deity. To nullify the effect of bad odor, we find Scented Dhoops, Samprani, Camphor are lighted.

Reiki practitioners explain that garlic and onions are among the first substances to be expelled from a person’s system – along with tobacco, alcohol and pharmaceutical medications.

Saint Viswamintra losing to Ramba has a purpose; their union has produced Sakuntala and through her son Bharata, and our country got the name Bhāratavarṣa; and "Bhārata" today is the official name of the Republic of India
Similarly Parasara Muni’s affair with fish smelling ferry-woman is to give a gift to this world in the form of Vyasa, who later composed the Mahabharata.

God Bless you all

animals are far better than humans | Philosophy Blog on

animals are far better than humans | Philosophy Blog on Speakingtree.inBut why humans are wicked , what makes them to go astray, 
is it due to more intelligence than other beings

Saturday, August 17, 2013

wisdom is dawning, man is waking up, is able to see more, gr | Science Of Spirituality Blog on

wisdom is dawning, man is waking up, is able to see more, gr | Science Of Spirituality Blog on Speakingtree.inBasically democracy is a fallacy 
to rule a nation qualifications eligibility ability are required
democracy is like students electing one among them as the vice chancellor of their university 

in india votes can be purchased, 
poor vote for note
rich know that and made it a trade 
but nation is ruined, so anger erupts, even in the military 
since all are ambitious to grab the power by any means
real enlightenment can help really 
any other solutions are only eye wash 
will not solve, but create fresh problems 
in india now the demand is for separate state mainly for selfish gain, 
none bothers to serve, though all claim they are the saviors
wisdom is dawning, man is waking up, is able to see more, grasp more, act better, 
will not stop his journey towards better and better , renaissance happening everytime in the world.
now the latest is the information technology bringing minds and heart together. and surely this new thing is going to take world high up , and all systems customs traditions, habits, ways of actions reactions are going to get refined, and the world will be ruled by the superior intelligent capable people shortly, 
violence, is an idication of the volcano getting lit up and getting burst , but it will subside, peace is going to dawn, not the peace of grave yard but that  ''peace that passeth all understanding'', and humanity will come closer in love, things get se right , may be very shortly 
i am not localizing my comments to any nation, it is a global phenomena

Friday, August 16, 2013

Irregularities in the BlogStar contest. | Feedback Forum on

Irregularities in the BlogStar contest. | Feedback Forum on Speakingtree.inThe stories and sayings of great men and saints copied from various sources are getting maximum responses

so , it proves that these are valuable, endured time, and will be shared always

i too like these instead of new write-ups . there are very few creative writers who can excel the ancient literature, 

their names are forgotten, but their message remains relevant for long time because, their wisdom is based 

on their intense tapasya and sadhana 

and i do not think any blogger has that kind of background

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Every thing is growing

Every thing is growing and evolving plant , ant, elephant, human , all , every moment, life pulsating, healing, rejuvenating, finding ways and means, tools, techniques to overcome obstacles to expand infinitely, all from the internal spur
a mountain gets crack by the thrust of tiniest impulse of the roots of a tender plant

If pursued till its ultimate

If pursued till its ultimate, every knowledge will lead to the mastery of self 
do not underestimate , but explore what ever knowledge without stopping with book reading


The real sathsanga, is the company of sath within, 
in that state, all men will be perceived as good , no bad at all

i pray almighty to stop star race

i pray almighty to stop star race, , badging, rating, classifying into seekers, masters, 

i see here a master . i feel one is master who is joyful,

he need not have to teach, preach, reach, or breach , catch, match, patch, or hatch


without one willing, without one attempting to be a contestant,
all bloggers are listed as if they are running a race and their rank is displayed,

this is the root cause of great nuisance i am sure majority are not racing , and are not willing to race., i am too

we are simply sharing what ever we find is interesting, useful, enjoyable, funny, entertaining, enlightening, from what ever source we happen to stumble up on , by book- marking, emailing, preserving, for the sheer reason of its readily availability for ready reference, without giving importance to who is the author , but considering its value, in our best discretion

2 in the internet enormous knowledge is so much abundantly available that we will not be able to wastetime in locating what is useful to us , but friends make it easy by collecting, and distributing. this must go on
knowledge must be shared , but not necessarily the source of it, once the lead is given, one can explore it further for his need

