Though taken as a negative trait, jealousy is really a spur to excel and exceed the achievements of the successful performers , to put in a little more sadhana, efforts , it is a pointer to a higher ideal , and will not permit the man to remain an under achiever , makes him stop not till the goal is reached better be jealous on the achievements glories of krishna, not on those lesser |
Tat sannidhau vaira tyagah (Yog-Sutra, 2.35) 'In the vicinity of lord, hostile tendencies are eliminated.' |
Lord Krishn suggests to Arjun, “you were never jealous of me” kindly help ---this is in which adhyaya, which sloka ? , |
I am jealous of krishna, so i connect with him as you stated ''By being jealous of others, or envying them, your individuality dies and your individuality gets covered by that of others because you get connected with them.'' so By being jealous of krishna, or envying krishna, my individuality dies and my individuality gets covered by that of krishna because i get connected with them. |
Once i connect with krishna, not only jealosy, but also kaam krodh lobh moh mada matsarya, the 6 enemies will turn into friendly, like in the personality of krishna in his vicinity no enmity |
for a greater comprehension of selfishness , another negative trait
those who can connect to the supreme will find no negatives