3 similarly in st we like to share a lot of divine knowledge keeping the attention on the message/ content, not necessary to glorify the authors, since authors do not need praise, what they seek is whether writings are read or not whether their message is grasped or not.
and they will be too happy if it is spreading

4 plagiarism is an issue if one is using for commercial exploitation, and it is between the copy rightist and the copyist , not our concern

5 blogging is not a competition but an exploration with self efforts or with help from all like minded.

not all are great expert writers nor original thinkers, nor saints philosophers here ,
yet we contribute our might in our own way, out of joy, without forcing or expecting others to obey our guidelines right or wrong

6 we do blogging in big or small size, frequencies , more or less, original, copied, out of memory, out of experiences, as per our convenience, liking, at our pace, not as obligation, not as official duty, not as ritual, not as self imposed prerogative, but out of just inspiration and convenience , depending on time, cost, power cut, net connection, health, duty --but never to please x y z but to feel happy in our own way

7 in this process , it is all incidental and natural  that we get responses, praise, advice, appraise, criticism, love, hate

8  it is all acceptable, since we have no right to direct any one to respond in our desired way , 

nor we can meet others expectations. since every one has a point of view of his own, it is one's way, will, attitude, disposition, mood, intentions . let it be what ever . there are new comers their are experienced writers, each has a style, some are learning some are masters
all are welcome

9 if a blogger has been responded well with lot of head count, may be his sharing is good, he sent pms tom many readers are liking, irrespective of sources,mentioned or not

why bother

bloggers are not in the race, but they are lined up here, is if in race 
if they are getting more ratings, what is the problem , if some body gets a prize, what is the issue
his evaluation is as per norm or not is the toi issue , not our issue 

what is that we loose, if one blog is not useful? skip it, go to other countless blogs,
why to interfere with others ?, why to malign? , what is the cause for irritation,?
none insists that one must be rated high, but if it happens, why get disturbed?
 let toi decision prevail

they are the owners, we are the users
let this be left as it is
or let the contestants and non contestants be separated
but our energies must be directed on self growth not getting distracted with minor issues

Wednesday, August 14, 2013

universe is my ashram

universe is my ashram
i own the whole of it, for me no shram,

but it's all vishraam
mind dwelling on ram

it has all the mountains forests rivers and oceans
all things beings buildings, cities countries

i exist every where, roam about free, no vissa no passport
no formalities of export import,

every thing is my port,
it's my forte, it's my fortune, my comfort, my fort,

i need no space,
i am nothing, an empty space

i have all the infinite  time,
but i stay only  in present moment , a micro nano second of time

all the temples are for me , they are mine
but i pray in temple my inside

all gods are mine and i am all gods
but there is truly one god , that is me, aham brahmasmi

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

guru helps

guru helps 

how to experience, to know, to understand, what is awareness,

and teaches the process of 

how to reach , how to own , how to be, 

how to expand, how to live awareness 


its all marvelous implications, 

and most significant, 

how to benefit enormously from it,

do not stop just in blogging, dialoging


move forward, find your guru, 

find your true nature, the pure awareness

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Right To Education | Wellness Blog on

Right To Education | Wellness Blog on Speakingtree.inSome of best educated are worst cheats, 

cunning politicians, land grabbers, mafia leaders,

bribe takers, job sellers, selfish scamsters, 

black money stashers, blackmailers, 

experts in print fake currency, match fixers, 

rapists, murderers, exploiting female physiology 

creating obscene movies, paid journalists, 

all working for petty goals 

but with super skill, proficiency,knowledge . 

if they remained illiterate, less harm would have happened

Nama-Roopa' only a dream

When I awakened (reborn!) from my dream

I came to know this world of 'Nama-Roopa' was only a dream

I did not see any more my form (physicality) in the words of blood

i found Truth is too beautiful, bountiful, kind, never cruel

so I loved the Truth

Because Truth never deceive us

Life is a joyful 'sadhana' till death, come what may, the challenges, the obstacles 

Truth, i own, it's priceless possession, 

now, and till death and ever after

Wall Updates |

Wall Updates | Speakingtree.inGod exists as a system that temple is 
with all its procedures specifications functions practices 
every one serves the temple in their own way, 
responsible for his deeds misdeeds
i see god in the totality that exists around ,
and happening in the name of deity 

lord venkateshwara is existing not only the moola virat in the sanctum sanctorium, but is fully alive in the system that prevails their composed of every thing that happens 

similarly, i see jagannaath in the rathayathra , in the crowd and all that prevails
some undesirable things do happen , but temple and god is meant to refine and surely refinement does take place, in due course 

if a few people are thriving, a few people are trading, it is all a insignificant aspect when compared to the total glory of the system 

like tree is a system , around it lot happens, thrives, it is the mechanics of organism, birds, bees, reptiles, beasts, pests, thorns, dry leaves, falling bark , nothing is excluded, nothing is holy or unholy , all is a process with its own best logic .

and i recall, panda helped me at allahabad, 
and pujari in any temple is a means to carry out my intentions
me not knowing how, and he knowing it all
and my concern is my destination, not the means or modes to reach 

Our exploration is

Wall Updates |

Our exploration is to unfold the truth, 
not alone sharing belief s 
the ones who found the truth did share their truths, 
and answered every query from the lay public,showed the way, 
inspired them to start on the path.

in st too we are sharing ,by debates , our discoveries and our patches of ignorance 
in order to get at the path, guidance, and truth 

i liked st's '' find your way and show others theirs''

Wall Updates |

Wall Updates | Speakingtree.inOur exploration is to unfold the truth, 
not alone sharing belief s 
the ones who found the truth did share their truths, 
and answered every query from the lay public,showed the way, 
inspired them to start on the path.

in st too we are sharing ,by debates , our discoveries and our patches of ignorance 
in order to get at the path, guidance, and truth 

i liked st's '' find your way and show others theirs''

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Kishans mission

Kishans mission is accomplishment of evolution
by hook or crook , by means fair or foul,
end justifying means

it's filtering /refining/ distillation process

all beings are filters of different effectiveness, 
used appropriately in the task

He puts sunlight, water, minerals, manure in to a filter , converts into the grass
he puts grass to the cow, gets the milk
puts the milk , gets butter
it's done
he takes it away 
he is makhan chor, beware
puts in to his mouth , the grand filter, gulps. 


the butter becomes the finished product ,
the consciousness, himself, the absolute 

kishan teases, steals , cheats, 
he is really the chor 
makhan chor
chor kishore
he is kishore a balak, 
but holds the goverdhan on little finger
giridhaari he is 
playing fun, frolic
yet a task master 
he is master of all arts
he is the one master

He punishes, he kills
he elevates , ennobles
he enlightens, he awakens 
he cautions he teaches he reminds
he loves he hates, he threatens
he nourishes he impoverishes 
he empowers, he enables
and many many are the ways 
he is creative, innovative
spontaneous, natural
self sufficient, self satisfied 
yet ambitious, non stop

i pray kishan to bestow mercy on me 
in what ever way he likes
all is his grace

Kishan , inspiring me to praise his glory
to understand his mystery
to adore and emulate his mastery

Wall Updates |

Wall Updates | Speakingtree.inPrani's existence is really oceanic 
the ocean of consciousness, the calm, silent, non moving,-----------for it's own sake, in its own will, sends out the ripple , an impulse, localizing a tiniest dot of energy to rise up , grow up and up, into waves and tides, noisy, restless, manifesting as desire, thought ,drive ,results in action, accomplishment, fulfillment .and merge in the ocean back into itSo 
the urge to call prabhu is itself the manifestation of prabhu

every movement every moment is the result of the self moving within itself 

since god is energy , sath, 
since movement is due to energy, the first impulse is itself the sath in the potential form

and universe is all movement , manifestation of energy becoming kinetic 

this being the truth of existence 

the truth of existence of every thing, prani, jada, process, flow , growth, ---all

the wise see it as one's manifestation 

it is all me 
if i pray i am praying to myself 
if i talk to x i am talking to myself in the form of x 
x y z all are me only
this forms the basis for universal kindness, ahimsa, respect, love regard, compassion,to the totality of beings in the universe
man hesitates to pluck flowers for the sake of pooja, 
he feels the lament of flowers 
he hears the murmur of ants
It's not easy to get a clear grasp the ways of god , unless one experiences the union with him at least for a moment ,

very few did get that experience
and they explained 
but that will not be understood/ will not be accepted by those who did not have that glimpse 

god uses infinite number of ways to accomplish the purpose evolution
including ''wrong'' ways these are called wrong because their rightness cannot be understood 

kishan's mission is evolution by hook or crook 

so all these 9 rasa, 6 vikaras, instrumental in carrying out the evolution of consciousness

, annadata

Wall Updates |

Now machines soon will become the annadata , 
supported by agriculture scientists, engineers, 
innovating ever new ways of producing crops plenty, 
and without lack of nourishment, with chemical fertilizers and pest controls, with met dept predicting the seasonal abnormalities

gone are days to depend on the village farmers,
and bulls and bullock carts, corporates will be the new farmers with all the modern comforts and gadgets transport and communication furniture and paraphernalia , 

not just the huts or hutments

Wall Updates |

Wall Updates | Speakingtree.inNow machines soon will become the annadata , 
supported by agriculture scientists, engineers, 
innovating ever new ways of producing crops plenty, 
and without lack of nourishment, with chemical fertilizers and pest controls, 
with met dept predicting the seasonal abnormalities
gone are days to depend on the village farmers,
and bulls and bullock carts, corporates will be the new farmers 
with all the modern comforts and gadgets transport and communication 
furniture and paraphernalia , not the huts or hutments

finding faults

Wall Updates |

By constant bickering by the politicians against each others, 
finding the faults of the 'other man', 
citizen is getting at the exposure of misdeeds of each party , scams, ineffectiveness, failure
be it opposition be it position, if they do not , then jointly they plunder the nation, 
criticism is like fire it burns , but it purifies

Pride, Ego, Arrogance and Vanity

Difference Between Pride, Ego, Arrogance and Vanity | Self Improvement Blog on

Nice gyan, but love to differ .

i like to be in my most natural behavior
and flow nonchalant, let other men call it pride, ego, arrogance, vanity, 

and i love those who have these traits too, 
since it's one prerogative to be as per their own value system, 

i respect and accept nonconformity to normal social strictures

any humility is just pretense , a manipulation , a deception, temporarily masking the real , so not a desirable for growth

Difference Between Pride, Ego, Arrogance and Vanity | Self Improvement Blog on

Difference Between Pride, Ego, Arrogance and Vanity | Self Improvement Blog on
Nice gyan, but love to differ .
i like to be in my most natural behavior
and flow nonchalant, let other men call it pride, ego, arrogance, vanity, 
and i love those who have these traits too, 
since it's one prerogative to be as per their own value system, 
i respect and accept nonconformity to normal social strictures
any humility is just pretense , a manipulation , a deception, temporarily masking the real , so not a desirable for growth

Stop Finding Fault - Part 1 of 7 | Lifestyle Article on

Stop Finding Fault - Part 1 of 7 | Lifestyle Article on Speakingtree.inTeacher finds faults and corrects
media conducts sting operation, finds fault
guru says moodhamathe, fool, you are at fault
criticism and exposing the errors helps 
blind acceptance leads to degeneration

Thursday, August 8, 2013

every one is different and unique

Wall Updates | Speakingtree.inSeen all your elaborations, 
i need a relook at myself, and refine my perceptions and my responses
presently ,
i simply read and accept and get at your views, as they are 
i am neither agreeing nor unagreeing, neither liking nor unliking
not disputing, not countering, 
i only note that you are different, unique
and i am too different and unique 

and every one is different and unique 

one's style and features of one's value system varies

it all depends on the the level of refinement, purity, totality, clarity, with which one's body mind nervous system works 

hence it is a beneficial indicator to focus on raising one's purity, as a first priority, without distracted by the diffused array of opinion galore in the web world, 

not to be perturbed by the way world receives one 's uniqueness, 
and not to fall for the tendency to dilute and compromise the original pristine personality , for the sake of acceptability, approval, regard, praise, fame, not to rise nor to stoop to others expectations, but to be guided by the conscience, and conscience alone